[AES Mixed Choruses To Present Series Of Three Spring Concerts A leriM *f three spring eon- 1 certs will be givep by th? Hum4 Choruses ?# the ftpftliffciin Btnnlay School on nomcu tive Fridays, beginning May >. The IIMirti will 4m in (he school auditorium at fclB a. m., ' ami afe open to the public, without charge. Parents of the participating students are ex tended a special invitation to attend. On May 3, the program will be given by Chorus I, composed of students from grades seven and eight. A special feature of this program will be the presen tation to the school of the honor rating certificate, earned by this group in the 1963 District Con test-Festival. H. J. Cottrell, Chorus I president, will make the presentation. Numbers include "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning" and - "1 Whistle a Happy Tune" by Rod fees and Hainraarstela; "Dmp | I* the tiMrt of Teui," aoutlima (oik mm; "Michael PtBlialMI." Irish camp mm; "Steep, Baby, Ump" by BeU and Shaw; and a group ef spirituals, "SoaM tiaies I Feel Lika a Motherless Child," "JCaaUal Saw the Wheat," aad "Nobody Kaows tba Trouble I've Sean." Studeat accoaipanists far Cherus I art Kathy DoUon, Jen ?y Lou PohJnsoa, Tarty Hollar, and John l'ayne. Narrator will be Larry Ford, vice-president. May 10 tba concert wiU be ?vea by Chorus ill, third and fourth grade students. Cbarus II, fifth and sixth graders, will sing May 17. The choruaes are directed by Mrs. Gaynelle Wilson. Studeat teacher la Miss Anna Sue Ford Moroccan King sets election for May 17. MILITARY PAY INCREASE Tfce MhntBiitratMfi recom wnM to CotpM a military pay boost averaging 14.4 par ?ant tor active duty aervicemen and Reservists. The program far Military pay rata* waa pre pared by a Defense Department ?roup under the direction of William Oorfcam, deputy asMat ant secretary of defense (or manpower. J Secretary of Defease Robert S. McNamara estimated the changes would cost about $1.79 billion on an average annual Crmpaifciag hectic as Jap anese elections near. Goldwater acts like a Presi dential aspirant. Congress has curbs ready for bigger crops. SAMPLE BALLOT Official Ballot Town of Blowing Rock May 7, 1963 . 1 . ? . ? i1 m-m~ INSTRUCTIONS 1 ? To vote for any candidate mark a cross (X) mark opposite the candidate's name. 2 ? Mark only with a pencil or pen and ink. 3 ? Any other mark, erasure, or tear on this ballot renders it void. 4 ? If you tear or deface or wrongly mark this ballot, return it and get another. 6 ? FoM this ballot so that only the portion above the dotted line can be seen. FOB MAYO* (Vale for Oie) ? R. B. HARDIN ? FOB COMMISSIONERS (V*te far Ant) ? ALLEN CRAIG ? C. L. DULA .. j ?J JOHN Q. GOODWIN Q J. D. JONES Q HOWARD POWELL ? CHARLES E. (BILL) WILLIAMS ? D. W. WOOTEN d - ? - - Clerk WALTER MARTIN Limestone, Tom. "Africo helped pow 13,356 pounds of tobacco and it bwtfrtRMOOpcKre." ?? CHARLEY HUMPHREY Limestone, Tenn. "I followed the AgricoPrt (ram. It increased nt? poundage and grew better L C, HUWHttY Limestone, Tenn. "Afiin, I hive i my pound my allot ment. I mi well with Africi." j. o. rox llmottM, Turn. "I Kavt betn usinf Apico fofBri|MBurleyfoi5wir*. I am always pleattd with th? results." No natter where you go in tobacco growing areas you will find growers using sofl-tauotM, crop-tailored AGRICO fertillztrs getting bigger, better quality ykMs than ever before. Here are the advantages: Finer quality fobocco-(more important this MMD than ev"H before)? AOR1CO gives you just the right balance of plant food for better quality. Yabacc* maturM faator-Tobacoo starts faster for a mora sturdy stand. ?ig|?r yl*ld?? AORICO fertilizer formula tions are ma# on the basis of tlioMMdi a i iwtwd soil samples taken in this area. Make sure your tobacco measures up this season I Remember, quality b mere Important than tier before, and quality is what AORico fcrtili* will help TOU git Dont delay- gst started on the way to better quality tobacco. Order yem supply of AuRiCO fertilizer today. MISS ELIZABETH GREER Miss Elizabeth Greer, grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Greer, 412-A Howard Street, has -ust been initiated into the Alpha Delta honorary scholar ship sorority at King's College, Charlotte. Miss Greer entered King's College in January and made top grades to attain the Dean's List for the winter quarter. Her initiation into the honor society was in recognition of her scho larship and leadership. A 1961 graduate of Appala chian High School, Miss Greer attended Appalachian State Teachers College for a year be fore entering the Charlotte in stitution. In high schools, she was an honor student and ? member of the Beta Club. She was also a member of the school band and of the choru*. CHINA'S KO AD-BUILDING United States intelligence ex perts are concerned about ex tensive road building by Red China along its southern bor der. It was recalled that the Communist Chinese undertook considerable road construction and establishment of advanced supply dumps before invading Tibet in 1950 and India last fall. The South China province borders directly on Burma, North Vietnam and Laos and is within a few miles of Thailand. FEET ACHE, ITCH? !i of all your bones are In the feet. No wonder they ache, swell, pers pire. Itch. Bathe feet twice dally with T-4-L Solution for rfllef of the 52 bones, 66 joints plus liga ments. Curbs athlete's foot, too (sloughs off Infection ? watch healthy skin replace It, or your 18c back at any druir store If not pleased IN ONE HOUR. TODAY at Boose rr. , . jj-So. r Fashion News file turban it * classic hi the hit line Just u the shirtwsiat dress is a classic in its line. One reason for this Is Ita variety in atyle, color and size which makes it a hat (or many differ ent faces. This seaaens turbans are un usually attractive. They may he of silk, fin* eotton or chi(lon Some of them are designed to give an exotic look to one's cos tume. Others are of a practical nature and are used to cover unruly hairdo's or protect them from the wind. Sweaters, sweaters, sweaters! ! People i who havent knitted a garment or a scarf since World War I have taken up knitting again. One reason for this Is the simple patterns being of fered and the lovely yarns (or ?>1e. ' , Congo recovers (unds valued at $4,600,000. r MISS FRANCES C. GREER To Graduate At C-N College Jefferson City, Tenn. ? Hiss Frances C. Greer of Vilai, N, C. is a candidate to graduate from Carson-Newman College (Jef ferson City, Tenn.) May 31. An I elementary education major, Miss Greer is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Greer There is a RIGHT Maymead Block for your construction project Getting the right block removes the guesswork ... and keeps costs down Maymead Blocks are the modern and durable construction material preferred by more builders You Can't Find Better Blocks FArraruL dog Beresford, S. Dakota -When searchers found the frose* bod ies of Ruben Poppens, 80, and of Vila*. She it a graduate of Cove Creek High School, Sugar Grove. N. C. W . GILMER MURDOCK ? BOBBY jtiNES Inquire at W. Main St. Service Station NEW MOON MOBILE HOMES Opw Evening! until 9:00 We Have a Reputation for Fine Quality U. S. Choice Graded Beef.Your Favorite Cute at Popular Price Meet Poncho, Btar of WttTV 3-Rlnf Circus here Friday afternoon 4 til 7. Free pictures I# all children