personal t Ifjention ? Social ^$ctiuitie A JEAN L. Bims, OlTOR ? Home Telephone AMherst 4-3889? Office Telephone AMherst 4-9612 IP Local Affairs Mr. Earl Henson of Jackson ?Ule, N. C., U visiting relitive? in Boone this week. Mn Claude Beach and fam fly of Raleigh viaited last week With her mother, lira. Will Wilaon of Reese. . ?nd Joaeph Shaw of Raleigh were week end guests In the home of Mr. and Hn Ralph Tugman. Miaa Nancy Jane Spencer of Raleigh arrived Friday to spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs torn Bartlett and family. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Wilson ipent a few days recently in Gatlinburg, Tenn. Mrs. Miriam Smith, Carl Jr. ?nd Suzy of MooresvUle are (pending the aummer with Mrs. R. K. Bingham. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Lasater and tons, BUI Jr. and Eddy, af Er Wn spent the week end with Miss Helen Underdo wn. Mr. W. C. Garvey of Fayett* ?iile spent last week here with his mother, Mrs. Constance Gar ?ey. Mrs. Ed Strupe, Lee and Mack have recently moved from Charlotte to 130H Oak St. Mrs. Strupe wiU teach at Mabel this fall. Mrs. Langley Bryant and sis ters, ffla Mae, Eleanor and Su ian of Gainsville, Fit., arrived Sunday to spend several days With Mrs. J. W. Jones. Mr. and Mn. Glenn Miller and Rex of EdgewOod, Maryland spent the July 4th holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Greene and Miss Mary Helen Green*. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henson 6t Alexandria, Va., and Mrs. Caille Hollar were dinner guests of Ur. and Mrs. J. L. Reese lut Monday. Miss Brenda Wilson of West With her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Wilaon. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Hooper Trip lett and Debbie of Independ ence, Va. were week end guests Of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Triplett Mr. and Mrs. John Kohler and Bill, and Aaron Becfc of Pensacola, Fla. arrived recent ly to spend the summer at their home, "Briar Cliff." Miss Lila Gragg of Greens boro visited over the week end With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gragg of Route 1, Boone. i Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Greene of Route 2, Boone over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Beeker and sOn, Stevie, of Burlington. Guests in the home of Mr. rMrs. Ralph Tugman for past t*o weeks Hate Been Bill and Donnie Miller of Mia mi, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rasowo Pensacola, Fla., who recent ly purchased the J. W. Burns farm at Valle Crucis, are living tfcere while buUding a summer htome on the property. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLeod and children, Lynn and Bill of Heidsville spent the week end with Mrs. Konda Hardin and tie Grady Fartbiagl on the ^ilkesboro Road. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Miller and Rex of Edfewood, Md. left Sunday after a four day visit With Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Greene and Mr. Joe MUIer on Route 2, Boone. Mr. George C. Thomas and TfcndiTT, and Mn. Pauline TJi