?V ? ' Section G VOLUME LXXV? NO. ? " rATAUGA DEMOCRAT Section C 6^'+ , BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. MARCH 28, 1963 PRICE TEN CENTS arehouse Is Damaged Extensively ? By High Winds BETWEEN *3,000-*5,000 DAMAGE.? Strong winds caught a north corner of the recently constructed Big Burley Ware house on N. C. 105 about two miles west of Boone last week, tearing back a portion of the tin roof and causing a section of one wall to collapse (left photo.) The twister pushed the supporting beams away and forced part of the huge roof to the warehouse floor (right photo). S. C. Eggers, local per sonnel official for the warehouse, stated that insurance ad justers have viewed the damage and that re pain will be made in the near future. Approximately 1,900,000 pounds of to bacco was told at the warehouse this past season, Eggers said. ? Gaddy photos. United States Forester Speaks To Blue Ridge Garden Club Walton Smith of the United States Forestry Service was the speaker at the monthly lunch eon meeting of the Blue Ridge Garden Club held at the Daniel Boone Hotel on March 20. Mr. Smith, who is Chief of Forest Utilization Service of the Southeastern Division, is a re search worker representing jthe United States Forest Products Laboratory which it concerned with finding more use* for var ious forest resources. He chose as his subject, "The Forests Com* Into Your Home," and, taking a home fpom by room, he pointed out the present de pendence on wood, even though It is customary to think of this as the age of glass, chrome, and Bteel. He then turned to the future and displayed dozens of sample items which are being produc ed through the United States Re search Laboratory in connection with industrial research. Among these items were cel lulose for paper products, imi tation vanilla extract, wood plas tics, wood sugar (used widely in Japan as food), wood molas ses (used as feed for cattle and livestock), industrial alcohol, a chemical additive used in mak ing nylon thread, glycerine used in making explosives, and many forms of pressed wood. He pointed out that, at pres ent, some of theSe are not prac tical because of the cost of pro duction, but he stressed the point that forests are a poten tial source for the replacement of many other resources which are being depleted, and empha sized the need for continued in tensive research in this field. "Forestry research efforts," Mr. Smith said, "are concerned with items intended to dignify life, not to destroy it." He fur ther observed that billions are being spent for (defensive re search while relatively meager funds are available for forestry , work. In aBidtien to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, other guests were Mrs. John P. Frank of Mt. Airy, and Mrs. B. J. Councill and Mrs. Robert Cody of Boone. Seven teen club members were pres ent. Since this was the last .club meeting of the year, the follow ing officers were elected: Presi dent, Mrs. W. H. Plemmons; vice-president, Mrs. R. H. Har mon; secretary, Mrs. J. B. Wink ler; treasurer, Mrs. Paul Coffey; and council representative, Mrs. H. M. Cooke. Luck is often the product of attention and ability. When the average American shouts for unity, he means that other people should fall in line with hi* views. JFK AND AMA Although the American Medi cal Association has strongly op posed the President Kennedy's "medicare" plan, a spokesman reported to Congress that the AMA backed his mental health plan. The American Medical As sociation has mad* it public that it support* the President's proposal for gradual replace ment of State mental institu tions with community facilities. ? ?" '? ?' Saturday and Sunday March 30 and 31 Ohio University Glee Club At AHS The student body and faculty of Appalachian High School were honored with a rare musi cal treat in assembly on Thurs day morning. The Ohio State University Men's Glee Club presented a most entertaining program, which was part of their annual spring tour. The audience was impressed by their singing ability, their re laxed but attentive attitude, and especially by their smart appearance. Mr. Norman Staigler, director of the glee club, commented that a minority of the group are studying for some other profession. He stated that the thirty-five voice group was selected, from a field of ap proximately 300 students who auditioned. In 1061 American farmers sold about $35 billion worth of goods. It cost $25 billion to produce these goods, according to the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Exciting new designs for top performance, better ap pearance and improved hearing. They bring amaz ingly new "normal hearing" clarity to 90% of those with a hearing lost. Now being shown at Maico dealers. Mental Health Group Has Annual Gathering A record attendance marked the annual meeting and leader ship conference of the North Carolina Mental Health Associ ation held Thursday and Friday, March 7 and 8, at the Sir Walter Hotel in Raleigh. The Medical Society of the State of North Carolina is join ing hands with the American Medical Association in attack ing this major, number one health problem, focusing on care in the home community. An aroused, increasingly informed public is demanding adequate care for the mentally ill as well as for the physically ill. Dr. Michal was happy to an nounce the organization of five new chapters in western North Carolina, Cleveland, Alleghany, Ashe, Caldwell, and Macon coun ties. For a number of years she has served as western North , Carolina vice-president of North Carolina Mental Health Associa tion but declined re-nomination. Dr. M. J. MacDonald, indust- | rial physician of Canton, was , elected to this position. I Dr. Menninger said that "uni versally we are recognizing that : the earlier we treat mental ill ness the more likely it ii that the individual will get well. Hence, the very definite trend for both clinics and institutions is to treat the patient as near home as possible. This has very definite implications in the men tal health plans of every state, namely the development of a comprehensive program of com munity psychiatry." The American Medical Asso ciatino recognizes that mental health is our "most pressing and complext health problem." Hat Sale To Be Held Saturday There will be a sale of ladies new spring hats in the former Watauga Hardware building next to the Watauga Democrat Saturday from 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. The sale is being sponsored by the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Deer Field Methodist Church, for the benefit of the church building fund. imagine a Buick Season Opens