HELP WANTED^ Watauga Democrat WANT j S Cento a Word? M Cemto Minimal Charge Caih Knit Accompany AH (Men FOR SALE CLOTH FOR SALE? Mill Ends, Bolt Goods, Pound goods, ny lon and rayon linings, dicron and cotton seersucker, laminat ed Jersey? Steelman's Fabric Shop, Deep Gap, N. C. 7-5-tfe FOR SALE ? Television Sets? 17 ?nd 21 inch reconditioned ? Reasonably priced? All makes and models. Modern Appliance Co. 418 W. King St., Boone, N. C. l<Ml-tfc FOR SALE ? Two bedroom house, bath, new furnace, car pet and fireplace. Storm win dows and doors, large lot. Two miles west of Boone at inter section 106 and 421. Contact Everett Cole or Call CO 7-2532. FOR SALE ? 37 acres on Laurel Branch Road near James Mast store. Includes several build ings. Write Jason Miller, Todd, FOR SALE ? Heirs of the late J. L Reid offer for sale 171 acre farm on Highway 115, 20 miles south of Wilkesboro. Write or call Mrs. W. H. Weis ner, Route 5, Statesville, New Hope Township. 2-21-2p FOR SALE ? 7 shoats, half Tamworth, half Landrace. Aver age 75 lbs. each. See J. B. Rag an at Todd, N. C. 2-21-2p FOR QUICK SALE? Wanted? Someone with good credit to take over payments on an almost new cabinet model ZIG-ZAG Sewing Machine in this area. Total Balance $60.80. Write: "National Credit Department," Box lOQ^HicfcDiy, NortJ FOR SALE SPINET PIANO WANTED: Responsible party to assume low monthly payments on a spinet piano. Can be seen locally. Write Credit Manager, P. 0. Box 427, Central, South Carolina. 2-7-4p FOR SAL&? Two horses, will sell single. Call CO 7-3540, Laney Henson, or contact Dana Henson at CO 7-2870. lp FOR SALE ? Restaurant equip ment. New dishes, service for 100; electric meat slicer; 4 slice toaster; sterilizing baskets and others. Call AM 4-2997. lp FOR SALE ? Small boundary of timber. See or call Tom Shook, Phone CI 7-2337. Banner Elk, N. C. lp 2-ll-tfc N. C. 2-21-2C lina. APPLES FOR SALE ? Valle Cruds Orchard. 2-28-2c FOR SALE? ISO pigs. Weldon R. Bare, Beaver Creek Road, West ieffrson, N. C. Phone area 919, 962-2545. lc FOR RENT ? A new furnished apartment, heat furnished. Mar ried couple preferred. Avail able around March 4. Call AM 48596. lc FOR SALE? Nice 3 year old filly and a 4-yeer-old Jersey cow. Has 1 week old calf. See Farris Stout, Reese, N. C. lp FOR SALE ? 4 room house with bath. On Ransom Street in Blowing Rock. 109 foot front lot. CaU CY 5-7389. lc MISCELLANEOUS FOR CEMETERY Monuments and Markers. See F. T. Wago ner. Telephone AM 4-3614. 117 Orchard St., Boone, N. C. l-10-20p USED APPLIANCES? We car ry a large stock of used elec trical appliances. Guaranteed A-l condition. Easy Terms Modem Appliance Company. Boone, N. C. 5-28-tfc Typewriter and Machine CALL W4-3015 or Contact College Book Store FaeUrr PMtaV * All We PENNY LOAFERS? Brown and black on brown ? A symbol of good taste. 48.96 and (12.99, I Church's. lc [ FRUIT TREES, Nut Trees, Ber ! ry Plants, Crape Vines and Landscape Plant Material, off ered by Virginia's largest grow ers. 86-pg. Planting Guide Cat alog in color FREE on request. WAYNESBORO NURSERIES, Waynesboro, Virginia. 2-7-4c SPORT SHIRTS by Wings, new styles and colors? >1 98 ? $3.98. Church's. lc WE FILL ASC ORDERS with high quality seeds of known origin, and with open formula fertilizers. See us for your spring planting seed and ferti liser needs. Watauga FCX Ser vice Store. 2-14-tfc MEN'S LOAFERS and lace-apc by Jarman, Sundial, Bob Smart and Brooks. *7.95 ? $12.99. CHURCH'S. lc WE SPECIALIZE In rebuilding refrigerator sealed systems. Call us for free estimates. Modern Appliance Co., 418 West King Street, Boone, N. C. Phone 264 8721. M-tfc SO WE ARE NOT the most style conspious house, but you'll have to admit we are quality wise. CHURCH'S. lc NOTICE? The Horn Cafe is running a special (or the next month, Feb. 14 through March 14. Plate lunches 69c, Hamburg era 20c, Large French Fries 20c, Hot Dogs 18c, and milk shakes 10c. Come eat with us. We will treat you right. 2-28-2p NAVY BLUE, button down col lars, tapered sport shirts. CHURCH'S. lc AUTHORIZED TOWING ser vice for Watauga and surround ing counties. German Mobile Homes, Granite Falls, N. C. "Area's Leading Dealer." 2-21-4c WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE anything, anywhere, anytime. M. & R. Furniture Co., Vilas, rN.'-C. 3-8-tfc EVERY WOMAN loves a well dressed man ? Do you want to be different? CHURCH'S. lc HOMELITE CHAINSAWS ? Sales, service, repairs. COVE CREEK STORE, Sugar Grove, N. C. 8-8-tfc LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A-Diet. Full week supply 98c. Boone Drug Company. 2-21-4p REGARDLESS of what you buy ? booze or shoes ? you get what you pay for. CHURCH'S. lc GET AHEAD in your Spring Cleaning! Wash all those rugs (up to 9 x 12) in Boone's only 45-1 b coin-operated self-service washer. Or do all your quilts and blankets at one time ? for only 75c. Also large double-load economy washing for just 25c. COIN - OP SELF - SERVICE LAUNDRY, Main St. and Blow ing Rock Road, at the stop light. lc WE HAVE TOBACCO BED MATERIALS ? Canvas, plastic coven, plant bed gas and to bacco seed. Let the PCX get you started toward healthy, vigorous tobacco plant*. Wa tauga FCX Service Store. . 4-28-tfc NOTICE ? For Cemetery Monu ments and Markers and Bronze Markers, see or write Lee Ward, Banner Elk, N. C. All monuments and foundations are factory guaranteed. 2-28-4p GALAX, LOG MOSS ? We're now paying top prices for good Galax and Log Moss. Bring to Sluder Floral Company at Alta mont, N. C., one mile from Croasnore on Highway 181. 2484c BLUE LUSTRE Carpet Sham pooer FREE with purchase at Blue Lustre shampoo. Farmers Hardware k Supply Co. lc WANTED WANTED ? Registered Beagle puppies, 6-8 weeks old. See J. C. Greene at Deep Gap, N. C. or call AM 4-3372. 2-21-2p Ole Miss faces new lawsuit over desegregation. FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT ? 3 roams, semi - furnished, with beat and hot water. Witt ac comodate couple and one child. Phone AM 4-8280 1-10-tfc FOR RENT ? 3 room furnished apartment on Queen Street. Couple only. Call 3644698 2-14-tfc FOR RENT ? Furnished apart ment in Boone. Heat furnished. Student or couple. Write Box 5018, Ardmore Station, Winston Salem, N. C. 2 21 3p FOR RENT? March 1, to mar ried oouple. Furnished. My summer living quarters, 215 Whitener Drive, $60.00. Tele phon Concord, ST 2-7717 at night, or write Mrs. P. H. Scar borough, Concord, N. C. lc FOR RENT ? 4 room furnished cottage. Call AM 4-8682. lc FOR RENT? Modern 2 bed room home. CaU CY 5-2006. lp FOR RENT? To couple, throe room aptartment furnished, heat and water furnished, 2tt miles west of Boone, Highway 421. Phone 7-2542. lp FOR RENT ? Three room fur nished apartment with bath, ?team heat, janitor service. Newly decorated. >50.00 per month. Call AM 4-3889 after 5:00 p. m. 2-28-tfc FOR RENT ? 3 room furniihed apartment. Lighti, water and heat furniihed. $50 month. AM 4-2203. 130 Blowing Rock Road. lc FOR RENT ? 2 bedroom apart ment. Furnished. 2 miles West of Boone. Ralph Greene, CO 7 2531. lp FOR RENT ? One furnished apartment, with water and heat furnished. Call Earl Lyons AM 4-8152. 2-28-2p WANTED TO RENT? By June 1, 19B3, fbr a* extensive period of years, I desirable 2 hath house, furniihed or unfurtlVh> ed, in or near Boone. Muse be accessible by auto (with chains) the year-round. Phone AM 4 2188. 2-21-tfc WANTED TO RENT ? Small farm, would prefer tobacco base; somewhere in Watauga County.. Conveniently located for school age children. Call 758-1335 collect. Would like to rent before March 10. 2-21-2c EMPLOYMENT NEED HONEY for Easter Ex penses? Start earning substant ial income immediately. Avon Cosmetics has vacancies for capable women. Write Mrs. Bonnie Charles, P. 0. Box 691, Morganton, N. C. giving direc tions to your home. lc i WANTED ? Experienced secre tary for fall time, permanent position with a well established firm in Boone. Good salary. Please write Box "Z", Watauga Democrat, Boone, giving quali fications and salary expected. 2-M-tfc WANTED ? Full time maid. Ma ture age. 6 days a week. Please apply in person by appointment. Daniel Boone Hotel. lc Legal Notices EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Execu tor of the will of Hattie Pres nell Ward, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, tnis is to notify those having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me within 12 months of the date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are asked to make im mediate payment. This February ISth, 1983. Ira Presnell, Executor Route 2 Banner Elk, N. C. i 2-21-4P NOTICE or ADHDNWOUneN Having qualified as the ad mini tratrix of the estate of George Washington Gragg, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, this is to notify those baring claims against Ihe estate of the said deceased, to present them to ma within 12 months of the, date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. Those indebted to the estate are asked to make im pairment This Fehm 1968. ? MRS. DORIS rwood. 2 21-4c Admx., HOOF ENOUGH London ? Thomas Wataon trailed his wife to * gentleman's apartment then returned to' his truck to get his camera and i ladder. Wataon placed the ladder ] against the building and mount ed to the window where he took . a picture of his wife and the gentleman friend. The amateur cameraman made the mistake of not taking the 1 cap off the lens and came up with no photo. The judge accepted Watson's version and granted him a divorce. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The Town of Blowing Rock is taking bids for a new police car, two door body and chassis to be comparable to Ford Fair lane, Plymouth Savoy or Chev rolet Blscayne. All bids must be in by 11 a. m. March 16, 1963. Car specifications will be available at Town Hall Blowing Rock, North Carolina. Nettie S. Greene, Clerk 2-14-4C NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Watauga County, made in the special proceedings entitled Lil lian Miller Wilson and husbani Frank Wilson; Ruth Miller Lookabill and husband, J. P. LookablU; A C. Miller, Jr., and wife. Ruth Miller; William C. Miller, Individually, and wife, Evelyn Miller and William C. Miller, Executor, vs. Dare Wal lace Ward, minor, and husband Baxter Ward: Fay Wallace, minor, unmarried; Audry Wal lace. minor, unmarried; James F. Miller and wife. Iva Lee Miller; Reba Wallace Watson ?nd husband Leonard Watson; Rota Mae Wallace Ward and husband, Gilbert Ward; Shirley Wallace Rash and husband, James Rash; and Helen Wal lace, unmarried, the undersign ed commissioners will on the 8th day of March, 1963 at twelve o'clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Boone, North Carolina offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash certain tracts of land in Wa tauga County, North Carolina, and more particularly deaprib ed as follows: TRACT NO. 1 Lying and being in Shawnee haw Township and described as follows: BEGINNING on a cu cumber and runs East 9V4 poles to a stake in J. A. Bairds line, then S. 117 P. to a stake in Wallace heirs line, a west course with said line to a chest nut on top of a ridge, M. A. Dobbins and J. W. Dollars corner, then a Northwest course 27 P. more or less to a chestnut sapling at the fence, an agreed corner between H. A. Dobbins and J. W. Dollar ? Then a Northwest course with said Dollars and Dobbins line to the highest point of the ridge to a stake in D. F. Baird's old line, then East with said D. F. Baird's line 20 P. more or less to a hickory ? W. B. Baird's corner ? Then North 46 deg., East 42 P with said line to a hickory ? Temperance Baird's heirs corner, tnen with said line 26 poles to the beginning, containing 60 acres, more or less. TRACT NO. 1 Lying and being in Shawnee haw Township and described as foUows: BEGINNING on a stake in the Mast Mill Creek in the old tine and runs West with said line to a stake where once stood a sourwood, an old com er; thence North with old line 60 poles to a stake, corner of dower; thence South 53 Eaast 34 poles to a stake in the Mast Mill Creek, corner to dowery; thence up and with said creek to the BEGINNING, containing 9% acres, more or less, and be ing Tract No. 2 in the partition of the lands of Joseph A. Baird as shown on the Report of Com missioner, recorded in the of fice of the Register at Deeds for Watauga County in Book 90 at Page 104. TRACT NO. S Lying and being in Shawnee haw Township and described as follows. BEGINNING on a CHESTNUT OAK Palmer Baird corner and the South sides of Rocky Face Bluff; then South 30 poles t? a stake R. F Church's corner; then East with said line 72 poles to a hickory, Councill's corner; then North 49 West with the Councill line 80 poles to a maple Councill corner; then West 21 poles to a stake in Bill Herman line, then South 46 East 30 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 14 acres, more or leas. TRACT NO. 4 Lying aad being in Boone Township and described as fol lows: Being all of lots 14 and 15 in Block "B" of the Subdivision known as the Charles Osborne ?roperty in the town of Boone, North Carolina as shown ofl Plat of the same made by Ed Osborne. Surveyor on the 2Mh day of July, 1063 and of record in the Office of the Register of Deads far Watauga County, in Pg>x? at Page 86 to which recorded olat reference * w made for a complete ion of said lots. 6th day of February. James Todd. Commissioner Stacy C. Eggers, Jr. Notes And Comments It's always easy to find An excuse (or delving hard work. Being tired too often causes people to be often broke. One great need of this coun try is for some new joke*. What the nation needs is more "lemme" and leas "gim me." Even a rich nation like the U.S.A. has a limit to the amount it can spend. Individuals need balance for successful living ? essentially at the bank. Recent cold weather haa checked the talk about our winters getting warmer. Expressing faith in your own religion does not insult those who disagree with you. People who keep large sums of money in safety deposit boxes have their reasons. , The critic who expects all of creation to fit his views just happened to he born too late. Public speakers rarely state the facts with such accuracy that they can be relied upon. Maybe, if the farmers or ganized a tight, little union they could get higher prices for foodstuff. The person who controls his temper on the golf course, at all times, rates a medal and cluster. Most schemes for making money revolve themselves into the intelligent application of perspiration. The big economic question for the U.S.A. is not whether there will be inflation but whether there will be defation and an economic collapse. Organization is a device to enable the weak-minded to get somewhere or something. Chinese Communists, even when talking peace, have to ex hibit their nasty manners. One of the ways to become in telligent Is to remember not to believe everything you seet'in print. Life is a question of checks and balances ? to be exact, tank balances. Using discrimination in the reading of news make* for an informed person. One who depends on the truth can do without an extraordinary memory. An enemy who becomes a friend is usually a real friend. The courts lose their reputa tion when litigant* seek to avoid justice. Ninety per cent of the people who say they talk too much are accurate. Acting more ignorant than you actually are usually has It* advantages. Long-winded answers are gen erally a cover for lack of spe cific information. There are few unaffected by flattery and we are not among them, thankfully. Correct this sentence: "I ap preciate the gift so much ? it was just what we wanted." Now that we've had a taste of It, winter doesn't seem all we thought it was ? last sum mer. If you want 1883 to be your Anyone who reads the Wa tauga Democrat for a full year will be better informed at the end of that period than before, biggest year, try a systematic advertising program in the Wa tauga Democrat. Planned adver tising always pays off, and it's available to all, at a fair and fixed price, in this country. WANTED QUALITY MILK FOR GOOD KRAFT CHEESE Kraft Foods West Jeffenoa, N. C. Phone 246-25*1 Miller Mfgt. of Awalao, ?idln*, iBttertag, tub enclorarM, flu*. Repabs by Tut/try 605 Bristol Rd. Brief News Notes English educational researcher says painstaking corrections of English themes by high schocrt students does more harm than good. Under Secretary of State has callad for an end to Congres sional attacks on the Kennady Administration's Cuba policy. Navy says no ships can slip into Cuba undetected. High prices for citrus fruits will continue at almost double the pre-f reeze cost. Kennedy seeks to enlarge key Senate unit to speed tax pro gram. FTC barred phony calorie claim by "Hollywood Bread" makers. Billy Graham, evangelist, sees Russian religious revival soon. Overweight airman must lose 32 excess pounds or face dis charge as unfit for service. British begin drive for sup porters on combined industrial and diplomatic campaign to strengthen future dealings with Common Market. Soviet Government ordered NBC to close its Moscow Bureau because of program about Khru shchev. Canada must honor pledges to its NATO allies and accept nuclear warheads, says Liberal Party Leader. C^666 FAT OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a doctor's 1?orlPtloa. our druf called ODR INEX You must lose ugly fat In 7 day* or your money back. No strenous everdae. laxative*, mas safes or taking of so-called reduc ing candles, crackers or cookies, or chewing gum. ODRINEX Is a tiny tablet ana easily swallowed. When you take GDRINEX. you still en joy your meals, still eat the foods you like, but yeu simply don't have the urge for extra portions becauae ODRINEX depresses your appetite and decreases your desire for food. Your weight must come down. be. cause aa your own doetor will tell you. when you eat lees, you weigh leas. Oet rid of excess fat and live longer. ODRINEX costs 13.00 and Is sold on this GUARANTEE: If not satisfied for any reason Just return the package to your drumrist and get ydur full money back. No ques tions asked ODRINEX Is sold with this guarantee by: Boone Drug Store, Boone. Mall orders filed 2-14-Sp Meet Our Sales Manager MIL E. C. COFFEY GERMAN Note Offers HOUSING BARGAIN UNSURPASSED LOOK . . Your Own Home . . Latest . . Finest . . Two Bed Sown Furnished DELIVERED ONLY $U N MONTHLY (That's Right ? only 148.90 ? monthly) after dowa pay meat? subject to credit ap proval 'Ws is 4be way we're cele brating -a*r Mrd year of -sfluare dealing" GERMAN MOBILE HOMES Dte. t. L. Csnnaa Mtr. Co. GKAN1TB FALLS, N. C. SHELBY, N. C. Estel G. Wagner Real Estate Broker 235 EAST KING ST. ? BOONE, N. C. DIAL AM 4-2492 ? AM 4-3647 Latta Johnson-B. G. Ray ASSOCIATE BROKERS Office Phons AM 4-2492 ? Residence Phone AM 4-2151 235 EAST KING STREET ? BOONE, N. C. WE NEED LISTINGS for HOMES, FARMS, ACREAGE We Offer Complete and Competent Service HOMES New 3 bedroom Large "Kitchen Location ? Perkinsville Full Basement 2 Full Baths Complete by April 1st. Price $15,000.00 2 Bedroom Frame Livingroom ? hardwood Off State Farm Rd. floors Kitchen ? 1 bath Immediate Possession Price $7850.00. Vi acre lot and house 2hi baths Poplar Hill Drive Double carport 1750 sq. ft. living area This home ? Unfinished Can be bought as low as $10,500.00 3 Bedroom Vi acre lot Living Room-Dining Comb. Good Financing 1 Bath 3 miles from Beone Price $8500.00 3 Bedroom Colonial Blowing Rock Road Modern Kitchen ? featuring All G. E. Appliances 3 Bedroom home Location ? Howard St. Full Basement Garage attached Designed for luxurious liv ing Large wooded lot Basement ? Hot water heat Price $21,000.00 ?S% G. I. Loan Mo. Payments $67.20 Good investment property Price $11,750.00 Two bedroom house Full Basement Kitchen ? Dining Room Location ? Grand Blvd. Living Reom ? 1 bath Price $8500.00 New 3 Bedroom One bedroom & bath in lMi Baths ? Ceramic & Vinyl ? bj^ment Kitchen ? Bar ? Dining room Lennox hot air he* Large livingroom ? stove ? Picture windows ? thermo fireplace pane Full basement Storm windows on bal. Large wooded lot on stream Appx. 4 miles from Boone 2 bedroom home in Carport ? Full basement Poplar Hill section Large wooded lot Wall to wall carpet Reduced to $10,000 4 bedroom home on Drapes and blinds included Blowing Rock Rr. A fine home designed for 2 full baths, full basement comfortable living Only $14,500 Comfortable 3 bedroom 2 baths. Paved drivewij Living room, dining room Located on Woodland Dr. comb. Wall to wall carpet Price only $17,500. Impressive 4 bedroom brick 3 full baths ? full basement home on Grand Blvd. Plenty of room ? Keep col Kitchen, Living Room, Den, lege kids ? Only $16,500. Fireplace 3 bedroom home ? 1 bath Full basement ? central heat 8 acres of land, five suit able for tractor .21 tobacco base Suitable for subdivision or commercial lots Owner will sell or trade $20,000 Choice Restricted Home Sites ? City Water Summer Home Sites ? One to 10 acres with excellent view and water Old country home in excellent state of preserva tion on acre lot 4 big bedrooms, living room Kitchen dining area Vi basement ? furnace heat and running water Only $5,500. More land if needed BUSINESS 5 Furnished apts. located on large lot Monthly income of $245.00. Selling price $25,000.00. ACREAGE 68 ACRES in the Valle Crucis Community for only $6500.00. Ideal for development. 35 ACRE FARM at . Sugar Grove with .7 tobacco base. Grade A' barn, approx. 1,000 ft. highway frontage. Price $15,500.00. BEAUTIFUL BLAIRMONT LOTS, overlooking Boone's Golf Course. City Water, Paved Streets, Panoramic View. No City Taxes. 30 acres at Heaton Only $1,250.00 40 acres at Toscoe ._ .... Only $4,400.00 37 acres in Silverstone community, apprac. 7 acres bottom land, stream, good barn, tobacco base. Price reduced to $7,000.00. Easy terms. 173 acre farm in Bethel Community. Will grate 50 head < cattle. 3 barns, equipped far dairy-milking pastor. Has 2 large sllas. House in good condition? tenant house ? block and frame. Financing can be arranged. Price $40,000.00 10 ROOM HOUSE with bath .and 59 term tt land. Dairy Barn and teaant-kwaw. J8 tobacco base. 7378-lha. milk base. Located approx. II miles weat of Boone. Price $30,000.00 II ? ilMI l 4?p ??<

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