Speech' Contest To Be Optimist Project The Optimist Club of Boone will sponsor an oratorical con test, open to boys who have not reached their 18th birthday by December SI of this year. The event will take place at 7:30 p. m., March 18. at the Boone Elementary School. "Youth's Approach Toward World Forces" is the title of the five minute speech to be given by each contestant. Frank Andrews, vice president of the Boone Optimist Club, said the local group is sponsoring the event in Conjunction with Opti mist International. The winners at the club level will receive prizes in excess of $290.00, and go on to compete in district contests. The district winners wilt compete in one of four regional contests. The four winners at the re gional level will receive an ex pense paid trip to Toronto, On tario, in June, where they will compete for the top prize of a $1,000 college scholarship at the 49th annual convention of Optimist International. Run ners-up will each receive a $900 scholarship. "We feel that the internation al contest is valuable because the experience in public speak ing gives the boys self-confi dence and teaches them leader ship and initiative, in addition "Othello" To Be Staged By Noted Players . . who steals my purse steals trash . . The words are by Shakes peare and they are spoken by Iageo in the National Players' dramatic classic "Othello" to be seen today (Thursday) in the Administration Building Auditorium on the college cam pus. Two performances have been scheduled: a matinee at 2 p. m. and an evening performance at 8' p. m., according to Rogers Whitener, chairman of the art ists and lecture series at ASTC. Richard Bauer, of St. Louis, Missouri, plays the role at the wily villain - Iago, who causes the downfall of Othello by play ing upon the emotions of jeal ousy and love. Shakespearean tragedy is not a new field for the Players company since during the last 14 years the group has. toured such productions as "Richard III," "Romeo and Juliet," "Jul ius Caesar." and "King Lear," as well as non-Shakespearean tragedies. Locally the Players will be remembered for Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice," present ed two years ago at Appalach ian. National Players is an exten sion of the Speech and Drama Department of Catholic Univer sity of America and was found ed in 1940 by a Dominican priest, Rev. Gilbert V. Hartke, OP, who still supervises all phases of its operation. "Othello" marks the fourth program of the current Appa lachian Artists and Lecture Series. Scheduled next is the Ohio State University Glee Club, to be heard in the Fine Arts Auditorium on March 20. RUSSIAN THREAT In a Moscow speech, recently, marking the eve of the forty fifth anniversary of the Soviet armed forces, the Red marshal warned that if Americans at tacked Cuba it would mean a third world war and nuclear devastation for the United States. Official Washington shrugged off Russia's new missile flexing over Cuba as morale builders ? both for at home and frfr Cas tro's regime. Four U. S. fliers were killed in the attempted 1961 invasion of Cuba. Watch AND Jewelry Repair All Work Guaranteed WALKER'S Jewelry Store Boone, N. C. Oldest Jewelry Store Serving Walhufa to giving them an opportunity to win a college scholarship," Andrews said. NATO FLEET The United State* is planning to tell its European allies it will help them build a NATO nu clear missile force of less cost ly surface ships as well as Polaris submarines. Guard helps 12 escape to West Germany. Women Voters Hear Talk Of Absentees In State The evening group of the League of Women Voters will meet in the Ladies Parlor in the Boone Methodist Church Thursday evening, March 14, at 8:00 p. m. ? ' V'--' MM' ' ' Mr?. Verlln Coffey will eon duct the meeting, ducuutng the absentee ballot. All persons in terested in this problem are In vited to attend. It. . Present plan* are for a morn ing group to discuss the same material on the fourth Tuesday of this month In order to ac commodate those who are un able to attend an evening meet ing. Further announcements are expected to be made later. " ' Plan to televiie an interview with Preaident Kennedy over European TV network* (helved until April at leaat HEAKT DISEASE KHXJ IM* The Loet Colony's population in 1887 was 118, before It ?*? liked mysteriously. In North Carolina last year, 30,000 per sons died from heart diaeaae ? "a Lost Colony every 48 hours," says the North Carolina Heart Association. Please papa with baaf lender enough to give way to a fork, and saturated with nat ural juices which spell out real meat flavor. Please him further with Winn ? Dixie's trimming policy that removes all excess bone and fat before weighing and pricing. "W-D" Brand is your assurance that you will take home the very best beef that money can buy. Quantity Rights R*Mrv?d WWIMDai ITWI, IMC. ? COPYIWNT MM