At Health Meeting Participants in tbe Western North Carolina Public Health Association convention in Statewille June 13, 14, are shown. Left to right, Jack Cobb, retiring prafcUint; Dr. ?ft>u Palquitt, Regional Director U. S. Health Service; C. H. Atkins, Assistant Surgeon General, U. &. Health Servli*. and Dr. f. W. B. Norton, State Health Director. Boone's Jack Cobb Presides At Health Gathering In Statesvffle The Seventeenth Annual meeting of the Public Health Association was staged at the Vance Motor Hotel lb States ville June 13-14 with approxi mately 200 persons in attend ance, including eight Watau ga ns. Boone's Jack Cobb, R. S? was presiding officer of the two day affair. He is supervisor of the sanitation with the District Health Department and served as president of the PHA last year. The theme of the meeting vu "Man and His Environ ment." One speaker stated that whatever else man may be, he is a biological creature who has to compete In his environment for not only his existance but also for his sense of well be ing. "Tour theme ... is indeed all-inclusive but none the leas prof ootid and challenging," the speaker continued. "Perhaps no other gfoup among the health careers is so well aerttmate4 to enter such ? comprehensive consideration, and no other group has so accepted the whole man in the entirety of his en vironment." Ef ve, Shs !^IT^*^d>Lta4eCr^ in(, from the Bethel Club, en tered thif division. Shipley me elected ee the District Vice PreeMeU and (H presented by Hn. Cellie ? - ? i m . m-l-l-1 ff . ? . fiB lu wlvnC , t/lDirivt flvllro Brvv" nomics Exteniion Agent, during the afternoon session of the pro gram. U. S. seeks to iocrewe its Jet force in Canada. That's Good. Tires Slicked f v Up Too? We've The Greatest Tire Un-Slicker-Uppers In The Business... Just Try Our Gripping Dre$s Rcviie Held Thursday Tbe annual VJI Drw? Bevue wa? held Thursday aftemooa, ia the Boom Methodist Church ed ?"Tf'fTIt1 *m |W? ummu titty had^ nude especially for A*?M dnt Wftn won first honor in the senior division, wfcia* gave h?r the opportunity to compote in the Oiatriet Den (iiutration Day iu Ashev.lle where she won an all expenae paid trip to 4-11 Club Weak 1a Janice Tester was awarded a blue ribboa. Ia tfca Junior division of aim elf school dresses, Judy Rupard wm first winner; Marsha Farth ing, second, and Helen Coffey and Pansy Fox received red ribbons. In the play or sport outfit division, Joyce Tester won first place awl Sharon Isenhour i i _ LUj. rlKhnn i ? i Mr*. Hugh TUson, Aasuuni Home Economics Extnnaion Agent in CaldweU County, and lira. Mary Brown of Boone were judges for the event Search lor the Thr ether (till presied by Nwjr. YMW Club Asks New Members yean or oUtr. are invited to ss-frs taer WnUutf* County Kaarue Swd presented the program of the tint iuae awetin^ Through *imil?r programs, which in give* throughout the to explain the work of many local and itat* organisa tion!, the group executes worth while project* Insurance Men Given Hoi General Agent Stanley A. Harris and auociate Dan Mill ar of Stnrdlvant Life Insurance Company qualified as members at the Key Producers Club, (or the Sturdivaot Lite annual meeting at Myrtle Beach this Harris, a repenting member oi the Producers Club, holds the Individual sales record for the highest production in one month. Summer fashions art for leis ure or active life. New low price on this handy 1 gallon metal gas can with alt the features you'd find on more expensive models. v Now . . a smartly designed sneaker in your favorite Madras piaid! Tops for summer, right in step for back to school. Sizes 45*9. Green and white plastic webbing .braced rockers. 1-iii. aluminum tubing with doubt* tubular arms. Oram and white.