~S$eiiuitteA PHI Teiaphon* AMberit 44*12. pifoca* Affairs H _ Lorn Harrison at SUie Fum '??? ? Watauga H^iU1 U+m* d?y for treatment. hJfV* L?Jf,ry ?* Qr??? b0f* w* a Mother's D*y week rasr*---5^ n."r; *nd M" Ira Scott of ^^,D? "P"" Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wart at Sti?r Grove. Week end visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs A L Cooke were their daughter, Mrs Paul Fox and Mr. Fox of Hick ory. Mrs W. A. Stephens of Cary, w. C" enroute to Columbus, Ohio, visited Friday in the home of her sister, Mrs. T S Bartlett and family. Mr. Earl Greer and son, Jef frey of Sylva spent the week end with Mr. Greer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Greer on Faculty St. ' Mr and Mrs. Robert Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Truman Rob bins, Alice Marie and Edward of Pineola spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cook. ? Cooke sRent the week end in Gastonia visiting in the homes of her daughters Mrs. Ray Harrell and Mrs. Har vey Owen and families. Visitors in the home of Mrs. . Joe Cooke over Mother's Day week end were Mrs. Harvey Owen and Elizabeth Ann and Mrs. Ray Harrell of Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. Turner Wataon of Route 4, Boone returned to their home Wednesday after spending the winter in Vero Beach, Fla. Mrs. Bessie Underfill! of Charlotte visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Pink Hodges and with her son, Mr. Clint Brown and family. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor S. Adams had. M 'heir guest over the week-end tltelr son Samiiel h Adams o t West Palm BPacfi Florida. WT Mrs. Emily Evans of Euatice - erlda and Miss Virginia Mit chell of South Miami, Fla. have returned home after spending three weeks with Mrs. J w Jones. Mrs. Smith Hagaman of Wln ston-Salem ii spending some time with her son, Mr. Hugh Hagaman, Mrs. Hagaman and ttmily and other relatives in this area.. Dr. and Mrs J. C. Caaipe arrived Thursday to spend the summer and fall at their home on Wood Circi*. The Canipes have been in Vero Beach aad. Miami, Fla., since November. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Bamer aad children, Judy, Dawn and Artie, of Goldsboro visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Joines and other relatives in thia area over the week end. Mr. Ed S. Williams of Zion-' ville and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Btird of Sugar Grove were week-end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde WlHiatss of High Point Mrs, C. B. Angel spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Charles Lecka and her mother, Mrs. T. M. Vance ia Newland. It-, and Mrs. T. B, Vance of Floyd, Va. visited with them in Newland. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosasco of Pensacola, Florida are spend ing a week in Boone visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James H. Gedwin. They will be back in August to start building their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson and family had as weefc-end guests Mr. Gibson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newten Gibson and hi* sisters, Mrs. Paul Dominac and daughter, Pauls, and Miss Jane Gibson of Murphy. Mrs. Tyre Casey of Cycle, N. C. spent last week with her brother, James B. Mast and Mrs. Mast. On Friday Mrs. C?ey- IM vwM w Mergsnion with Mrs. Ernest Walker, Mrs. Yates Spake and Mts. Joe Aceardt. Miss Vada Tritette* Mrs. Eli zabeth Brown aa*- <*n?, Mrs. Ethel Hayes, Mto* Lillian Ro berts of Boone, lfefc JElU Mae Ward and Mrs. Reba Watson of Banner Elk, Miss Earlane Jtmm of Beech Creek and Mrs. Berlle Harmon of Sugar. Grove spent Sunday in Charlotte teuriag the Mr. Joe Gaither of Atlanta, Ga. spent the week-end with his mother, Mm J. M Gaither. Mr. and Mrs J. R. Whitaker o i Julian came Thursday to soeod several days with Mr. and Mrs. George Austin on Wink ler's Creek. They plan to re turn later to spend some time at their cabin on Laurel Fork Road. Mfr." and Mrs. Casey Jones and mother, Mrs. Jones, of Greens boro, Mr. Joe H. Miller of Win ston-Salem, Mrs. Frank S. Burke and Mrs. Edgar Billinga of Asheboro spent Mother's Day with thtir mother, Mrs. James ?. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Greer, Regina and Miss Doeia Greer returned Monday after spend ing the week end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Greer and family in Fallston, Maryland and Mr. and Mrs. Ronda H. Mil ler in Middle River, Maryland. S-4 John B. Knight, Jr. who has been on leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Knight of Blowing Rock, since April 13, will leave Saturday for Ft. Dix, New Jersey and from there will go to Europe for a tour of duty. Mrs. A. K! Buxton of Blow ing Rock has had as house guests for the past week Mr. and Mrs. Lee Crocker of Fort Laud erdale, Fla. and Cape Cod, Mass. The C rockers were en route to "The Cape" where they will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Har ris left today (Wednesday) for New York City, where they will visit a week with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Harris, Jr. Mr. Harris, Sr. will attend the an nual National Council meeting of the Boy Scouts of America Thursday and Friday. Mr. Jerry Bumbaugh spent the week end in the home of Mr. Sig Whltener and his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Orin S. Whitener of Lenoir. While there he attended the Lenoir High School Band Concert Fri day night and the Industrial Arts Fair at the High School on Saturday. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hagaman and family last week included Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Kilby and Jeffrey of Blouatville, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hagaman of Lenoir, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hagaman and Johnny of Win ston-Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Wade McNeil and Mrs.. Howard Mc Neil of North Wilkesboro. Dr. C. Ray Lawrence attend ad tlM 96th Annual Spring Con vention of the N. C. Optometric Society in Charlotte Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Soon after returning home on Tuesday he left for a week's visit with his brother, Mr. Lee Lawrence and family in Cincin nati, Ohio and with his daugh ter, Mrs. John Lee Jellcourae and Mr. JcUicourse in Evan ston, 111. George E. PhilUps of the U. S. Navy, who recently returned from duty with the Airborne Early Warning Squadron on Midway Island, has been visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Norris of Perkinsville and his sister, Mrs. Buster Has Idn and Mrs. Haskin of Charlotte. He reported Wednesday for 8 weeks school at North Island, San Diego, Calif, and will then be stationed at Wkidbey Island, Washington. Mrs. A. K. Buxton of Blow ing. Rock will spend next week in Bloomington, Indiana with her son, Thomas Buxton and Mrs. Buxton. She is going es pecially to attend graduation at Indiana University where Tho mas will receive his masters degree in education. He receiv ed his BA from Wake Forest College in Winsten-Salem last June and has accepted a posi tion. with the Charlotte City School system fot the coming year. Women- Voters l$teet Tuesday Tho morning uait of- the Boon* Leagaeof Women Voters will meet at 10 Tuesday May 2S, at tin. Boow Methodist Church* 1ft. Guy Aogell wiR be the speaker. ' More Society on Has*. Six. Engagement Is Announced MISS BEULAH MAE MAIN Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Main of Route 1. Todd, announce the engagement of their daughter, Beulah Mae, to Mr. Harion Lee Harvey, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Harvey of Route 4, Thomas ville. Miss Main graduated from Beaver Creek High School, West Jefferson and Appalachian State Teachers College and is now teaching at Lediord High School, Thomasville. Mr. Harvey graduated from Hasty High School in Thomas ville, attended North Carolina State College at Raleigh and is a senior at High Point College, High Point. An August 11 wedding is planned at the First Methodist Church in Thomasville. Mrs. Reynold Named President Of Boone Women's Club New officers will be installed at the general meeting of the Boone Women's Club to be held Thursday evening at 7:30 May 23 at Boone Methodist Church. Mrs, Lee, Reynolds will b? in stalled as president; Mrs. IX L. Wilcox, first vice president; 1 Mrs. A. E. South, second vlltiS- 1 president; Mrs. Frank McCrack en, recording secretary; Mrs. J. V. Caudill, corresponding sec retary; Mrs. Bert Ellis, report er. New officers of the various departments are as follows: Educatioa: Mrs. Carlos De Lima, chairman; Mrs. C. N. Weber, yice chariman, Mrs. E. L. Payne, secretary-treasurer, and Dr. J. Ella Hardin, report er. Home Life: Mrs. Latta John son, chairman, Mrs. James God win, Vice chairman, Mrs. Horn- ( er Brown, secretary, Mrs. P. H. Vance, treasurer, and Dr. J. Ella Hardin, reporter. Fine Arts: Mrs. E. S. Quails, 1 MRS. LEE REYNOLDS chairman, Mrs. A. E. South, vice chairman, Mrs. Milton E. Muder, secretary-reporter, Mra. Wiley Hartzog, treasurer. Jr. Club Officer To Be Installed The Boone Jr. Womens Club met Hay 2 at the Daniel Boone Ian for the Installation Ban quet. The tables were deeorted with pink and white carnations and attractive programs using the same colors. Mrs. Dot Bark er, the out-going president, led the group in repeating the club collect. She welcomed the mem bers and their husbands, who were guests. Mrs. Barker ex pressed her appreciation for the support of the members during the club year, and named some of the accomplishments during the paat year. A spring rum mage sale with proceeds of 9217.00, which was given to the Watauga Hospital. A swing set was given to the community play ground. Approximately 2.000 articles of clothing were distributed from the clothing closet. The yearbook received 3rd prize is state competition. Many other projects were ac complished which showed the full cooperation of the club membership. Mr*. Gay Wilson presented certificates to the five mem ber* earning the greatest num ber of points. They were: Ruth Ray, Baoky Fox, Wanda Sawyer, Blllie Broyhill and Dot Barker. MrS. Tftni PMpmati <n?tfl11aH the officers for the year. Each officer received a little shoe regarding the office being ac cepted. The new, officers are: President, Mrs. Ruth Ray; first vicetpresident, Mr*. Gay Wil son; secoad vice-president, Mrs. Becky Fox; recording secre tary, Mrs. Lola Miller; corre* ooadLag. secretary, Mrs. Ruth Reeves: treasurer, Mrs. BUlie Broyhill; parHamaniariait; Mrs. ChipauM* Mrs. .Ruby Harris; and sponsor, Mrs. J. D. Shoemake. Mrs. Ruth Ray, the newly in stalled president, expressed her appreciation for the honor of serving the club as president. Piano Recital Held Tuesday The piano students of Elsie H. D< Erneston were presented in their annual spring recital at the Fine Arts building audi torium on Tuesday evening at 7:30. Students who played for pereate and friends were: Lu cille Welborn, Martha and Nancy Stacy, Elizabeth and De mette Spainhour, Tanya Shook* David Richardtoa, Judy Ray field, Richard and Betsy Ran dall. Becky Mean, Lori and Gary Ledford, Susan and Both Lawrence, Sandra Kirk, Bud Hughes, Murray Hawkinnon, Nancy Greene, Mary Ellis Gibson; Elsie Home Erneston, Jane Oottrell, Faris Corey. Kin Carpenter. Sarah Brown, Kathy Bosworth, Monnie Blanton, Tena and Chris Blackburn and Janice Ayers. Blowing Rook Community Glub Ha? Luncheon Mii Bob Hardin, wife of Mayor Hardin, of Blowing Rock was hosteis at a. luncheon for the Community Clnb of Blow ing Rock, held at the Lenoir Country Club, on Tuesday, May 14th. The. luncheon was. served in the beautiful French room of the. club. The dining ream was beautifully decorated in very delicate pink. A delieious lunch el breast of chieken covered with a > light sauee and mush rooms and spiced peaehes, a tossed salad, hot muffins, a dessert of french sherbert, waf fled cream cookies and coffee waa served te the thirty-seven guests present. After luncheon, Mrs. Wm. Shaheen, the club's president, opened the meeting by asking Mrs. Ward Courtney to lead the group in the opening devo tional. Mrs, Raymond Weger the club secretary wis absent due to illness, and Mrs. Elie Mat tar was asked to read the min utes of the April meeting snd to take the minutes of the cur rent meeting. Miss Margaret Vanoe then gave the treasurer's report. The various committees then gave their reports and Mrs. Lloyd Robbins of the Welfare Committee reported th?t her committee had taken care of some very needy families and i that all extra, clothes on hand plus new clothes had been dis tributed to thankful families. In view of this fact and after thinking the matter over it was thought best to postpone the rummage sale to be held in May te September. Miss Margaret Vance, Library Chairman, reported that the li brary had received 300 books from Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Edgerton and Mrs. Lynn Brown. The books are in the process of being catalogued. Mrs. Charles Smoot, Chair man of the Hospital Auxiliary of Blowing Rock, announced that on May 29th Wednesday morning at tan o'clock, there will be a meeting in the As sembly Room of the Library building to discuss '.he re-or ganization of the Hospital Auxi liary. Mrs. Smoot went on to stress the need of volunteer i workers, especially during the J summer months when the hos pital is filled to capacity, and the regular staff sorely over worked, so all persons who can donate some spare time please be at the meeting. Mrs. Charles Davant then ask ed the club to meet with her in June. Mrs. Shaheen theft welcomed back. the. summer members, and adjourned the meeting. There were 34 members and three guests, Mrs. Jeannette Apel, Mrs. Ophia Woodfin, and Mrs. D. E. Larson. Fashion Note The resort seeker should face facts as -she assembles hpr ward robe for the beach. She should have sensible garments for sail ing and fishing as well as the more glamorous suits and cos tumes for beach wear. ?r Now... W H*v? your ^ t cHamomte-RESETM M-lt WHO SITTINO Cl.M ?W? ' ll 1 1 1 B. W. S tailings Jeweler If you have flnWw4 school or unit whnl ? ? ? wa luvt join WlUill i $50 to $100 | A Wwk We halt never ha*-a beautician to tow uaempiojnaeat or be UMiofT o* account of ag*. SHE US es Beauty College lilt Ceatral Ave. ? Charlotte, N. C. If Engaged MISS NOVIE LUCY McCREE Mr. and Mrs. William Alien McCree, Jr., of Orlando, Fla. announce the encasement of their daughter, Miss Novie Lucy McCree of Reidsville, N. C., and Mr. Edgar Dudley Greene, Jr. of Rcidsville. Mr. Greene Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dud ley Greene of 327 Grand Boule vard, Boone. Mias McCree, a native of Orlando, graduated from Converse Colleg? with a Bachelor of Music degree in Church Music. She is the Direc tor of Music at Main Street Methodist Church, Reidsville. Mr. Greene, originally from Watauga County, received a Bachelor of Science degree in science from Appalachian State Teachers College. He teaches biology and chemistry at Reids ville Senior High School. The wedding Is planned for Saturday, July 20 at Main Street Methodist Church, Reids ville. Fine Arts Dept* Meets Thursday The Fine Arts Department of the Worthwhile Club met Thurs day evening May 16, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. South. The hostesses, Mrs. South, Mrs. Fred Tarleton, Mrs. Ruby Weston, Mrs. C. C. Coffey and Mrs. M. E. Muder, served a. bountiful supper to the mem bers and their husbands who were the guests of the evening. Mr. Herman Wilcox spoke about the June 20th Carolina Tercentenary celebration in Beone and games were played under the direction of Mrs. Herman Wilcox. Incoming officers of the club are: chairman, Mrs.'E. S. Quails; vice-chairman, Mrs. A E. South; treasurer, Mrs. Wiley Hartsog; secretary, Mrs. M. E. Muder. First thing this morning we are planning to start some re modeling on the back apartment over the Democrat office. It is i project I have wanted to tac kle far a long time and I can't vast to get into it We hope to have it ready by June 1st, and I will ksep you posted on our progreaa. Last Tuesday afternoon I went by the grocery store to nick up a few things and while there ran into Virginia Unney, who was doing some shopping ind taking her little toy terrier, Nicky, for his weekly outing. He is one of the cutest and moat ntelligent dogs I have seen. We bought and discussed dogs length and after awhile ran into Jim Marsh and three sons. Soon I noticed something was wrong with one of tha youngs ters, and it turned out that they ilso have the same kind of dog ?vho is named Nickey. The lit tle boy thought Virginia had his dog and he was upset no end. He couldn't wait to get home . . . and 1 am sure he was very haopy to find their Nickey was itilt with them. Isn't it unusual that the dogs are identical and have the same name? Went down late Wednesday afternoon to take another peek at infant Kim Lewis. She has completely captured my heart . . . smiles often while sleeping and she "rules the roost" when she is ready to eat. Saw one of my old friends, Mrs. Jim Mill er, while visiting tfie Lewises. She's a honey . . . was a Lewis before she married Mr. Jim. Don't think we are related. Something happened on the way home that afternoon. A storm was brewing and I was meeting two women who were walking. My first impulse was to stop and take them home, even though I had never seen either of them before. Carr were coming in all directions, I was late starting my evening meal, and I came on home. I still don't feel Rood about this. Wish I had followed my first impulse. Just before leaving the office Wednesday afternoon a young girl came and wanted a Ken nedy-Johnson sticker. We didn't have one but went ta- all sorts of trouble and finally found one at Jay Goodnight's. Seems she had destroyed one that belonged ta her roommate at A. S. T. C. . . . which resulting in a bad situation . . . friendship wise SHOWS: Mraday thru Saturday at 8 - 4 - 7 ? 9 ? Sunday at 3-8:00 THURSDAY? MAY 23 SUNDAY & MONDAY MAY 26 -27 COMING SOON My Six Loves S Miles To Midnight Only Two Can Play Days Of Wine And Roses TONIGHT'S T1HS NIGHT TO. GO u OWFO. A JMaVIIL . . . so she busied herself mak ing amend*. Hop* soon to haar all is well between them. Your daddy and I were sup posed to go to Morganton last Wednesday night to gat a safety award which the Democrat re ceived for 1082. but your daddy had an unexpected Savings and Loan meeting and I didn't want to go alone . , . so we imposed on Ralph (Tugman) to go. Ha really helped us out of a bind and wc appreciate it no end. The award waa given by the De partment of Labor. Others in Boone who received one were Shadowline, Inc., International Resistance Co., Builders' Super Market and North State Canning Co. I went to a luncheon in Blow ing Rock Thursday given by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Williams who recently boueht the Chest nut Restaurant. They had their official opening Friday . . . plan to stay open year around . . . and if they always serve as good food as they served Thurs day they will soon have to en large their dining room. The Williamses are natives of Hay wood county, but have been in the restaurant business in Dur ham, N. C., for several years. We wish them success and hope they will like us well enough to stay on and on. Had a letter from your cou sin Jimmie Rivers (Finklea) yesterday, and she said your .Uncle Jim and Aunt Ethel (Riv ers) had been out to California and stepped (in Iowa. City) for a visit with them on their way home. I know they had a won derful visit Will have more news concerning the Finkleas later in the summer. Must run now and get busy on loads of chores that have been piling up for ages. Love, Mom. May 20, 1963. Time to send bulky winter J clothes to | Trailway I* the uswer to your Winter Clothes care problem Registered Store Now ? Pay Next Fall 5th Tear of Insured Storage

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