MRS. EARLEEN G. PIUTCHETT holds certificate from Governor Terry Sanford announcing her reappointment as State Chairman of United Nations Week. ? Corey photo. Mrs. Pritchett Re-Named Chairman Of U. N. Week Mrs. Karleen u. rritcnett, ad ministrative assistant to the president of Appalachian State Teachers College, has been re appointed to the State Chair manship of United Nations Week, according to information received from Governor Terry jSanford's office. Mrs. Pritchett received a cer tificate announcing her reap pointment to the position of State Chairman for 1963. She said that United Nations Week will be observed October 20-26. Mrs. Pritchett will have the duty of coordinating the U. N. observance in communities School Roundup On Wednesday The 1963-64 Parkway pre school round-up will be held at the school May 8, from 9 until 12 o'clock. Parents or other adults only ?re urged to be present with tyieir children. It is important that they bring the required immunization certificates with them. Legion Meeting At Blowing Rock American Legion Post 236, Blowing Rock, will hold its monthly meeting at the Legion Hall Thursday May 2, at 7:30 p. m., it is announced by Peter S. Greene, Poet Adjutant tit, MO SMILE Boston ? A municipal court Judge awarded a 6-year-old girl $10,000 for her lost smile. In 1961, Mary Shatter was struck by air automobile and her injury imparled her ability to smile. Her father sued in her behalf and the child was awarded that amount in the leg al suit. across toe slate ana will ui various leaders to name local chairmen. The goal of the observance is to promote a better under standing of the aims, purposes and accomplishments of United Nations. A native of Watauga county, Mrs. Pritchett was educated at Lees-McRae College, Draughon's Business College of Knoxville, Tenn., and Appalachian State Teachers College. Mrs. Pritchett has been as sociated with Appalachian since 1947. She has served as secre tary to the dean, director of publications and associate di rector of placement. Since 1969 she has been secretary to Dr. W. H. Plemmons, president of ASTC. In 1961, she became ad ministrative assistant. Sam Greer, 59, Dies In Lenoir Lenoir, April 24 ? Sam Greer, 90, of Lenoir, Rt. 4, died Wednesday night in a local hos pital after a long illness. He was born in Watauga County to Jerry William and Cordelia Watson Greer. He was a carpenter. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Delphi* Hartley Greer; a daugh ter, Miss Bertha Greer of the home; ?ix sons, Lottniee, Claude, Jerry, Larry and Gonnie Greer, all of Lenoir, Rt. 4, and Joe Greer of Boone; a sister, Mrs. Vertie Ray pf Deep Gap; five brothers, Jones and Carl Greer, both of Lenoir, Glenn Greer of Boone, Rt. 2, Roe and Perry Greer, both of Deep Gap; and eight grandchildren. The funeral was conducted at 2:30 p. m. Saturday at First Baptist Church at Whitnel by the Rev. Roscoe Greene and the Rev. Pete Peterson. Burial was in the Greer family ceme tery at Deep Gap. Chamber Of Commerce News By HERMAN W. WILCOX (President) At a luncheon, introducing Mr. Edward U Nung, new dir ector of operations, the Inter national Resistance Corpora tion announced another expan sion for this year which will be 29000 square feet. This expanaion is to be built as soon as the architect can complete the plans and con tracts let, and should be ready for use by November this year. As soon as this new unit is finished, they will be placing additional people on their pay rolls, but explained that no ap plications would be considered at this time. The expansion came about by their decision to produce another new pro duct, which will be iqade in the Boone plant. Mr. Nung paid high respect to Boone, the people who work in their plant, and their present staff. . He explained out of $5,000, 000 set aside for expansion this year, the Boone plant was re ceiving 18% of that total, and since the Boone plant only re presents 12% of their overall employment, he considered we were getting a good break. It was predicted that by 1968 they would have over 400 peo pie employed. Howard'! Knob Project Our appreciation to our own Mr. Jack NorrU and Associate* (or their present project to de velop the famous Howard's Knob. They are building a fine hard top road all the way to the top. There will be lots available for building purposes, ang unless we miss oar guess, a beautiful motel will soon be setting up on the mountain that Col. How ard made famous during the Dsniel Boone Days, when the red coats were roaming these mountains. Shadowllne Crowing Within the next coujfle of years you will see 500 to 800 people working at Shadowline. Their product is being nation ally as well as internationally proclaimed- as outstanding. Boone should consider herself fortunate in securing these fine industries. We are indeed proud of them. Members Paying Does Crest Stores, Appalachian Ajpusement Co., Reins Sturdi vant, Shirley and Ragan. New Members Highland Hills Motel, Sam M. Dixon. Letter To Editor! Blufe Law Story Is Amended Dear Rob: In your newt story about the Sunday closing or "Blue Law" [ think you should in fairness lave stated that I also said that I Representative Holshouuer iesired to exempt the entire Jounty of Watauga, I thought hat was his prerogative apd hat if such an exemption was ipproved In the House that 1 vould not oppoee it In the Sen ile, and that I wanted to do vhat was best for the majority >f the people in your good coun y I hope you will clarify this natter in your next issue. With best wiahes, I am Sincerely yours, Ira T. Johnston (Editor's note: The iosdvert snt omission is regretted. We ud no notion of reporting the elephone conversation unfalr y.) / Progressive management . . . Modern sales and service facilities . . . Sound merchandising practices . . . High quality standards ... Continuing interest in rendering superior service to Ford owners during the year 1962 Zionville News Items Mr. and Mr*. J. B. Triplett spent lour days last week In Charlotte with their Mm and family, Mr. and Mrs. Botee Trip lett. Mr*. Perry Potter of Char lotte * pent last week here with her parehta, Mr. and Mr*. Ver non Castle. Mr. Potter and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Irvin also of Charlotte spent the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Nolen Church and Nolen, Jr., of Baltimore, Md., returned home Saturday af ter visiting two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ivin Church and other relative*. Henri Harve and Wade Brown and Mr*. Raymond Miller visited last week in Hackeaain, Del., with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown. Frank underwent sur gery last Thursday . Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Miller *pent the week recently with Mr.' and Mrs. Roy McGlamery in Charlotte. Mrs. Edna May and Mr. and Mr*. Boyd Cooke spent the week and in Cleveland, Ohio, with Mr. and Mr*. Lon Greer and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Greer. Mr. tod Mr*. Max Miller, Mar tha, Barbara and Dean, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clay Greene at Vilas and enjoyed a birthday dinner given in honor ot Mr. Greene and granddaugh ter, Martha Miller. Mrs. Otto Main of Charlotte spent last week with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clint Wine barger. Mrs. Mains spent the week end. What has become of the an cient and respected doctrine that people should earn what they enjoy? And if you can't find that exact gift for her at home, then plan a drive to North Wllkesboro? See Spainhour's completely remodeled modern store, with its vast collection of fashionable name brand merchandise that will please mothers of all ages ? Join the fun and excitement in selecting the best for her, and we'll gaily gift wrap it for you. * dresses ? sportswear * handbags ? jewelry ? lingerie ... ? 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RIAOY MOW M M MAIITWUL COtOtS Oo?i on fott with brush or rolUr ? drl#t (ivio^thf intiifcs or lo^s Iw n^iiHit^s# ^? . -g 1 ?J fi.L u.|u.i Unl AnUL liva imo viiviimvv Ovvi . nicvif vfnfwi iwi nntsn ror