fATAUGA ESTABLISHED tt* lMfr PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY RIVERS PIWWTIffB COMPANY. INC. Rr 0. RnOKJK. BMTDje AND MANAGER JEAN RiV BBS, ASSOCIATE EDKOH An Ind?pendMM Weekly Newepefer mmi > B) Published fOD. 2?, 1948. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hunt and family left Sunday to spend about a week in New York City. Mr. Jack Hodges expects to enter Veterans' HospiUl, Moun tain Home, Tennessee May 24th, for an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Tugman spent Monday and Tuesday in Asheville, attending a conven tion of the SUte Merchant's As sociation. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Teague on May the eighth, a son, who has been named Stacy Albert Teague. Mr. N. C. Hammock and fam ily of Shelby will arrive today to occopy their cottage on Winkler's Creek, recently pur chased from Mr. H. W. Horton, local realtor. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Storie and son, Ronnie, of Lexington visit ed with Mrs. Storie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vannoy of Todd. Dr. H. B. Perry, Sr. left Wed nesday for Raleigh to attend the State Democratic convention, and visit several places around Raleigh. Mrs. W. E. Moore and daugh- ? ter, Carolyn, of Sylva spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jamea H. Councill last week. Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Councill are sisters. Dr. Lee Reynolds expects to leave Saturday for Atlanta, Ga. for a two weeks cruise, as a member of the Naval Reserve. Mrs. Reynolds, Bobby and Mar jorie, will spend about tTree weeks with relatives in Indiana. g? .. John S. Aldridge, of U. 9. Navy, son of Mra. John S. Aldridge, Boone, is serving with Subordinate Gronp One of the Norfolk- group. Atlantic Re serve Fleet, billeted aboard the repair ship USS Xanthus. Mr. and Mrs. Jmms G. Allee of Kingspprt, Tfenn., announce the birth of a daughter, Bar bara S?e, at- the Hetaton Valley community hospital, on April 22nd Mrs. Allen i? the former Miss Aima- Lee Henaon of ViMs, N C Mr*. Grace Councill, Mrs. W. M. Mitheson, Mrs. James Hi Couaetll a*d Miss Martha Coun cil!, loft Sunday for San Diego. Calif, to ?Wt Ensign and Mrs. B KL Atkinson They will visit Mt and Mrs. Hirry LeMay In Chisago on their return to Boone. They expect to be away KING STREET BT ROB RIVERS . Arnold Coffey, a good friend of oarg from- his earli est days, who has been away from his. native town of Blowing Rock for a great many yean, writes us from Greensboro, and sends us r commission which makes us a Colonel of aorta, and we enjoyed hearing from him His appreciated letter says: "I WAS DELIGHTED to M? and read the article about you in the Winston-Salem Journal. It was a nice story and I am very proud of you and the old Watauga Democrat. "Back when I was a teen ager going to school at Blov ing Rock I was the local cor respondent for the Watauga Democrat. I did a news col umn entitled 'Blowing Rock Breezes.' This led to news paper work on a number of out of State weeklies, free lance writer for state paper*, etc. I also brought the first rodeo to Boone and repealed it for three years. You did an editorial on it about how clean and wholesome and what a good show it was. "I am encleelag a Colonel's commission la oar famed Friendly Fusiliers. I might add that Ed SaUHaa, Harry Traosan, President Kennedy, General MacArthu* and several other national figures also hold this commission. . . . Some day wipe the ink off your fingers, crank up the Jalopy and come down for a visit at fabulous Friendly Center. Kindest regard* and bed wishes always, Arnold J. Cof fey." AND THE "COLONEL" sa lutes the commanding officer of the Johnny Reb Brigade, and as prescribed in the com mission will continue to praise the glories of the South, always pay homage to the lovely southern belle, never forgot how to give a rebel yell, and always stir to the strains of 'Dixie'/ ... . And we. are obliged for the added rank. . . . Judge George Holt of Miami and Blowing Rock, had dubbed ua "Governor" some years ago, we like that all right and some others of our friends address us that way. . . . But if you find it handier, we also answer to Colonel. dr ak 3k Always . . A Bhie Note The Ciller said as haw there had never been such a boom aa la earning up In the Holi day Highlands. . . . Folks will p?7 just any sort ol a price for a good building alt*, the smartest appraisers are hard put to tell what realty will bring, and contractors have quit bidding on building, leav ing a lot of folks with plans on the board, deferring build ing projects. . . . "And," said the man, "the thing will prob ably wind up in a bast that will make the Florida thing a few years ago sound like the ecstatic hand clap of a bitsy baby when pop cornea home far the night." . . . Which conld be, bat thorn of us who've spent long years prodding the local economy, are Uking what we see, and are willing to chance a dark lining to the gold-tinted economic cloud. ? * * Up Of Cup . . It Don't Count Sort of thought that some of the boys with whom we spend such happy Saturday after noons, duffing around Boone's beautiful golf course, might like the following whwh we "hogged" from the Asheville Citizen some time ago: "THERE ARE APOLOGISTS for guys who ipurder their mo thers, especially if the act was done in a moment of unusual anger. Sympathetic people ev erywhere spring to the de fense of parents who drowiv their underfed children in the nearest creek. "Bat there Is no consolation anywhere- far the oaee-a-week golfer who three-potts the eighteenth hate from nine feet ant, thereby coating his team two dollora. Such a man might aa weii clean oat his teekar aad move U Sahnect ady; he la marked far life. Paaplfr who aaa? sought him oat*aa a- goWtftfe partner avoid him like a plague. Caddies who oaae vied for his hag seem strangely stricken with leg ?cramp whenever he seeki their acrvtea* "All of them forget his btrdte-birdie start of two years ago, and his birdte-birdia fin lah of laat summer All the* remember is that he lagged up a putt on eighteen and then, with two feet to go, played a No matter that the green was soggy, that the wind was howl ing, that worma had made humps in the grass, that a bee buzzed his ball on the backswing. . .. He missed a crucial putt. "He might as wail donate his sweater to the locker-room boys, offer his clubs at auc tion and make a quiet exit. The crashing part of it is, the durned thing should have dropped." * ? * Oar Treasury . . Of Readers Mrs. Rebecca Sboemake, a life-long friend of oars, re news her Democrat the fifty fonrtlr time, and say* she wouldn't do without it. . .A daughter of the late Robert Andrew and Mrs. Andrews of Blowing Rook, she said the paper waa in the household where she also read it as a_ child. Mrs. Shoewake has re sided in Boona 3& years, where she is hold In. th? highest re gard. . . . Our- best wishes to a good friend. Uncle | Pinkney HiS PALAVERIN'S DEAR MISTER EDITOR; My couun Hiram mailed me a clipping laat week explain ing all about the new Kennedy budget that the Congress is debating. This piece tells ev erything in detail, four-square and gospel clear, it's the first time I've knowed for certain what was head* and what was tails in this matter. Hiram is a backwoods Re publican, but the man doing itie explaining in this piece is a While House expert named Walter Heller and I feel pritty shore he is a Harvard Demo crat, so this balances off the piece and makes it non-parti san and a authority on the subject. H* says our 8 billion dollar debt in 1902 was bad. in fact it was so bad he calls it a "deficit of weakness.1*" And the reason he says it was bad is on account of it was a mistake, that the Guvernment planned a surfiJ* in 1962 and any thing the Guvernment didn't plan is bad. But he explains th?t by increasing the debt in 1988 what we got is a "deficit of strength" on account of hik ing spending and cutting taxes and the Guvernment planning it that way. He says anything the Guvernment plans is, good. Farthermore, he explains that with a 8 billion dollar deficit many factories and workmen is idle, but with a "deficit of strength" they would be put to work. I was explaining these mat ters to the fellows at the coun try store Saturday night and Ed Doolittle allowed as how everthing was now crystal clear to him. Ed said we couldn't git this country moving ahead br lust boarowering. the same amount ever year, if we bor rowed ?- billion last year, 10 billion sounded like a pritty reasonable figger to him fer 19?. Ed is - all fer progress, Mister Editor. Zeke Grubb reported he ain't g?? around to working on the Kennedy budget yet, said all lus time has been took up lately trying to figger out a item in one of hie- paaphlets from the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Zeke had the item in Ma pocket and he' got it out and read, it to the fellers. The Department of Agricul ture is advising hew four can U*e cheaper than one. They It figgered, according to ftia item, that tf a family buys in big anmints, a man and Ma old lady and two younguns <*n eat fer 9 per cent less Ill pas, celt less than two, and a full 20 per ccnt-chemen-tkan. ose. llieee experts claims a smell ftmilr OMft take adv?*ge of Mg quantity prices on account of they git caught with too ??"?*? speMagi an*, leftovers Yotus truly, WLI PINMfBV (**e*MWR indicate)