CAPITAL CUPBOARD Demos To Suffer From Pay Boosts !? StateTs Bigger Jobs By KIU N. GRE1B U? MORALS . . . Stat* employees in the RAW area-there are about 4,00* of them ?are nail c hewing. angry at the Mr salary boost* reeently ajven high State officials sod various department heads. Although ? per cent of the jobs aronad here depend, directly or ia#reot|y. upon ? Hind devo tion to the Democratic Party, re port* are that just a lot of the State workers swear secret vengeance come neat fall. With teacher* getting whopping salary hWfes virtually every time the Legislature comas te town, the State employees had expected a mode*! 10 per cent increase this year. But. finally, it came out daser to $M. The*, in the wake af this tar moll among the rank and (Be of faltttal Mate* i aipleyxi/ eaaae ?nrioMMh of hage ekaaks of rabe*~- $2,000 and $3,000, eto? for t*? e*heMa felkw* alrta^r drawing lalarie* high la the flve figure bracket*. So, with the Saturday' night parties around toww there is much white-spit wrath at the Democratic Party, the adminis tration, and' at the legislators ? particularly certain members of the Appropriation* Committee. More SUtt ilhjm than you I think km a pretty toagh time a( It makhg eadi meet. living in RIW|t, an always, if sky high. It in trae that Om State worker Han oodtes of sick leave, vacation time, maay paid holi days) an against none Mr teach ers) aad all rf thin Is expensive for the Mat* Bat sH this free time doss ant pay grocery bib. So, this past weekend when yet another high State employe*? faithful Career Man Nathan Yel ton, head of the retirement sys tem, saw his salary increased a total of $4,000 a year (raWng him to $1/7,000) the gnashing of teeth and chewing of nails began with fewiwd vigfck Tftubio! CAM8BR CHRET . . . While one so-cadled canoer cars wm swiftly disposed of list week M mostly iufcont. certain dttaens in North Carolina interested in cancer ia ind what causes it are looking hard and hopefully at a new breakthrough: a plant called Vinsa rosea. Is'it being1 grown in this State? Nobody seems to- know for smre, hut the Eli Lilly pharmaceutical firm hasbeeo experimenting with the plants? with dramatic results in several forms of cancer? since 1964. Ffom lis offices la IniHaaapstls, the EU Lilly Cotapaay says: "Ofr the two Vfaica drag! clinic aOr proven to be active agaiaal caaeer, one baa been approved by the government for use again st incnIM'BMlUi'r disease . . - M oMtar, expected to be approve# m, so tar carries clinical data sappartln# its sae only fsr Mats taketnia hi chil dren." Vinca is a shrub, has small flowers, and' its leaves are two three inches in length and about an inch- in- width It is of the perhvmkto family. The flowers are; pink, with each bAoaaom usually having five petals. Dr. Jonathan L. Hart well, in chasg& of bbtanical drug re search- at the Nations* Cancer Institute, was recently quoted in Thif Week Magazine as follows: Members ?f ? . REINS- STURDI VANT MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION, INC. 4*1 EM Stag Street Phone AM 4-8888 Caa NMr lacrosse Their Barial Iasaraace WHh "PLAN- RITE" Thor "Plan-Rite" Funeral Expense Polity I* A Plan oMksunnee DesinttATo Supplement Your Present Banal Assoetotisn. Cover age At A- MWawni of Cost Xa You. We Oiler As Mmk Aces ?? ? protec tion at a cost to you of only S&"S?H vsm aaiwl to isas with m eatrs St* of face as?*? ??? ? "KfSJS tzsx ,&rj'2?'zsn 75%. of|facC| somas' 1 >? satS sg.. | *n sr. I ******* mmv ef evatoattoa, Vhca eettatoly to MM agents. M. to rsmarfcaMe tor ?kk ? umber of MttNl Dim a( caaoer II affects, and tor Ms reflstaai to ittor farau s< ther apy." Vinca rosea Is being grown for HI LUly on the tropical ex perimental plantation of S. B. Penick 4 Co., and possibly by other piantatioo owners vitally interested in rendering some assist in the control of cancer. MUSTHAVE APPROVAL? . . . Was it "by and with the advice of the Council of State" that the Governor has called a special sesaiawof the General Assembly to mast in Raleigh oo October 14? As of last Saturday certain {motors 0 1 the Council were grossing that they had not been contacted. But a Council of State meeting wffl be held well before October H Article HI. Section 9, of the State Constitution, says the Governor can call, a special session, but he must state (he purpose aOS must advise with the Council of State. ? INTERMARRIAGE ... The North Carolina constitution, Ar ticle XIV, Section 8, under "In termarriage of whites and Ne groes prohibited", says: "All marriages between a white per son and a Negro, or between a white person and a person of Negro descent to the third gene ration, inclusive, are hereby for ever prohibited." Not# the next to-last word. NO METERS . . . Convinced that the aggravation of patting meters is doing its part to drive shoppers from downtown, Tar boro has removed these things of eri) from its main drag. 1Mb- the fine ?M capital of Bageesube has Joined Windsor of Bertie Comity In removing the notan. Msaatlmr, Goldsboro largest city la the (MM Some of the State's terser cities ire now wrestling with the prob lem. But what Mm except a meter can prevent a motorist from keeping all day ? certain | space along the street? The answer, of course, is tvro pblice SOHEDULE ... Ia a proaun snt business office the other day ?e saw this on the ixittetin board inder the heading of Our Work ing Schedule: Startiac time ? 8:00 At M Morning coffee break? 8:00-11: JO k. If. Lunch hour? 11:30 A. M. 1:30 P. M. Afternoon coffee break ?2:00 P. 0Lr4:30 P. M. Quitting lour-*: 00. THE REASON . for the terrify lag anpioymeat problem Is that eas foyers are tsreed by law to pay ike iaexperleaoet teen-ager the ?me base salary as the trt?-4 snd-tnM- worker. TVls is true inless the teen-ager to a student >r as actual trainee la the store, rhe average teen-ager to But the same do-gooders who insist that Ml ha fed out of the same spoon now mutter and shake their heads in alarm when employers can't afford to hire those in the teen-age bracket. A relaxation of the rigid wage scale for inexperienced teen agers in vacation months and luring certain holiday periods would seem to be the answer. CARD OF THANKS Meat Camp Grange No. 12S3 wishes to thank Mr. John Marsh, Principal of Green Val ley School, for providing the school for the use of the meet ing Sept. 10, for the floor and platform arrangements, and for giving the meeting wide publicity. Wataugans At Work Archi* Catroll has be?n a postman In. Boone ftr six yeatoJ He ia married1 to the former Mhs Mary Uou Vines,, of tfcto Bethel com munity, and they have six children.? four boys and two girls. Winn-Dixie Sales Increase Jacksonville, FM ? An increase of 4.24 percent in sales v? re corded by Wiim - Dixie Stores during the four.- week period ended August 24 compared-' with the corresponding period a' year ago, it was announced at general headquarters in Jacksonville, Fla. The Whm-Dixi?' four-week sales volume totaled $64,048,606 as compared with $81,458,063 dur ing the same period last year. This was an Increase of $2,606, 563. . Sale* during the. eight -week period ended August 24 totaled $187,573,448 as compered with $119,697,485 during: the cones ponding period of 1982, an in crease of 875,963 or 6.58 per cent. Winn-Dixie now has 606 retail stores throughout the South com pared with 596 a year ago. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all the friends and neighbors for the kindness shown us during the sickness and death of our hus band and father. The Walter Phillips Family. lc The realities in life are often too much for the sensitive, sin cere perion. for those who thfnk young ^ [fr^-r-frlni-7[m[r|.|n||[|?ir..m[ri^|1rnl10.1[ln[|||(|||^||||[||||||MW 1 1f ,^00. v ^ v .? , ' ?? , ' The fiveiierHfeis more popeiar than ever todky. . . andsoisPepai-Coloi Light bracing Pepsi matches your modern activities with asparkiing* cleantaste that's never too sweet. And" nothing drenches your thitar Ok* a cold. inviting Pepsi. S6 think- young*- say "Pepsi, please f" a ran. PtPtt nom awattk* Bottled by Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Spruce Pine, N. C. , It would be a nice world if ettryon* be hated liMl they acted iftchuitb. It U easier to consolidate debts thh? -to pay. off tk? larger. W 4 ! CLEJHKR Easy Ron ONLY 34?* CREST Taste the delicious Montclair! . y NO MENTHOL HERE ia our fine tobacco ; ' iVil. MtNTHOL'HCRe J in our unique compound fllt#r . Only Mont el air puts the menthol in the filter- where i# cannot burn., QnlyMoniclair Mtersr ib ?fresHnes9>, fitters infla/on the who I? smoke-through/ 1 Only Montclair makes the last puff taste as fresh as tH? first, puff. , - ( Tastft And oompfcra? ycmH moke ? ? Mont