. Work IWataugans At w ore Farmer and grandson are Lawrence Hanson and Joseph Miller respectively, shown at their work in MV Henson's corn field. The 67-year-old semi-retired plumber and farmer owns and operates a 50-acre spread, has 16 head of cattle, and has some of the earliest tobacco plants in the county. Harried to the former Bliss Unice Ward, Henson has four children, 12 grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Young Miller, age 14, lives with his parents in Kingsport, Tennessee, during the school year and spends much of his summer vacation on his grandparents' farm. The Henson farm is on Route 1, Vilas. Highway 421, Scenic Roadway Roughly Follows Boone Trail By JOHN COREY Highway <21 roughly paral lels the Daniel Boone "frail that crosses the Blue Ridge Moun tains between Wilbaaboro and Boone and it ranks among the prettiest scenic roads in the Carolina mountains. The Daniel Boona Trail, equ ally scenic but not paved, fol lows valleys rather than moun tain crests. A trek over this lap of the Boone trail affords a rich experience for the fam ily not in a hurry. Because it reveals how pias ters tracked alongside streams and oyer animal paths ^fn tHHr travels, the trip if a re&vingflg. history. Secondly, the dust bumps, curves, narrow should ers and cliffs along the road in Still a distinct appreciation for North Carolina's modern thoroughfares which too often are *aken for granted. Boona cut the trail in 1773 when his family and five others crossed the Blue Ridge on their way to unexplored Kentucky. The crossing has considerable significance, says Dr. D. J. Whitener, Tar Heel historian and dean of Appalachian State Teachers College. Actually, it was the first prong of the famous Wilder ness Road, Dr. Whitener points aut Later Boone blazed the Wilderness Trail from what it now Knoxville, Tenn., to tha rich hinterland of Kentucky. He went over an Indian trail through the Cumberland Gap and thousands of settlers poured ill after him as America under went its great expansion west ward. On June 27-29 a wagon train partly drawn by oxen and load ad with Wilkes and Watauga County adventurers will reen act "Daniel Boone's Crossing the Blue Ridge." It will be a Carolina Charter Tercentenary observance. The train assemb les near Ferguson in Wilkes County, where Daniel Boone Ived before shoving off .for "Kentuck." The group will arrive in Boone three days later for form al Tercentenary ceremonies at ttie Conrad Stadium at Appala chian State Teachers College. Visitors are welcome to the I wagon train's camp areas (at Darby on the night of June 27 and Bamboo on June 28) but ?utaiders will not be permitted to break into the convoy while It moves. The Daniel Boone frail should be explored before ?r after the wagon train cele bration Here's how to get on tie trail: At Wilkesboro take Highway *68 to Ferguson. Go three mile* beyond Ferguson and turn right ?n (Re nr Put nm&. Tftts tr fie Daniel Boone Trail. The trail follows the Elk Ciutft iwif pass RHty ft ueai deserted lumber village) and Triple* (a ptctureaque Wata aga valley hamlet). At Tripiett take the steep toad for the climb to Bamboo. tW? paaaes through Cook's Gap which humps the crest of Uo Blue Ridge Mountains. At thia point you have tr? sad the Blue Ridge where Daniel Boone Two Routes J. T. Winkler, district highway engineer of Boone, and Dr. D. J. Whitener, dean of Appalachian State Teachers College, inspect the modern highway 421 and Blue Kidge Parkway at Deep Gap, which approximately parallel the Daniel Boone Trait Authentic Indian Relics Are Being Shown At Horn In West Museum It'* difficult to find a tmd tee Indian souvenir anynaone. Kven toe Indians have imiW te dismaying toy toMnhnates Md tom-toms with "Made te Japan" labels. The authentic Indian Relics It te owned Md operated hjr nr. and Mrs. Rabat A. Hoaay curt ia cowMadoa with th? Hon la Ike West outdoor dra ma, playing nightly eaeept Hnodayt, J una MBept X. Mrs Honeyeutt it the former Ruth Adella Myers, wheoe fath er, the lata lea E. Myers, was an Indian agent She was born at Thuader Butte, S. D., where her lather was tha Cheyenne reservation agent. When she was old enough he took her to the city schools at Rushvllle, Nebraska. During Myer's years as an agent, the Indians presented Mm gifta of bead work, pnace pipes, moccasins, vests, drums, headdress, even porcupine quill work. Gift! have a meaning to the Indian paella. Eaeh year the redmen have a Fourth of July celebration ? an independence day for them? when they cele brate the Indians' victory over General Custer. They exchange gifts made during the yaar. Gifta received in previous years are kept with in the families and passed on from generation to generation. When Myers found this out, he asked the Indians if he was. expected to make and exchange gifts too. He waa not ? all of the gifts to Mm were a token of the high esteem the Indian nation felt for him. This re sulted in his acquiring a large collection, once aaid to be the largest privately owned Indian collection in the country. The collection passed on to his daughter and she stored the items for years. Then she "had the brain that I want* otter pao fb to Nt Ha ?Hi? tic In *?a aalics." Last spring, Mrs II? ai ll aad fear husband flora RaMah where they wwe ??nil ) in 1M?)' moved to Boana and aatebUshad the authentic Indian Relic* Museum at the Daniel Boone Theatre, home of Horn in the West. Mrs. Honeycutt has few in terests outside her museum. Girl Scoot Camp (Mntiauect from page 2) Elizabeth Bgwwuth. Kathy Bos worth, Sharon Blair, Beth Dixon, Am Edmiaten, Patsy Edmiaten, Elsie Ernesto a, Ann Palmar, Terry Greene, Joy Qaaan. Jan Greene, Mary Gib Mi, Lorraine Harris. Carol Hayes, Gizelle Ialey, Sandra Kirk, Peggy Miller, Ca therine Miller, Peggy Martin, Carol MeNeely, Deborah Ot borne, Betsy Randall, Shirley Bay, Tanya Shook, Ginna Sand ers, Bath Stone. Mariaha Trivette, Donna TrW atta, Lucille WaUborn, Dee WliBon, Rachel Yates, Terry Bryson. and Janat FuJmer. JFK MAY DELAY HHP President Kennedy may de Iky hia scheduled visit to Italy until after the College of Car dinals electa a successor to Pope John XXIII. The President would be un able tM visit Italy until after he goes ahead with firm plans to tour West Germany and Ire land. His tentative itinerary calls for him to leave Ireland June 29. If the new Pope is chosen by that date, it is pos sible Kennedy will fly from Ireland to Italy. Business is always better for advertisers. Technical Manslaughter Charge Faces Local Man Newton, H". C. ? Hickory pat - rolmap, K. K. Carroll, brought . XeaHQcal charges of involun tary manslaughter against Lar ry Henry Winebargor, 24, of Boone, on Juno It, after Cata wba County's 13th automobile fatality which occurred June 8, just outside the city limits. Winebarger was charged on the technical count far ardor to permit a court to diapose of the matter. The officer and an eye wit ness said that Mrs. Troy L. Fox, 40, apparently drove into the path of the tractor unit operat ed by Winebarger, traveling on Highway 04-70. Mrs. Fox appar ently was attempting to worn UM JMAfUXlg from First Street, SW, when her Ford station wagon was struck, the officer said. The Impact spun hec our into a 1987 Chevrolet driven by Char les WlUlan topper of Buther Fishing For The Entire Family! NO LIMIT Lakes 2 Miles Out m On Highway 105 fordton. *r?. Fox was pronounced dead on arrival at Richard Bak er hospital Watch AND Jewelry Repair MU Work Guaranteed WALKER'S Jewelry Store BOOttPj OMest Jewelry store Serving Watauga She sewi, plays the accordion tod piano tad performs Indian dances, complete, with costume and tom-tom beating. Bat hKHan relics are her eMef concern. They include In tricate beadwork, the backing of which is all hand-tanned leather, the beads sewn with sinew stripped from the backs of buffalo. She has the peace pipe hand-carved by Charles Piefcet Pin. A model of the boat of this aix-foot Indian Is preserved in Washington, D. P., as being a typical American Indian. Another ? valuable item is a beaded pair of hoy's pants which weighs about 15 pounds, a porcupine quill work that's made from the animal's quills which the Indians straightened by pulling each quill between their teeth. The quills were dyed with hues from berries, herbs, golden rods and walnuts. The number at people killed on our highways U testimony to the general carelessness at those that escape death or in Jury. If you think the price t neat tables are too high there it ma thing to prevent you from planting a garden and nWng your own. ENJOY THK NEW VISITOR CENTER AW GRANDFATHER MOUNTAIN PARKWAY - U. S. 221 AT LINVU4.? PLENTY OF CONFIDENCE? FROM SEALTEST ! A child looks to you for the good things in life; For the clothing that keeps him dry and warm. For the foods that help him grow. That's why Sealtest Milk is such an important part of every meal. Because you know yon can put your confidence in Sealtest. Sealtest does everything in its power to justify this confidence. Sealtest uses the latest in laboratory equipment, the ultimate in modem production techniques and the talents of trained personnel. The Sealtest Milk you rive your child has been tested and re tested for purity, quality and freshness. That's why you have so much confidence in it. Serve Sealtest Milk, and be surel See Valiant In action on "Empire"-NBC-TV ?MM plM I compact rated "hast valua" I ly 74JX of M dMMra in a recent U. ft. survey. ? Valiant la tfca law ftimi oompact which averaged . lUft Milaa par ||L la the 18 Mobil Economy Run. $1910* . . . Valiant's lowest-priced model . .. ? VHwS to ?? tow priomt oom i? t with all-new ti styling. Every body model in tlM line styled mw. ? Valiant is the low- priced compact with America's best mw 11 wiawlji 11 impi if AMMT miles.** I V-100 2-door sedan. Deetlnetlon chargee, state and local tana. If an*, oMtmll Hree, back-up Hghts, erfissl cows art* uda parts uplaramim or ra?olr, I tTMWiilnlii oaaa and Marnal i11** PtyqUtt'WUwt Papist's Warranty against del cote in mliilal and enrfcntonaMp on 1tt3 sots hae boon expended to Muds ??!""" dyy rttin4 pan or Mar, lor I years or 30,000 miles. whiohowr oomaa (Irat, on the engine bloak. head and Marnal porta; In p>to (a?Mn? MtM< ?utah ? tor4M?onv?rtor, driva ahaft, Wdvoroal jointa (aaoludkv du? aomx ra*r ulo ?d dMkraMM, Mi IMT b kw baan MM at NBMnoM* Intends according to the Plymuth-VaMant CortMsd Or Oki* Otedule?