At Work If m: , . ? y. ? ; Two empl?jre?i of the Town of Blow tag Sock ?re Red Killer (left) and Letter Brtdahow, both residents of the summer-resort -town, j The pair was doing general repair work and painting at the Blowing Rock swiiqmiog pool last week as the town Teadtea'ltself for the t 1963 summer trade. Killer is married to the MSHrnr former Miss Iva Underwood and is the father of two chlidcrn. Alio the father of two children, Brads haw Is married to the former Miss Sylvia Cheek. The two men have been working with the city (Bloving lock) for more than a year each. (IEA Scholarship Is jWon By Miss Henson ! Officials of Blue Ridge Elec tric Membership Corporation an nounced today that Judith Ann Henson, a senior at Cove Creek high School, is the recipient of ? $600 scholarship. This is one ?f four such scholarships being ?warded this year by the co operative to outstanding seniors ?i its eight-county area. Judith Ann is the daughter of kr. and Hrs. Jack Henson of ft le Vilas community. Judith Ann has distinguished herself with both her academic and e*tr%r curricular ac*)i??ejn?at?. this year she has serve^J|s( president of (he semor <9V. secretary of National Society, editor of the school paper, delegate to the State Ifattonal Honor Convention, and ?as senior attendant of the Homecoming court. Throughout Her high school years she has * ? ? ? . . ? 5 Judith ann hensqn held many offices and actively participated In various school activities including varsity bas ketball. She has won honors in the county, district and state 4-H Club talent shows, dairy foor demonstrations, and has been an active member in that organiza tion. Judith Ann Is very active in the work of her church also. She ia a member of the church choir, president of the Methodist Youtti Fellowship, and assists with the Kindergarten and Bible School classes Her plgQ? are to fit?( Appalachian State Teach ers College In' September, pur suing a in r.ngHdl ?nH French. Later her hopes are to obtain a Masters Degree to this or related field. Blue Ridge Electric Member ship . Corporation's scholarships are awarded on the basis of scholastic achievement, need for firumcial assistance, the desire to obtain a college education, and a willingness to put forth the effort and make the sacri fices necessary to achieve this objective. Plans are -to continue and possibly expand this scholarship program in the future. It is an expression of Bine Ridge Elec tric Membership GerpoeetienV interest and concern for the educational needs of the youth of this area. Pale colored lipsticks which were popular in 1962 in Europe are gaining favor this season in the United States. ENGINE REBUILDING Doit tolerate a wtoteMrearieg pirt afl hog Ihth robbing performance and drfrtag plMaaii. Oar expert rebuihOac paU your engine la tke pink . . . restore! paifat? ice saves gas and oiL .ST & Mowers ? Tllkn ? Scooters ? AU Kinds Enftae-Pwvrered MOTOR PARTS AND SUPPLY COMPANY, INC. m I*. St.? A* 4 tt* Botfno, ?. C. " ' " ASTC To Conduct Biology Institute Appalachian State Teachers College 'will conduct an eight week Summer Institute in Field Biology here June 28 -August 17 for 90 high school teachers at biology. The Summer Institute, spon sored by the National Science Foundation, will be directed by Dr. J. Frank Randall, associate professor of biology at ASTC. Associate director of the Insti tute will be Dr. I. W. Carpenter, Jr., associate professor of bi ology at ASTC. Others on the faculty will in dud* Dir. Frederick S. Barka low, Jr., professor of Zoology, North Cafl4j43 .State .College^, and Dr. W. T. Batson, professor] df "botany, University of Soutw farri'm MRS. ED S. WILLIAMS, w teemed citizen of the Mabel community, Whose death was recently chronicled in these column*. Picture m made wv eral years ago. News Of Our Servicemen 9KKVING IN FKANCk JvL?on AB, France ? Airman Second Class Herman D Hod ges of Va?a Creels, N. ?.. has anM here far a period of temporary duty under the Air Korea's new awiaai rotational assignment program, Operation Short Sport Airman Hodges, a personnel specialist, wiH return to bis permanent unit at Lockhonrae AFB Ohio, following his Short Spurt tear. Overseas assign ments under the program are of only a few months duration. The airman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R I* Hodges of Valla Craeis. aad is a graduate of Cove Creek High School, Sugar Grove, N. C. Readiag Course To Be Offered Over 600 children have regis tered for reading at the Char lotte-Mecklenburg Reading Can ter, according to ?n announce ment by Uberto Price, director of reading at Appalachian State Teachers College. This is the sixth consecutive summer that the courses have bean offered at the Charlotte Canter as a Joint enterprise be tween Appalachian Collage and the Char lot t o-Meckleaburg School Systeaa. Sixty interning teachers will reflater for the reading sessions at the Charlotte Center on June 8-4, from 8:10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Students Receive Scholarships Several Appalachian High School seniors have applied for and been granted scholarships from various colleges. Others will perhaps be awarded similar scholarships la the near future. So far the following have re ceived word of such a grant: Barbara Barnes (ASTC), Johnny Cooke (ASTC), Curtis Richardson (ASTC), Donna Breitenstein (Catawba), Leroy Coffey (ASTC), Sammy Sink (Wittenberg University), Wil liam High (Duka), and Robert (Duke). r F THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their kindnsss and sympathy daring the illness and death of our wife and mother, Mrs. Minnie Harmon. We es pecially are thankful for the beautiful flowers and the many baskets of food. ? Lewis Har mon and Family. Suits for older women or for those who haven't watched calo ries during the winter months have a softer appearance with skirts. ? y**? 7 jv wntrolW; K You Are In The Market For Any Type Of Four Wheel Drive MHfj VEHICLES now is (he time to cave money; See the new 'Jeep' Ualversals. The AH New, AH ieep' Gladiator Pick up, and the Wagoneer Station Wagon now in stock j 'at Penneil Motor Co., on Hwy. H and 18 at Mo ravia* FMls, N. c. They are ut gKiag ? 15% ?*Mtant aa all aev 'Jeeps' Mid faring the month