Grand Jury Report To the Honorable, James C. Firth Ing, Judge presiding, we, the Grand Jury foe the April, 1863 term of Superior Court Of Watauga County, North Caro lina, beg to submit the follow ing report: 1. We have acted on all billi submitted to u*. giving each and everyone thorough consid eration. S. We inspected the prison camp and found the sanitation In excellent condition, and all buildings in good repair. J. We found t&e County Jail in very good sanitary condition and wish to congratulate those In charge for doing aalpod aa they are with what and on what they have to do with. > There are a number of win dow glaaaes out that need r* placing, also some window frames have rotted out and Farmer Fights Weeds In Corn Each year, North Carolina farmers spend about $8 million fighting weeds in corn. Yet, at least an equal amount of money is lost to weeds through lower corn yields, lower quality and higher harvesting costs. Agronomists at North Caro lina State College say controll ing weeds chemically "is effec tive and will save you money." To show farmers the best method of chemical weed con trol in corn, three of the agron omists have prepared an easy to-read folder containing essen tial information on the subject. Free copies of the folder are available from local agricultural extension service offices or by writing directly to the Depart ment of Agrciultural Informa tion, N.