Speaking Of Golf Muck to th? joy of local toil ?n. the Umme golf count open ed for the 1W3 whob last Fri 4? y and about ninety player* took advantage of a beautiful day to play. Play has been good each day except for Saturday when a audi needed rain riow ad thing* down somewhat. The course la general is in fine shape and the players have been high in their praise of it. However, the greens are still a little bumpy. Players are urged to make a special effort to re pair marks and walk carefully and with more rolling and spe cial care, the greens should Im prove daily. i New towels have been put on the ball washers and a few players finding themselves with out a towel when the rains come, borrow one from the hall wash ers. It would be greatly appre ciated if the towels could be left on the washers for use ef the other players following. The Greater Greensboro Open Gotf Tournament gets underway Thursday with possibly the fin est fipld of players ever assemb led in the Carolines Section. Such outstanding stars as Gary Player, Sam Snead, Hike Sou chak Tony Lema and many others will be on hand trying to win their share of the more than $30,000 in prize money. A pro am warm up event is set for Wednesday with about sixty of the top players Reamed with am ateurs from the state. Each pro fessional will tea^n up with one amateur shooting for over $5, 000 in prizes. This tournament is being play ed on the very testing Sedge field Country Club course and it take; outstanding, golf to score well on this layout. Any of you that can, would be in for a great treat if you could get down to Greensboro over the week end to watch these fine players in action. Turn nt tliA en mIIaiI Y5^i2> I NOT \NSuvpj) A&a.NsT *Vha.i you QjOifU> ioWiFiTWtf yoo WQOJMRilfr Thft-tf UhV?lS tft/SSXoWH*. T D.rld N. SpiiBhour far f Every Need Boone Insurance Agency, Inc. Profenknul Building Boone, N. C. ? AM 4-8732 Ymt Mqeitat tanruet UmI ?ii iii Tm IW tlemeq have made Bwpa the site of ope of t*o of their yearly meetings ?n Smarr (A) defeated Dean | Q g | Stalling! (A) defeated Wash burn 04, 6-0, S4. Isenhour (A) defeated Long 6-4, 6-3. Sifri (A) defeated Therell 6-1, 6-1. Vaughn (A) defeated Roberts 6-0, 4-6, 6-1. Danbles^ Chambers and Smarr (A) de feated Washburn and Dean 64, 6-2. S tailings and Sifri (A) de feated Lanier and Long 6-3, 6-2. . Therell and DeUp (ET) de feated Isenhour and Vaughn 64, 6-2. AHS Golfers Pown Elk in By RONNIE HUNT The Appalachian High School golf team opened its 1963 sea son successfully with an 18-0 victory over Elkin. The match was played at the Cedarbrook Country Club in Elkin Thurs day, April 4. This match indi cates that the Blue Devil golf ers are out to better last year's 7-3 record. Sam Adams and Roaaie Hunt both posted 78 to claim medalist honors. Results: Sam Adams (A) oyer John Hotecomb, 341. Ronnie Hunt (A) over Hal Templet on, 3-0. Jfthnay Parfcer (A) over Charles Reece, 3-0. Jimmy CoUrell (A) over George Barber, 341. Tom Adams (A) over Dale Wiles, 34). ~ * w- WW WT-W1 Baeehallers Defeat WCC Th* Appalachian State hpe ball team opened its IMS sea son by defeating the Cata mounts from West era Csrojfna 5-4 Id Boon* last FrWtf after noon. Pitcher Bill Jarrett went UM distance for the Ajpa to dial* W the first win of the season. Tfc?> game VW vary close with the Mountaineer* w - - - ??? - ?- - ? ? ? finally c?ming from behind for the second time to seal the vic tory Jerry Green singled in the winning run for the Mountain eers. The lending hitter* for the Mountaineers were Jim Goff and Herbert Diggs. The Mountaineers meet New berry and Catawba this week to conclude the play before Easter holidays. The next game after the holidays |s against Elon at Eton April IT. AC Conquers ASTC Golfers The Appttacfciftft Mount* it eera golf team traveled to At lantic Christian last week end to play a triangular ?e*t between Atlantic Christian, Lynchburg, and Appalachian, the Mqwtoineiers lost to the Christians twice but defeated Lynchburg College. Atlantic Christian defeated the Appa $1-8 the first day ?n4 the Apps ye re victorous over Lynchburg 16-11. On Saturday the Moun taineers defeated Lynchburg again by the same score but tost to Atlantic Christian by ^ne point 14-13. The meq^tecy of the team making the trip to Wilson were Austin Adams. Benjy Burnett, Bruce Sudderth, Mickey Pow ers, Willie Maples, and Doug Dobbins. The next metfth /ojr the Apps is against Mercer on Thursday ?n*d Friday of this week In Georgia. Mrs. Farthing Noted Bowler Mrs. Glenn Farthing of Sh?wpee Drive, Grteasboro, the former Hist Martha Harris of Sfcenpood, is now serving as president of the North Carolina Women's Bowling Association, ? position she has held two yetn Mrs. FarthiJU was trea surer and secretary of the state group prior to being elected president. la 1W0 Mrs. Farthing helped organize the Greensboro Wo man's Bowling Association and has been secretary of the or ganization since it was formed. This association has 1300 mem bers, about 800 of them in Greensboro, and the others in Reidsville. Burlington knd Leaksville. Mrs. Farthing bowls in three leagues and has a composite average of abwtf 158. The Farthings and their children, Eddie, Betsy, Ricky and Stanley, visit here frequ ently with Mrs. Farthing's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A Harris. CHAMPS. ? Winner of the Blowing Rock Ruritan Invita tional Basketball Touranment was the Blackberry Hawks teapi comprised of (front row. 1. to r.) J. Yonce, D. Talbert, and p. Able; (second row), W. Harmon, E. McDade, J. Walker, E. Watson, P. Ford, and J. Beane. Bowling Highlights 1 Ct%e Insurance Junior nivi*nd? h 10 Full Coverage 2. Firebugs ?' ToUl Loss 2, Premium* 8. 9c^ium, __ Preston Hughes 132, Ted Greene 118. Total Loft* ? iwy For* Bill Hug b? 13?. ^ScSe-^i.M.st "%*Z?*??y *"** m' 147, Steve M*tson 14fl ?BgKu>Wnkler'. , 0?U L Burgess Furniture 8. * ? "SEES*-.* ??? "TSL,? ??!-*? IBS Sammy Criteher 1<88 KiS-Frw* Auton 168. B. D. Autcm lM. ? ! Buraess Furniture ? ^ Earp 280, Vaughn Roten and Johnny Hayes 188- Pmrth. HU Furniture Ray Farth i?g 284, C. M. Shore ** (; oca-Cola - Tommy Criteher aoe. Dea? c^r.W ! Winkler's Gulf? Benny au?u 197, C. P. *** Watauga Sav inBoorve Drug ?, Northwestern | B>Mou?Uin Lumber 4, Colfcge Girls o' *p' y , ^o^ntain Lumber - Mamie j 18#, Mary Helen Teague 18C0ll^ge Girls - Mane Mat thews 181, Joyce Powell_l?Mn Northwestern Ban* ... Cook 198. Rubye Smith 134 CZ,ne Drug - J?. Greene 184 Francis Jacobs 152. Watauga Savings ? Leota Trip jr#s? i Shadowline ? Cat Cole 1 . Loty L^fons 134 "ttS KJSrt 3, First Pre*y Rumple Racers 4, First Metho ^Pecklnsville Baptist and Rumple Ramblers postponed. 8*First Methodist? Marvin Deal 192, Joe Worth 21* c lg Bumple Racers? Charles era g J-. J 1 1 1 . 1 . ' . [I". 'I I Fishing For The Entire Family! No License Needed Watauga Trout Lakes 2 Miles Out On Highway 105 234, William Edmisten 2X2. First Presbyterian ? Jim Duncan 109, George Arney 199. first Baptist ? George Judy 184, Joe Mast 183. Sportsman League Wagner's Real Estate, 4, Tom's Toasted 0. Blowing Rock 3, Wilcox Travel Agency 1. Farmers Hardware 4, Varsity Shop 0. Andrews Chevrolet 3, College Book Store 1. Scoriae College Book Store ? Roger Thomas 170, Howard Cottrell 168. Andrews Chevrolet ? Don Denny 221, Wiliard Trivett 186. Farmers Hardware ? Fred Mast 199, Clyde Greene 107. Varsity Shop ? Harvey Ayers 189, Steve Gabriel 171. Wilcox Travel Agency? Glenn Wilcox 180, Bob Wilcox 186. Blowing Rock ? C. M. Shore Shore 220, Max Moody 181. Wagner's Seal Estate ? Lumas Trexler 230, Horace Dowling 203. Tom's Toasted ? Dayton Tea gue 186, Boyd Cook 186. Boone Ten Pin League Shadowline 3, Wink's Cafe 1. Antique Auto 4, Townhouse 0. Coe Insurance 4, S. A .1. 0. Polndexter Insurance 3, Walk er Tractor 1. Scorimi Coe Insurance ? Martin Deal Comment On Sports PI By PETE FRITCHIE Washington, D. C. ? Major League tpring games have shown BUI Rigney waan't tool ing in 1*62. after aU. with his Log Angeles Angela. It'l hard to really believe it hpt the An gel* may h* a team on the move. When they cut away Ryne Duren recently, Rigney admit ted it hurt him to Let Duren (0. He admitted to reporter! he felt the trading away of the beapectaled star personally. Du ren, he said, was a conacienti ous worker and a guy who had done a good job for the club in 1882. Duren hlmaelf said he felt a hollow feeling inside when told of the trade. He felt the team was on the way up. Rigney is building and he is serious about the chances of his Angels thi? year. They made a race of it la*t season and folded near the end, and moat of the wise Mxb axe saying that was a one-year fluke run. But Rigney saya his chtb should be in the pennant fight again this year; one of the rea son* he if letting fellows like Duren go is his conviction that the Angels will get into the flag chase. And if tho Artels are in the pennant fight this year it will dumbfound a lot of baseball people. The Waahiggton Senators didn't even come close last sea son. Nor were the New York Met s and the Houston Colts in the pennant figuring. Rigney won a lot of votes last year as manager-of-the ? year because many felt a second-year club that made a run for the money was doing it on managerial tal ent exclusively. But Rigney had some ball 223, Ernie Lewis 215. S. A. I. ? jC. P. Teague 205, Luma* Trexler 187. Poindexter Insurance ? Ernest Lyons 224, Roy Little 183. Walker Tractor ? Ray Farth ing 204, Max Trivett 180. Antique Auto ? Bob Brown 236, Jim Greene 224. Townhouse ? B. Billings 186, Fred Mast 172. Shadowline ? John Broyhill 225, Hampton 233. Wink's Cafe ? CaraweU 217, Normaft McSMjrm' * players too. And they weren't ?M gwyi, like those the MeU west for. They may come on yet and may be a second it row tewn in Los Aju*1m. CO|N FOB RUSSIANS? Moscow ? Russian# art not taking kindly to Premier Khru shchev's campaign to promote corn as human food. Russians usually turn up their noaes at -cornflakes. Their idea of a good breakfast is ? heap ing plate of hot sausages, pota toes and cabbage covered with thick gravy. The gravy is sop ped up with four or five slices of while bread, not cornbreaa Khrushchev's argument is that the Americans eat it and they love it. Blockade of Cuba may be needed again: Stennis. Unable to take anesthetics, woman la hypnotized (or apinal operation. Cuban government ch?i*e? U.S. with attack on Ruaaian merchant veaael. Switch To u HeatingOil ' Economical? clean burning 1 Wa deliver automatically It D. Hodge*, Jr. Agent humble on * ?REFINING CONFANV Boone, N. C. Phone All Wfl or AM 4-8231 Paul & Ralph Say: A Kentucky mount aineer married a beau tiful fourteen-year-old girl, but admitted to his paw and maw that be bad a big problem to face. "What do I do now?" he pondered. "Take her on a honey moon, or $end her to camp?" ?PAUL ft RALPH TOTAL PERFORMANCE: "tnAit aw/AL orunis nnnuiur mm KNOW WHY FORD SWEPT THE HRST FIVE PLACES AT DAYTOHA...WHEN YOUR '(3 FORI IS STILL GOING STRONG YEAR AFTER YEA! ? ? ^ ' LA- ? ?- 1 ? ?- 1 ' ' uoyiun* 9 Dig, imiircu ov?i puis unuciiewawe in tine I anp draipt on engines, fleering gears and frames. The Fords that won at Daytona took all the punish rr^ot this fannous tfack could dish out over 500 miles of grueling competition with out missing a beat In this toughest of all stock car event!, mechanical failures claimed over fifty per cent of the starting field, tut of twelve Forces entered, nine went the distance. Ford took six of the first ten pl?c*f. fjaWj ilO ? t Five-hundred-mile events like Daytona are a public demon stration of toughness, reliability and sheer engineering excel lence that are part qf the new generation of Fori. A test like this fan't be dupiic?t?d on anybody's tasting grounds? it's run right out in the open. Any car can enttr. But only the car th^l best totaf combination of strength, balance, precision L fifr ?!!&? ? 'i3 ' ?' control ana roao-ainging suspension can win . . . that's what we mean Ijy total performance. Visit your ford Dealer before you buy any other new car. Here's what you'll find: a new kind of total-car durability, a new kind of handling ability, a suspension that is startlingly smooth yet sticks to th? road tike lar. If you haven't driven one lately, you can't really know what a new Ford is like. Remember, if jt's built by Ford, its built for performance . . . total performtnfel solid, silent SVKR ' WINKLER KaOTOS COMPANY, INC 1 Depot ?n 4 Epiryrf Sto. Wo >170 N- P.