BjU Greene, Professional at the Qakwoods Country Club in Wilkesboro, cane back to his old tramping grounds last week and, proved he still knows how the old track runs by shooting a great round of K. He played the Blowing Rock course in nines of 31-34 for the 69 and could posibly have done better. Guy Hunt had one of his better scores the other day, also at the "Rock" by shooting one nine in 36, his best for nine hole*. He ended up with an eighteen hole total of 80. He was playing with Mai. Thomas, Frank Payne and Grady Farth ing. The finest round of. all how ever, was shot by our fine youqf lefthander, Sam Adams this put Saturday. But for three putting eleven and twelve, Sara could have tied the Boone course record of 65. He shot the front nine three under, and played the back one under for a four under total of 67. His three putts on eleven and. twelve were from about twenty-five feet A great round by a very smooth "lefty" and he can expect to equal and even better this many times in the future. Boone Ladle*' GoU Am Loeal ladies turned out in fine fashion Tuesday as twenty six of them made an effort to win prices in the weakly event Following are the winners in last week's event, each receiv ing either ball or golf towel aa prize: ? iff Hole in one contest, Mildred Farthing. Low gross, Gertrude Perry with a scorr of 86, one of her finest rounds. low net, group one, Johnnie Crockett. Second, Fem Hunt. Low net, group two. Martha Watkins, with a score of 68 followed by Earle Thomas with 71. In group one. Mrs. Crockett had a net score of 74 and Mrs. Hunt 78. The ladies are misaing their President, Fran Weber, as are we all Fran, as everyone knows, has just passed through a very trying period and i* spending a few weeks with her parenta in Florida. She made the long drive down last week and arrived safely according to a card from her the other day. Tm sure everyone joins with me in urging Fran to return soon. Bowling Highlights Br JAKE JACOBS What do you bowl? Make your mark each frame? Or do you battla to break log? Best way to boost your aver age is to angle for that spare. The pros can tell you that every one loves the sound oof a strike ball hitting the pins . , . but spare bowling is the true art of the game. Believe it on not, the novice finds It easier to get strikes than spares. Wtiy? Simply because he's more relaxed facing a big target like ten fat pins. Con fronted with the little 7 pin standing in that lonely left cor ner, he becomes as tight as a guitar string. The only differ ence in shooting tor sparwsk the starting spot. Look at the pin-spotting equipment. Numbers will tell which pins are left standing _A missed spare cost you approximately 10 pins, and it takes two strikes in a row to make up for it. Hat's why spare making is the only route to a better bowling average ... un less you want to take the easy way out and Juggle the figures. With the winter bowling sea son just around the comer, league organization will soon be under way at the local lanes. All new teams and individuals plan ning to join leagues for the first time this season ore ashed to contact fake Jacobs at the Sky line Lanes. An enlaijjement of the Church and Ladies leagues is planned this fall and those interested in these leagues are asked to gat in touch with the lanes. MAJOR SCRATCH LEAGUE High Sets ? Robert Warren 936, Bob Light 909, Ray Ward 906, John Broyhill 906, Ray Far thing MB, Ernie Lewis 891, Ma jor Thomas 893, Marvin Deal 875, Harvey Ayers 863, Wayne Thomas 862. Frank Auten 859. High Games ? Jake Jacobs 221, Ray Ward 219, Conley Earp 211, Rob Warren 209, Bob Light 207, R. D. Hodges 204, Roger Thomas 204, Wayne Thomas 204, Frank Auten 203, Max Trivett 203, Larry Moody 201. Standings: Majors Trio '9|>ans ..... BJB Trio ... Strikers .... Holdouts .... Keglers .... Neophytes .. Wards Team Antique Auto Splits ....... MIXED LEAGUE Ladies High Game ? Mamie Craig 181, Ginger Hortoi 181, Ruth Edminston 158, Mildred Stephenson ' 157, Leotta Triplett 187, Gilma Brown 151, Rubye Smith 149. Mary Helen Teague 149. Francys Jacobs 148, Mar tha GouW 14*i Mens High Game ? C. P. Teague 197, Charles Craig 1U, Lumas Trexler Ml, Lynn Steph enson 189, Stan' Smith 181. Mel Tin Gould 181, Bobby Jones 180, W L 19 U 14 lit 19 11 18 12 17 13 14.5 16.5 13 17 12.5 17.5 9 21 9 21 Remember the big guy In Jack Mid the Beanstalk? Re member how Jack got In his castle and grabbed hi* hen? The Giant had a problem! Just about won tad him to death. What ha naedad was an INf Homeowners rantu? policy? one low premium to protect against burgh ry, lightning, windstorm and persanal liability. Protect your castle. Be sure . ? . Insure , . . with INAt Call um. We'll tell you mart. Comment On Sports t Mr VOTE FRITQUIS WASHINGTON, D. C ? It Mm lanks like a New VodtUis Angeles World Series^ the Ma jor League peasant wambles having cleared up considerably in. Mount weeks. Just prior t? the Ail-Star game the Yankees and Dodgers put the pressure on and moved out Of course, the Dodgers were out front last year and blew their lead. Chances are it won't happen a second time in the month of September hut it's not yet September, and there are many clubs in the National League. For that reason, -the Yankees appear a better bet at the mo ment than the Dodgers. The Yankees, it should be said to their credit, moved away from the pack without the support of Mickey Mantle and this makes their chances even more impressive. In the American League, though, there are strong team* alao this year At this stage, one would rate Chicago, Boston and Minnesota a* possibles. If Boston could beat the Yankees in the field, their chances would be batter, but the Yank* hold * 'hex over the Bosox that goes way back. The Botox can't break it. This, goes back before the days of Ted Williams. The Red Sox won in 1948 but they had trouble beating the Yankees all through the forties and fifties. One might reply: "Who didn't?" But the point is that when the Bosox would have won a flab, once when Joe McCarthy was piloting the team, they failed because they needed to whip the Yanks in the crucial series and couldn't hack it. That was the script again just before the All-Star game again. The Minnesota Twins con tinue to display tremendous run-scoring power, and would be near the Yanks today except for a costly slump and losing streak earlier in the season. The Chicago White Sox have great pitching and. the best chance of taking the Yankees in their head-on meetings with the world chames. That may not be enough. The Yankees have looked better than last year for the past month mainly because they have come up with a flock of good young pitchers. Whitey Fort Jack Gragg 178. Standings: Sparrows Eagles .. Wrens ... , . ?1 U . . 21 IS W L 24 12 21 15 Jay Hawks Blue Birds Red Birds 17 18 16 20 9 27 h?s won the big games, w U the modern custom but the young howlers have padded the Yankee lead. A Dodger- Yaoktta Wprld Ser in would pit the great pitching of the Dodgers against the form idable Yankee power and would be a thrilling one. Drysdale, Koufaz, Pod res, etc. would make it tough on Yankee hit ters in the October classic. This is probably the best pitching staff in the Majors today. And if anything will beat the Yan kees, it is better hurling, which Chicago White Sox manager A1 Lopez has so often pointed out WASHINGTON. O, C. - The latest word, m this is written, is that September 30th will likely be the day Sonny Uston steps into the ring with big-talking Cassius Clay. Of course, this is a battle of big talhars. But that does net mean they cannot fight. It is. one of those rare matches when both men seem to be fistically potent and verbally vocal. Sonny says he will put Ca?sius to sleep inside of five rounds and Oassius says he will knock out Hie Big Bear very early ? he may even choose the round later The impression created by the last Floyd Patterson-Sonny Lis ten fight makes the champion the favorite. Cassius may be on a par with him, measured by the standards of development, year by year. But Listen is more experienced, though still in his prime, bigger and meaner ? as the fighters say. He is the type fighter ?hc creates fear In hit opponent. Joe Louis did the same, but in a different way. Louis was quiet and polite, but his fists spoke with authority. Any fighter who went up against Louis, in Ms prime, knew he was up against lightning in both hands and like ly to be knocked out. But Louis was not mean, in the sense that he scorned his opponents openly. Listen seems to be thoroughly convinced he is the toughest, fighter in the world. This is a good mental attitude, even though a limited one, for a prizefighter. Cassius Csay also thinks he is unbeatable, but in a more norm al, if a pop-off, manner. The crowd might be for Clay at the Liston-Clay meeting, but the smart money will be on Listen. However, if Listen doesn't catch the yohnger Clay early in the fight, he might have trouble be fore the bout is over. At east it will be a more interesting go than the last few championship matches in the heavy division. And that is why these two boasters will be. knocking each other's brains around about six weeks hense, that and the "gate" the fight will draw. Pepsi Bowling Classic News The fiml night of action in the Pepsi-Cola All Star Classic was held last Thursday night at the Colonial Lanes in Hick ory with the Bill WHkie team of Hickory finishing in first place. Finishing second was the Max Fowler team of Hickory. In third place was Jack Austin team with local bowlers, Jimmy Billings and Ernie Lewis as members. In the fourth position was John Broyhill team with Marvin Deal and Ernest Lyons as members. In fifth position was H. Arney of Hickory. These were the top five teams in 30 team event. In the individual averages, Max Fowler of Hickory captured first place honors with a IBS average followed by Ernie Lew is, 186; Ulyesses Grisette, 186; Sonny Lefevers, 183; Jack Aus tin, 183. Other Boone bowlers and their averages w are John Broy hill, 180; Brnest Lyons, 180; Bob Brown. 180; Marvin Deal, 179; Conley Harp, 170; Jimmy Billings, 163; Frank Triplett 164. A lot of defeated primary can didates have recently come to the conclusion that the voter is a moron. 1 About Your Home The utiity room is definitely an, important part o { naw bouses, and if the prwpnt trend keeps an, this room will become as comnwnplace as tt? kit?ben. Women agree that there must be ? place in the home where the washer and dryer can be operated with allied activities, such as ironing and sewing. ?Most women aak for separate laundry units, r built-in ironing board and a pair of porcelain tubs that can be used to hand wash colored and white clothing, defrost large items such as twenty-five pound turkeys, cut flowers, and even bathe a baby. The utility room, we are told, should be about 10 by IX feet, located next to the kitchen, and have a door leading to the bock yard. It should be decorated at tractively so that a woman will want to work there. It is a very good ktea for the ilility areas to have separate electrical circuits so that the washing machine and toaster can be operated simultaneously with out fear of blowing a fuse. The placement el electrical outlets brought heavy criticism from one group of women. They decried the pcactioe of placing cutlets above baseboard, level in rooms other than the kitchen and the bathroom. More outlets are needed in every room in the average hone. Outdoor living areas art ex tremely important to the mod ern family life. However, the ten dency of late to ignore the im portance of a utility yard that is planed with the same thou^it and effort as the garden, is al ways a mistake in a family yard. A recent survey showed the swimming pool was favored by the majority of homemakers as a backyard fixture. < BEATING'S PREDICTION Senatbr Keating (R? N. Y.) predicts overwhelming Senate approval for the limited nuclear test ban treaty if Secretary of State Rusk makes it clear that no "under the table" deals are involved. TRADE AT HOME We Recap Auto Tires From 5:60 x 13 to 8:20 z 15 Also 9:00 x 20 Lug Treads and 10:00 x 20 Truck Tires Retreading tire* It oar FULL TIME business ? so we're not last boasting ? we HAVE TO BE GOOD AT IT! Sports Quiz 1. Who won the Green Bay All Stars football garnet 2. When had the All-Stars last won? 3. Who is Jan Lundquist? 4. Who is John Surtees? & What Dodgers pitcher re cently hurled his tenth shutout of season? THE ANSWERS 1. The All-Stars, 20-17. 2. In 1958. 3. Swedish tennis star. 4. British racing driver who recently won the German Grand Prix. 5. Sandy Koufo. Honest and frankness are close kin, and both make far many enemies, the world being what ? it is, but pay dividends in the end. All-wood Qolonial 24,000-volt (factory adjusted) chassis Super-powerful "New Vista" Tuner Two keyed color controls make tuning easy Extended-range 4" x 6" Duo-Cone speaker As our children go to school, H is oar duty to drhw aiawlp a?d> safely in school zonas. Your cautious, driving maf save a life. Now to. ttotUpe to >1*0, w&W 4* J?W child's future. Ope*