MISS MARTHA JANE HOBGOOD HODGES Mr. and Mrs. John WaiUtel Hodges, Jr. announce the en gagement of their daughter, Martha Jane Hobgood, to Mr. Ronald Scott Shoemaker, son of Mr. apd M?. Ralph Dennis Shoemaker of North Wilkesboro. The wedding will take place December 20 at the First Bap lit Church of Boone. Local Affairs Week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Coffey of Deep Gap were Mr. and Mrs. Austin Carscaddon of Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. Turner Watson of Route 4, Boone left Tuesday to spend the winter at their home in Vero Beach. Fla. ' Mrs. Florence Byrd of Foacoe left Tuesday to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Curtis Wilseo, and family in Bristol, Va. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Chaetatn of Miami, Fla., arrived last week to spend two weeks at their sum mer home, "Eagle's Nest." Mir- and Mrs. J. E. Hohhottter, Jr., announce the birth if a daughter, Virginia Walker, at Watauga Hospital on Sept. 07. Mrs. Edward Stroupe, Mack end Lee, spent the week end in Clover, S. C., with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stroupe. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Collette of Winston - Salem were Smnday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Payne. Mrs. Barleen Moret* returned home Sunday aftafr having sur gery at Baptist Hospital in Winston -Salem ten days ago. She is recuperating satisfactorily. Mrs. Dempsey Wilcox was a neek end guest in the home of ho- daughter, Mrs. Julian Ra^sn, Mr. Bagaa and Julia of Char lotte. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. X H. Holshouser, Jr., Sundagr were Mrs. Leon HoHingsworth and Mrs. Nancy Brown of Winston Sttem. Miss Ann Garrett Harris of FTankfort, Ky., is visiting this week with her grandparents. Mr. mi Mrs. Stanley A. Harris on Qlieen Street. Miss Erdman Bowe and Miss Ola Wyeth of Savannah, Ga. ar rived Tuesday to spend 'hi* week In the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. South. Mr. Will Jones, who has been a patient at Watauga Hospital for 12 days following an oper ation, has returned home, and ia recuperating. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Lane of Portsmouth, V*. spent last week with Mrs. Lane's parents, Ik*, and Mrs. Joe Coffey, of Deep Gap and other relatives ia the county. Rev. and Mrs. Glenn South of Trade, Tenn. spent last week end in Princeton, West Va. visiting Rev. Mr. South's niece. Mrs. Eugene Nice wander and Mr Nice wander. Miss Ocie Adams and Miss Hkzel Adams at Chashaeton, Okio arrived Saturday to spend a week with their sister, Mrs. W. E. Rash, Mr. Rush and oth er relatives ia the county. Mrs. C. B. AngeD, Mrs. James Vhnee of Ashland, Mrs. Httoa Isaacs and Mrs. Jimmy Vance. Chris and Tkn of Hughes. N. C, were dinner guests of Mrs. Charles Lecka in New land on Wednesday. Mrs. Walter Brown, accom panied by Mrs. Lynn Quails and sen, Jerry, of Charlotte, spent last week end In Aaievilla with Mi. Brown's sister, Mrs. R A. telly and brother, Dr. G. L. Donnelly, and Mrs. Donneil*. While there they visited tk? raby minefc at Cowee Valley nMrFhraMpR tj Mrs. O. K. Richardson left Friday to spend several days with her daughter, Mrs. Shir ley Gabriel and family in South Boston, Va. Mr. and Mrs B. A. Mock, De borah, Melanie and Brenda of Waynesville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Isley and family. Mr. and Mrs. James a Coun cill attended the North Caro lina State Highway Employees Convention held at the Jack Tar Hotel in Durham Friday and Saturday. > MP. and Mrs, Tom WWtier Mr Gilbert Mast attended the North Carolina Highway Em ployees Association meeting in Durham Thursday through Satur <*?? Mir. and Mrs. Glenn Lewis of Merritt Island, Fla., arrived Fri day. for a visit with Mr. .and Mrs. John Lewis, who are occupying their new summer home in the Meat Camp community Visitors with Mrs. C. B. Angell Sunday included Mrs. James Morrison of Bristol, Tenn., Mr. and Mis. Lee Dages tand Maria Lynn and Mrs. C. M. Lacka of New land, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills and son, Mfflce, of Greenhorn and Mr. and Mis. Qryon Godfrey of High Point were week end guests of Rev. and Mrs. Boyce Brooks and Jimmy. Mrs Minnie Culver Wim and Mr. Chester Culver of Cincin natti, Ohio, spent test week with their nephew, Dr. C. Ray Law rence. Week end guests were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lawrence and daughter, Sharon, of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs Jack Eggers and children, Doana and Michael, of Leocfcigton, N. C, visited last week with Mrs. Eggers' mother, Ma Eugene Eggers of Route 1, Ban ner Ek, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor or Boone. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Strickland and family returned Sunday from Bell Arthur, N. C. where they attend the funeral of Mr. Strickland's father, Mr. W. A. Strickland who died Wednes day. Mr. Lloyd Isaacs, who is with the NCEA in Raleigh, spent Monday night with Mrs. C. B. Angel and attended the North west district meeting at Ap palachian State Teachers Col lege Tuesday. Mrs. Bora Norris, who fell Sunday Sept. 22, is a patient at Wilkes General Hospital in North Wllkesboro. She to re ported in good condition after undergoing surgery for a bro ken hip, Sept. 34. Mr. Armfield Ceffey return ed Friday from New York City wtwre he took Mt Frank CU feyto heard the Queen Eliza beth for Salzburg, Austria where he will study for a year. He also visited Mr. and Mrs. Rom Linney in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eggers and Mr, Leslie Eggers of Somer set, Kg., Mr. and Ml*. Ruhert Eggers at Indianapolis, lad., Mr. Ernest Eggers of Kinpport, Tenn., Mrs. Becky Johnson of Mountain Cits, Tenn., and Mrs. Peen Hit* el Gauldie Bridge, were guests of the Rev. and Mrs. D. E. Panflatd. who re cmd ? broken hip when the fall at bar home Scstembar IS, is a patient at Wataaaa Hospital She iiadamiwt surgery than Thurs day. Week end guests of Dr. Mary Miehal ware her husband, Mr. Joseph L Michal of Waynes vilte and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph U Michal Jr. and children, Cyn thia Faye and Joseph W sight still of Wart AsheviUe. Or. and Mrs. J. C. Canipe re cently returned from the Min ister's Ketreat In Henderson ville where Dr. Canipe was a guest speaker. While there they were guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. O. Baker. Mr. sad Mrs. Fred Greer and Patty, and Mrs. Mary Sue Hart ley and Gall are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sihert in Coshocton, Ohio. They plan to attend the Ohio State Fair while there. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Idol and soo, Jerry, Mrs. J. L. Idol and Steve and Katie Howell spent the weekend in Jacksonville with the James Idols. WhUe there they toured the USS North Carolina in Wilmington. Mrs. Ernie Simms attended the North Carolina Alpha Delta Kappa state executive board and president's council meet ings in Greensboro Saturday at the home of Mrs. Margaret S. Dickinson. Mr. James C. White of Char lotte and Dr. James C. White Jr. of Hickory spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Walton Cole. Saturday night they cele brated Miss Melaaie Cole's birthday with a dinner party. Mrs. J. C. Canipe returned Friday after spending three weeks with her daughter, Doro ty in AsheviUe. While there they spent one week end in the Smokey Mountains and alao spent several days in Thomas villa. Mr. Mansfield Critcher re turned to Walnut Creek, Calif. Monday after (pending a week with his sisters, Mrs. Berdie Shumate of Gastonia and Mrs. Geneva Cook of Bamboo. This was his first visit to North Carolina in 17 year*. Mrs. J. C. Cline spent last week in LaGrange, Ga. with her daughter, Mrs. Eddie Funder burk and family. When she re turned Friday she was accom panied by Mrs. Funderburk and children, Lisa and Joy, who will spend two weeks in Boone. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. (Bud) Parsons and children, Sherry and Buddy; Mrs. Dwight Teague and sons, Mitchell and Jeffrey, of North Wilkes boro; Mr. and Mrs. Ned Stevens and Michal of Winston-Salem, visited during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Winkler of the Bethel neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Hoye Greene, Walter Edmisten, Mrs. Lyda Coffey and Mrs. Bynum Greene have returned to Boon* after attending the funeral of Mrs. Etta Evans in Fontanet, In diana, who died Sept 24 at her home after an extended illness. She was the sister of Mrs. Nannie Ray Edmisten. The annual meeting of the North Carolina Public Health Association was held in Char lotte at Queen Charlotte Hotel, September 26-27. Members of the District Health Department staff who attended were Dr. Mary Michal, Mr. Jack Cobb of Boone, Mrs. Fa ye Beeves and Mr. Andrew Yasinsac of Spar ta. St. Michal also attM*sd the meeting of the North Caro lina Academy of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Sept. 25. Wealon Photo MISS ELAINE COOK Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cook of Zionville announce the engage ment of their daughter, Elaine, tQ Mr. Charles Odell Greene, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Greene of Route 2, Boone. A November wedding is planed. MISS DEANNA STARR Mr. and Mr*. Clarence D. Starr of Route 2, Maiden, N. C. announce the engagement of their daughter, Deanna Starr, to Mr. Jama* E. Maretx, to* of Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Moretz of Route 1, Boone. Miss Starr it a senior alt Appalachian State Teaches* CaUegg. A December 31 wedding it planned. BPW Uub Holds September Meeting Hie Business and Professional Woman's CM) mat at ttw Denial Boone bn, September 34, for iu Accompanied b j Mrs. VircMa Linaey, Miss Dot Reynold*, a music major at ASTC, sang "Gavotte," from Mignom by ItenM, "I Love life" and "Sound of Music" by Rodgers end Hammers tein. An informative quiz on B and PW was presented by Beraice Ledtord. ;/? ' Mrs. Margaret Gnagg announc ed that Or. David R Mac*, an outstanding authority on Family Life and Living, will be 1n Boone October 32-23 and invited the dub to attend his lecture far the October program. Quests fir (ha evening were Mias Ftaye Mitchell, a new mem ber of the ASTC Library Bepart metit, Miss Cynthia Stiles. Mrs. Olland and Mesa Patty OUand, What About Your FUTURE? Choose a career that assure* yon a lifetime of financial suc cess, and personal achievement. Our training offers y? a com plete beauty coarse, htMh| Styling and Hair Coloring. Off* ering also a special HI how Manicuring Course and a course la Charm. NELLE LORICK Director DONT WAIT! Act today! Reficter NOW tm Soft-Oct enroUnent. Claa* registration daily. Far complete lnforaiatioa, contact Mr*. Ruby Klntx, Morn lngildf Dr., Fkane NMNt, ar Mr*. Betty Cook Hayes, 41S E. Howard St., PhMM 264-8962 ... or write: A, Ml E. Tr.de St. PhoDe ED nm Charlotte, N. C. Of fk 4-1*91 ' Everyone Has Talent with Our TrqjnjngTn who w? the B and PW Ctrl of il. . A I one Montn. Woman's Club Meeting Held The general meeting of the Boone Woman's Club was hold at the homo of Mrs. D. L. Wil cox Thursday evening, with Mrs. G. D. Barnett, Mrs R C. Winebarger, Mrs. K. L. Payne, Mrs. E. S. Quails and Mrs. P. H. Vance assistant hostesses. Mrs. Lee Reynolds, president, presided and beard reports from Mrs. Frank McCracken, secre tary, which included notes of thanks from various Boone res idents. Mrs. Reynolds discussed the Year Book and duties of the officers of the club. She asked that members report any com munity improvement activities they were engaged in for the Community Improvement Pro ject. The president announced that a district meeting will be held October 29 at Morganton. Mrs. J. B. Winkler presented a program in connection with the literacy program of GFWC, its topic, "To Strengthen the Arm of Liberty." This is a two year project under the super vision of "Care," and Mrs. Wink ler gave the history of "Care" since it was founded shortly after World War II, until today, when it is operating in 28 countries and the city of Ber lin. Our GFWC, she said, is soncantrating on eight coun tries ? Costa Rica, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Mexico, Pakistan and Turkey, with "Care" helping to supply ma terials in these countries so that they may "help them selves." Bethel Home Club Meets The Bethel Home Demonstra tion Club met in the home of Mrs. Don Shell for their Sep tember meeting, with Mrs. Wes ley Shell as co-hostess. Plans were made for a booth for achievement day, October 24. A letter of congratulations was sent to Janice Tester, who has done outstanding 4-H work in winning the district "Vege table and Fruit Use" demonstra tion. Mrs. Lillian Danner, home demonstration agent, discussed the use of our time, money and energy in her program, "Are you a good cosumer?" Following the program a household shower was given for Mrs. Ivan Dishman, who is mov ing to another community. Observe 50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Perry are celebrating their 90th wed ding anniversary, Sunday, Oc tober 8. They will receive their friends at their home between 2 o'clock and 5 o'clock. / Quality 'SANITONE | Drycleaning suits , ryquattty ' ^miWicJiEr suits VPe feature Samiont Drtfdtanlng Trailway Cleaners DfCWRPOKATOD CALL AM 4-84 IS E. Ktag St. ? Boone i mBooif j tmrviCM M It was mighty good to talk with both of you yesterday the next best thing to seeing you. So glad you and Art are coming for a visit soon, Jane. And Rachel, we are proud as can be that yeu have had two by lines In the Columbia Mis saurian during the last two weeks. We wquld have been pletsed with two for the entire year. Congratulations! That took some doing. I went to a bridge-luncheon at Lucille Newton's home last Tuesday. She lives in that large rock house overlooking the gorge . . . near The Blowing Rock. It was a delightful day . . . just wonderful to look at such a beautiful view between the game and conversation. And, the luncheon was a work of art The Ninth District Democrats met here Saturday night for a dinner meeting at Appalachian Elementary School. A lot of mighty nice people came from all over the district and we es pecially appreciate their pre sence because they had to come in a downpour of rain. Doubt that I would have made the ef fort they made. Mrs. Wiley Smith prepared the dinner and it was exceptionally good, as always. My only regret is that we had to rush through every thing. At the other meetings we have had leisurly visits be fore and after dinner and that gives all a chance to find out the latest happenings over the district. The next meeting will be held in Salisbury and I ima gine this will be the biggest of any to this date. We have been feeling our way for several weeks, but when we are ready for the proper sort of publicity we expect tremendous crowds. State Democratic Chairman Lusford Crew will speak at the Salisbury meeting. Glenn and Evelyn Lewis of Merritt Island, Fla. surprised us with a visit Friday. It was wonderful to see them after such a long absence. The last time they were here was in 1968 It was interesting to hear them tell of the amazing things that are going on in their home town. It would take pages and pages to cover all, but the high lights are that the National Aeronautics and Space Admin istration will spend $790 mil lion dollars on Cape Canaver al's newly-acquired Merritt Is land Launch Area. This will be the moon port from which the first Apolo astronaut team will rocket toward the moon. Construction will soon begin there on the vertical assembly building, where five Saturn rockets can be assembled at the same time. It will be the world's largest building ... 02 stories tall, 67Q feet long, 518 feet wide and 324 feet tall at tile highest point The building will enclose 128 million cubic feet of space, and will be 50 per cent larger than the Penta gon. Thi? will cost over $100 million dollars and is supposed to be completed in 1966. Wheel Isn't this something to think about? Certainly would like to see it one of these days. Glenn and Evelyn can stand In their home and watch all the rocket shots, and they say they are beautiful at night. Just hope all of them continue to go in the right direction. I'm sure this pie recipe has been around for some time, but I hadn't seen it before. Found it in A1 Resch's Chatham News, and it is a dandy. German Chocolate Pie Vi pkg. German chocolate H stick butter 4 eggs, separated 1 small can evaporated milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup sugar Uelt together the chocolate and butter. Beat the egg yolks; add sugar and milk, then va nilla. Beat well. Then add the chocolate mixture and beat well. POur into unbaked pie shell and bake at 390 for 33 to 40 minutes or until done. For meringue, beat egg whites until stiff, adding two tablespoons sugar for each white. Put meringue on pie and bake until brown. For variety, you may add one half cup chopped nuts and/or one-fourth cup coconut to the pie before baking. Mrs. Boone and I rode over to Blowing Rock Sunday after noon to see the lovely colored leaves. Surely they won't im prove this season, though I am told they will. Love, Mom September 30, 1963. Faculty Dames Meet Tuesday The officers of the Faculty Dimes Club met Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. James Saw yer. Plans for their year book were completed and various committees were appointed. The first meeting will be held Tuesday, October 8, at 8 p. m.' in the Fine Arts Building auditorium, when a fashion show, presented by local busi nesses, Belk's Dept. Store, The Varsity Shop, Caudill's, Inc., and Mock's Shop, will be given. The Appalachian Woman's Club will be guests of the Faculty Dames Club. Fashion Note Belts are In the fashion news for coats this season. They may be slipped through side loops and buttoned or they may be casually tied. Coats may have a straight line or b? rath er full. They may be long or short. TUESDAY ? WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8 & ? WIVES AND LOVERS with JANET LEIGH VAN JOHNSON SHELLEY WINTERS TONIGHTS THE NIGHT TO .GO OUT T $ * *' ,%?'H ' 'Swai^ be?EL '\2 3S1