'er&onal ? <s j-/ JhtUAlb3 Utfon? JEAN L. RIVERS, EDITOR? Home Telephone AMberst 44889? Office Telephone AMherst 4-8818 Local Affairs Mist Gertrude Perry is spend iac two week* vacationing in Hollywood, Florida. Mr. Bruce Bumgardner is re cuperating at home after ipend- i lag a week in Watauga Hospital. Rev. John Gibson entered Baptist Hospital in Wintton Salem Saturday for a (erica of teats and examinations. Mrs. Ruby T. Wagnor of Fot coe underwent major surgery Tuesday at Cannon Memorial Hospital in Banner Elk. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hagaman were in Columbia, South Caro lina, Sunday, to attend the fun eral of ttr. George Sherrill. Rev. tnd Mr*. J. O. Young spent a few days last week in PRtsboro at guestt of Mr. tnd Mrs Horace Mann. Mr. and Mrt. Charles Itley, Betsy, Ctthy tnd Suttn spent list week at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Miss Jthice Ayers and Miss Carol Hagaman spent last week in Charlotte as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Montgomery. Mr. Grant Ayers, Jr. arrived last week to spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mr*. Grant R. Ayers. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Adams of Chapel Hill visited with rela tives and friends over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Toombs of Winter Park, Florida arrived Sunday to spend the summer at their Blowing Rock home. Miss Ella Fowinkle of Miami, Florida has arrived to spend some time at "Keepsake", Route 1, Banner Elk. Mr. and Mrs. Rom Linney of Raleigh were week end visitors with Mrs. Paul Coffey and Mr. Armfield Coffey. Mr. j. n. uraven ot UKeiana, Fla., was a guest of Hr. and Mrs. E. L. Ray and other friends in Boone over the week end. ! Miss Gail Wilson and Mrs. ESrelyn Coffey of Charlotte have 1 returned to Boone after spend ing a week at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Cush man of Boca Raton, Florida, have opened their Bald Moun tain Camp for the season ait Todd. Mrs. R. B. Porter, who teachea in the Cherryville city school system, arrived last week to spend the summer at her home in Boone. Mr. and Mra. George Spald irtg arrived Sunday from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to spend the summer at their home in Holiday Hills. Mr. Vilas Moody, son of Mrs. AIHe Adams, is recuperating at his home 14 Chapel Hill after ' being a patient in Memorial Hospital for several days. Mr. and Mrs. William Ed wards announce the birth of a daughter, Monica Lynn, on June 8th, at the Watauga Hospi tal. Mr. Harry Hurst of Winter Beach, Florida, was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Canipe last Saturday. He is a student at ASTC for the summer. Mrs. W. C. Richardson, Lar ry, Mark and Lisa returned Friday after spending the week ?t Myrtle Beach, South Caro lina. Miss Katby Drake of Pen sacola, Florida is visiting this week in the home of Miss Leigh Godwin and her parents, 1 fr. and Mrs. J. H. Godwin. Miss Elma Ruth Bnnton and Miss Mary Buntafa of Elteabeth ton, Tenn. were dinner guests o t Mrs. Martha Taylor last Wednesday. Miss Ann Becker and Miss Katherine Becker of Cleveland, Ohio, viaited two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Miller on Big HH1 Road. Mr. and Mr*. Charles Par sons and son. Dale, of Golds bdro visited last week with Mta. Persons' parents, Mr. and Mr*. Vkndell Watson, at Deep G*p. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gross and daughters, Reha Sue, Ethel and Nincy Lee of Nashville, Tenn. viaited last week with Mr. Gross' mother, Mrs. Cleve Gross. Mrs. L?e Swift of Beaver Dim was in Columbia, South Carolina to attend the funeral of her brother. Dr. George Sherrill. Mrs. L. B. Braswell of Mon tdt arrived Sunday to spend the wftek in the hofAe of her daugh ter, Mrs. Ted Hagaman, Mr. Hlgaman, Teddy and Panla. itr. and Mr*. W. L. flirfh, W!f litm and Aady, spent last week viiiting with Mr*. Higb's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Firabee of Lexington. Knroufe bdtne they ttteMe^ the Cnnual High family reunion in Gaston county. TfZ Jjl _ ? - ? ; ? Mr. and, Mrs Bill Crawford and (on, Billy Joe. of Ft. Pierce, Fla. arrived Sunday to spend the summer with Mr. Craw ford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Crawford. Mr. James H. Godwin, Cindy and Leigh, returned Monday af ter spending 10 days in Pen sacola, Florida visiting Mr. Godwin's father who is hospital ized there. Hiss Margaret Lynn Haga man left Tuesday for summer school at Duke University, Dur ham, after spending two weeks with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Len D. Hagaman. Mr. and Mrs. James Marsh re turned Sunday from Roanoke, Virginia where Mr. Marsh at tended the Notrh Carolina Sav inga and Loan convention which met Thursday through Sunday. Miss Dorothy Canlpe of Ashe ville, Miss Barbara Bright of Chapel Hill, Miss Doris Bowden and Miss Ellen Stephen of Greensboro spent the week end with Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Canipe. Mr. and Mrs. Arlow Watson announce the adoption of a 4V4 month old daughter. Tammy Sue, on May 31st. The Watsons also have an adopted son, David, who is 3% years old. Visitors In Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Mast during the past week were Jimmy Mast, Mrs. Colon Nlfong, Deb bie and Jeffrey of Winston Salem and Mrs. Tyre Casey of Cycle, N. C. ut. ana xars. a. x . nuweii, Jr. and family of Cumfning, Georgia are spending this week with Hiss Floy Cannon and Mr. and Mr*. A. Y. Howell. Miss Cannon will return to Cumming with them for several days. Hr. R. B. Fitch and daughter, Barbara, who have spent the past six weeks in Orange Park, Florida, have returned to their h?me here. While there Mr. Pitch underwent extensive treat ment at Pureal Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hamby, Jr., Miss Pam Hamby, Miss Martha Allen, Mr. Robert MatheSon, and Mr. Joe Todd spejjt last- week vacationing at Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Hamby also visited with rela tives at Topsail Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Bobbins and children, Robbie, Rickey and Connie Leigh, and Mrs. Hazel Macauley, who have spent the winter in Southern Pines, arrived Jtme 1, to spend the summer at the home of Mrs. MMauley on Grand Blvd. Mrs. Allen Craig, Linda and Roger of Blowing Rock and Mr*. Joe L. Coffey Sr. of Deep Gap spent several days last week as guests of Mrs. Coffey's daughter, Mrs. Ernest C. Lane and Hr. Lane in Portsmouth, Va. Hr. and Mrs. Charles Leith and children of Winston-Salem, Mary Charles and Martin, spent last week-end with Mr. and Hrs. A. Y. Howell, Sr. The children remained with their grandparents for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Farthing and children, Eddie, Betsy, Ricky and Stanley spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Farthing and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harris. Eddie will re main with the Harrises for the rammer. Mrs. Baxter M. Linney was in Raleigh recently for Alumnae Day at Meredith College. She was joined by Mrs. K. T. Boat right of Richmond, Va. Mrs. Linney and Mrs. Boatright, the former Miss Eula Hodges of. Boone, were roommates at Mer edith. Oat of town guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hampton and Stanford Storie this week end were Mr. and Mrs. Joe N orris Jr., of Opa loeka, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Russell TMd, Mr. and Mrs. John Crockett of Charlotte and Lane Reese of Atlanta. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Witherow of Nokomos, Florida, arrived last week to spend the summer at their home on Laurel Hill, is Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Greene, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Foster, and Mlaa Diana Foster spent the week end touring Smoky Mountains, Ghost towfl, lit Mit chell, Cherokee, and Linville Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A Harris atid Mr. fend Mrs. Dan Miller will leave today (Thurs day) for a week at Myrtle M**h, 8. C. aa guests of Sturdi vant life Insurance Co. 4tr. Harris a*d Mr. Miller are members of the "Key Produc es era.* Baird - Coffey Vows Exchanged Photo by Ptul Weston Studio MRS. DAN COFFEY Hiss Estel Lou Balrd and Mr. Dan Coffey were united in marriage at 2 o'clock Saturday, June 1, at the Oak Grove Bap tist Church. The Reverend Ray mond Hendrix performed the double ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Martha Taylor spent the week-end visiting In the home of her sister, Mrs. S. C. Moody in Elizabethton, Tenn. While there she attended the gradua tion exercises at Milllgan Col lege, Johnson Ciiy, Tenn., where her niece. Miss El ma Ruth Bunton, was graduating. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rufty over the week end included Mr. and Mrs. Erbie Helms, David and Ruth, and Mrs. Sara Dougherty of Russellvllle, Tenn. and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Shull, Miss Martha Shull and Mrs. Joe Donohue of Elizabethton, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Crawford returned last . Monday after spending the week-end at Nags Head. While there they attend ed the Blue Marlln Tournament at Cape Hattaras. Enroute home they visited Mrs. Crawford's mother, Mrs. W. L. Scoggins In New Bern. Dr. and Mrs. Lee Reynolds left Monday for Hiddleton, Indiana to spend a week with Mrs. Rey nolds sister, Mrs. Maurice Shro zer and Mr. Shrozer. Before re turning home they will go to El Paso, Texas for a visit with their son and daughter-in-law, Lt. and Mrs. Bob Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee Cash re cently arrived from Ft. Lauder dale, Florida and have opened their summer cabin at "White Oaks" on Howard's Creek. Their daughter, Mrs. Joe Edd Burch, Dr. Burch and children, George and Jeanne Ann, of Miami Shores, Florida, will visit them during the month of June. Mr. and Mrs. a. it. raircnua of Winston-Salem, and sons, Al bert, a student at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and William, a student at N. C. State College, Raleigh, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Trivette. Albert left Monday from New York foi a three months tour of Europe. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Goodnight and Mrs. J. L. Goodnight visited at Memorial Hospital in Char lotte Sunday with Mrs. Howard Goodnight of Gastonia and Olan G. Goodnight, Jr., of Charlotte. Both are patients at the hos pital following surgery, and are reported recuperating satisfac torily. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Hill and aon Wallace Jr., an ASTC Student, who have visited the past ten days with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kelsey left Monday for their home in Jacksonville, Florida. Another son, Stephen Roy, has enrolled at Camp Broadstone near Valle Cruris. Wallace Jr. will spend the sum mer at Camp Immanue), Grove land, Florida as lifeguard and counselor. During the Memorial Day Week end the following were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moreti: Mrs. Topper Wilson and Mrs. Floyd Smith (both sisters of Mrs. Moretz), and Mr. Smith, all of Beverley Hills, California; Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Myers of CfarttSnooga, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Dougherty of Boone; Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Dougherty of \Jt #0fr; tad Mr. Md Mrs. Billy B. McC.cftgan of Mrs. Delia Batrd of Boone and the late Mr. Floyd W. Baird, Sr. *n>e bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Coffey, route 4, Boone. The bride was given in mar riage by Mr. Joe McClung of Boone. Miss Glenda Jeanne Baird, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Mr. Quinton Wheeler of Boone, brother-in-law of the groom, was best man. Ushers were Mr. Ralph Lane Beshears, Jr., and Mr. Bobby Hodges of Boone. Mrs. Harold Hughes, organ ist, and Mrs. Robert Bridges, solist, presented the wedding music. The bride wore a wait* length dress of chiffon over satin with a white chantilly lace jacket, accented with seed pearls. Her shoulder length veil was of satin and net. The bride carried a colonial btoquet of yellow tea roses mixed with Iily-of-the-valley. Her maid of honor wore a full dress of yellow chiffon with matching head piece and shoes of yellow satin. Her colonial bouquet was of white carna tions with yellow net and satin streamers. The bride's mother chose a sheath dress of beige linen with pink accessories. The bride groom's mother chose a beige silk dresa with white accessor ies. Both mothers wore a corsage of pink carnations. lie bride is a rising senior at Appalachian State Teachers College where she is majoring in business education. She is a member of Alpha Chi and Pi Omega Pi. . The bridegroom attended Ap palachian High School and is presently employed with South erland Blue Print Company of Charlotte. After they return from their honeymoon, the couple will re side at 211 East Park Avenue in Charlotte. The bride chose for her going away ensemble a two-piece dress of charcoal gray with a white jacket, and matching ac cessories. Her corsage was of yellow roses. Immediately following the wedding, a reception Was held in the church dining room. The color scheme of white and yel low was carried out. Guests were served the wedding cake, nuta, mints and punch by Hiss Dot Baird and Hri. John Ward. University Women Meet The Boone branch of the American Association of Uni versity Women win meet at the Boone Hethodist Church, adult department, on Tueaday, June 16, sit 1:90 p. m. All persons who ire Interested in applying for membership are urged to attend this meeting. Visitors are welcome. Bikiftia Are Papular Bikinis which have been worn hi European re?6rt* f?T ytears, have begun to be Wen at Amer ican reforms. 1"he peculiar thing abottt this It that How the Euro peans are beginning to cover up more M At Mtes than th# In the put. i Mr. and Mft. Norman Sprung and Mrs William Weatphal of Detroit. Michigan visited last week with Mr. Sprung's (later, Mrs. W. J. Kelsey and Mr. Kelsey. Mise Tobinson Bride Mr. Norris ? Photo by Paul Weston Studio MRS. BURL NORRIS Miss Ruth Ann Robinson be came the bride of Burl Norris at 4 p. m., Saturday, June 8, in the Beaver Dam Baptist Church. The Rev. J. H. Crisp of Lenoir performed the dou ble ring ceremony. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Robinson of Reese, is a graduate of Mentor High School, Cleveland, Ohio, and Gregg Business College, Phoenix, Arizona. The bridegroom, son of the late Mr. Hoy Norris and Mrs. C. M. Norris of Boone, is a grad uate of Appalachian High School and is presently employ ed with Builders Super Market in Perkinsville. The program of wedding mu sic was presented by Miss Rosa lind Covington. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a floor length gown of white peau satin with an overskirt and bodice of silk organza, featuring a scoop ed neckline accented by medal lions of imported Swiss organdy. The full overskirt was accented by four medallions, catching up the skirt to give the hemline a slightly scalloped effect. Her bouffant veil of imported silk illusion was attached to a crown of white satin and pearls. She carried a colonial bouquet of lily-of-the-valley sur rounding ? purple-throated white orchid. Mrs. Elmer Todd of Carolina Beach was matron of honor. She wore a ballerina length dress of pink silk organza over taffeta. She wore a matching headdress and carried a colonial bouquet of white carnations. Mr. Dale Brewer of Shulls Mills was best man and Mr. Jerry Moretz of Boone and Mr. Bill Hill of Mountain City, Tenn., ushered. The bride's mother wore a sheath dress of navy with white accessories. The groom's mo ther wore a sheath dress of royal blue with white accessor ies. Both mothers wore white carnations. For traveling the bride chose a dress of white and navy with white accessories and the orchid from her bridal bouquet. After a wedding trip to Ohio, the couple will reside in Boone. Immediately following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride's par ents. The wedding cake, mints and punch were served by Mrs. Ernest Eggers, Mrs. Dian Reese and Miss Mae Thomas. Miss Barbara Smith presided at the guest book. My week started with a plea sant visit in the lovely home of Mr. and Mrs Joe Edmondson in Blowing Rock Monday morning. Mrs. Edmondson and Mrs. Fran Weber were entertaining Circle 8 of W. S. C. S., but Mrs. Ed mondson was not able to be present because of a death in her family. She has our sym pathy and I hope to go for a visit one day this week. Every thing was going along smoothly until late Tuesday af ternoon when our building next to the Democrat office caught on fire. It is amazing what thoughts race through the mind when one's life-line is threat ened. My first impulse was to rush in and get the books and other valuables, but later decid ed to try to be calm, which I thought I was doing. Soon the very able firemen of our town had the blaze under control, and several days later I began to feel normal again. That was when I discovered I was not calm at all . . . just stifling my anxiety. I could write chapters on the valuable service our fire men render to our county for nothing . . . and I am of the opinion that they should be paid the highest salary of any person in public office. For . . . without them we might not have a town one of these days. I really appreciate them and hope they are properly rewarded in the near future. Had a nice surprise Wednes day. Mildred (Mrs. C. H.) Har ris of Salisbury came by for a visit and stayed for dinner. We thoroughly enjoyed having her . . . and she says they plan to open their summer home in Blowing Rock very soon. Mrs. Bessie (D. T.) Brown, a long-time friend, came by the office Thursday and gave me a recipe for a 'different' cake. She hadn't given it a name, but it is a pretty pink cake . . . very good indeed and not at all hard to make. You must try it while fresh strawberries are in season. Pretty Pink Cake 1 package Pillsbury white cake mix 1 package strawberry Jello 4 eggs 3-4 cup melted margarine H cup cold water 1 cup strawberries. Add berries last and mix well. Bake in 3 layer pans in 350 to 375 degree oven. For ic ing use 3 cups powdered sugar, V4 cup fresh strawberries, 1 tablespoon vanille and about H cup melted margarine or enough to make icing of proper spreading consistency. I think this is exceptionally good and I hope all of you like it. Thanks, Miss Bessie! Virginia Linney left Sunday for a tour of Europe . . . and will be gone a month. The Van Noppens arranged the tour . . . as they did last year . . . and several Boone people are on it. On June 28, Virginia plans to meet her nieee, Beverly Wary, in Paris. She has been teaching in Turkey for the past year. They are such a close family and I'm sure this will be s hap py reunion. So glad all of them could go on such a nice trip! The summer season opened with a bang in Blowing Rock Saturday night when the Rob binses of Tweetsie Railroad en tertained the press at a dinner party at Green Park Hotel. Fred Kirby of WBTV was surround ed by children of all ages while the adults enjoyed a social hour. Guests from Boone and near-by towns went over for the evening only . . . while some of those who came from a distance arrived on Friday and were royally treated by the Robbins family for the week end. Must have had between 300 and 390 for dinner Saturday evening. They are most generous and we enjoyed their hospital"*! No more room is iett ... so will give you all the" news I know in my next letter. Love, Mom June 10, 1963. Miss Ann Whitener and Miss Martha Ethel Whitener arrived last Tuesday from Newton to spend the summer at their home here. Box Storage Is the answer to your Winter Clothes tm problem At Trailuxty Your Clothes Are INSURED Registered Insurance Receipts Store Now ? tty Next fall 5th Tew of Trail way Cleaners ? INCORPORATED AM 4-8415 E. Kim St.- MUM, N. C. Rotary Me

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