Wataugans At Work ? '?&!&* "-i.-. v.. IffiSSfK sSRZra^^Slffl Grocery clerk at the AtP supermarket is Eugene Winebarger, 24-year-old Wataugan who has been with the Boone firm since it opened at it* new location in September, 1960. Formerly with Burlington Industries, Wincbarger is a graduate of Bethel High School and now makes his home at Vilas. He is married to the former Miss Lana Turner of Meat Camp, and the couple has a ten-months-old son, Tony. CAPITAL CLIPBOARD Small Number License Tags Carry Little Prestige Now By EULA N. GREENWOOD RED FLAG7 ... As the car frpjp Raleigh eaaed, tip, to the resMetlce hi the small Wq^ern North Carolina town, the driver said: "I would have' given credit for more sense than that. Look at that tag on his car. It's just like waving a red flag in a bull's face." The man from the State capi tal was on a visit to a friend of his who held a nice State job in Raleigh, but kept his residence in the small commun ity and was home each week end. The job-holder had given in to that old urge to be . . . or at least to appear ... . Im portant. His license number was, as we recall, 57. A far throw from No. 1, Of course, but small enough to cause fin ger-pointing and to create envy, jealousy and the charge of "biggety". COURT . . . This was more than ten 'years ago; and since that time the small-number li cense plate has ceased to carry any meaning . . . except right at the top and for members of the State Supreme Cuurt whose license plates run J-l, J-2, and down the line. Now members of the Legis lature ... if they want them . . . can get license plates that have the same number as the seat they occupied in the 1963 Legislature. Not only that, but these plates glow in the dark! One of the things that led to W. Kerr Scott's becoming Gov ernor and U. S. Senator was that he would not be pulled in to such high-faluting business. In a day when everybody and his brother around Raleigh in sisted (? getting his special low number, Agriculture Commis sioner Scott said nothing doing . . . would have no part of it. BUFFALO . . . We predict here that a goodly percentage of the legislators will not wear the fancy plates and, further, that within two years . . . four at the outside . . . Rep. Car) Bailey's idea which seemed so good at the time introduced will have gone the way of the buffalo and the do-do bird. RALEIGH MUST ... Al though the Legislature has left Raleigh for a spell, interest in the sijK?d-a-h*W-m)lllon-<iollar Legislative Building continues keen. The word we fat is that up wards of ISjOM have visited and gone over the place on a single day since adjournment of the General Assembly. It is The Place to see for people coming to Raleigh. They come in droves ?all in ?l sexes, and all * T -,'rr i We would estimate that pro bably a half-million people ? mostly school children, of course? have visited the Legis-" 'laUve Building ... or State House, if you prefer . . . since it opened for business last win ter. * REST ROOM . T. Thousands and millions of words went in to the writing of new laws by the IMS Legislature. Now it it up to the legal scholars to in terpret just exactly what they mean. It will be found in some instances ... if the past is any criterion . . . that a law says one thing, but means some thing else. Words Just dont mean the same thing to every body. Tor example, we heard re cently of this minister who had driven quite a few miles into the country from Hickory to supply for this small church. He found only one person there ? the bell-ringer, janitor, and general handyman. "Do you have a men's rest room", the minister asked. The janitor said no, but said he could fix him one in "just a minute." To the minister, this sound ed like pretty fast plumbing, but h? followed the janitor through the auditorium and in to one of the classroom* in the 'education annex. "Now you let right <Uwa. You just rest right in here. Won't be anybody coining in to disturb you for a good thirty minutM." ESTATE ... We noticed the other day that Edward Tremont Burr, who died last October, left an estate valued at $383, ISRAELIS TRAIN IN U. S. Israeli military technicians will begin training in the United States this month in use of the Army's Hawk air defense mis sile. Israel wants to buy the super sonic model missile to counter what it claims is a dangerous bdild-up of air strikng power in the neighboring United Arab Republic. The Army announced 114 Israeli military men will be trained to use and maintain the Hawk system. Hoffa weighs fringe benefits as tax offset. 100 trillion volt atom smash er discussed. Don't tolerate a winter-wearing gas-*nd-oll hog than robbing performance and driving pleasure. Oar expert rebuilding pita yonr engine In the pink . . . rettorea Papers filed with the clerk of Wake Cousty Superior Court |ave the various item* in the estate. The line that caught our at tention about the estate of the late Mr. Burr, who was senior trie* president of the Durham life Insurance Co., was that he left only $1,000 ... in life in surance. TOLL ROADS . . . Thanks to the recent legislative action, North Carolina is moving back into the toll business with lta highways. You can understand some of the apposition to the idea . . . though there is plenty to say in favor of it, toe . . . with the following: A friend of our* and his fam ily recently visited in the Cape Cod country of Massachusetts on vacation. They follow the big highway, bypasses, and all that, and foand upon their re turn they had spent $3.89 more for toll payments than they had for gas! But the only way to avoid toll charges on your vacation trip particularly if you are go ing North? is to take the back roads or plow right through the cities. FORTISSIMO! . . . Even though the Legislature has been gone for over two weeks now, everything is still stormy ?round Raleigh. Last week we had several severe electrical storms, with lightning strikes here and. there.. One bolt hit the home Legal Notices NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY Under and by the virtue of the power of aale contained In a certain deed of trust execut ed by Margaret Sue Isaacs (Single) snd T. E. Isaacs (Sin gle), dated September 4, 1096, and recorded in Deed of Trust Book 70. st Page 206. in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Watauga County, North Caro lina, default having been made in the payment of the lndebted & thereby secured and said of trust being by the terms of subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will of fer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Boone, Watauga County, North Caro lina at 12:00 o'clock noon, on the 23rd day of July, 1063, the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and be ing in Beaver Dam Township, Watauga County, North Caro lina, and more particularly de scribed as follows: BEGINNING on a maple run ning east 44-2/3 poles to a stake, G. C. Harmon's corner: thence south 7 degrees east 10 poles to a stake in the branch and road; thence down and with said rosd 94-3/4 poles to a stake In A C. Greene's line: thence west with said line 44 poles to a stake; thence north 16 de grees west with A. C. Greene's conditional line 81 poles to a chestnut oak: thence north 18 degrees east 19poles to a stake; thence north 77 degrees east 9 poles to a stake; tnence north 47 degrees east 2 poles to a stake, Trivott's corner; thence south 93% degrees east 34 poles to a double chestnut above a rock; thence east 29 Vi poles to the BEGINNING, containing 45-9/18 acres, more or less. But this sale will be made subject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes. This 18th day of June. 1063. Stacy C. Eggers, Jr., Trustee 6-27 -4c -e of Dr. Christopher Crittenden, North Carolina head of archi ve* and hiatory. The report we get la that ? hole as big u your head wai made in the wall of the living room. la the room at the time, play ing the piano, was Mrs. Critten den. Crescendo now ? and great shades of Rachmaninoff! EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as the Exe cutor of the will of Walter W. Jones, late of the county of Watauga, SUte of North Caro lina, this is to notify those hav ing claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me within 6 months of the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All those indebted to the estate are asked to make immediate payment. This July 8, 1963. ? LUCIA RODWELL JONES, Executor, Route 3, Boon# N. C. 7-11-4C NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL OF BONDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of Intention of the undersigned to file application with the Loc al Government Commission. Ra leigh, North Carolina, for its approval of the issuance of the following proposed bonds of the County of Watauga, which shall be subject to approval of the voters of said County at an elec tion: (1) $1,630,500 of bonds for the purpose of constructing in the Watauga County School Ad ministrative Unit several new buildings to be used as school houses, school garages, physical education and vocational educa tion buildings, teacherages and lunchrooms and other school plant facilities and to recon struct and to enlarge, by the erection of additions, several existing buildings located in such unit and used for such purposes, in order to enable the County of Watauga, as an ad ministrative agency of the pub lic school system of the State of North Carolina, to maintain public schools in said School Administrative Unit for the nine months' school term as prescribed by law. (2) $900,000 of bonds for the purpose of erecting and equip ping a new building or build ings for use as public hospital facilities and to acquire a suit able site therefor, If necessary, within the County. This notice was first publish ed on the 4th day of July, 1963. Any citizen or taxpayer object ing to the issuance of all or any of said bonds may file with the Local Government Commission a verified statement setting forth his objections as provided in Section 199-7.1 of the Gen eral Statutes of North Carolina, in which event he shall also file a copy of such statement with the undersigned, at any time within ten days from and after such first publication. A copy of this notice must be attached to the statement so filed. Object ions set forth in said statement shall be for consideration by said Commission in its determi nation of whether or not it may hold a public hearing as provid ed by law on the matter of the issuance of said bonds. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF WATAUGA By L B. Wilson, Clerk 7-ll-2c NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the Exe cutor of the will of Andy H. Greer, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Caro lina, this is to notify those hav ing claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me within 12 months of the date hereof, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are asked to make immediate payment. This June 17, 1963. ? CICERO GREER, Executor, Vilas* N. C. 6-27-ip OPEN EVERY DAY New line of gemstones and creative jewelry originated in Greenwich Village FREE ring cleaning and polishing while yon browse Restricted Mountain Home Sites Park Dedicated to Residents Paved Roads and Central Water System See or Call NOTICE OF SALE FOR TAXES (Continued from pg. six sac. ?) Bruce Greene 39 a 13.90 Burl Vance Greene S a 13.30 Chilo Green* 90 a 6.87 Clarence V. Greene, Jr. A 26 20 Creed Allie Greene 3 Ha 2149 E. C. and C. V. Greene 124* a 3.43 Mrs. Eliza Greene (Heirs) 39 a 3 99 Essu Greene 20 a ? 3.73 Mrs Faye Greene % a 3.59 Hooper William Greene 70 a ,? 48.90 Howard Luther Greene 3 a 14.79 Mrs. Nannie L. Greene 49 a 37.80 Mrs. Ruth Greene 1 a .... 10.00 William L. Greene (Heirs) 83 a 96.69 Worth W. Greene 6% a 16.90 Zollie Greene 49 a ... 28.19 Dacia Greer 2% a 10.00 J. M. Greer, Jr. 2% a ... 10.19 Linville Greer 9 a 10.00 R L. Greer 10 a 32.70 Beatrice Hamby 1 a 8.90 Mrs. Clyde Hamby 42 a 18.99 Dalas Hardin Hambv 42% a 23.49 Prince Hamby 29 a 22.49 Ray Dallas Hamby 20 a 43.10 Stewart Finley Hamby 27 a 51.14 Jerry Hampton 17% ?... 8.24 John Wade Hampton 10 a 109.64 Mr*. C. L. Hartley 7 a .... 2.80 Bynum Holman 5 a 2.50 Gene Honeycutt 2% a ... 17.00 R. L. Honeycutt and D. L. Jr. 13 L 4.00 Thomas M. Hopkins (Heirs) 32 a 2 20 H. W. Horton 22% a .... 2.20 Max E and P. A. Houck % a 1.00 Richard Lee Howell 4% a 38.60 Joe Idol 3-10 a 5.00 John Johnson, Jr. 3-4 a 18.10 Daniel W. Lewis 48 a 31 65 M. B. McLain 22 a 3.30 Delia McPeak 1% a 17 40 Mrs. Fred H. Micheal 3V4 a 12.00 Lee Miller 34 a 96 60 Luther Paul Miller 1% a 90.39 Spencer Finous Miller 128 a 40 31 Mrs. Vollie Nichols 3 a 3.30 Paniy Norris 26 a 9 20 C. D. Payne 41 a 18.05 Hoy Phillips 39 a 17.35 Joe Phillips (Heirs) 4 a 10.80 John Phillips 1 L 1.00 Mrs. Ora Phillips 40 a 5.00 S. E. Phillips 279 a 60.65 Guy C. Presnell 29% a 10.33 Mr*. C. C. Ragan (Heirs) 1 L 50 Clyde Ray, Jr. 3 a 14 65 Frank Ray 22% a 21.83 Roland Harvey Shirley 32 a 30.20 Columbus T. Simmons 9 a 19.15 Howard S. Steelman 7 a 30.30 Bynum Dell Teague 89 a .. 67.45 Tracy Triplett 4 L 1.50 Alfred P. Watson 11 a .... 81.85 Andrew Watson 48 a .... 21.75 Hessie Watson 1% a ... 12.50 J. Lionel WaUon 2 a 5,00 Floyd Allen Watson 8 a 4.00 General D. Watson (Heirs) 56 a 15.85 Guy Watson 29 a 57.95 Haggle 1 six-tenths a .... 7.10 Ode* W. Watson 10 a 13.80 Russeau Jerome Watson 40 a ? 20.32 Willard C. Watson 54 a 20.41 Glen V. Welch 25 a 46.35 Ransom E. Welch 1 a .... 15.57 Walter R. Welch 38 a 30.00 John David Welbom 93 a 78.67 Russell Daniel Wellborn 18% a 61W Stewart E. Williams 133 a 75.36 Charlie Winebarger 20% a 12.28 J. J. Winebarger 86 a .... 17.80 Phil Yates 2 L 2.50 WATAUGA TOWNSHIP Billy Dearl Aldridge % a 33.21 Earl Aldridge 1 a 33.00 Everette Aldridge 1 a .... 3.98 Herbert Aldridge 21% a 62.05 Herbert Aidridg# ? a ..T 1 SO I Donel Aldridge 13 a 27 69 Marl Aldridge 1 . *JZ 6QM E. A. Anderson 1 a Otha Andrews 107 Vi i"Z 48.56 , ?; Ayers 62 a 30.00 i, j *1?" a 33 00 Claude D. Baird 1 L 13 k J * Bartow (Heirs) lou a 99 <A Robert Bentley 6 a 2407 ,La Berry (Heirs) a lS4n Bw?*y 3* a"'" 3 00 ?nh^1 nB<?twri8ht 76 a 88 97 John A Boniver, Jr. 10 a 50 5: ; . Booier , Jr. 13 l .... 1 20 Charlie Brown 47 ^ a ... 1410 Caro A Brown and Iva Lee Nicholson 1 L s on T. W. Brown 1 L 10 00 Nancy Byrd 20 a ? 00 Berlin Calloway Mi a iqir Claude Calloway 1 , ~Z ? Miss Alverda Caudill 2 a 1 00 John Allen Ch,mberlin: Bert ChJrch 13 a Frhednt|:ehyUrHchClh3U,.Ch ^ Kenneth William Church Roger Clark 4 a ":: Mr.-M.Mie Coffey ? ? 90 R. D Coffey 11 , ri".. fS wil*.en oCoIe and Jerry White 2 a 1 no Clarence Cook 42 ? ' 4* 0, ??*? Fallah Cook 23 a ...: 1214 Allen Cornell 10 a 100 Ray Cornett 1 a 23 2? George D. Crittenton, Jr. Kenneth P. Daniels 1 I l sS Lee Danner 54*4 a 1350 JSprnG.VD,nfe,r ? 33.30 rL'-t. ' Darsey j l .... 50 oo DUlard Davis 39 a ...1 7.80 Mrs. James J. Davis a 1 00 Ruth R. Dixon H a 2 50 David iV Drexal 1H a " 100 ng?es J?j'er ^ ? 1 00 Rufus Earp 1 a 2585 Warren Edwards 1 L 18 lo Andrew Ellis 43 a ....i.'" 2115 Edgar F. Ellis 3 a 7 50 Charles and David Eurey ' Walter Fellows 1 L 2 30 Mrs. Clarence Fox (Heirs) 7 a a M? ' IFHX iEstate) 215 a 29,70 H E Mm, ' 40 * 4565 E r p 11 v 8 * 10-<X> L S ' rin f 23 L - 8000 U s. Gilliam, Jr. 1 L .. 3 00 PV ,Mrs R. O. Glenn 1 three-fourths a 2 00 Minerva Goldsmith 1 L 1.00 G. B. Gordon IV4 a 2 50 Mrs. Joe Gragg 33^4 a .... ^00 Mrs. Edward Greene _ ?'* a 12 an Ranee Greene 93 a 14:25 Wiley Greene 46 a 47 25 J. Edgar Harbin 58 a 44 45 John McDonald Harrison 15 a 21 rn Charles R. Hartley 21 a . 500 Lawrence W. Hayes 3 L 3$ Walter SSSTS " ' ' jfrg Willie u Hin 1 l :::: 13 io A^Hodgefr; lfc3aft71 830 R?e E Hollifleld 2 a .... H. Walter Horton and Estelle 30 a .. *00 I. c. Hovis 2V4 a 1 55 White Insle and Priscilla 1 a 2 50 Wayne Jarrettl L lo.oo ??f.,eg" 27 a 13.60 Paul A. Jones 1 a 3 00 James Gray Kallam 40 a 6.00 u- t. Kerr 3 a 1 50 Ruby Jean Lanier 1 a a on Miss Lillie Lord 1 L Z 30 Clara T. McCabe 1 L | oo iPeI C. McCurry 8 a .... 6145 brands McGuire and and I98a W. E^McMillan 1 ? ZZ ?i.50 Ralph Junior Matheson ? L MJO David Minton H a 59 80 Ben G. Moore Vi a 16.40 Ivey Moore 129 a 47.20 W. Roy Morrison 4 L ? 2.00 Jack Morris 8*4 a 34.50 Jones Nelson 10 a 2.0U Howard C. Niven 48 a .... 17.25 J. W. Norwood 4 a 37.10 Mrs. Willie E Pace 3 Ha 2.00 Joan Paris 7*4 a ? 2.00 Marshall Parsons 1 a .... 17.50 Horace Pearsons 60 a ? 9.00 Vassie Poplin 9 L 9.00 E. Logan Porter 4 a *0 Carl PresneU 3 a 11.37 Edd Quails 3 L 6.09 Rainbow Camp, Inc. 31*4 a 101.49 Mrs. Cenia Rich 4 L ...... 13.90 Abel Richards 1 a 1.00 P. Lee Richards 1 a 1.00 C. T. Rivers 5 a 2.90 Stella Simpson 1 L 1.00 Massie Smith k Sue Marsh 1 L 1.00 R. J. Stevens 1V4 a - ... 40.00 R. W. Stray 1 a 2.63 H H. Strickland 20V< a 7.30 Mrs. Margaret Taber 1 ? 5.29 Mrs. John A. Tate 2 a .... 1.00 Paul Sherrin 2 a 90 Dempsey Shook, 6 a 1.90 J. C. Shook 38 a 6.05 Basil Shore 20 a 27.60 Claude Shore and wife 5-8 a 53.00 Mead Taylor *4 a 6.20 Rex Taylor 6 a 27.40 Jake Tester 16*4 a 3.75 Grant Thacker 20 a 3.00 Clint Thomas 16 a 22.28 G. W. Thomas 1 L 2.00 Arthur Townsend 45 a 39.35 A. T. Townsend 40 a .... 4.00 Dick Townsend 1 a 11.90 F. G. Townsend (Heirs) 11 a 1.10 Floyd Townsend 29*4 a .... 21.70 I. Enzer Townsend 3 a ... 12.65 Roey C. Townsend 37*4 a 15.12 Troy C. Townsend 56 a .... 14.10 Katneryn C. Tully 1 L .... 1.00 William Jack Wagner 90 3-4 a 32.00 F. H. Wall k Margaret 1 L 28.00 Harold A. Ward (Heirs) 6 a 3.00 Brad Watson 1 L 17.20 Margie Welch 26 a 28.20 S. L. Whitaker & Daw son 50 a 11.00 S. L. Whitaker Dawson and Katheryn B. 70 a .... 13.10 Ernest White 6*4 a 31.12 Arthur White (Heirs) 9 a 5.00 Caroline L. Whiting (Es tate) 28*4 a 2.88 Archie Wicks 1 a 2.90 Mrs. Robert Woodruff 8 i a 1.00 : Isabel! A. Woodard 7 a .... 5.00 Wright, Heirs 2 a 1.00 Everette Yarber 24 a .... 3.85 Leonard Yarber 4 a 3.35 Dexter Yates 18 a 97.36 Albert Zimmerman, Jr. Courage is urged in Brazil's fiscal problems. Soviet pledges to a void harassing of Kennedy. Beautiful Mountain Development Two Miles South of Bamboo Exit of Blue Ridge Parkway * Lots with all utilities priced from $400. (Terms.) 9 Expertly-built summer homes ready for occupancy at $6950. (Terms.) These developers are also the developers of the aow popular Laurel Hill Development (20 occupied summer homes) where lots are still available ? Located 4 miles north of Bowing Rock on Parkway. At Aho turn right (first right torn exit on Parkway out of Blowing Rock)

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