if Doctor Talk By JOHN B. REMBERT M. D. The general topic of allergy has been discussed before with moat individuals connecting al lergy with conditions of the respiratory tract and the skin. It is true that the majority of symptoms of allergic disease do involve the nose, throat, or lungs and the skin, but theoret ically, any tissue or organs of the body may be the site of in volvement. Allergic reactions involving practically every organ and system of the body have been recorded in medical writings ? such as the ocular system and the gastrointestinal tract and even the joints of the feet; but the renal and cardiovascular systems have rarely been af fected. The prevalent complaint of headache certainly has an aller gic reaction as the causative factor in many cases. The al lergic headache is referred to as a nondescript headache to a food and not necessarily associ ated with respiratory allergy. The allergy headache Is often described by the patient to be a throbbing pain or ache origi nating over the eyes, then gra dually spreading and becoming generalized over the head. Characteristic of the allergic headache is the fact that the pain pattern varies so from patient to patient? in short, the typical feature of the aller gic headache is that it is not typical. Ocular allergy is quite com mon with the typical symptoms of itching and burning of the eyes or swelling and redness of the eyelids. This allergic in volvement of the eye may ex tend beyond the lids and con junctiva, in some cases involv ing the cornea and even the deeper structures of the eye. In case of such allergic reactions your doctor must be consulted immediately with proper treat ment instituted to prevent pos sible irreparable damage to the eye. Allergic reactions Involving the stomach can be quite alarm ing at times, with distress so great as to raise the question of the possibility of a peptic ulcer or some other acute gas tric crisis. As the reader can see, allergy can play an important part in Commeiit On Sports By PETE rRITCHlE Washington, D. C. ? The Na tional League race' promises to be a humdinger again this year, just as it was last year, and us ually is. The fact that there may be a close race in the American League too adds interest But the National still is the best bet for a real flag battle to the end. The Los Angeles Dodgers quickly revived after their fumbling start and are very much the favorites again with many writers. The San Francis co Giants defending champions are very much in the fight, even though they dropped three straight to the Dodgers in one May encounter. The Cardinals have cooled but are still contenders. The Reds are yet to come but have improved from their miserable start. The Pirates are still a fac tor and the Braves are a strong er club than last year, as are the Cubs. The Phillies are a coming and stronger team. Both the new teams Houston and New York, seem improved. So it has to be an exciting year in the National. It looks like another battle be tween Los Angeles and San Francisco in the end. It may not be until August or Septem ber that the trend will be evi dent The team which could get strong pitching then, and make things hot for both West Coast clubs is Cincinnati. It should be recalled that last year the Reds were sizzling hot in the final stages of the race. Had they enjoyed a fair start, they would have won the flag easily with their late-season play. They were getting great pitching and coming on strong in the last month. So it could be a battle be tween the Reds, Dodgers and Giants and even a fourth club. The inclination here is to choose the Dodgers, because they are still hungry from hav ing missed the feast last year. To win it, the Dodgers should pull away before the last week or two, because the pressure would increase to monumental proportions if they go into the final week with a very thin lMd. People continue to get killed through avoidable accidents and the toll will continue as long u mm ffilt On the (lobe. the general health of all? and In this day of many chemical sprays and other synthetic mat erials the possibility of increas ed allergic reactions is more prevalent than ever before. Brief News Notes U. S. -Soviet talks urged on U. N. financial criaia. Houae committee cuta defense construction bill. Preaident gets a bread allcer for hia birthday. Ceiebrene aaka stronger wel fare programs. Health AndeBeauty Summer Is on Its way and the sun worshippen are already making ready to spend hours basking in Sol's rays . There is nothing we can say here that will prevent some de termiMd worshippers from get ting themselves burned to ? turn. However, we wish p?pole would pey more attention to what doctors have to say sbout the effect of too much urn on 11 ?? I I . I the *kia. We have known for many year* that the ran has an aging effect w human skin. It will coarsen and thicken the akin. Now we known that expoeure to great amount* of sun can cause ?ancer of the skin. The skin on the face is the most often affected by ikia cancer caused by ran exposure. The noae and temple* art two extremely lenaitive spoti ? ao take care. The fairer your complexion? the 1?m pigment you have in your akin? the leu ran you can safely tolerate. Always protect your skin with a cream-type sun lotion before going out on the beach. Wear a sun hat and keep account of the time spent in the tun. Remember that reflection from water or white sand can burn as well as direct sun rays. m EACH FITEI PART OUT AT TNI JOINT . . . NOT HACKED ft OHOPPED Bjcfc aa^itaia? 1 5 itpM pMitf flt Hm jthrti part*. Extra car* I* fbraa to Hm cattiaf af Winn-Diik'f Smnmrnt impacted frytn to iaiara that |in|| ma Lj|?La J ^IfcAAMAdl kftlltA^ anJ liMbkjMB Mrft y%?aa y?l aa^P W / waa^^jp^^^a^ap wl WWwW/ ^Bwa^B aa w ^p^w^Fva ^*nPa Until ya? hava toriW Wiaa-Dizia'i taparb frytrt yaa }uart L.,u.n *t aalmiai -Ll-L? ?_* U. |l-ai| TM 'm ? . IMITwIl I W?|wywQ aHlaRan aPa Ifp *?MV* I fOPIO?'*