erdona ention inactivities ocia< JEAN L. RIVERS, EDITOR? Home Telephone AMherst 4-3889 ? Office Telephone AMherst 4-3612 | Local . Mm Bunny liuci It recup erating at Watauga Hospital af ter having surgery October 22. Mr. and Mr*. J. 0. Yancey of Newland visited Saturday with their daughter, Mr*. Bob Ray Md Mr. Ray. Mr. and Mr*. W. H. Randall, Dtanne and Patricia, of Lilling ton (pent the week end with Mr. and Mr*. E. L. Ray. Mr. and Mr*. Coy W. Church (pent the weekend with Mr. Church'* mother, Mr*. Lee J. Church in ' Wilkes county. Mr*. C. B. Angel attended the funeral service* of Mr*. George Shook of Pineola Thurs day The W. D. Buck family who live on the Linville road will leave Saturday to make their home in Fort Lauderdale, Via. Rev. and Mr*. Victor Trivette of Concord were recent visitors 1b the home of Mr. and Mr*. Joe L. Coffey Sr. at Deep Gap. Mr*. David Joyner of Wind Mr, N. C., viiited last week with her brother, Mr. Robert Swift. Mr. Homer F. Brown wss In Durham Thursday, attending a meeting of the North Carolina Librarians' Association. Mrs. Rose Garvey of Blowing Rock left this week to spend the winter at North Carolina Bapt ist Home in Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Conley Glenn of Vilas left Saturday to spend the winter in Winter Beach, FU. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Coleman of Tabor City were here Tues day and Wedneiday transacting business. Or. and Mrs. Jack Lawrence and family had as their week end guest Miss Edith Hinshaw of Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Meredith had as week end guests Mr. and Mr*. Owen H. Meredith of Pul aski, Va. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chester visited with Rev. and Mrs. Preston Hughe* end family in Bamseur, N. C. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hackney of Bobbins were week end glints of Mr. and Mr*. Jerry c?*. ? - ?"<>. : Dr. and Mrs. W. AmorAb rams of Raleigh were guests of Mr. and Mr*- Gordon Wink ler over the week end. Mr. 8tan Cooke, faculty mem ber of Staunton Military Aca demy of Staunton, Va. was a week end guest of the Nicholas Ernestons. Mrs. Howard A. Donald of Lexington, Va. arrived Satur day to spend the winter with Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ernes ton. Mr*. Hazel Wilkins of Ashe ville is spending two weeks with her mother, Mr*. W. R. Gragg and her sister, Miss Bernice Gragg. Mr*. Joyce Pipes and son, Richard, of Wingate were week end guest* in the home of Mr*. W. R. Gragg and Miss Bernice Gragg. Mr. and Mr*. R. E. Keiley attended the Booker-Doyle wed ding in Charleston, S. C. Satur day. They were weekend Rueitj of Mr. and Mr*. Harry Hooker. Mr. and Mr*. Wm. T. Hard ing Jr. left Monday for their home in Sarasota, Florida after spending the summer In the Valle Cruel* community. Captain C. C. (Jack) Whiten er of the United State* Air Force la Waahlngton, D. C. wm a week end gueet of hi* parent*. Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Whitener. Mr. and Mr*. Tom Edwards of Port Angeles, Washington and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pugh of Spar ta visited last week with Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Whitener. Mr. and Mr*. Wade E. Brown ware in Mockirllle Tuesday, to attend the funeral of. Mrs. Brown's uncle, Dr. Letter P. Martin Mr. and Mr*. Earl Ward of Aahevllle and Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Price and son, Michael, of Lenoir were week end guects of Mr and Mr*. Allen Gregg. Mrs. E. A Watson and son*, Trop and Howard, of Wythville, Va. were dinner guests Sunday In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Coffey Sr. of Deep Gap. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Shuping and children, Clay and Nancy, of Greensboro visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Jeff Stans bary and Mr*. J. A Boon*. Mr. and Mr*. John Kohler of Peaaaeola, Fla. will arrive Fri day to spend several days la their aummer home, "Briar cliff on Deck Hill. Recent visitors of Mrs J. L. night and daughter, Doris, of Gastonia, the Rev. and Mrs. G. E. White and. grandson. Jack Baylltf of Qweiwtjoro. Affairs . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shoemaker of Zionvllle visited Sunday with Mr. E. J. Mariow who is 111 at his hone la Roan Mountain, Teun. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Hodges and children, Harland and Kay of Hickory joined Mrs. Hollie Ward Sunday at her home in Todd with a covered dish din ner. Miss Elisabeth Greer and Miss Nancy Hall, students at Kings College in Charlotte, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Greer and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Greer. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dan cey attended the Southeastern Shoe Show in Atlanta, Ga., Monday and Tuesday, buying spring merchandise for Bill's Shoe Store. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Caudill were their nephew, Phil McMillan of N. C. SUte College, and Mr. Caudill's sister, Mrs. Bess Pry or of Washington, D. C. Dsvld Dougherty, a student st the University of North Csrolina at Chapel Hill, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barnard Dough erty. ? Miss Eva Daney Erneston, who is in nurses training at Cannon Memorial Hospital in Banner Elk, was a week end guest of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Erneston. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Rom and twins, Margaret and Jim, of Lillington were guests at the Daniel Boone Hotel during the week end and attended the Homecoming activities at the college. Mr. and Mr*. Paul Fletcher, Judy, Betty and Darrell of Hic kory visited Sunday with Mr. and lira. David Hodges. They alto visited with Mrs. Adam Hodges and other relativea in the Oak Grove community. . Mr. and Mra. J. E. Collette of Winston-Salem and Mr. and Mra. Roy Robinson of Lenoir apent the week end with Mr. and Mra. Frank M. Payne and the Homecoming activities at A8TC. Week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mra. Trey Nor rls were Mr. and Mra. James Norris of Charlotte and Mr. and Mrs. John T. King and chil dren, Martha, John, Bobby and Margot of Wadeaboro. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Matthews and children, Linda and Joe, of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Wood row Perry and children, Joann, Layman and Russell, of West Jefferson were guests In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Nor ris during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell T. Wil son and children, Billy, Frances and Vivian Leigh, of Athena, Oa. spent the week end with Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mra. A. L. Cook. While here they attended the Homecoming activities at ASTC. Major and Mrs. Byron W. An derson and daughters of Wash ington, D. C. were recent visi tors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walton S. Cole. Major An derson and Mr. Cole were B-17 crew mates during World War n. Mr. and Mrs. Conley Harfbln of Tacoma, Waih. left for home Friday after spending a month with Mr. and Mr*. Edgar Har bin of Vila* and other relative* in the county. The late Mr*. Effi* Mast waa ? sifter of the Messrs Harbin. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Goodnight and children, Deborah, Sonny and Tommy, of Charlotte, and Miss Celia Gomedela of New ton spent the week end with Mrs. J. L. Goodnight and at tended the homecoming activi ties. Recent visitors with Mrs. C. C. Hodges in the Sands com munity were Mrs. Mildred Dar vey of Norfolk, V*., Mrs. Pr? nell of Asheboro, N. C., Mrs. Vm. Pyacer of Vale, N. C. Mrs. Clarence Brown and Mrs. Macy Josey of Rockwell, and Mrs. Ruth Beairs of Salisbury. Mr. and Mn. E. C. Hodges and Mrs. I. S. Welch of Mt. Zion community spent Tuesday with Mrs. Welch's daughter, Mrs. J. B. Triplett and Mr. Triplatt at Zionville. Sunday visitors la the Triplett home were Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fer guson of Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Burl Yates of Lenoir announce the birth of a daughter, Rebecca Ann, at Cald well Memorial Hospital, Octo ber 3S. Visiting with them Sun day ware Mr. and Mrs. Rufe Jones, Mildred Joms, Mr. and Mr*. Earl Jones, Linda, Johnny, Benny and Gail Jones and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Miller of Rt. 2, Boon*. Mr. and Hit. R. A. Farthing of Valle Cruel* hive returned after spending several days with their son, Mr. Glenn Far thing and family in Greensboro. Miss Kathleen Manley and Mias Mae Iddina of Caraoe Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn. were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. S tailings. Also visiting during the week end were Mrs. C. H. Stallings and Mrs. Burwell of Rocky Mount and Mr. Roland Stallings of Loulsburg. Recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Watson of Deep Gap were Mr. and Mrs. Nolan F. Watson and daughter, Carol; Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Wat sen and daughter. Dawn; Mr. Lawton Grogan and Mr. Carl Grogan of Silverstone, and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Grogan of Forest, Va. Mrs. Justin Rambo and Mrs. Selmer Fuller of Mountain City, Tenn. attended homecoming at Appalachian College Saturday. Mrs. Fuller is the former Miss Rose Swift of the Cove Creek community and a graduate of the class of 1803. It Is thought she was the oldest alumni pre sent. Mrs. Robert Brabec left Mon day for her home In Sevastop al, Calif, after visiting a week with her mother, Mrs. W. F. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hamilton, Jr. Visiting with them over the week end were Mrs. W. C. Ramsey of Asheville and Steve Hamilton, who is at tending Gardner-Webb College in Boiling Springs. Dr. and Mn. J. C. Canlpe re turned home Sunday from War saw where Dr. Canlpe held a revival. He alio held revivali the previoua two weeks at Sal isbury and Burlington. Mr*. Canipe spent the first week visiting her son Mr. J. C. Canipe Jr. and family In Charlotte. The second week she visited Mrs. B. B. Buckner and Mrs. Annie Watson in Siler City. Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wink ler of Bethel were Mr. and Mrs. Doug Taylor, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Doug Taylor, Jr., and daughter, Ronda Sue, of Gastonia; Mr and M?. Robert Wthkler, Sr., of Boone. Other recent visitors in the Winkler home were Mrs. Dare Kennedy of Pine Bluff and Mrs. Justin Ragan of Boone. Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Miller on Faculty St. were, Rev. and Mrs. Vestal Moore of North Wilkesboro, Mrs. Bessie Eller of Deep Gap, Delia Greene of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greene of Deep Gap, Rev. and Mrs. Archie Clawson and daugh ters of Route 2, Boone and Mrs. Wiley Smith. Mrs. Lucy Watson and son, Martin Luther Bingham, have returned from a visit with her daughter, Mr*. Blaine Miller in Hanover, Pennsylvania, and were week end guests of the Jade Snellings in Philadelphia. Enroute home they visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Collins In Scottsville, Va. They were ac companied by Mrs. Fred Yar brough of Dublin, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Wilson and Jennie Bell Mast had as guests during the week end Mr. and Mrs. Ray McKlney and daugh ters of Kannapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Mast and family and Mrs. Melvin Doty and son, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Greer and family of Kingsport, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mast, Mr. and Mr*. Ray Farthing of Sugar Grove, Mr. Blain Wilson of Zionville, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Wilson and son of Pineville, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Minton and son, Mrs. John Bolick and Mr. Frank Greene of Boone. Jr. Garden Club Meets The Mountain Laurel Junior Garden Club met Friday, Oc tober 35, at the home of the Jack Lawrences. Mrs. David Spainhour demonstrated ' the water culture of the paper white narcissus. She Hid, "To plant put an inch or two of and or pebbles in the bottom of the dish; set the bulbs up right and place sufficient peb bles around them to hold them in place; fill the dish with water and set in a dark, cool room un til plenty of roots have formed, after which bring to a light place." For part of the meeting the club members raked pine nee dles which were taken to the Daniel Boone Native Gardens. Mrs. John Hollar and Mr*. Jaek Lawrence assisted Mrs. Spain hour. The hostess served ice cream cones to the nine mem ber* and four guests present Tubby -Sherwood Vows Exchanged MRS. RICHARD GLENN SHERWOOD The U. S. Ambuudor to the European Office of the United Nations and Mrs. Roger W. Tubby of Geneva, Switzerland and Saranac Lake, New York, announce the marriafe of their daughter, Jean Prentiaa, to Rich ard Glenn Sherwood, aon of Mr. and Mn. Edmund Glenn Sher wood of Lyndhurat, Ohio. The wedding took place October >2 at the Lyndhurat Preabyterlan Community Church in Lynd hurat, Ohio. The Rev. Harry L. Blgelow officiated. The bride wore her mother'i gown of cream-colored aatln, faahioned with a bateau neck line and cathedral train. Her lllualon veil waa attached to a piece of lace which had be longed to her great-great grand mother. She carried cream-col ored roses. Maid of honor was Hiss Sha ron Gawdy of Glencoe, Illinois, and Hiss Ann Miller of Rock ville, Maryland was her brides maid. Both attendants wore emerald velvet sheaths and car ried bouquets of pink carna tions. Edmund Foster Sherwood was his brother's best man. Ushers were Jay Gehring, Pete Fena and Neil McWherter of Cleve land, Ohio. A reception followed in the Fellowship Room of the church and later one was held for the family at the home of the groom's parents. The bride is a senior at West ern College for Woinen, Oxford, Ohio. The bridegroom is a graduate of Miami University, Oxford, Ohio and is associated with Dun and Bradstreet ill Cleveland. Mr. Sherwood is the grandson of Mrs. Edmund Foster Sher wood of Vilas and the late Mr. Sherwood. Blue Ridge Garden Club Meets The monthly meeting of the Blue Ridgs Garden Club mm held October 23 at the home of Mr* a W. Stalling*, with Mrs. 6. K. Mooee, Mkv. Wayne Richardson, and libs. Stagings ?* Joint host After a delicious luncheon, the clJb conducted ? business meet ing, a highlight of which was the report* of the district meeting. The district meeting was held ia Oonover October 18 and wee attended by the fallowing mem bers of the Blue Ridge Club: Mn. W. H. Plemmons, Mrs. IL W. Watkins, Mn. D. L. Wiloox, Mrs B. W. StaiHngs, Mrs R. H. Harmon, and Mfr. H. M Cooke. Plan* lor aiding in the mainten ance of the Denieel Boone Gar den were diecuased, and the dob voted to provide one day's images for the gardener next summer. All the garden chifae in District Faculty Dames Meet Tuesday The Faculty Dimu met Tutt day night la ths auditorium of the Fine Arta Building for a faihion ahow. The hocteieef were the old and new officer! of the club. Clothe* from Mock'* Dreti Shop, CaudlU'l, the Vanity Shop, Belk'i and Creat Store were modeled by the following club member*: Mr*. Ina Van No^peil, Mr*. Gay nell Wilton, Mr*. Daisy Eggen, Mr*. Margaret Meyer, Mr*. Jan ice Whltener, Mr*, Marge Breit enitein, Mr*. - Elizabeth Ran dall, Mr*. Carolyn Trart*, Mr*. Elaine Jones, Mr*. Katharine Lacy, Mr*. Pat Light, Mr*. Jim raie Owen and Lorraine and Helen Harrla. A lovely practical coftume for the woman who travels a great deal is a three piece eoe tume comprised of a jumper a silk blouse and a jacket. Made of packable worsted and silk this is the answer to what to wear en many occasions. More Society Page Eight H are asked to do thta The Bird Conservation Study was given by Mi*. Choke, ?4w ?eve an informative talk on the Blue Jay. Mr?. Mae MSUer, Mrs H. M. Cooke, and Mrs B. W. St?Htn#i presented a pragma on the g rear ing ft lilies. Mrs Millar and Mr*. Cooke talked en the differ ent varieties, the planting and cultivation o f lilies, and Mi*. Stalling showed ooiorM slides of gorgeous lilies grown by her and Mi*. Miller. Since several members of the Blue Ridge Club are also mem bers of the North Carolina Lily Society, sod since the State Lily Show w* he held in Boone in UM, this program was received with unusual intereat. Mrs. Mary Rwct, who la 78 years eld sad la now living on Cove Creek, came by recently for ? visit. She wu born in Wateuia County, the daughter of Solomon Younce who moved his family from Zlonville to Elk Park when ihe was 4 years old. Soon after arriving In Elk Park, Mrs. Reece remembers that her father took her for a ride on the narrow gage train. They went to Hampton, Tenn. to attend an Old Soldier's Reun ion. She said many people had tried to figure out who named that same train "TweeUie" . . . but she said it was known by that name in 1882. That's in teresting! Tuesday I went on ? visiting binge , . , something I haven't done for ages. I went to the hospital to see an old friend, Mrs. D. E. Benfleld, who was injured In a fall several weeks ago. She is getting along real well and with her spunk, she'll be out of there soon. Also went especially to see Mrs. W. F. Killer, who has been a patient at Watauga since May, 1962. There I had the good fortune to run into her daughter, Mar guerite (Mrs. Robert Brabec), who is now living near San Francisco, Calif. Marguerite is the friend that sends those un usual and very, very interesting Christmas cards- each year. It was good to see her again. While titers I learned that another apecial friend, Bunny Iaaaea, had bad surgery that morning. She waan't having viaitora at that time, but I went back yesterday (or a long vlalt and ahe is getting along beautifully. From there I went to aee Mrs. C. M. Caudill of Crew, Va., who broke her hip while vlaiting with her aon, Jake, and Ola Caudill recently She is auch a nice person and ia getting along fine. I was glad to have the opportunity to meet her daughter, Mrs. Bess Pryor of Waahington, D. C., who la an assistant to Senator Richard Ruaaell. She told me that her alater, Nell Player, whom I have known for yeara ... is living a few doors away from her. Nell was one of the pret tieat girls I ever knew . . . and I enjoyed hearing about her. Some more visiting that I had wanted to do for ages was to go see Mrs. John Barden, who was seriously injured in an automo bile accident several weeks ago. I also went to her house last Tuesday and she had gone for a ride. (I'll go back soon.) So, I spied Mrs. Lillian Hopk ins in her yard planting tulips and stopped for ? chat. I had never been In her new house and ahe stopped her work to take me on a tour of the bouse. It is cozy . . . just right for Mrs. Hopkins and I'm mighty glad ahe is ao well situated. Soon Mrs Clyde Miller and Lucille Hopkins Cooke came In and we had a good time. It was a most enjoyabU day. Wonder why I deprive myaelf of ao much pleasuref I could do some visiting each week ... if I managed properly. Your daddy and I went to the opening of the new A k P Store In Weat Jefferson Wednesday afternoon. They hid a great opeolng and the store is real nice. I met Mrs. Beatty and Mrs. Andrews, whose husbands are area officials of the com r0ur Drycleaning must conform ^ to strict National Quality Standards' And It 4?eel We pltdged ourselves to uphold that* standards whan aw bacama ? SANITONE affHIata. Wa employ tested and approved materials, methods and equipment, developed through continuing research by our National SANITONE Service. It enables us to orovtde you with the finest available professional , ^ drycleaning. Try It today! You'll notice the difference.^ CALL AM 4441S BOONE, N. C. pany, and I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with both e f them. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews recently bought a lot in the Poplar Hill development and they plan to build eventually. We are glad they like our town ao well . . . and we'll b? looking forward to having them here. I waa dreadfully disappoint ed Wednesday night when I came home from playing bridge to find that the Shackfords, Joe and Virginia, of Oklahoma City had stopped by our bouse. Mr. Shackford had written that they might come the 22nd or 23rd, but wasn't sure. After a heavy fog settled on us late Wednes day, I was sure they had chang ed their plans ... so I missed a wonderful visit and I deeply regret it. Ypur daddy enjoyed them. And, I'll say this, I'll be home next time if there is any possibility they are coming. Homecoming at ASTC was just about perfect this year. The weather cooperated beau tifully, the parade was outstand ing, we won the game . . . seemed nothing could go wrong Saturday and I'm delighted. Don't know yet which float won, all were good, but the In dustrial Arts float was outstand ing. Those responsible for any part of the festivities are to be congratulated. Sunday afternoon I went to open house held in the new apartments Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Campbell of Statesvllle are finishing on Woodland Drive. The building is lovely, the apartments extra nice, and this Is another fine addition to our thriving town. No room for a recipe this week. See you both soon, I hope. Love, Mom Oct. 28, 1963. Garden Group To Gather The Watauga Garden Council meeting will be held November 6 at 8 p. m. at Mrs. J. M. Wink ler's, 301 Horn in the West Drive. Woman's Club Has General Meeting Thurs. The general meeting of the Boone Woman's Club wai held at 7:30 Thuraday night, Oct. 24, at the home of Mrs. Wayne Richardson. Co-hoatene* were Mrs. Orus Sutton, Mrs. Herman Eggers, Mrs. Glenn Andrews, Mrs. A. E. South and Mrs. Bert Ellis. The president, Mrs. Lee Rey nolds, presided and heard re ports from committee chair men. Mrs. Homer Brown, chair man of the Empty Stocking Fund, said that only toya would be put in the gift packages this year, not clothing and toys as in previous years. The method of distributing the gifts was discussed and it was suggested that the recipients be notified where the gifts will be avail able. Mrs. R. H. Harmon aald the civic organizations should have a list of names so there would be no overlapping in dis tributing the gifts. Mrs. Reynolds asked for vol unteers to help mail letters for the tuberculosis fund campaign. Those who plan to work were asked to bring a sandwich or covered dish for lunch, and to meet at Boone Methodist church, Nov. 7, at 9 a. m. More help is needed and will be ap preciated by the group. Mrs. D. L. Wilcox, program chairman, introduced Mrs. J. D. Shoemake, who gave the program on "Strengthening the Arm of Liberty", the Wo man's Club theme for the year. She related the history of the Statute of Liberty ? how It or iginated ? the problems encoun tered during the years, includ ing the difficulty of raising money to build it, and current plans for widening its influ ence, for a museum and other additions. She mentioned the change in the name of its loca tion from Bedloe Island to the present name, Freedom Island. Refreshments were served during the social hour which followed. Mrs. Reynolds announced that a general meeting would not be held in November, but that departmental meetings i would be held as usual. COMING SOON RAMPAGE RUNNING MAN CONDEMNED OF ALTONA

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