FOR SALE CLOTH FOR SALE? Mn End*, Bolt Goods, Pound good*, ny lon aad rayon linings, dacron and cotton seersucker, laminat ed jefsey ? Steelman's Fabric Shop, Deep Gap, N. C. 7-5-tfc PLANTS ? Annual $1.00 doten, perennials 90.2S to $1.00 a clump. Tomatoes $1.00 a dozen except Big Boy $1.90. Peppers, hybrid cucumbers 2 for 23c. Specialty plants, hanging bas kets. Geraniums, fuchsias, lan- j tana, et. Phillips Greenhouse, Sugar Grove. 267-2757. 4-25-10p FOR SALE ? Three Bedroom Brick Home. Split level, eeramie bath. Close to College. Buyer can assume 4H% G. I. Loan. Call AM 4-8490 after 3 p. m. or week ends. 5-0- tfc FOR SALE ? Block Shoulder Peafowls $25.00 per pair. Pe fowls eggs $1.00 each at farm. Phone 838-8145, Wilbar, N. C., Route 2, Box 165. Mrs. D. T. Trivette. 5-30-3C FOR SALE? Large lot, 150' by 145'. Ideal for summer cottage. Call AM 4-2183. 6-6-3c FOR SALE ? 21-foot chest-type Uaico freezer. Six months old. $225. Phone 295-2631, Jesse L Brown. 64-4p FOR SALE ? White Leghorn hens; now laying. Price $1.00 each. Call CO 7-2312, Lola Rows, Valle Crucis, N. C. 5-30-4p FOR SALE ? 21 acre farm with house And barn; located verstone community. Call CQ J-j 2495 after 6 P- m. 6-13-2c FOR SALE ? 3 bedroom house with new furnace, big lot and Cirden on Lanrel Drive. Call M 4-8085 6-13-2C FOR SALE? 3 5/10 acres on State Farm Road. Some other small tracts. R G. Farthing, Vilas, N. C. Phone 7-2646. 4-4-tfc FOR SALE ? Two-bedroom house on large lot. Laurel Drive. Furnished or unfurnished. Phone 4-8806 between 8 and 9:30, or write Jackie Goodman, Itt. 4, Boone. 6-20-tfc FOR SALE ? 1969 three-bed room Detroiter Mobile home with full bath and washing rhtne. Call Plaza 4-6597 Le or se at 558 Oak 8t? Le noir. 8-20-2p FOR SALE? 1952 Ford V-8 9 passenger station wagon. Call AH 4-8769. le PIGS FOR SALE? Half Tam worth and half Burke. See J. B. Ragan, Todd, N. C. le FOR SALE ? Chicken litter, $38.00 for each 290 ft. house; to be cleaned out by buyer. Call Mr. Wyatt, Deep Gap. N. C. 839-2901. 6-20-2p FOR SALE ? 3 registered poll ed Hereford bolls. Cm be seen in Turner Storle's pasture oa Highway 421 at Perkinsville. H. M. Hamilton, Jr. le FOR SALE? One No. 7 McCor mick-Deering, 2 horse mowing machine. Zeb Farthing, AM 4 8233. lc TRAILOR FOR SALE? Atten tion: 1962, 10- by 90*, 2 bed rooms, H4 baths, reasonably priced. Small down payment, and assume payments. Located in established trailer court Marvin Russell. AM 4-8610. NM? FOR SALE? Stove wood, $10.00 big truck load, delivered. See B. O. Ward, Sugar Grove or call 267-2133. IP Typewriter and Adding Machine Service CALL 2C4-M15 Factor; Ttalaed Mechaaic Picks* * Mhrwy 8?nrfce AM W?fk Cuiwteei FOR SALE? Houm traitor, in A-l condition, $U0?. See at Buck Hodges Garage, west of Boone on 431, or see W E. Rush, after 5:00 p. a. at 113 Carolina Aye. Phone AM 4 8480. ???-t<0 BOOST TOBACCO GROWTH with FCX liquid fertiliser Wa tauga FCX Sank*. 5-M-tfe MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE S?ar sucker shirts, aaeorted colors ? $2.89. CHURCH'S. le USED APPLIANCES ? W e ear ry a large stock of used e) e? trieal appliances. Guaranteed A-l conditio*. Easy Terms Modern Appliance Company, Boone, N. C. M8-tfe IF YOU RATHER not pay *? for ? xuit, try u? ? We work cheap ? $24.09 ? $39.11 CHURCH'S. Ic NOTICE? New mtpply of mobile ho mas now ia at flthiw*! lb bile Home* Wert Main St, Boon*. N. C. See Gilnsar liar dock at the lot or Bobby Jo ilea at Wert Mate Golf. MM* TYPING ? Extra typinf by ex perienced typist. Dour office or my home. Pick up and delivery. Call 384-3542. 6-13-2p THE TOWN or BLOWING ROCK ia acceptinf bid* on a I H-ton pick-up truck. Bids to be opened 3 p. m., Jane 33, 1983. Specification* may be obtained at the Towm Hall. HWe FOR RENT FOR RENT? 1 bedroom tastier and one 2 room apartment mar college. Call AM 4-3057 lc FOR RENT? Cottage; freshly painted, good condition. $30.08 a month. A. C. Mast, Sugar Grove, CO 7 2087. 8-20* FOR RENT ? Efficiency apart ment, haat and water furaiah ed; one person or married couple preferred. Call AM 4 8506. 1? FOR RENT ? Unfurnished apartment, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bath and utility room. CUI AM 4-8508 Ic FOR RENT ? 5 room furniahed house with bath by moeth or week, off Howard's Creek Road. R. C. Barnes, 3210 N. Cannes Blvd, Kaanapolia, N. C. frlUp FOR RENT Basaas FOR BENT ? 1 bedroom .part meat, unfurnished. AM MM. IP EMPLOYMENT PAST TIME? WOMEN Eara $1.90 par hour and up at simri. service irienas, neignDors and established customers la city of Boom. No inxreatment or experience required. Chooae owa hours. Write Watkins Pro ducts, be., F-74, Winona, Minn. BE a SUCCESSl EARN a good Income close to hoaae. Friendly, pleasant and profitable, representing Avon C osmetic*, quickly puts $ in yeur pocket. Write Mrs. Bon aie Charles. P. O. Box 681, Morganton, N. C. lc WANTED WANTED ? One A model tour ing car or A model touring car body. Contact Joe Palmer, Box 413, North Wilkesboro, N. C. 0434c WANTED TO RENT? 3 bed Boom house in or near Boone by college faculty Member. Call AH 4-2406. 6-6-4C WANTJED: CATNIP HERB, i whole form, not cut up ? if in ||MM stage at 4c per pound; If in dry stage contact us for high est price*. Especially interested in purchasing the following at this time: Galax Leaves, Shonny Haw lark. Wild Cherry Bark, White Pine Bark, Life Boot Plant, Lobelia Herb, Sassafras Bark of Root, Slippery Elm Bark, Spikenare Root and many other items. Ask for price list WILCOX DRUG CO., INC. 8-13-ic MAN WANTED: Opening in your area. Car necessary. Route work. Highest earnings. Write Rawteigh Dept. NCF 950-864 Rich mead, Va. t*4p HELP WANTED ? Presentable. unattached young lady or wo man for work at Boat Dock Grill and Hotel. Short order cooking experience helpful. Room and meals. Apply Arney's Boat Dock, Watauga Lake, Rt. L Butler, Tenn. lc WANTED ? Someeoe to take over payments on a 1959 Volks wagon. Call VM22. lp WANTED? 500 to 1000 acres ^unimproved land. Must have 'water and lake site, be above 9000 feet elevation, and have approximately 360 acres fairly level. Reply to Box X % Demo crat, giving price and detailed description. 6-20-2C WAIfTTO Tract af 1m4 with atnim far ?aM lake tfd cabin *Ue. Ot K. KOAIMM N. C. Used OFFICE Bargains Desks ? Chairs ? Files Of AH Sorts - Directors Tables ? Lobfty * OUe Faraitare "WHOLESALE" Last Shipment Direct From State BMfU N. Y. Cherry Hfll Used Cm. mn Msisai LENOIR, *. C. A?m CLARENCE WILSON Wilson Gets Scout Awards One of the highest awards | made in the Explorer Scouts (Boy Scouts of America) will go to Clarence "Yogi" Wilson at a special church service Sun day at Boone's First Presbyter ian Church, according to the Rev. J. K. Parker Jr., pastor of the church. In making the announcement, Rev. Mr. Parker called the award "one which few attain." Young Wilson, son of Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Wilson of 117 Wood lawn Drive, is a sophomore at Appalachian High School and currently holds a rank of Star in the Scouts. He has been active in scout work since joining the Cub Scouts during his elementary school days. Troop leader Bob Ray of Post 111 said of Wilson, "Yogi Is one of the finest boys I've ever been associated with ? a real pleasure to work with." Wilson undertook the three stag* program a Httle over a year ago, according to Rev. Br. Parker. Each part outlines specific duties, accomplish Legal Notices NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY BIRDIE SMITH, Plaintiff, V?. CARSON SMITH, Defendant. The above-named defendant, Carton Smith, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Watauga County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff, to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant on the (round that the plaintiff and defendant have Jived sep arate and apart for more than two years next preceding the bringing of this action: the de fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Watauga County, in Boone. North Caro lina, within twenty (20) days after the 10th day of July. 1063, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action of the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 10th day of June, 1963. 0. H. POSTER, Clerk of the Superior Court 6-13-4c I NOTICE The Board of Appeal* and Tax Evaluation for Watauga County will meet at 8:00 a. m., June 38 and 29, in the Grand Jury Room of the County Court house. Written notice of appeal moat be filed on ipecial forma tea (10) daya prior to the meet ing. Forma may be obtained from, and returned to, the County Tax Supervisor, r. KAY DERRICK, Chairman of Board of Appeab. 6-lMe meats, or projects in such areas as Christian faith, witness, world outreach, citizenship, and fellowship. Each candidate for the God and Country award fulfills at least six projects in a year. On ly Explorers and Scouts 11 to 21 years of age are eligible for the award. In addition to the God and Country award, Wilson has earned five merit badges: life saving, swimming, first aid, dog care, and public health. At the next Court of Honor he will re ceive a merit badge in reading. It is good to belong to a min ority ? especially since the poli tical parties pay so much at tention to them. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I am no longer responsible for any debts or obligations of my wife, Mavme Church. This the 3rd day of June, 1963. FRANK CHURCH 6-6-4p Miller Industries Mfgt. of Custom made aluminum ?torn door* and wtadawt Awaiasa, tiding, (uttering, tub MeloMTNi glass. Itfaki by Factory Trained Personnel 605 Bristol Rd. 264-8824 STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Female Applicants Ages 18-40 Interested In Industrial Plant Work Report to the Court Room Of The Watauga County Courthouse Any Friday Between 9 :30-2 :30 NO m CHAROfO EMPLOYMENT SECURITY COMMISSION Cushman Bald Mt. Camp Avoid High Prices And Chm Up Here. Oi^r I Miles From Boose, and Live la vvr Ford Cast to Road Route 1? Bo* MA? Across Now River TODD, N. C. Retired R. R. Conductor Dies In Johnson City George Quincey William*, age 72, of Johnson City. Tenn., died there Jane 7. He lived in Boone froai 1929-1935, and was ? re tired conductor on ETtWNC railroad and was a member of Cranberry Lodge No. 508 A. F. & A. M. Funeral was conducted June 9 in Johnson City at the Fint Christian Church. The Rev. J. H. Dampier and Dr. Jess John son officiated. Surviving are the widow, Mol lie Belle Coffey Williams (form erly of Foscoe), two sons, Frank T. Williams and Jack Q. Wil liams of Johnson City; one daughter, Mrs. Nettie Buth Stat sula of Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is surprising how mueh work our friends think we can, and should do. Estel G. Wagner Real Esfate Broker Z3S EAST KING ST. ? BOONE, N. C. DIAL AM 4-24*2 ? AM 4-3*47 Latta Johnson-B. G. Ray ASSOCIATE BROKERS Office nwe AM trtttt ? Residence Phone AM 4-2151 tSS EAST KING STREET ? BOONE, N. C. WE NEED LISTINGS for HOMES, FARMS, ACREAGE We Offer Complete and Competent Service HOMES 3 Bedroom Frame Location ? Horn in West Drive Full Basement Lot Size 70'xlM' Ref., Stove, Drapea Incl. Price *10,500.00 4 Bedroom Brick Large lot 140' front Location ? Grand Blvd. Possession June 1st 2 Baths Price $13,800.00 2 Bedroom Cottage ' lncld. furnishings Livingroom ? fireplace Payments $92.00 mo. Location? Just off 10S Price $8890.00 ' S Bedroom Brick Location ? Farthing St. 1% Bath* 3 Bedroom frame 1 Bath Full Basement 2 Bedroom 1 Bath Full Basement Carport 3 Bedroom Brick 1% Bath Kitchen ? Den Combination with Fireplace Hot Water Heat S room frame 1 bath Spring Water 3 Bedroom home ltt Bath location? 10S Hiway 3 Bedroom house Location ? Junaluska Rd. Livingroom-Dining Comb. Full Basement Livingroom ? fireplace Carport ? Utility room Price $17,900.00 Location Farthing St Lot 79x179 ft. Price $10,900 Lflpptign ? Poplar Hill Dr. City Water? Paved street Good Financing Price $11,800.00 Large Lot Location on Hi Way 109 in Boone School Dist Immediate Possession Price $17,790 Location ? Winkler's Creek Lot Size 86 x 140 ft Price $6900.00 Lot 100 ft x 200 ft Payments only $84.40 Price $18,000.00 $3000.00 Lot Size 92'x260* 1 Bath Will trade fcr land Price $10,900. Small Unfinished house k lot in Foacoe .7 ACRE LOT in Poplar Hill Section? $3290.00. 3 Bedroom Frame Large Porch? Basement Large Kitchen Plenty Garden Space Livingroom? Fireplace Location? Hill Top Drive Price $12,080.0* New 3 bedroom Large Kitchen Location ? Perkinsville Full Baaement 2 Full Baths Price $15,000.00 Choice Restricted Home Sites ? City Water Summer Home Site*? One to 10 acres with excellent view and water BUSINESS APPROX. SEX ACRHS OF LAND oa Hi-Way 10S at Hodge* Gap intersection. Ideal for any type of business. ' ACREAGE 190 ACRES ia the Sugar Grove area, SO acres in pasture. Two houses, three barns. Priced to sell quickly. 58 ACRES ia the VaUe Cnicis Community for only *6900.10. Ideal for development. 39 ACRE FARM at Sugar Crave with .7 , tobacco base. Grade A ban. appro*. 1,000 ft highway frontage. Price *15,50000. BEAUTIFUL BLAIRlfONT LOTS, overlooking Golf Course. City Water, fvrmt Street* View. No City Taxes. 10 ROOM HOUSE with bath and ft teres of laa* Dafry ind tenant house. J8 tiftsii base. ' Located appro*. 10 sailee wast of 1