3sL^tel Volume IX.—Number 4L <• Chowan Assured Stale Guard Unit Coanty Commissioners Coßsidering Purchasing Citizens Bank Building Ask Option Until De cember 31 to Make Final Decision PRICES3S,O®O Would House Jail and Various Offices of County CaAres pseseowt plans miscarry. Chowan: OemanSy wffll, 3® tto t-wire ©wn the Citiswus Ikarik Building, artura toing totoe® Monday by the County CtommisssMaers whereby an option was gtanted until December 31 @ff this war to p®i«h*se»tbe build tog. Xtegotiations w« made by W. J. Btareyma® a®4 W. S. Privott, representing the corporation owning the *«»""* VmMfimy which is composed of sense six or sewn individuals, who the bnnMiiag- shortly after the Mhsae of the Csti*e®s Bank in 1963. when hanks by the wholesale dosed thiw«ha»* the ceemfcry. Sue* «h»» tom* St has aarwd as office space for varwms parposes. The twtm to seffl O* building mj mjf o® previdisg more adeepaate »~/t up te-dafte jail. tocSßties, the idea heTng pretexted that the top Door of the bank hofflfiag «noM he remodeled Into a 5*3, and a small auditorium arranged for hoMfiog eoaat, thws pre -ramting the pendr off prisoners be foee the pdMre «■ «heir way fkaaa jail to he tried. I* the Wild ymug, tteCk. W llVmfT, quarters for the Jailer as well as of faces for the rariras branches i hearty pmeraaneet, except possibly the desk ts raw* a m& register of; deedbv which offices weoM he more minim imw mitl to remain in the Court lll " > |ramt the Oeaaty » spending wapnytbtog lake »«• per month for office rent for warioßS agencies, and iff the VniMinr ® peaehased ft wwnM be the ptunrpase to eentraliae all gw ble, thes saving the rent here as well as —»kW it aware ranveniemt and practical to rarey an the County's ft was tentatively bdireed that a iCtothari an Page Six) Stale Asked To Take Over Road Passiif tanetery Association Asks Com missioners' Aid In Im proving Road Jfomday„ wexe asked to tha State Highway and PtaMk Weeks Coanressmm to tohe ewer the read Leafing ffrenn the city omits at m3e Omagh a rather thickly popn- Thre piece of mad, especially to the atimdxry, has tong berai a searce Omrtlj^Jtoseriatiea |jya« VipaaOritoMP pM toe tog to ItoMOrLiipmiiSp MkhhjHr aba«t lipntu ml. notoe Um psdSto utrewfc. ■'■v.i -v •/*. ■w . ■#}» THE CHOWAN HERALD A HOME imrffSAMK DEVOTED TO TEE IETEEESTS OF CHOWAM COUETT j Captain Os Guard | •• • . - 1 * v W LLOYD K. GRIFFIN At the argent repaeat nf a graap iatereeted in the argaaiaa tien as a State Gaard ia Bdeataw , Mr. Griffin, early this week, agreed to am ia the capacity •f Captain as the proposed heal ■nit. ' Edenton Tackles Henderson Team Friday Afternoon First Game of Season To Be Played on Home Field starts! P. M. Aces Bow to Tarboro Outfit 19-7 Friday Night Breaking even to date with one victory and one defeat. Coach Roy Watson’s High School football team will, on Friday afternoon, face a for midable foe when the Henderson, High School aggregation invades the local gridiron in the first home game of the season. The game will begin at 4 o’clock, which will be in time for some of the Marine Corps Air Station football fans to witness [ most of the game. Henderson is reported to have a strong outfit and in preparation for a hard-fought game. Coach Watson is taking his boys through strenuous practices during the week. Though defeated last Friday night in Tar bora, the Edenton team showed con siderable improvement over the pre vious game when the Aces downed Williamston 7-0, so that a good game is in prospect Friday afternoon when the local boys will have an op portunity to show their wares be fore the home fans. In Tarboro Friday night the Aces faced a much heavier and more ex perienced team, bat despite this fact Hie boys started off with a rush and for a time it appeared that another victory might he tucked under Hie ML In toe opening moments the stage was all set for a touchdown, hot Clyde Sector missed a pass from George Alma Byrum which looked toe first, secondhand' thud quarters, toe Btenton, Chowan County, Nortii CKtifoa. Thursday, October 8,1942. A ftfi-T W "a Georp Major wine Des As Resit Os j AirAiif ifribnt „ MpMBC WrliKiwli Local Boy Was Captain Os Hegvy Bomber . Squadron 27 YEARS OLD Latest Duties Was Fer rying: Airplanes to Great Britain Mrs. Leila, Ml. Whittr.. lane- Tuncsfiay night, received the' in formation that her eldest swa.. CPpMua George Major WWitar,, liuit died «s tth* result of an airplane- a«n:u&ijitt.. *:an CireMty War Price aaid Ra.- thjaiE ißimurd conapla.l n that a llargw i iMßunber of gasoline ration books are . reposted Host, most of which are said ; It® to taton from automobiles. Tltese j rwemstorc desire to call to the at- j ttedtijon as the general public tha 1 ratiwvn books should be carried on the i perswn as owners and not left in. car: oianpiartments or other places where; Utoy -can to picked ap. Reports have been made that en tf're books have been miissl-rag, while am some instarwes some of the cou ; pens haw been torn out of books. fan -wader to replace lost gasoline . ratown books it wSH require from ! swuem to IS flays so that thorough ■ uareatigatoom can be made before new ranpoos or books are issued Members of the gasoline rationing : toaprd are L. H. W. J. 'j BterryroaTi and Geddes Potter, who tow also been sworn in to ration : fine*] i>wL, whSch wiilj go into effect 5* •tto near future. Application wiM tove to be made for fuel oil ration - books, whiidi wil follow practicall y 1 tto same procedure as gasoline ra toraing. The ©oamd desires the general pobliic to know that when applying for saupplementary gas it is absolute li Hy necessary- that the old books be pmesentbed and that no coupons should to tora therefrom. Garden Chib Meets Monday Afternoon Mrs. C. T. HolloweTl. president of tto Gaupden Chub, announces a meet ing off tto -daub to be held in the MaabcHpa! Building Monday after Mi®* at 5 o’clock. Very important matteiES wniilll come before the club at thiis tiiirae and aIS members are espec- SaDliy- urged to be present. ir • ■ • .- .. • . -. • - -I: Workers Busy Making: More Surgical Dressings Bed Cross workers are busily en-, gaged makmg surgical dressings, material for which arrived last week. . Tto todies are working on a quota of dressings, which is the number asked to to made in September, but begs* w’ork only Sunday after the mtatwreal arrired. The -dressings are made in the Esmh House each Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday, the hours each ■day toiintg l* to 12 a. m., 3 to & in tto afternoon, and 8 to W at night. Tto Sunday hours are 3 to 5 1 oi'idlwnck to tto afternoon. Much ton tuo«lt is totog shown in this effort to to swroettoing for tto war effort and tto dressings are rapidly being rempMtad. ■ ’.’ • fj tikfe ebb sUcmA Lloyd E. fir if fin Agrees To Serve As Captain And Help In Its Organization | First Marine | Frihcate First I'ttass Robert W. Bte»dti»f' fe. tto first l. S. Mai vac 6<* artnivv to .-.ftflenton to ranuec ttto* widih tto- l. tv Martoe I'wrps Aid- Stattom. Btotow arris od Tnes dtay. ftetog trans-.fovv'd frwni tto New Knvw Rase.. His specific i (Duty ics- to to to charge wf tto Mariiße Carps stare hawses, where udreudN cmiunpmie'ict has ar ttowfi amd ito hetog stared umtil tto Mairtoas ocraipv tto base. Tto- newcomers home is to Watteohuiry. Omni, amd ttong-h hew omlly a few. days, to says to ! is very favorahlj. itoipressjed with j Edratwn amd feefts eertato to wriill j enjoy his stay here. He expects mere Maritoes to arrive to btowt a week to asete* hibni to beeping track of the eqmipenemt. Amusement Ca. WB Show Next i Week hi Edenton 11 • ■ ■ ■■ Entertainment Sponsor ed By Edenton's Lions Club BSegtoming: next Momtday and coart tanwtingr thrwagftiwiit the w«ek. the Central Aiuucwiiuintt Ompomy will present modes* rides and stows at Hicks Fiolß. tto affair brirng spum sored by tto Edeniti®* lions Club. He Co-m paaiy Hats appeared to Eden twn several! tomes amd toiiis year toasts a larger mummiser off ribs os well as other eatteettaiimimentt features. Tie contjpawy wiillll foature- Chil- Jtms Day om Friday, havi-ng for theiir pleasuare a meimy g® remind., ti-'t i o-wheel,. reHlk® pHane. chair plane, Ferris- wheel,. Btoftfiae swing and ki-ddto ante i&tees. ~ There- wiilin ailsw. be free arts during the week and amrangeimenits bare boon i made fo* pieotty <®ff ffbnn amd entertam -1 ment for eveeyooe wto attends. Quota Os Red Cross Kits Expected To Be keatty Exceeded; Enough Money Already In Hand to Furnish 400 Kits Though wfgwrtts are far frenn com- J ptete, Mrs. J.. X. Ptnudem,. chairman :nf tto Ctowa® Couraitty Red Cr-«s: - Chapter,, no: Ttosday reported that - she had iim bami aitout emoaogh morney' to fuarmiislh 4W* BBed Oftss kits for seeviee mew wto wiil be sent abroad.. The 4001 kitto is Chw«-antis quota, hunt Mrs. Prisdesr to rertaiinn tout this will to far easreeded accordiimig to the geuereus respMta* to tor appeal to ftermtoh the kies. Cnntritoftions mcerred during: the week by- Mbs. Puniteiii were tto fri-i ltortogr Mbs. M. G. Rrow*. 1; Mrs. 2. A. Wwdard. 5; Mbs. V. X Grn fhana, sft: Mr. amd Mbs. ftwpt Folk. St Miss Saphto Wood. Dr L T. Vfliaiev 5; Mbs. V. O EEBott. Sr, 5; Miss Ctow Btomck. t; Mra. X. E. ; It Cltewam TWhe rs M Ift Sc Mtot Ctorie Cbke. £; Km PatoKma Ha»e«. 1; Mtos Crane The lira f, 1; Mss Mearyjra Chuhmt. 1; Eton- * SdSSI Gait tapK % Mbs. 1 Mft" «to' whfth'tito send ev- |ha he Mbs. Ftelft In. bSkltoT, JL T.i JL £efito UM aepßtOWk ■■■■■■ This mtmspmpm k iilii lin»ii| $1.50 Per Year. Town Council and Com missioners Match Ap propriation By State 53 pTlmt Uniforms and Neces sary Equipment Fur nished By State I AVit&the Oooswfy- CoewntomMeetK. | amd Town Oautcll aeeetieg 'Josmtly 31 eiday affterti-wiim. a State (jdiuud ' lain i t was practkaKy for | Cb-mwan County. Tli:i' two g-Dverstamg j todies agreed to app-r-'ipriiate 30M. -or | the pin-ip-Mrtitwi-ate part for the fisacal year, wfeieh, willl inaitoh a similar amount apiprepriatei by the State ffi»r TBaiirotenanve- of a amet. This actfom folfowedi a saeetioag i told Saturday afftermwti'm In tto Court | House when, tto purposes «»ff a State j Guard was evpliatneii to tto heads off ! vari-ats organ Aat fonts by tieneral | Jam*-- W. Jenkins. Cobomeii WilJsam | A. Sharpe and Major Hugh Dortch. I Those attending tto meeting imclwded : F. W. Spires. J. CL Campem. L. S. Hynnwn % G. A. Helms. R. L. Pratt. J. X. FTudeu, J. A, Bunch. L. H. Has kett. C. W. Overman. \V. M. Wilkins, R. X. Hines. J. Edwin Buffflap and ' Miss -Mary Lett Thyfor. After General Jeakirts presented tto matter, it was tto general wpnmhwa of all those present that a unit sh 'uid to- organized and a committee was subsequently appointed to ap pear before the County Comnaissfor ers and Town Council in ait effort to secure tto necessary appropriatwim. tlenerai Jenkins said to was very anxious to see a unit i* Edemtom. and that to would tike to have at least two units in tto Albemarle section. He also stated that a number off oth er towns would funsb at tto oppor tunity to organise, but that under present conditions Edemtom was a logical town for a branch off the or ganization. “The Guard is the first lime'off de fence.’' said General Jenkins, -and - the only means off organized protec tion and security in am emergency. Ts this community nee-ted tto ser vices off an armed force »t would bo necessary to await Federal troops and you are a long way from ava-li able troops.” Following this tmeetimg a delega tion: called on. Lloyd E. Utriffffsn, a veteran and champion mairksmanmam -in tto last war. to see iff to would [ serve as commanding officer. Sir- Griffin, at first, was reluctant to »c- I cept. tto captaincy, but- when the ism | poirtance of tto unit was- explained, to felt that it was his patriotic duty | to serve and subsequently agreed to Ito made captain amd assist in organ (Continued on Page Two! Chowan Democrats Wl Meet Satvday Plans For General Ejec tion In November to Be Discussed Lloyd E. Griffin, chairman of tto Chowan County Executive Committee, has called a meeting of the members of the committee to to told Satniday afternoon ia Ore Court House at 4 o’clock. With the general election mdjr ewe month hence. Mr. Griffin dasi>es plans for tto eke- Memhers. of this committee are: L. E. Griffin, chairman: Mbs. K. X. Effiott, vice chairman: E. W. gpireft secretary, George C, Hoskins, East Edenton—R. L. Pratt, ehair nam; Mis. John Ue SpraflL, vita Weak EAreten—John W. Graham. dWIBBBL Bilt