^ on't let this year's late Thanksgiving fool you. T Christmas is SOONER than you think. And time will fly from now till then! Take your cue from Santa's arrival to start your Christmas shopping EARLY . . . which means NOW! To meet this year's special need for EARLY Christmas shopping, your hometown stores are co operating by presenting right NOW their most bountiful selection of gifts for eveifeie on your list. Avoid the "plight before Christmas" with its last-minute rush and crush. Take your gifts-shopping EAS IER and do it BETTER . . . NOW. I h*t | ^ man is here again ! Santa Claus has come to town with a big, bountiful load of wonderful gifts for all. The stores are festive with Christmas colors, brimming with bright new gift ideas. And in your hands right now you hold a convenient guide to a whole wide world of perfect presents for everyone in your Christmas. Study this special edition care- ^ fully. On every page you will find happy so lutions to your gifting problems, to help you make this Christmas the merriest ever for all! I 4