A DEMOCRAT Section C Dr. Harris Will Be Speaker At Northwest Development Meeting Dr. Pierce Harris, pastor of i the First Methodist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, will be the principal speaker at the tenth annual dinner meeting of the Northwest North Carolina De velopment Association in Elkin on Thursday, December 9. Final plans for this meeting of the Association were com pleted by the Board of Direct ors at their November 8 meet ing. The dinner is scheduled at the Gilvin Roth YMCA at 6:30 p. m. Association president, Hight Helms, has appointed former president Atwell Alexander of; Stony Point ac .general chair man for the annul event. Tic ket sales are now being handled In the eleven connties by asso ciation directors. Mr. Alexand er expressed regret that space will permit only 8M guests. Prior to Dr. Harris' address. Community Development DK. PIERCE HARRIS Awards will be presented to the 35 winning communities. Awtrds for 1963 total $5,000. As in toe put nine years, inese awards generate much excite ment and constitute a feature part of the program. Messrs Helms and Alexandei praised the selection of Dr. Har ris, the speaker for this oc casion. The Georgia native is now in his twenty-third year as pastor of Atlanta's First Metho dist Church, where more than 5,000 new members have been added during his tenure of lead ership. It has been said that Dr. Har ris has spoken at more Metho dist Conferences than any other Methodist minister in America. He is also a .popular speaker at a wide range of national con ventions. Persons wishing to attend the dinner meeting in Elkin on De cember S are urged to secure tickets without delay, for the maximum capacity of the YMCA is 800. Brewer, Burch Start Time At State Prison Raleigh ? Raleigi businessman KkkJ Brewer and Conner highway engineer Robert A. Burch entered Oentnal Prison fa Raleigh last Wednesday to begin srrvktg 18 moath terms for aofluenoe peddbng. They were taken to the prison by Wake County Sheriff Robert Pleasants after committment pa pers had been lined over to him by Superior Court Clerk J. Rus sell Nipper. Prisons Director George Ran dall aaad the two men will be totpt at Central Prison "for two or three days for processing." He added, "They will be inter viewed and given a battery of tests to determine their Job piace^ meat." Randall said they Turbo-Fire V8.* It's available for the first time this year along with a choice of three other engines? the standard 4 (in 100 Series sedans), the standard 6 and a new 155 hp 6.* (And all of them maintain their high spirits on modest amounts of regular gasoline.) But the changes aren't confined to what X?Z{ happens when you slip into the driver's seat There are new styling features like the tasteful grille design and trim accents, for instance. And the larger self adjusting Drakes that further reduce upkeep on a car that already nas a reputation of coming about as dose to perpetual motion as anything on four wheels can get. The place to get the full details on the '64 L__ is your Chevrolet dealer's. And after vou've 32 y got them, we hope you'll attend to one further I detail yourself. Drive it SAM W. DIXON Sam W. Dixon Is Named County Key Banker A promtoent Watauga County (writer baa been named "County Key Banker" for Wateuga Oouo ty by the N. C. Banket* Associa tiva. NCBA President Jc*m J. Ma sin, has announced that Sam W. Dixon will serve tm County Key Banker tor the next 13 months. Mr. Dixon is Executive Vice President of the Flnt National Bank of Boom. Pointing to the recnputian that Tec fleet bantam have won for 4bear service to ?W*cuitare through the farm nmnne oi (he NCBA, President Mason thanked the 100 Oouoty Kay Bauiueti!. tor their service. He Oflted their continuing help to tfie promotion of the NCBA's pro grams to assist to buttdtog a sound farm economy to North Carolina. The Association con tinues to spend more time end money on Ma farm programs than any other phase at its activity, he reported. Among the projects sponsored by the Association ere a two week school at North Garoina State College each February, at tended by lto young fann lead ens foam every section of Nerth Carolina. These scholarships have totaled over 1.250, eU expenses pat* their -haaatwen the annual (arm ore dk oonfer etaoe brings together severed hun dred farmers and bankers. A land judging contest to the inter est of soil eonserwation to an other project of theNCBA. Mean While, the hanks of North Caro lina continue to lend mare money to 4armers than any cither institu tional group at lenders. Three Members Of Dougherty Family Have Been ASTC Business Managers By LARRY PENLEY Three members of the Dough erty family have served as Business Managers of Appala chian State Teachers College since 1021 ? a period of 42 years. Dauphin Disco Doufherty served from 1921 until his death. in 1929; Mrs. Llllie Shull Dougherty served from 1929 un til her retirement in 1938; she was succeeded by her son, David Barnard Dougherty in 1938. D. D. Dougherty, co-founder of Watauga Academy in 1899 and Appalachian College in 1903, began his teaching career as a math and physics profes sor at Holly Springs College, Butler, Tenn. At Appalachian he taught math, science, phy sics, and German. "Professor Daugh," as he was familarly known on the cam pus, was largely responsible for introducing into the college program an art department, a manual training division (where printing was taught), and home economics. These were quite progressive steps for a college ? especially a young college ? to take during the early 1900's. The first Business Manager was also instrumental In start ing the college's first library which occupied several room* in the administration building. The present 109,000 volume li brary is named in memory of D. D. Dougherty. A capable busineu office itaff assist Vice President Barnard Dougherty in carrying out the diverse operations of his office. In the picture arc (1-r), standing. Ned Trivette, Mrs. Meiba Tugman, Mrs. Pat Hodges, Mrs. Ruth Redmond, Mrs. Carolyn Mitchell, Ed Kerley, Mrs. Mary Buchanan, Mri Maude Carroll, Mrs. Eloise Bagley and C. C. Coffey. Seated is Mr. Dougherty. ? Larry Penley photo. Mrs. D. D. Dougherty Mrs. D. D. Dougherty became Business Manager following the death of her husband. Her son, Barnard Dougherty, worked along aide her as assistant Business Manager until her resignation in 1938. The col lege board of trustees then de signated young Dougherty as Business Manager. David Barnard Dougherty In 10S5, the trustees appoint ed Barnard Dougherty to the newly-created post of vice pres ident and comptroller. Dougherty supervises the activities of 300 non-academic personnel and administers an annual $3V4 million budget in carrying out his duties as vice president and comptroller of Appalachian. He and his capable staff help the president prepare the col lege's biennial budget and then supervises distribution of the money in salaries, services and equipment to the instituton's (560 employees. Vice President Dougherty al so assists the president in pre paring capital improvements budget requests, which totals (continued on page three) From the looms of Mohawk com** on* of the most amazing A carpet values evar offered . . . the perfect carpet for an active ? family on a budget If ? new PARK ROYAL made with a rich ^ and ragged 100% Cumuloft nylon pile to withstand all the ot punishment your family can give it for years. PARK ROYAL' ? smart, new, easy-to-deoorate with and broad selection of decorator colors will give any room in your home ? living room, dining room, bedrooms playroom . . . and yes, even the kitchen? the fresh new look you want and the easy can you've dreamed about! BE SURE TO COME IN OR CALL US FOR SHOP -AT HOME SERVICE TODAY. USE OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN SO THAT YOU CAN HAVE PARK ROYAL. ..THE PERFECT BUDGET-PRICED CARPET RTGHT AWAY I See Mohawk Carpet Mills' Color TV Spectacular NOVEMBER 28 ?. ARTHUR GODFREY THANKSGIVING SPECIAL ? TONY BENNETT ? CAROL LAWRENCE 8HARI LEWIS ? LISA MINELLI ON NBC 10:00 TO 11:00 P. M.