? , ? ?? ? . . m (H1HRKR Or COMMERCE REPORTS jg|. fc'.'.' * .'JL^ ; 1 Charlotte's Stickley May Get Nod Of GOP And Lions Club IT SVLA ft CftEENWOOD LION ... If somo Republi cans have thair wig. ahout it. a Charlotte Democrat vtU con vert the eheriaked and some times slow-moving GOP eleph ant into a roaring U? in the 1*54 gubernatorial ?? in North Carolina. Former Lions International President is persopable and popular John L. Stickler of Charlotte If just the Lions and the members of their families vflte for Stickley, there will in deed be a lot of Republican roaring next year. Lions are not aa numerous as sparrows In North Carolina, bat they can't be far behind. Apd, as for your capital city, the Raleigh Lions Club has had o*ar 250 members for over a decade now and is the tenth largest lions Club in Internat ional. The Republican Party, left away out on a limb by the Jonas declination, are thrash ing about for the "right" candi date. It looks as if the GOP will have at least three candi dates making the race for Gov ernor. That is as many as the ambitious Democrats have right now. Stickley is one of the popu lar modern-day Republicans. He is a business man, is well fixed financially, has little use far the Kennedy's, is a Demo crat, but was the main cog in that wheel that rolled Charles Jonas back into Congress in the revamped Eighth District last year. In fact, Stickley has headed the Citizens for Jonas Movement for Ave years. All he lacks being a regular Republican is changing his reg istration. That's easy. COUNT TEN ... We got this aa the truth from an Army of ficer's wife recently back home1 after a visit in Germany. Offi cers' wives from the South don't l$e to employ as domestics (ferman girls who date our colored soldiers. So, in inter viewing them the prospective employer asks that they count taj ten ia English. If they #y "|oh" for "four", they (fefl't, g?t the . Job. STRANG! . . . Hang around tie Wake Forest College cam pus for an hour or two as we did a few days ago, and you c?n hear almost anything Bapt ist-wise or football-wise or Hil debrand-wise. Chief criticism of Coach Hil debrand on the campus is his pablic conversation low-rating his material. Consensus is this h>s had an awful effect on the morale of the team. Neverthe less, even those most down on tjfe young coach admit he is an excellent "front" man who kaows how to put his best foot forward . . . except on the grid iron. His contract has three years tf run. Gossip at the college is tlut a certain party cloee to Coach Hildebrand has said the "lousy college would have to p^y through the nose" If the contract is terminated. His g?lary is said to be around $12,000, far below average. One of the assistant coaches h?s been quoted as saying that tie South Carolina victory Sou Id have been No. 4 instead Ne. 1. So, it is apparent that t|ere is dissention among the subordinate coaches. Some of tkem say Hildebrand is no ad ministrator, no leader, no or ganiser, but la a good man, knows football, is very person able and easy to like. A lot of the alumni apparent ly regret the South Carolina Win, etc., fearing this late luck Your Portrait Wishes Merry Christmas All Year! 361 H 125 For Appointment FLOWERS' Photo Shop US B. Kb* St Boom, N. C. Mr serva to keep the situstion intact far yet anothor season. Meantime, WF Prexy Harold """? "?rim*"' VASTBR . . . One of th? rea nu you can buy broilers in your supermarket tor as little as 29 cents per pound some times is that a three-pound chicken can now be grown in eight weeks and three days. It used to take 11 weeks. Broiler production Is getting more fancy and efficient all the time. One of the largest manu facturers of cleansing products is moving big into broiler pro duction in North Carolina as industry diversion continues. It isn't ready for publication yet . . . still working on the fe?d makeup, etc. . . but this fall in special experiments three pound broilers have been pro duced in a flat seven week*. You will read about it later. NOTES . . . Featured in a yard-long artiele in the current issue of Life Magazine is Bobby Baker and there in one of the pictures, big-as-life, is U. S. Senator Everett Jordan . . . Shows him and two or three others together after American University had awarded an hon (wary doctor of laws degree on Biker ... Hp hum . . . Also honored by American was Sea. Everett. That ipecial Mtuoa oi the Legislature held here a few week* ago baa brought no peace to the Democratic Party in North Carolina. Deafened to redlatrict the State Senate and thus keep the U. S. Su preme Court frdm forcing it on ua . . . tile special session's ac tion has the big counties and the little counties (population wise) at each others' throats . . . over the "Little Federal" business . . . Now the State Farm Bureau is in it, the State House is being used at a part of it. with a big argUMnt de veloping then. So, aa it tuned out ... and ia turnfcf out . . it might have bee* hatter if the fecial session had never been called . . . The Good Neighbor Council, appointed early thia year to iron out racial difficulties, win hold its first out-of-Ralegh meeting at the swanky Manager Hotel in Charlotto on Decem ber 10 .. . L. V. Sutton, head of Caro lina Power ft Light Co. aad one of the State's beat citisens, got a fright a few days ago ... He Driver Course Is Rescheduled tte North Cttotrnm DapMtmeot ?f m*ar V?fcfcfas in Bag* has IMEfaoduM the driver torae MM due t? ksok of utofrmU. **> new tee far to course ?? (? t? ifcij? r niw^n i j ?t 10 ?t to Driven license <Woe *i Bom from 4 to t p.m. AM jmith between to ?es of U ym*. ? unto and H years. wta> w#l be for ? *wern Hom) in to aenr future end OMWt gst ? driver adraftnrt (MM Id biflh school ahoukl ap ?tgr ? to Driver* Offioe intnedi ?toljr. lost the uk of hii right hand . . . and was sure It was a stroke . . . But now It seems merely nerve trouble . . . and be la beginning to get the use of it again . . . Ironic fact: New chairman of tfce N.C. Woman of the Year woject, succeeding Mrs. Maude fevls Bunn, retired, is a per son who has never been a moth er and probably never will be: Miss Ruth Wilson of Raleigh:. Incidentally, Miss Wilson, was tile first . , . and only . , . wo man ever to serve on the Ra leigh City Council. Outstanding . . and she's mild . . . New fin ancial backer of the Mother of Ike Year project is the N. C. Automobile Dealer* Association . . . The Mothers monthly maga tine, "Hearthstones", has been published gratis by the N. C. Merchants Association for sev eral years. It is going quarterly. fke Sayings Of Josh Abrams . . . By CLARK COX (Denocr* Staff) Mllford Frinkel says the only difference between a idiot and a perfessor is thet you kin sometimes understand what a idiot is tryia' to tell you. ? ? ? ? Reuben Ratliff, who give up smokin' last month 'cause uv ill health, attempted suicide yestiddy after ? fit uv depres sion. ? * ? ? Sinbad Brittle has organized a new club called Alcoholics Unanimous. ? ? ? ? Most folks thet brags about bein' linguists has never yit learnt to speak English. ? ? ? ? A lot uv girls knows thet the best cure fer a pill Is to take a headache. ? ? ? ? T. R. Rati iff claims to be ? politician, but he never got prominent enough to be mis quoted. ? ? ? ? Ichabod Hoots wuz treated (er multiple lacerations at the county hospital Friday after walkin' through a glass door. "The door must uv been near sighted," he explained. ? ? ? ? The high school basketball team spent last week in learnin' to lose gracefully. ? ? ? ? Misses Hepzibah Hoots, cook la the local cafeteria, report! tbet she has lost her false teeth. ? ? ? ? Sinbad Brittle got his hand caught in a revolvin' towel the other day an' sprained his wrist. ? ? ? ? Til ford Moots wuz took vio lently 111 yestiddy in the local cafeteria. ? ? ? ? When somebody says, "It's now or never," it'll probly be never. VIETNAM STUDY CONTINUES Defense authorities reported ? "moderate favorable Usui in tin morale and determkntkm" of South Vietnamese troops in the short time since the overthrow of the regime of President Ngo Dirah Diem. There is no basis lor judgment cn whether the ousting of the Diem Government has altered the complex**! of the war to suppress Communist guertftae. They ?xpect some results by Easter. The average businessman to against government aid to txsi nasses other that bis own. Laws end commandments, in the opinion of some, were made to guide the other follow always. Unforgettable Gift Items in CHAIRS ? RUGS ? LAMPS PICTURES ? LIVING ROOM , DlNlNi ROOM , BEDROOM FURNISHINGS reaiuring r anions @ Westinghouse REFRIGERATORS - FREEZERS - RANGES Washers ? Dryers ? Dishwashers Water Heaters And Small Household Appliances I ? ( ?, ^ ^ transini.s Wdittonhir. winJ?ttiPP?d' P? windows, bucket -U^Pest automatic automatic 59 Chevy 2 Dr. 4 cylinder. Radio, heater, standar 59 Ford 4 Dr. 6 cylinder. Radio, heater, automatic transmission. '58 Chevy V-8 Radio, heater, automatic transmission. 2 of these. 56 omTss Holiday Coupe. Radio, heater, hydramatlc. '56 Pontiac Sport Coupe. Power steering, power brake*, radio, heater, automatic transmission. 55 Ford 4 Dr. '54 Jeep Wagon '53 Cadillac 4 Dr. Sedan. 58 InternatioMl 2 Ton Truck. 1115

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