CAPITAL CUPBOARD Says Brewer Remarks To Sanf< Might Have Been Better Unwritten UV By BULA N. GREENWOOD REPLY . . . When Governor Terry Saatord failed to rawaint Kidd Brewer to die Board of Trustees of Appalachian State Teachers College at Boone, to *Mch Brewer had originally been appointed by Luther Hodges, Kidd came back at Gov. Sanford through the column stttl carried in ? paper or two about the State. This occurred about ? month ago. Brewer raa Uw atcc attic letter he had rscahrad treat the Gov eraer; and then be eame back with aa eptaile at his own direct ed at Cor. SaafWd. The Brewer reply was net a had letter, was comical, fall at ridfcale. The Mat was that the Gaverar had other plaas for Kidd Brewer? ea* aa having Mm a> a trusty rather thaa a trustee. Be dtdat spare the hsrses. Anyone reading the Brewer re ply oould see the Governor chew ing his nails if and when he had a chance to lock it over. It would have been better unwritten, lor this is the same Governor Brewer attorneys will have to go to in an effort to get their client's prison term stricken from the record. TELA, HIM GOODBYE ... Dan M. Paul's son tore had a horse named Duke. Danny finished the skth grade tore at Wiley, and became a student at Pine wood School in Sooth Csroina this Hall. Since Pineweood has a lot of harses, and with Danny being away much of the time, his dad dy did not seen any particular reason far keeping a riderless horse around the lot all winter. He pointed oat to Danny that old Dito would just be around doing nothing except eating and getting tat. Abo, in the letter to Danny, he suggested selling the h?rse. Here is the reply to that letter? written in a boy's scrawl aad punctuation. 'Dear Pop? I am having a good time up here. Ant Flay wrote me to day and sent me a dollar. TOutnk you for the dollar you sent me, to. I hope everything to Ope at home. Tell Lewie and Ruby hi for me. If you want to, ael Duke it is a&ight with ma. Please take some picture* of him for me. I hope 1 cao get ? wither hoarse soon. 1 always loved Duke but I knew he is coasting to Dutch to feed. I will under stand and Ik will, to. I had iiatfaer (or btm to be happy than to be sad. It took me ? k>ng time to think about this. But I have got to be ? man some time in my life. I hope you find a wonderful place for Mm. Tel Mm flood by far me. Lore, Danny. Please keep the saddle." Well, as Cail Goerch says in the current issue of State Maga zine, papa Dan was not aware that Danny felt so close to Duke. Upshot of the whole thing, fa c hiding no dortt, some parental heart throbs, fc that Mm wffl net be sold? under any circum stances Incidentally, Danny is the grandson of the late Clyde R. Hoey, and his mother was Mrs. Isabel Hoey Paul, Who passed away some four years ag? NEW GAME . . . WeH, as we used to Mjr down to Perqnhiwais High when our basketball team would go on the floor following hatf-time break: This is a new haH game! Awl that is Just the way it is beginning to look on the political scene. Or, to quote (bat did song, ! "Change and deoay in an Around I see." We are not yet through with the changes en the political front in North Carottna; and decay is just beginning where success looked so certain so recently. AND NO CLOTHES , ? He aays it is not his story, but this came to Harry (rattan Hi a*0< out of some marbj hearth, flat ten reports ia Ms excellent ?"!* xine, Tarheel Beekir: A four-year-old girt was taken to church far the Brat time. 8ba TRAILWAYS buses taks you anywhoro you want to go. almost any thm "They're getting ready to My their prayer*. " "What?" aaid tile astonished ohfld "WMt ?U their clothes on?" WUEND . . . Before he (Med a lew day* ago at the afe of tt, Dr. W. R. Cultam ted a chance to know every word of the biog raphy, "Be Ouilom Lantern," written by Or, James H. Black more aid released by the jwb lishers in time Mr Christmas. Dr. Biatluiwe, former CuUnm student and far many yean pas ter of the Sprtng Hope Baptist Choreh lad at trie ttme by Or. CuDom, fa back at Wake Poorest ? " - * - * ?? - -* * ? ? as director or pontic relations tor Sonthcaatuu Theological Sem inary Spring Hope became e sort of second home to Dr. Ciflom and, each January on Us borthday, he and ? driver would brave whatever winter there was, for the annual bhthtfciy dinner which the Spring Ave Baptist Choreh held far Dr. CuBom. If you are interested to aaotftng a copy of "The CUDom Lantern" tor self or friends, advance order* are now being accepted by the pub lisher*? at $3.13 per copy ( tax included)? by Edwards k Brough ton in Ririeigfl. Introduction to the book is by the new South eastern trtaidmt. Dr. Olin T. BMdegr. NOTES . . . We have Jost re ceived the November 1 am at "Agricultural Jtoview," the bi weekly Ire* pdM ioat km put cut by the N. C. Department of Agricul ture. We oaomead the depart ment for getting out at least one State pubticatiaa an tim?-a rare item around here? and are glad to aote that the droulaHoo fa hi*h-JK 0? ?o?ies ?*?n?#e for kfUU Motto ar (be wgr. a if free? and the want ads alone are worth the money? ii you want to get on the mailing Hat . . . around Mat* li tktf of W,?0.#? wiB ba ape* fa ?* | Democratic Primary " ' XI note each m at the tap of tt* fraat Me of the Nsws A can see, when 100 rolls arouq^, probaWy the biggest paper ever published in North Carolina That alone is more than enough to cause an advertising director who has been JB years a success with one great newspaper to Wgk more to his green thumb activi ties around the house ... We in oar family rank R. H. Carson up (bare with the best: big shoes far the Daniel boys to fill aa their blood-end-thunder property new rigorously toward its lOOtti year. KFK ON KIGITre BOX The Kennedy Administration it seems will risk a few politic al brickbats to make its civil rights program palatable to Congress. * Attorney General Robert Kennedy recently urged the full committee to trim the bill down to the milder proportions recommended four months ago by President Kennedy. Elgin Star lite, World's daintiest wateh at thfe low price! Yellow or white. Sportamaa in yellow, Wa terproof* with luminous dial. Washingtoi By CONGRESSMAN JAMBS t. BRO YH1LL aide ?f the CMM. the Pre? dent*a tax MB, already p*iwd by the Howe, b ante- heavy attack by thoae who change tt it a wind fall to the rich ad Owe who hold I it an invitation to mo now on the books. last week as a House-Senate con flict broke knee over aid to edu cation legislation. Last summer, the House passed ? bill to provide tkn It had overwhelming bi partisan support. In the Senate, however, changes vers mad*. The cost of the prqgnam over the next five years wag doubted and ? new so-called "work-study" program. ?i ating an ISO million n year was added. Normally, this iwwld mean the differences in the two version* of the UU would be thrashed out ia a House-Senate conference and the compromise would be accept ed or rejected by both hsums However, the Senate wont te ther. K tochsd two other edaca tisn bills to the vocational edu cation measure. Both of these, tie National Defease Education r" program and aid to federally im pacted area*, were awaiting con nate M(. lilt would ter the House the right of reaponeibte ac tion on both bills and throw the legislative authority to a objection* to tMe re gardUes of the relative merits of the bOla. A jswoadure store* is brewing that eeuld tie op all three measure* indefinitely. USES WRONG NAME New York? A cheek forfer wrote everal checks and cash ed thens ia small stores using, what be learned later, was the wrong name. On all of the checks he wrote the name "Joseph Kelley " Sev eral days later he was arrested and learned that the detective who solved the bad check art ist case was Detective Joseph Kelley. TOW" Shop Thrift for Better Values on Nationally Advertised Merchandise . . . Thrift believet a piece of mem M not told until eaten and fully enjoyed WE HAVE A REPUTATION FOB V. 8. CHOICE GRADED BEEF. YOUR FAVORITE GUTS AT POPLAR PRICES

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