~ IT; '?r Section b WA.TAU G A DEMOCRAT^^ Section B VOLUME LXXV1? NO. 23 BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, IMS PRICE TEN CENTS ASTC Summer Term To Begin June 9th Dr. Juno* Stone, director of summer sessions at Appalachian Stat# Teachers College, has an nounced the dates (or the 1964 summer sessions. Two six-week terms will be conducted June 9 - July 17 and July 20 - August XI. In addition, two- week terms will be held be ginning June 22, July 0, July 20 and August 3. Dr. Stone said that the 1963 summer session had an instruc tional budget of nearly 9290,000. Most of this budget was derived from the tuition and fees col lected from summer students. For the summer session, the fees and tuition remain propor -tionatdy The tape as thoie lor the regular sessions. The salaries of the summer session faculty remain propor tionately equal to regular ses sion salaries. During the 1963 summer session, 109 of the regu lar faculty were employed; in addition to these, 80 visiting professors were on the summer session faculty. Visiting professors included Dr. Deak Campbell, president emeritus of Florida State Uni versity; Dr. J. Fred Rippey, University of Chicago; and Dr. L. O. Andrews, Ohio State Uni versity. ASTC employed 16 consult ants during the 1863 summer session In 1961, registration for sum mer sessions totaled 3,703; in 1062, the total registration was 4,318; and in 1963, the enroll ment was 4,260. Of this 1963 enrollment, 49% were in the graduate school and 40% were Tegular ASTC .urderscadua** students. A total of 1,433 students pur sued their graduate degrees at ASTC in the summer of 1962. Although 80% of the 1963 en rollment was North Carolina students, 40 different states were represented on the ASTC campus. ; Child Is Badly Hurt In Deep Gap Crash A two-and-one-half year old (irl was injured seriously and her parents and another person less seriously injured about 3:19 p. m. in a traffic collision at Deep Gap, about 10 miles east of Boone. State Highway Patrolman G. L. Morgan said the girl, Kevin Adkins of High Point, suffered lacerations of her face. He said she was taken to Watauga Hos pital at Booue, then transferred for plastic surgery to Baptist Hospital at Winston-Salem. He said her condition was termed fair. The girl's parents, according to Morgan, were treated at Wa tauga Hoapital for bruises and cuta, then discharged. The Bar ents are Navy Ensign Franklin Mansfield Adkins alid Page Ad kins, acah 28. ? James Hinson Greene, 20, Of 184( West Howard Street, BoOne, driver Of the other car, suffered a laceration inside his I DEBT LIMIT MAT RISE The House faces another tem porary Government financial ' crista. The House Ways and Means Committee has been asked to ap prove legislation increasing the national debt limit from its pres ent $309,000,000,000 (0 *315,000, 000,000 for the remaining part of the curent fiscal year, w*?ch wall end next June 30. mouth and two broken teeth. The patrolman said the car driven by Adkins and one driv en by Greene collided in thick fog at the intersection of U. S. 421 and 221. Mrs. Yates, 86, Dies At Granite West Jefferson ? Mrs. Rhonda Church Yates, 86, of Deep Gap, widow of Squire Yates, died Monday, November 28, at Gran ite Falls. She had been ill for the past several years. She w? born in Wilkes Coun ty to Thurmond and Elizabeth McMillan Church. Surviving are four daughters, Miaa Nannie Yates of North Wflkesbdro, Mrs. Mollie Crotts of Lenoir, Mrs. Bertie Watts of Whitnel, and Mrs. Ida Weaver of Ohio; five sons, Dennis Yates of Boone, Dean, Conard and Willie Yates, all of Deep Gap, and Floyd Yates of Fleetwood; three brothers, Mack Church of Salem, Va., WU1 and Levi Church, both of Purlear; and a sister, Mrs. John Goodman of West Jefferson. The funeral was conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Old Fields Baptist Church by the Rev. Herbert McCoy and the Rev. W. T. Brackett. Burial was in the church cemetery. Snow Blankets Countryside Winter hit Boone with full force Friday, de positing ? five-inch layer of snow. This picture, taken at the outskirts of Appalach ian State Teachers College, in the southern end of town, shows some of the quiet beau ty which prevailed the afternoon following the snowfall. ? Flowers Photo. Local Officials Are Briefed In Machine To Test Drunkenness Boone Mayor waae k. Brown, Watauga County Sheriff Dallas Cheek, Boone Police Chief Hu bert Thomas, State Highway Patrolman William Teem, and County Commissioner James C. "Red" Lyons went to Asheville last Tuesday afternoon to at tend a two - hour meeting of county officials and law enforce ment officers from all over the state, concerning future use of the "breathalizer," a foolproof machine for determining the alcoholic content in the blood stream of persons charged with drunken driving. Use of the machine by law en forcement agencies has been authorized by a bill passed this year by the state legislature. According to Cheek's explana tion, the subject breathes into the machine, which measures the alcoholic content of tha ||l , from the subject's lungs and registers on a scale a highly accurate estimate of the amount of alcohol present in his blood stream. The amount of alcohol in the blood, registered as a percent age, shall be used to determine whether the Subject is legally intoxicated. Cheek said that the breath alizer is the most accurate and dependable of any such device recently manufactured for this purpose. Evidence from the breath alizer will hereafter be admiss THE PERFECT HOLIDAY DRINK... and. kids and grown-ups alike love its creamy rich flavor. Be sure and have plenty on hand this holiday season. (Non- Alcoholic) QUEHN BESS DAIRY PRODUCTS ARE PROCESSED AND PACKAGED BY? YADKIN VALLEY DAIRY " WILKESBORO, N. C. . : v. ? " able in a North Carolina court of law; but subjects may be charged with being drunk with out such evidence, if in the opinion of law officers he is drunk. This last ruling is neces sary since the machines cost from $600 to $700 apiece, and since they have to be purchased, largely at local initiative, by county or state law enforcement agencies. It was decided at the meeting that the breathalizers should be located in law enforcement of fices. It was advised that each county have available at least three men trained in operating the complex instrument; and these men would have to be law officers since no funds have yet been allocated to pay anyone for operating the machine alone. The anxiety of aonte newspaper writers to present news leads them to publish fiction. DO YOUR LATE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY OUR GIFT SUGGESTIONS INCLUDE ' Imported Candies & Jams ? Music Boxes and Door Chimes 1 Ladies 100% Cashmere and Scottish Woollen Sweaters Burley Sales To Be Closed A Week Earlier This Year Lexington, Ky. ? The Burley I Sales Committee voted Satur day to order a suspension of burley tobacco sales in the eight-state burley belt when auctions close Dec. IS, a week earlier than was scheduled. Sales will resume Jan. S, 1964. In a resolution, the commit tee said the early close was necessitated by the unusually heavy deliveries of the 1963 burley crop to lending coopera tive associations which soon will block redryers and ware houses. "The associations have asked relief from Che committee' to avoid congestion in the redry ers so that tobacco taken under loan can be processed in a reasonable length of time. "It if to the farmers' present and future interest that an or derly flow of tobacco from the warehouse to the redryer be maintained." Cooperation Urged The committee *aid it was urging all farmers to cooperate and stop deliveries to ware houses of tobacco that will not be sold before Dec. 13. It rec ommended future deliveries be halted until Dev. 27. The group voted that all warehouses in the eight-state burley growing belt be asked (o cooperate with the decision by letting loan tobacco remain on their floors with their pro tection until it can be moved to the processing plants. The committee recommended "that all tobacco boards of trade and the Federal Grading Service exercise their judgment in proportioning the remaining selling time on each market among warehouses for the re mainder of the selling season before the recess so that ware houses will bear equally the loss of the 17V4 hours selling time caused by the suspension of sales." Three Days It was reported at the meet ing that, during the first three days ot'salerthe Burley Tobac- "" co Growora Cooperative Asso ciation, which administers the (Continued on page six) Open a Savings Account at the Fint National Bank of Boone with $25 or more, or add $25 or more to your present Savings Account, and jroa receive tree a 5- piece place letting of famous Original Robers SUverplate or Stalnleas Steel. With each additional deposit of $25 or more, you may obtain anather place setting for ooly HOT. While you are ba tiding a handsome silver service, you are building family security, too. First National Bank OF BOONE Member Federal Reserve System and FDIC Opposite Pott Office M4-MS1