Affairs Mr* Henry Cleaver o I De Kalb, U1 , U spending two week end with her toother, Mr*. John W. Greene. Mrs. Enais UtUawood of Dalle*, N. C., visited wcr the week en dwith her mother, Mr*. Mae Miller. Mr. J. H. Godwin. Lei?h and Bruce recently spent ? few day* visiting with &rieada to Pensacola. Fla. Mr*. J. W. Jonas has return ed from a visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. HaroM Levenson and Mr. Leveasoo in Greensboro. Mr. SQd Mr*. Owen Kilby and Gwoa, Jr. of North Wilfos horo, visited over the week end with Mr. snd Mrs. D. L. Wilcox. Mrs. G. R. Andrews spent Suaday in Blkin visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Aadrews and children. Mrs Desn Andrews is ? pati ent in freshyterian Hospital la Charlotte, where sh? wtH un dergo a foot operation. Prof, and Mrs. Paul N. Camp bell of Gaffney, S. C., visited recently with Mr. snd Mrs. G. R. Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Trivett and daughter visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Brown of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. John Kolher and son, Bill of Pensacola, Fla., will spend Easter vacation at their summer home in Boone. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wa'.ker of Raleigh, spent a few days re cently with friends and rela tives in Watauga County. Mr. and Mrs. John Miland of Richmond, Va., visited recently with friends ia Boone and Blowing Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Ty Perkins of Statesville, visited during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrt. J. C. Goodnight visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Good night of Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. Jo> n L. Wilson aad children, Carol and Bar bara of Charlotte, visited Sun day with relatives in the coua i ? I , | Mrs. M. J. Williams is spend ing a few days this week vrtH?tfon of of fi?e*? ?f Snow Chapter No. 230 of OflS while here. Raymond Lawsence and By nwra larom. hoik at Qig c'fnati, Ohio, were called to the home of their father, Grant Uww? at Sum Orwt wfac h%t been very ill. Mr. aqd Mr?. I V. gydg "iidiU attend 'suKSf dipg anniversary ef Mr, m4 Mrs. EJH Sebasti?a of Vil*M Cfuntj ob Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lealte and son, Covncill of Raleieh, wfl arrive Friday to I the week end with Mr#. I?ah*'e parents, Mr. aad Mrs. James CoumiB. ? "I 9 Hr& Cratis WUiUms Friday vsiting with Hn. David Porter of Hudson. Miss Marjorie Reynolds re turned Sunday to Memorial Hospital in Charlotte after spending her vacation with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Lee Rey nolds. Rev. Edwin Troutman, Qret chen and Richard of Jackson ville, Fla., spent several days last week with his parents. Rev. and Mil. Edwin Troutman of Boone. The Rev. and Mrs. O. E. While o I Greensboro and Mr. and Mrs. Chuto* Berry of D?e*el, visited recently with Mrs. J. L. Goodnight. Mrs. White and Mrs. Berry are Mrs. Goodnight's daughters. Visiting Sunday with Mrs Hettie Hodges were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brookshire and grandson, Sddie Allen ?f North WUkesfcoro, Mr. and Mrs. Aus tin Ragan of Boone and Mrs. Joe McCrary of Alaga, Fla. Mr and Mrs. Dwight Kllby and son, Jeffrey of Blountville, Tenn., visited during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hagaman. Also visiting with the Hagam?iu was Miss Norma Freeman of Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosasco of Pensacola, Fla., will arrive next week to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. James God win and family. The Rosascos plan to select a lot here on which to build a summer resi dence. ?Visiting Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Cole of Eliza bethton, Tenn. were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Reese and son, Freddy of Boone, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Reese of Reese, Mrs. M. J. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Reese Cole and children. Mrs. Clarence Watson and son, Luther Martin Bingham have returned from a three weeks visit with her daughter. Usa. Blaine Miller in West minster, Md. On their return home they visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Collins in ScottsvUle, Va. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. South will leave1- Friday for Statesville where they wiU join Mr. and Mr*. J?uoes Storie and daugh ters, Pamela and Julia for a trip to the Azalea Festival in Wilmington. While there they will he the guests of Mr. aad Mrs. Stanley South. Music Recital Is Scheduled The Music Department of Ap palachian State Teachers Col l?g? will present Miss Dorothy Ann Atweil and Mr. Walton S. Cole, Duo-Pianists, in a faculty wciUl Friday, April 5, ?t 9 p. m., in the Fine Arts Audi torium. Miss Atweil and Mr. Cole, both members of the pi ano faculty, will present the following selections: Sicilienne, by Bach-Mair; In Th?e b Gladness, by Bach-Hull. Two Songs by Rachmaninoff BabM; Sefceno by Aranaky; Valse , Opus 15, No. 2 by Aren sky: Sonato by Poulenc; Sere nade by Strauss-Chasins; Rush fyaur in Hone Kong by Chasins; Ye Sweet Retreat (after William Boyce) by Bauer; Scaramouche by Milhaud. The public is cordially invited to atteisd. Cove Creek Home Club The Cove Creek Home De monstration Club held it* March meeting Tuesday. March 26, with Mrs. E. M. Blankeor ship and Mrs. Susie Oragg as co-boa t?s?#? at the hoBe at Mrs. Blanke?ship. Mrs. Coy Billings, president, opened lhf bmo&iba by rc94iA{ a poem "Slow Me Down." Mrs. H?tty Lewis, secretary, read the minutes of the last meet ing called tfce role and check*4 Ike achievement sacacd of ?ach member. All wr^e rsnsiniW of the music workshop to be held i& aaooe w Buirwto. Much 28, and also the District Home Demonstration Club mcating to tat teU ia Sbcuk PUe A?rU JE\ Mr*. UUwi Danner Mve a ?nd inforsaa dcsaouitra/ttori on garfe* h* There wrre M members Mf-' ?eat awl all ?W haopy indaed to haWMrs Albert Van Dusen, Sr. to Hsit with oar club. , TM kaateascs served dalici oua rHMahsneats eoMtaMa* <4 Danish fruit cake, whipped Alpha Gammy Chpater Meets The Alpha Gamma Chapter of Dalta Ian* Ctomi Mt at the Daniel Boone Hotel on Saturday, March M, for a hmch eon meeting. A special guest of the group was Mas Sue Law rence, senior at ASTC and IMS recipient of the Delta Kappa Gamma scholarship. Miss Thelma Law*, president, recognized several committee chairman for special reports and eeMed attention to the Eta State Conventioa at Gro*>e Park Inn, Aahartlle, April ?4?. A silver offering was taken to be contributed to the World Fel lowship Fund, which Inst year provided scholarships for three foreign teachers to study In Aaaeriaa. The piOTram, "Women Load ers in Public Life," was present ed by Mrs. Allie Hodgin. who reviewed three timely and en lightening hooka. The first, "The Rich Nations and the Poor Na tions," was written by Barbara Ward (the Eleanor Roosevelt of England). 'Education in World Perspective" was compiled from the findings of an international group of women who met in a seminar at Vassar. The last, "Excellence," by John W. Gard ner, was considered the number one educational book of 1901. Mrs. Hodgin concluded her pre sentation of materials in the books by stating that all three declare the nature of revolu tions taking place in our world, that we must prepare for change and that we isuat change our minds about many existing pre judices. Hostesses for the meeting were Miss Beulah Campbell, Mrs. Gertrude Vaught, and Mrs. PauliBe Doughton. Hollified, Lewis Wedding Mr Hiikprf W nf ? 1IUWI It TT a XJVIfHftvlv V* Blowing Rock announces the marriage of his daughter, An gelina, to Pvt. ClMMie S. Lewis of Boone, Route 3. The wedding took place at Boon* Fork Bap tist Church Wednesday niiriM, March 30, at 6:30 o'clock. The Rev. Carson Eggers officiated ?t the ceremony. Mrs. Lewis is the daughter of Hubert W. HoUifield of Blov ing Rock and Mrs. Edd Burton of Decatur, Oa. Pvt. Lewis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Lewis of Boone, Route 3. They plaa to make their home at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, where Private Lewis is station ed. Appalachian Garden Club Mrs. Robert Davis was hos tess to the Appalachian Garden Club at her home on Tuesday, Hatch 26 with ten members and one visitor, Mrs. Sidney Dudley, from Worchester, Massachusetts, present. Reports were given by com mute chairmen, beautiful new year book* were given out by Mrs. Bill Winkler. During the business session the club voted to change the time of meeting from the four th Tuesday to the first Tues day night of the month. Mrs. H. M. Cooke gave a most tntereatiflK and informa tive talk on "Birds". She also played records of birds singing. Refreshments were served by ithe hostess during the social hour. Bethel Home Club Meets Aethel Home Demonstration Club met ?a the home of Mrs. George Edaisten on Wednesd?y afternoo*, March 37. The meet ing was op?M4 wtth the devo tional, given by Mrs. Edmisten. ?nd prayer by Mrs. Clara Farth ing. Mrs. Lillian ft Dann?r, tcoaomics agent, diacussed the "Vegetable Garden,' * and in her; discussion, stressed these points: Location, garden plan, seed and plants, soils and fertilizers, growing and transplanting plants, weed control and mulch ing, and disease and Insect con trol. MM. D?nn?r afcp gave the kfeUfchti 0{ ?e County Coun cil meeting held recently, and t?14 ?f plana for. the Watrict Cou*eii meeting to be h?U Ap rfl 18 at Spruce Mne. The group made plana for community ser vice tor ? needy family. J The hoeteaa Served a sated course to the 13 members prea College Day Plans At ASTC Are Made MISS MARY ALLGOOD ' The Home Economics Depart ment o f Appalachian State Tea chers College is planning a Col lege Day for Saturday, April 20, according to an announcement by Hiss Mary AUgood, professor and chairman of the depart ment. Letter* have been mailed to principals and home economics teachers in 88 schools in North Carolina. This invitation is to the sophomore and junior girls. High school seniors that have not made up their minds about a college major or those that are coming to Appalachian next year afe also invited to attend Co lege Day. Miss Allgood said that the invitation is not confined to Just high school students that are taking homemaking courses, but to the other students as well. Home economics teachers and guidance counselors are urged to attend the meeting with the students. The College Day activities will be held in the new Home Eco nomics building. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. and will take about two hours. After lunch the girls will have aa opportunity to viait one of the residence balls and meet the Beaa ot Women. MISS SUSAN PMNCE MISS ANNS PRINCE Sisters Win High' Honors ' The two daughters of Dr. and Mrs. J. Roy Prince have both won important honors recently. Anne, who is a Junior at the Womaa's College in Greensboro, has been elected president of the Student Government Asso ciation for the year 1963-64. She has been on the honor roH every semester of her college career and is majoring in math ematics. She plays violin in the Greensboro Symphony Orch estra. StiMkA is school this year in Chapel Hill. She was recently awarded a Reyn olds Scholarship for four years of study at the Woman's College. The award is -for $1200 per year. These scholarships are being granted for the first time next year. They are to be for the Woman's College what the Horehead Scholarships are for the University. Susan is a mem ber of the National Honor So ciety, editor of her high school annual, and was voted by her classmates as the girl "most likely to succeed " She will probably major in biology. She | 1 ' ' Ed. Dept. To Meet Tonight The Education Department of .the Worthwhile Womans Club will met Thursday even ing, April 4, at 7:30 p. m. with Mrs. C. N. Weber at her home on Poplar Hill Drive. Mrs. L. L. Bingham will present the pro gram. Home Clubs -Have Workshop | The Watauga County Home Demonstration Clubs spoaaared a Music Workshop which was JmU Thursday, Kirch 28 ui the 'Boone Methodist Church. The workshop waa for the purpose I of assisting lexers who are ia charge of muaic in their or ganizations or groups. Othw il* terested persons attended. Miss Ruth Jewel, Music Sup ervisor from North Carolina Department of Education gave some very helpful information on selecting music for different occasions, the appreciation for music, rvsding muaic, and sing ing leaders**. Nina homp daaionstration clubs W repwwote* with aa attendance of M. Not every map elected ta pub- 1 He office is a?m?i?te* with H theory or principles of good^ also plays the violin in her high school orchestra. Both girls will be employed this summer as counsellors at Camp Seafarer, an eight-weeks sea-going camp for girla near Arapahoe, N. C. Dr. Prince is Chairman of the Department of Foreign Langu ages at Appalachian State Teach ers College. Eastern Star Installs Mrs. Elizabeth Norris Mrs Elisabeth C. Norris and Eddie Paul Norrie were install ed as worthy matron and worthy patron respectively of Snow Chapter, No. 230, Order of the Eastern Star, in a ceremony held in the Masonic Hall, on Saturday evening, March SO. Miss Bern ice Gragg is the re tiring worthy matron. Other elected officers install ed at the public ceremony ?