"Miss Horn In The West" The 1063 "Miss Hon in the Wast" Is lliss Hsrie Andrews of Lenoir. The dark-haired mountain beauty sells tickets at the Daniel Boone Theatre in Boone and can be seen in the box office by theatre-goers to the outdoor drama, "Horn in the West," playing nightly except Mondays through September X. Red Cross Workers Are Badly Needed Just 100 years ago, Swiss citizen Henri Dunant's dream of a multi-nation organization of volunteers to help distress ed and suffering people came into being ? the Red Cross. In local observance of the centenary of the Red Cross movement, the Watauga County Chapter launches a special campaign, the month of Sept ember, to recruit more volun teers for its service programs. Mrs. Louise Hagaman, chair man of volunteers, said at least ISO are needed as Grey Lad ies aad Grey Men, staff aids, social welfare aids, workers in motor services, and other sup porting services at this time. Mainly the need is in our local hospitals, and the Wata uga County Health Center, "Grey Ladies in the -School Health Program", blood mobile visits, and services to fswMi?? News Of Our Servicemen SWIFT STRIKE III Spartanburg, S. C. ? Army Pfc. Van A. Norris, whose wife, Betty, and parents, Ur. and Mrs. Russell W. Norris, live on Route 1, Boone, N. C., is one of more than 75,000 armed forces personnel who partici pated in Exercise Swift Strike III, a U. S. Strike Command exercise in Georgia and North and South Carolina. Norris, a radio-teletype op erator in Headquarters Battery of the 2nd Infantry Division Artillery at Fort Benning, Ga., entered the Army in Hay 1962 and received basic training at Fort Gordon, Ga. t fin ??- year-old soldier at tended Appalachian High School. TRADE AT HOME t of servicemen and veterans, she said. "We have relatively few drop-outs among our regular volunteers", said Mrs. Haga man. "They're loyal and enjoy their work. But as our com munity grows, we must grow with it The need for services increases, and we must have more volunteer help to keep up the demand, "Especially for the new hospital that we so earnestly hope for in the near future." nw are some of the type* of work thai we can do ? Grey Ladies and Grey Men? to make rounds of wards in the Wata uga and Blowing Keek Hospi tals, chat with loaely patients, write letter* for them, do per sonal shopping, give fresh lee water at various time*, serve at the visitation desk, assist in donor registration and certain processing duties during the bloodmobile visits, first aid and other daties in school health programs. Social Welfare Aids ? Persons who have the special qualities of patience, understanding, and interest in people to assist case workers in chapter's Home Service in visits to families of servicemen and veterans. Motor Service ? Men and lad ies to transport blood donors to and from the bloodmobile, and transprt indigent patients from all over Watauga County to County Health Center, etc. Mrs. Hagaman said, volun teers are needed for both day and evening shifts in the local hospitals, and the volunteers can find a plice to fit tbeir special skills in these programs. Special training is given at no cost by the American Red Cross here in our county to all the above mentioned services before they are actually assign ed, call 264-8236 or Mrs. Haga man at 364-8414 about the class -i Dont tolerate a winter-wearing fas-and-oN hog tkafi robbing performance and driving pleasure. Omr expert rebuilding puts your engine fat the pink . . . iwtim performance ? saves gaa and oil. Valve fc Head Urlndteg Pin & Sleeve Fitting Brake Drum Turning Automotive Parti Accessories Equipment Repairs to SMALL ENGINES ? Lawn Mmrers ? - Titters ? Scooters ? AH Kinds Engine- Powered Equipment AND SUPPLY COMPANY, INC 120 N. Depot St.? AM 4-883S Boone, N. C. JUDY GREENE Graduates At Nurse School Miss Judy Greene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jack Greene of Route 4, Boone, was among the graduates of Davis Hospital Schoof-of Nursing in StatesvBle, Friday, August 23. ? Miss Greene received the award for maintaining the highest schol astic average in her class during her three years of training. A part of TRAILWATS comfort... a complete and modern rest room on every tfcnHtae ?*?/??* trawl on prU From Boone 1-way JOHNSON CITY $1J# 1 Departures daily ATLANTA . $&M Coavenient daily service AUGUSTA MM S Departures daily MIAMI ... ?M M Oaly 1 chaage via Charlotte UNION BUS TERMINAL 211 Depot Street ? 2M-M3* Yates Makes Appeal For Bond Approval Editor, "Watauga Democrat": When you IK seriously ill and need hospital attention and cannot gat it, you have a des perate and discouraging situa tion. The present hospital in Boone ia good but much too small and limited. This ia a matter you cannot afford to gamble with. The opportunity of a lifetime is yours on September 1? when you vote for a bond isaue to erect a new, large hospital for which, as the Hoepital Cam paign Committee has so well stated, the State and Federal Government will put up $2 for every $1 you authorise. To vote "Yes" is to make an invest ment for the future and to pro tect yourself and your family. I cannot stress too stroagly the imperative necessity of vot ing "Yes" on this hospital bond issue ob September 17th. Abo of tremendous import ance for the present and future education of your children is the urgent need fer a consoli dated high school in Boone, which is centrally located for Watauga County. To meet this need, you are urged to vote "Yes" for the bond issue to authorise this magnificent and much needed improvement in our oounty educational system. At the reeent Jaycee meeting, fall and revealing testimony was given whieh established without question the justification for this additional expenditure. Here, again, is a vital matter where you simply cannot afford to pinch pennies. CONKAD M. YATES 510 W. Queen St., Boone, N. C. August Jfl. 1963. Dr. Wiley Smith Is Back In Classroom Appalachian State Teacher* College announces that, upon re quest of the college administra tion, Dr. Wiley F. Smith, profes sor and chairman of the depart ment of psychology, will return from retirement to continue with the college for the coming aca demic year. Dr. Smith had retired as of July 1, 1963. When the request was made that he continue with the college for the coming year, he graciously accepted with the statement that "Although! I had officially retired as of July I, t know I shall be quite thrilled to get back into the classroom for another year." Dr. Smith hol erinary Mtdkil Association. He has contributed several article* to veterinary journals. Dr. Martin is a graduate ef Auburn University and has done post graduate work at North Carolina S^ate University at Raleigh and Auburn Univer sity. ?OK FOR KAIL PKACK Congressional support seems to be increasing (or a resolution to postpone the threatened Au gust 20 railroad strike. Backers of the resolution first suggested by APL-CIO president George Meany hoped it would gain support from congressmen who oppose ? as s form of com pulsory arbitration ? President Kennedy's proposal to turn over the dispute to the Interstate Commerce Commission. Fred took U Commended At N. C. State Fred Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Cook of Rt 4, Boone, ha* been commended for his out standing scholastic record dur ing the 1882-63 academic year by North Carolina State of UNC at Raleigh Fred received his de gree there in June, and is an in dustrial engineer in the research department of Olin Mathesnn Chemical Corporation in Bre vard. Republican advises Kennedy to make tax deal. Leaking ohlorins fumes fell 300 in Philadelphia. SPECIAL FEEDER STEER SALES JOHNSON CITY LIVESTOCK MARKET Johnson City, Tennessee FIRST STEER SALE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 SECOND STEER SALE MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 All Steers Will Be Graded and Sold According to Weight and Quality. We Are Expecting 1,500 Head Each Sale. ROUNDUP CALF SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18 All Breeds of Calves Will Be Sold In This Sale. They Will Be Graded and Sold According to Grade and Weight. Wo Are Expecting 1,100 Head for This Sale. IF YOU HAVE STEERS TO SELL WE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THEM ENTERED IN ONE OF THESE SALES. THERE WILL BE PLENTY OF BUYERS. Cattle for All Special Sales Will Be Weighed-In Day of Sale, and Sales Will Start at 7:00 P. M. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT JOHNSON CITY LIVE STOCK MARKET? WEDNESDAY OR THURSDAY ? 920-3933. Mountain Breeders Sale of Hereford Calves Will Be Held At TIm Johnson City Livestock Market on Monday, September 30. If yon "Jut cant save money," here's a tip . . . make a beeline te Northwestern as soon as you get your paycheck. Deposit a definite amount in your Savings Account first . . . then spend. TonTT find It makes saving so much easier. 1)0 It today. MEM Mil P. 5, L C. BOONE ?% ' mfi. i-'-.-Vh . BLOWING ROCK