TripToTater Hill With Clyde Eggers f ' wBt- ? as 'V-gj. _ Recalls Days Of Colonel R. Z. Linney By SOB RIVERS Cferde Eggers came by a few day* ago in hii Jeep and we climbed in for a pleasant after noon on the Top of Tater HiU. famed Rich Mountain Peak, which jut* up from the sur rounding terrain like a gigantic pile of potatoes all covered with a mountainous pile of dirt and stone. Mr. Eggers is the major stock holder in a family corporation which owns the soaring peak and the area roundabout, and his mountain is nearly as high as Hugh Morton's Grandfather upthrusts. Hob. Remains I. Linney, f>me4 Tiylorsvlllr barrister, Civil War Veteran, and mem ber of Cwtmi, made Titer ?ill famous more than half cen tury ago, when he'd come to Boom, visit his son Frank A. Llnney and go back and forth to Tator HUI in Us buggy, sometimes staying on the lofty summit for days with his beagle hounds for company. Our un derstanding is that Colonel Lin ney brought about the building of the old raid up Howard's Knob and through the Gap of Ike Rich Mouatala toward Tatar Hill, which wai named the Junaluska Turnpike, after the celebrated Cherokee Chieftain. Some State aid, we havo heard, wai procured by Mr. Uaaey tor the road which was the tint pike iiyfkere in the anea, to far u we have heard, to have commanded some State revenue la Its construction. Eagles Were There Col. Lipney exulted in the eagles which nested in the high craigs and soared in the dist ances on clear days, and he liked the big stone house be ON TOP OF THE WORLD? Mr. S. C. Eggers, Boone real estate man, is shown standing on Tater Hill and looking into the hazy distance. The terrain on which he is standing is 3,300 feet in elevation (a mile and 20 feet), while the Bald, in the background, is 5,369 feet Below is a view across Tater Hill lake. had built on the almost level meadows on top of the high mountain \yhich leads up to the Tatar Hill Itself. Incidentally, soma of the stones from the old building are still there, and grass and clover grow lush in the flat where the noted bar rister enjoyed his summer trysts with nature and his leave t?kin? from the practice of law and from the court circuits. In those days, wildlife abounded, the creeks In the area were filled with brook trout, which had never known ? hatchery, and the Umber grew tall and straight in virgin for eats. And en top of the Linney Mountain things are about the tame. Mr. Sogers and his associates own about two thousand acres of land in the Tater Hill area, which include the thirteen hun dred Col. Linney once owned, and like the former owner, loves his far-flung estate and de lights in taking his friends and visitors to the a^rea to the top of the great mountain where they can look until the ranges are lost in infinity. From the Top of the Tater Hill, one can look on clear days across the Carolina hills ami into the mountain ranges of Tenneooee, Virginia and West Virginia, with a peek also into the hasy hills of Kentucky. Below In Cove Creek valley, highways thread themselves through the countryside like ajeader dark ribbons, and the settlements look tiny, like col lections of toy buildings. Mr. Eggers says he has no immediate plans for the de velopment of his mountain ? that is for sale. Down below the Tater Hill he constructed Tater Hill lake some years ago. It is stocked with rainbow trout, and is a favorite fishing spot, open to all who have the proper lic enses in season. The trout thrive in the ehill waters. And also on the wrawHsg estate, which b blanketed with geld and crimson and russet ga4 scarlet, Mr. Eggers and Mb. J. A. Mulling have develop ed the Tater BUI Rod and G?n Club. Mr. Eggers is President and Mr. Mullins maintains an office there and operates the venture. One lake which Is yen to fishermen on a per pound sort of boaia la teeming wtth big wily rainbow trout, while a \arga rearing pool thousands of eight-inch trout, which were fingerllngs a year ago. Mr. Eggers took Judge Huskins up there when he waa holding court la Boose, and the jurist reportedly got t tremendous kick out of hooking one of the big rainbows. Land is rjch and black up on Mr. Eggers' giouQtaia, and a Letter To The Editor Says Emergency Powers Of JFK Are Absolute Dear Editor: ? I am enclosing herewith a "reprint" eopy of an article which wai published recently in one of our Christian magazines in the city of Washington, D. C. Since this information con cerns every American citiien, I feel that It is important to make the information available to as many citizens as possible. There fore, I am sending this copy to you thinking you might pub lish it in the newspaper. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Jake 0. Jones. 8792 58th Avenue, College Park, Maryland October 7, 1963. (Enclosure) Litle known by the people of the United States are the fol lowing "Executive Orders" which have been spread on the Federal Register for at least 18 months. On Feb. 20, 1962, when the attention of the whole coun try was focused on John Glenn's orbital flight, these orders were entered. They would give absolute pqwer to John Fitzgerald Ken nedy, and when invoked the Congress would be automati cally adjourned, and could not re-convene unless called by the President. As we road this shocking list of directives, one would feel that Congress has already ab dicated in favor of the Execu tive Branch. It is within the man who had rented a few acres, wai growing potatoes, from which he was getting about tan bushels from each row about 75 feet long. He also had son)e sorghum cane grow ing above the titter patch. We enjoyed tremendously our trip with Mr. Eggers into one of the meet spectacularly beau tiful spots of this entire area ?an area unspoiled by the march ft commerce and virtu ally tbe same as M was in an other 4?y and ate. A solid gravel rood loads up in the Tster HiU Coontry, which will doobtleso bo paved some dv>' Mr. Eggers is famlUor with his mountain and the pofks round about an^ fan tell the names of all the mountains In reason able viewing distance of his ow> jagged peak. Ho likes to go there now and again and marvel at tfce great spread of beauty, and to enjoy the peace and the quietude. We are glad he took u? there. We hadn't been in that vicinity for a number of years, and its easy to understand why Mr. Eggers likes his lofty mountain, and why Col. Unney chose it back in another century and believed it to be the prettiest spot in all the Appalachian hill country. BUILD EM STRONGER . . . QUEEN^BESS In your store, or dtfiverad right to your door. YADKIN VALLEY DAIRY v. *- * *- ? . r L power of the Congress to res cind these Executive Orders, and should do so without delay. Executive Order 10906 ? Take over communications media. Executive Order 10007? Take over electric power, oil and ga\ fuels, minerals. Executive Order 10006 ? Take over food resources and farms (including farming equipment.) Executive Order 10000? Take over all modes of transporta tion, highways, seaports, etc. Executive Order 11000? Mob ilization of civilians into work force under government super vision. Executive Order 11001? Gov ernment take over health, edu cation and welfare functions. Executive Order 11002 ? Post master General operate nation al registration of all persons. Executive Order 11003 ? Gov ernment take over all airports and craft. Executive Order 11004 ? Hous ing and finance authorities to relocate communities, to build new housing with publie funds, designates areas to be aband oned as unsafe, establish new locations for populations. Executive Order 11005? Take over railroads, inland water ways and storage. Executive Order 11051 ? Des ignates responsibilities of cmergcncy planning, gives au thorization to put all other Ex ecutive Orders into effect in times of increased internal ten sion, economic or financial cri sis. Part One, Section lOld ? States Director to perform ad ditional functions as President may direct. This is a "Reprint" Copy ? from The Capital Voice. Chicken Supper To Be Served At Parkway There will be a chicken sup per at Parkway School, Satur day, October 10, 5:30 to 8 p. m. Parents, students, cafeteria personnel and teachers will pre pare and serve the following menu: Fried chicken, gravy, green beans, mashed potatoes, cole slaw, pickles, baked ap ples, tomatoes, jams, jellies, hot rolls, butter, milk, coffee, pie, cake. Admission adults, $1.25, children 75c. Proceeds will be spent for instructional supplies. TRADE AT HOME FOR EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS See G. H. MADISON WATCH REPAIRING 129 Eaat King St. Roads Improved In This Area Morganton ? State Highway Commissioner Jack Kirksey re ports the completion of more than 9 miles of road improve-, ments in Avery, Watauga and Caldwell Counties during the month of September. In Avery County these roads were stabilized: 1.0 miles Squir rel Creek; 1.0 mile Big Plum tree Creek; 1.8 miles Ivy Heights; 0.6 mile Whitaker Branch; 0.5 mile Claude Pyatte; 1.0 mile Camp Creek; 1.0 mile Coffey; 0.6 mile Parrell; 1.15 miles Ski-Lift Entrance (Base course and bituminous surface treatment); and 1.0 mile Wild cat Road. In Watauga County these roads were improved: 1.15 miles ski lift entrance and 1.0 mile Wildcat Road. When science proves new truths, they remain truth de spite the fact that some people refuse to believe them. Welding Course Has Openings There is still room (or a lew more students in the welding courses to start next Monday at Cove Creek High School. Anyone interested should contact Robert Shipley at the school. Let Me Furnish Your STANLEY NEEDS I'm As Close As Your Telephone Just Call 264-3720 8:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. (Except Sunday) I appreciate your past co operation, and will do my best to maintain good service and first quality merchan dise. henry h. Mckenzie Greene Trailer Park Rivers St. ? Boone, N. C. CLOSE-OUT ON DISCONTINUED PAINTS FARMERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. King St. Boone, N. C. AT AUCTION SATURDAY, OCT. 19 2:00 P. M. Tildon Winebarger Homeplace Located Near Boone Drive out 421 north, turn left on No. 194, the West Jefferson Road, turn left on Rainbow Trail 1 mile. Watch for pointers. Approximately 11 acres of good, fertile, well lying, well watered land, with fish lake, and 2 houses ? one frame 3 bed room and bath, with panoramic view. With just a little work could be made a lovely home. One 4 room and bath frame cabin. * ? ? This nice tract has unlimited possibilities and is ideal for sub division, trailer park, camp sites, or rental cabins, and must be seen to be appreciated. We invite you to drive out and look over this good property any time before the sale, then attend the sale and bid your judgment. - FREE CASH - Terms: */3 Down, Balance 2 &4 Months For Further Information Contact Latta Johnson Realty Co., Boone, N. C. Carpenter Auction Company Conover, N. C SELLING AGENT