Tragic Four Days In City Of Dallas Are Recalled In brief, here are the happen ings of a tragic four days in Dallas, Texas and Washington, D. C.: Last Friday at approximately 1:30 p. m, President John F. Kennedy, riding in an open car at the head of a motorcade through a crowded street in downtown Dallas, received two head wounds from bullets fired by a sniper through an open window in the sixth floor of the Textbook Depository Building which borders the street. Taken to an emergency room at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Kennedy died at about a p. In. EST. Texas Governor John B. Connally, also injured by the assassin, underwent surgery and was reported to be getting along satisfactorily. Meanwhile, ? Texan describ ed as a Marxist, Pro-Castroite, Lee Harvey Oswald, injured a Dallas city policeman, J. D. Uppett, fatally In a Kan battle near the scene of the assassina tion. Oswald was captured soon after In a motion picture thea ter a few blocks away, charged with the murder of Trippett, add held for questioning in the assassination of President Ken nedy. Vice-President Lyndon Balnes Johnson was sworn in as Presi dent by a woman judge just be fore he left Dallas on the Wash ingt on-bound plane that bore the body of President Kennedy. The swearing-in ceremony took place at 2:30 p. m. EST. Johnson returned to Wash ington, made a brief speech ex pressing his grief and his firm intentions of carrying out his new duties to his fullest capaci ties, and immediately schedul ed a full round of conferences with Cabinet members, Presi dential advisors. Friday night, he issued a proclamation nam ing Monday as a national day of mourning for the lata Presi dent. The late President's remain*, meanwhile, were flown to Beth esda Naval Hespitsl in Mary lsnd. lira Kennedy and the Kennedy children also went to the Naval Hospital. Late Friday night, Lm *. to wild was formally chaffed #Ki the murder of President ten nelly. Saturday morning, H trtt announced that he was also be ing charged with attempted murder in his assault on Gover nor Connally. President Kennedy's body was .flown Saturday to the White House. Sunday morning, the body was moved to the Capitol rotunda where H lay In state until 1 t> m., the eMkot being viewed only by members of the family, elose friends, government officials and vistt ing heada of state. Dallas officials had announc ed that they had an airtight case against Oswald, citing such evidence as ballaatlcs tests, testimony of the man who drove Oswald to the text book depository Friday morn ing, palm prints oh the murder weapon and on boxes In the sixth floor of the depository building, and handwriting on the form which Oswald alleged ly used to procure the murder weapon. The most damaging pieces of evidence seemed to be photographs which were produced showing Oswald holding the rifle used to assas sinate the President. Sunday morning, prepara tiona were made ta remove Os wald from the Dallas city jail to the county pall nearby. Aa officer* prepared to lead Os wald art, a Dallaa night-club operator naaied Jack Baby, who had a rather spotty police re cord, somehow gained entrance into the baaement of the city jail. He ran to Oswald, drew a small pistol, aad shot the prb oner once through the abdomen *.-? aot 1 J ?CIOiT oinccrs couiu WMMC Oswald, taken alio to Park land Memorial Hospital, died tire hour* later ia an operating room adjacent te the one in which the Preeident had died 4B hours before, Ruby mi tak en into police custody and charged with the murder of Os wald. Dallas police stated that, as far as they were concerned, the Oswald eeee was closed. This prompted immediate instiga tion of an FBI investigation in to the slaying of Kennedy. At t p. m. 3?May, the Capi tol reload* was opened to the public. Prom thee untU II *. m. Monday, many thousand* -of citixens paraded pest the bier to pay their respects to the late President. . Monday, With all the pomp and ceremony befitting the fal len leader of the free world, President Kennedy was buried in Arlington National Ceme tery, just acroea the Potomac River from Washington. An estimated crowd of 800,000, in cluding most of the world's political leaders, looked on. Oak Grove | ; Circle Meets Circle No. 1 of Oak Grove Bapttot Church mat Monday, No vember *, wMi Mm. Mary Lee Hodges a* hrntnae. Mm. Jean Cole pn*ided durhxg lL_ l||.nL| ,i - , . ,,J, ? ? ?% ifKr Du^mess ^sreicms wnen foans wwe made to hvlpaaeody family A program, taken fttxn the book "WUHam Wallace at China" ww prcaontod by DeDtares L? tone, Mary Lee Hodges and Jean Reese. The meeting was ctoed with prayer tar our rational leaders. a aeosen cauiw wwb SBrveo oo the IS membara and one vkrttor, Sfrs Sue Wtam. Mrs. SH*-y Ftaa will be hoat oa far the December lath meet The Brightest Packages With the Brightest Names Am Wrapped At Cupboard Williams Child Rites Are Held Ghffvo^tde setvloea tor Nancy Etosfcetfi WUliams, one-day-old daughter ci Paul and Nancy Lota Beach WflitanM, of Rt. 1. 7Joo vilte, w.e conducted at Pfeaaent Grew Cemetery at S p.m.. No vember IS. ? ' i ? l In. n.i.l.lll I- - t n *?- - jfurvrving m acKiiuon w> me parents are one stater, Kathy Am WMtame; the paternal grand parents, Mr. and Sfra. A. C. Wil Uama; the maternal grand parenta, Mr. and Mrs Ralph Beach, tU of ZkxrvtUe. United States aide, carrying WO, ooo, to missing ?II ? *???. t?. IW I. ? .1 ? 1 . ? Carson-Newman Wins Forensic Trophy Carson Newmw College won the championship trophy ia the 23rd annual Appalachian State Teachers College Mountain For mic meet in Boom. Second place affirmative went to Lenoir Rhyne College; sec ond place negative was woo by Eaat Tenneesaee; third place af firmative went to Maryville Col lege; fourth place affirmative and negative were won by Tenn essee Tech; and fifth place neg ative was awarded to Carson Newman. Appalachian placed fifth in afflrmatipe and third in the negtive. The Appalachian debaters made a fine showing. A nega tive team headed I ijr Brenda Wallace of Hudaon and Carol Dyson of Washington State, scored five wins and one loss to take third place in the negative division. An affirmative team of Bill Bingham of Boone and Tom Philips of Carthage had four wins and two losses to take fifth place In the tffirmative di vision Ellis G. Boatmen, ASTC di rector of debate, (aid superior debaters ware Jim Moore, Tenn essee Tech; Tom Poatoa, David son Collate; Jane Dodec, Mary villa College; George Archibald, Chowan College; BUI Mauney, Lenoir Rhyne College; Cath erine Cain, East Tennessee Btaie; Barnett Pearce, Carson Newman College; Keith Stroud, ASTC; John Cole, Caraon New man College; William Mitchell, Maryville College; Ed Ketchie, Lenoir Rhyne College; and Joe Hall, Carson Newman College. Other colleges attending the forensic , meet were North Greenville, Belmont Abbey and Tennessee Wesley an. Mitch Miller ahgers teaming to dttoOt. Opea ? Saving* Aceomt at tk? Mm National Ink at Boonr with |t5 Mr MM, ?r aM |U Mr More to roar preaeat Si'1i|> Aeeaaat, aa4 you mrin ft* a kpieto I Maca aetttag af f amom Original lUbert SUverplate or Stalaleaa 8to?l. WM each aj15 or awe, yoa may obtain another pt>M aettlng for o*ljr till. While |M art baildlag a haaiaiaH aiWer lenrica, yoo an bnlMtag faaally aacartty, to*. COSMETIC GIFTS In Limited Supply CHANEL NO. 5 Fame and Toujours Moi by CORDAY