Society .? ;r/ ? , ?. Greene-Owen Engagement HISS DOROTHY ANNE GREENE Mr. and Mrs. William Spencer Greene of Blowing Rock an nounce the engagament of their daughter, Dorothy Anne (Dot tie), to Franklyn D. Owen, Jr., of Columbia, South Carolina. A June 22 wedding is planned at S*int Mary's of the Hlls Epis copal Church in Blowing Bock at four o'clock in the afternoon. The Reverend Martin M. Tilson, rector of St. John's Episcopal Church In Charlotte, will offi ciate. Miss Greene graduated from Furman University with a BA degree in Business Administra tion. She received her Master's Degree from Appalachian State Teachers College in Boone, and has done poet-graduate work at the University of North Care lina. She taught at Anderson College, Anderson, South Caro lina for two years, worked as an order detailer for United State* Steel Corporation in Char lotte and Atlanta, and is cur rently teaching in the School of Business at Wake Forest Col lege in Winston-Salem. While working for the United States Steel she held the first job of its type to be held by a woman. Miss Greene is sponsor of Delta Kappa Nu business sor ority at Wake Forest, acting secretary of the School of Bus iness faculty, a member of the American Association of Univer sity Women and the American AModation of University Pro testors. She is also active in her book club and bridge club. Mr. Owen graduated from Dreher High School in Colum bia, S. C., received his BS de gree in Engineering from the University of South Carolina in Columbia, and did graduate work at MIT in Cambridge, Mass. He is executive vice-pres ident of Owen Steel Company, Inc., in Columbia, S. C., and associated Owen interests. He is a member of the ' Saraband Club, Bachelors Club of Colum bia, and Forest Lake Country Club, all of Columbia. He was a member of Sigma Nu fratern lity at the University of South I Carolina. SOLITUDE TEST CoUege Park, Md.? living in solitude, without sight of an other human being, Wilden P. Breen Jr. has lived in a small, 3-room apartment for * months. He is the subject of a test being made by the University of Maryland for the National Aer onautics and Space Administra tion on human behavior during long period of isolation. Breen has contacted his in structors by telephone. He is writing a book for recreation and no time has been- set for ending the test. Home Council County Meet Next Friday The Watauga Home Demon stration Council will hold ? county wide meeting for all Home Demonstration members on Friday. May 10 at 1:30. This meeting will be held in the adult asaembly room of the Boone Methodist Church. The program will be present ed by Mr. Guy Angell, Superin tendent of Watauga County Schools. Mr. Angell will discuss the "Proposed School Building Program." A short business meeting will be conducted by Mrs. Earl Pet rey, County Council President. The public it invited to at tend. Bethel Home Club Meets The Bethel Home Demonstra tion Club met in the home of Mrs. Howard Love on this after noon of April 24. Mrs. Baker Ward served as her sister's as sistant hostess. For devotional the members repeated in unison the 23rd Psalm. The demonstration on "Win dow Hardware" was given by Mrs. Baker Edmisten, a club member. She discussed the se lection, installation, and main tenance of window hardware, and, in stressing the importance of quality hardware, she said, "Good hardware makes draw draperies and curtains operate easily and smoothly." For recreation the club had an old-fashioned spelling bee, with the winner, Mrs. David Farthing, being presented a gift by the hostess. The club adjourned early, in order that members might meet on the church grounds to do some cleaning up, in preparation for the spring session of the Baptist Association to be held on Tuesday, April 30. FAT OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a doctor's prescription, our product called Odrlnex. You must lose UKly fit In 7 days or your money beck. Odrl nex,, is a Uny tablet and eeslly swallowed. Oet rtd of excess lit and live lsnaer. Odrlnex costs *3.00 *2? U..*2ld. ?n this guarantee: If no* saUrtled for any reason. Just !?Slrn 2*9 jsaekaas to your drug gist and set your full money back. ^u?.nkn^^vrin" * ?oW I Worthwhile Club Holds Meeting The Literature and Education department of the Worthwhile Women* Club met May 4th at the home of Mrs. Lee Reynold* with Mrs. Ralph Greene aa co fcoateaa. The chairman, Mrs. Loulae DeLima preaided. The meeting waa opened with the club collect given in uniaon. Mr*. Lee Reynold* reported that ground had been broken for planting flower* on one of the plota on Hardin and 421 and the club decided to take another (mail plot on 431 across the atreet from the R. D. Hodge* reaidenc*. Several plota were mentioned for beau tification this summer. Mra. Reynold* also brought up the aubpect of window de coration for the Ter-Centennial thia summer and mentioned many different items to be u*ed for such decorationa, such aa old books, dishes, cooking ut ensils jewelry, itampa, old rax or*. shaving mug*, doll*, guns etc. The older the "more want ed" are the articles. If anyone haa anything old that will por | tray history of "The Good Old Days" let It be known and the I item* can be uaed and the more of the >00 year old dais will be much wanted. Mn. B. W. Stalllngs or almost anyone in business on King Street may be contacted and your articles described or history given. lira. DeLima then introduced Mr. Leonard Eury, librarian at Appaachian College Library who gave a most entertaining reminiscence of the comic side of being a college librarian. Many incidents and sayings brought to life again a loved character, Mrs. Emma Moore, recently deceased. Many others involved students and happen ings within the library or re quests for certain titled books and the disappointment of the student a few days later. Even Professor Blan Dougherty came into refresh memories of by gone days. The hostesses served salad and coffee following the meet ing. Paul & Ralph Say: A shrewd gunman sud denly appeared at the pay master's window of a large plant and demanded: "Never mind the pay roll, bud. Just hand over the welfare fund, the group insurance prem iums, the pension fund and the withholding taxes." ?PAUL & RALPH WANTED Bible talesmen or sales ladies to work this area full or part time ? no cer tain hoars. For the high est paid commission and also free hospitalisation and other benefits write Spencer Rummage Route 1 Albemarle, N. C. Coin collector! conservatively value the 1804 U. S. iilver dollar. If genuine, at about $10,000 DEMOCRAT ADS PAY United Discount House 609 e. King St. In the Baraett Building 1 '} SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY ? Gifts of All Kinds M Everything for Mother's Day I - ' ;? / ? j? 5 Yards of Drape Material 92.00 5 Yards of Lining $1.00 4 Yards of Dress Material $1.25 Bedspread Remnants 30c per lb. extra Post urepe die? now reduced! TWIN OR FULL *7Q50 SIZE IN REGULAR ? ^ OR EXTRA LENGTH AT SAME PRICE I Choose extra firm or gently firm It Now you can buy the famous "no morn ing backache"* Innarapring Poaturepedic mattrasa In extra langth for tha aama prlca aa ragularl Stretch out on tha long, . long luxury of an antra firm Standard or gantty firm Prlncaaa Poaturepadlc? both daalgnad In cooperation with laadlng orthopedic surgaona. '"No imrnfng koektcht from thtplnt on ? mottnu without motor tupperl" We Will Be Closed Wednesday Afternoons GREENE Furniture Company Edmislen Bldg. Boone, N. C. On 321 Bypass We Are Now OPEN Regular Hours You Will Find A Large Assortment of Imported MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS . . ? . ... i JUST ARRIVEP! From Scotland Beautiful Colon Different Styles SWEATERS 100% Scottish Wool CARDIGANS COLLARS CABLE STITCH That Are Different Priced From sloo to $5000 JUST ARRIVED I Exciting ? Beautiful Mohair Robes Mohair Stoles Mohair Scarves Come in and See These Visit Our Store Before Buying Your Mother's Day, Graduation or Wedding Gifts Store Open Every Day 9:30 to 5:30 ? Tuesdays. Closed All Day Open Sunday Afternoon 12 'til 5 P. ; .vAsiLi ? *MoH 3 *4