Ahead In Carolina The Democrat led all N. C. weeklies in 1965 Press Assn, contests. It won first place in General Ex cellence, Excellence in Typography, Local News Coverage, Want Ads, and Second in Display Advertising. VOLUME LXXIX—NO. 5 WATAUGA DEMOCRAT An Independent Weekly Newspaper . . . Seventy-Ninth Year of Continuous Publication BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1966 10 CENTS PER COPY BOONS WEATHER 1SSS HI Xn . Jtoly 26 85 56 July 27 84 56 July 28 84 57 July 29 78 66 July 30 67 60 July 31 74 64 Aug. 1 76 50 1.06 126 22 PAGES—3 SECTIONS 23233:38? 8288883 ‘ Boundaries Of ASC Areas Announced Clyde Moretz, Chairman, Ag ricultural Stabilization and Con servation Committee, has an nounced the designation and boundaries of each community where elections of ASC com munity committees will be held by mail again this year, August 30 September 9. The County ASC Committee has determined that no changes be made in the 10 community boundaries. The chairman re minds farmers that the election will choose three committeemen and two altematess for each community. The chairman, vice-chairman, and third regular member of the elected ASC com mittee will also serve as dele gates to the county convention to be held September 26. At the convention farmers will be elected to fill vacancies on the ASC County Committee. The alternate community committee men will serve as alternate del egates to the convention. Farmers eligible to cast bal lots in the election will be all those who are eligible to par ticipate in one or more of the national farm programs which the committeemen help to ad minister locally. The farmer may be an owner, tenant, or sharecropper. Persons not of legal voting (Continued on page two) New Phone Service Begins August 14th Direct Distance Dialing, a new telephone service which enables customers to dial many of their own long dis tance calls, will begin in Boone on Aug. 14. W. R. Cooke, Southern Bell manager here, said that DDD enables telephone users to dial their own station-to-sta tion calls. Operators will still handle person-t6:t>ers