Five-Day M ^aammmgw^/ry - By BAUC CADDY Sands. ? Progress, as man IrBAWfi it kno alaadilv niiahoH BfvlUIIj JmIOIIvu him farther and farther away from nature. Slowly but surely over the centuries man has found his migration from the cava to the concrete city can yons inevitable. But every now and then an energetic group or organize tion or individual makes the much-needed mecca back to na ture. And during the warm summer months, their lveed can be found ilong almost any by way or ?t roadside camps far and wide. One such group came to this picturesque village last week and had, in the words of one participant, "The time of our life." The nature lovers were Wa tauga County Girl Scouts who took part in a five-day Neigh borhood Day Camp. Thirty-four naturally energetic lasses and eight haggered adults camped. hiked, cooked, ate, studied stars, conservation, health and safety, etc., learned the akijls of good camping, sang songs 1H their sterling throat; were raspy, awl ran and romped over aom* of Nature's prettiest hillaMee. One late afterneoo i?at week,] amidst the clamor of ytfpng girls preparing the evening meal over charcoal pits, Mrs John "Hal" McNoely strolled through the campsite, explaining the func tions qf the five-day event. Clad in casual camp apparel. Mrs. McNeely commented that camping is an integral part of the Girl Scout program. "The day camps provide outdoor op portunities and experiences on a day-to-day baaif," ah* explain ed. "The five-day campoot in cludes an overnight camping experience for intermediate and SOOUU." Turning to a makeshift table which had been laaad together With bark, ahe said, "Campcraft er Units for eldar girls with Under the direction of Mrs. Bell Bosworth, left background, and Mrs. Jennie Greene, leaning forward, the Brownie Scout campers made terraniuins for display. Mom and other plant life were arranged in large gallon Jar*. ? gii,. i . .1 Ivey Moore, of North Wtlkesboro, pictured here with a put mod In the bottles of Cowpens and Guilford Court Howe, !? Chief Soout lor thp Wagon Traht, and respon sible for Its safety. They're the Real McCoy! WAGON TRAIN SOUVENIR Ox Shoes ?1 ? per pair The tixteea ahoe-h?lves *h?wn In thla ?n tto req^fti umber for fbaeiag a jwfc* mt mm. Ibe rehe proceeded with her explanation of the camp pro gram, the laughter .of three dozen gleeful girls continued ringing forth from the camp aite. Apparently their fourth and next-to-last day In close harmony with nature had not surpressed their youqg spirits. "They never got tired," Mrs. llcNoely said cheerfully. Tents dotted the sbady lawn at the Clyde Greene farm. Col umns of aemHransparant smoke spirited umyrd around shining faces bent over cooking ham burger me?L The canjp director stated that teng sesaioee and story telling around open campfires, held af ter the ?**?l?g meal has been taken, emphasises the principle beliefs of Girl Scouting? inspir ing girts with the highest ideals of character, conduct, patriot ism and service. "This U a favorite activitity with them," At said Also rati** high on the giris' popularity list is hiking, sad the ISO-acre Una on the Ray Brown *?d provided more than | tropic room (or K{il8viQtioj - This i? u? am year ?? have had a Girt Scout Camp in Watauga county," Mrs. Sab Shook, camp nurse (and an R.N. at the AfiTC campus), inter jected. "Heretofore, we've had to take our girls to Uorgantoo or Lenoir." jg "We hope that this can bo cone an annual affair in Wa tauga county," Mrs. McNeely said. The (touts participated in the caav activities each day from 1 to 7 f as. Thursday night they camped oat all night. "The girls camp together la small units aad operate independent ly." Mrs. McNeely said. "They uae the patrol system form of Girls watah' with curioas eyes at Mr* Toranue Oaborne direct* the tvaning cookout. "It's fun cooking," one scout ?aid. "Evan if you can't ?at it," awtthar jibed. government, planning their awn 0 , _ ? ? activities, learning about and enjoying nature and the out-of doors while developing such qualities aa self reliance, re sourcefulness, and initiative." Program eonaultanta at laat week', camp included Mrs. Rus sell Brown, representative of the Catawba Valley Girl Scant Council and diatrict advisor far Watauga county; Mrs. G. D. S troupe, Lenoir lila* Mary Leacfc, camping ad ministrator; Mrs. Shook and Mn Nina Martin, nurse*. Mrs. Frances Fulmer, Mr. and Mrs Paul Miller, Mr. and Mrs. tommie Osborne; Mrs. Ben Bos worth; Mrs. Jennie Greene; Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Bay; and Mrs. McNoely's hus band, all volunteer workers. Some of the volunteers' chil dren *Im were at the camp, i though jot as seouti in all cases. In tact, one tent of boys stood majestically on one hill by it mU. m ? down at Um WaUwr w to thr drivfiwiv MHm h added, "In 1#03 there 11 day <*m pi ioveJvii 280 volunteer adults aad pra i aides and 1MQ Girl Stent ,-T%ia rear we will IX day camps with MO vol *w Aad hare at af laat SI day* of !? rjdd? Four of the camp directors make use of a crude table as they review plans for the Day Cathp. They are (1. to r.) Mr*. John McNeely, director; Miss Mary Leach, camping adminis trator, Mrs. G. L. Stroupe, Lenoir consultant, and Mrs. Russell Brown, district advisor. Washing up aorfdrinkijjg u$ at the farm spring house is * group of the vqiuatoar workers' children. Either too young to participate in Day Camp or of the wrong sex, the boys anil' girls refuted to be left out on all the fun. WAGON}!- TRAIN ||g . HO! A Re-enactinent of Daniel Boone's Pilgrimage Across The Blue Ridge Mountains.,. Along The Exact Rpute ?: . " ; Barale Miller drives a team of oxen that will play a role te the re-enactment ?l Daniel Boone'* crossing the gap. The Ox Wagon tr*k from Fergoson In WUhes County to Boone, Jane 27-28-29, la more than a commemoration of an event In North Carolina's 300 year hlatory. It to more than the re-enaetateat of a poignant moment In the birthing of aw own com munity- ' -V * V ' "<* It magniaea man'a age-old response to a force that has ever drawn him iato the setting saa, at civilisation aude its westward march. The British Minister to the United Slates WiB Conduct Opening Ceremonies for the 18th Season of "Horn In The West" Saturday, June 29 ? 8 KM) P, M. FARMERS! Hardware ft Supply Company His Band of Settlers Took $ ? ' 'M /?*' \ s- a ,* '? < From Ferguson To Boone! Bewttt Baraett