PAGE FOUR Fifteen More Items | Under Ceiling Price; Used Goods (Covered By Recent Regulation By OPA Fifteen kinds of used durable goods are now under specific price ceilings, according to an OPA regulation which went into effect September 1, says Albert G. Byrum, chairman of the Chowan War Price and Ration ing Board. The regulation provides maximum j prices, not only for used goods, as is,, but sets pricing formulae for these j items when rebuilt, reconditioned or - renovated. Articles covered by the regulation include: used furniture, bedding, stoves, floor coverings. portable] laipps and lamp shades, miscellan eous hardware items, hand tools and hardware items such as shovels, i wheelbarrows, hatchets and carpen ters' tools, baby carriages, musical] instruments (except pianos I, com mercial kitchen equipment, beauty | and barber shop furniture, store and! office fixtures cm! coin-operated! vending machines. i RATIONING AT A GLANCE —r Blue Stamps—( For canned, frozen and certain dehydrated foods i Blue Stumps "l ", *'Y" and “\\ . good until October 26. Fuel Oil —Period No, 1 ( 43-411 now in use. Period . No; 3 for 42--43 T eating year, are good'for 10 gallons - r unit, coupon and may be redeemed t..rough September 36. Ga-oline —-“A” book coupons No. 6 ; good fin' three gallons each and must las: uptii November 22 in North Carolina. Loose Stamps—Loose stamps (ex cept accompanying mail orders and the one-point red stamps used tor change i are worthless. Re ■ Stamps i For meat products, canned fish, mo-t edible oils and cheeses •- - Red Stamps "X". "V". l and good ! rough October 2. Brown stamps "A" ami "R" valid through October 2. Shoes- No. I' Stamp in War Ra tion Book (hie good for one pair un til October. 21. Sugar -Stamp . It good for ■> * pound-. - good through October 21. * Stamps Nos 1’ and 1b in War Ra tion Book One now are valid for 5 pounds of sugar each, for use in home canning. They are good through October 21. Housewives may apply at local board for supplementary sugar rations for . home canning, if. . essential. ' <v— . -x. J --- * - I'Vari =T *— _L - -.- _ ■~^s^S« ;1 -----=■ i.-_.- : I Vi'tf?|' ! % ;^^r ‘ v pakg IHMKIIJInMMRTRh -sssadßfc H 4- Jase: : 7f was necessary to put him // under protective custody' II S?~\\ To the Nazis he is dead. Their rifles 1/ jy' Jj cracked. He fell. II Nftiltiply this by the millions of civilians shot, 1/ starved or blown to pieces by the Axis—w ith H malice aforethought—and you have some pie- H tore of the staggering crime of which these / W-\ fiends are guilty. \ Millions of our boys are fighting— Y—\ \ sacrificing everything to save us \- \ dfek \ from this evil. Is it asking too much V \ \ for us who are safe at home to invest V \ W'W \ as little as 10% of every pay check \\ -- i in War Bonds? ONF OF A SEINES of noteworthy ad*artif- »i«y uuat >ANO< , me v from leading National Mogonn.t OUT “ W - MiIIIIIM to fc* reproduced over our store signature 111 I ■II 9ft’Sl from ‘ to time . . because we think they AND HELP SPEED coi a tie.sage of interest to all our friends and c tamers. To this we add- "Buy a Gs» THE VICTORY 'W fi But Buy a War Bond First’ C AMPEN *S JEWELERS Buy Gifts of Jewelry . . . But Buy War Bonis First f j Ceiling Prices j In order to acquaint readers with I ceiling prices as ordered by the Office I of Price Administration, effective on September 2, The Herald will publish a portion of the list each week until all commodities listed by OPA ap pear. The second installment follows: Grapefruit Juice—Kistsweet, Poca-J hontas, Donald Duck, Plee-Zing, Floriland, Old South, Lakeland and Adams, 46 oz., tin, 35c; Apte, Dom-: ino, Bruce's, Dromedary, Red Mill, Sunfilled, Golden Tap, 0-Mi-o,j Stokely, Deep South, 46 oz., tin, 36c. j Lard—Pure- —Armour Star, Hormel, I ] t lb., paper, 21c; Armour Star, Hor-j • uiel, Indiana, Laurel Leaf, Haths, ] j Silver Leaf, Snow Cap, Swift’s Prem-1 | ium, White Clover, White Leaf, > i Victory, 4 lbs., paper. S4c; Puritan,] Simon Pure, 1 lb., paper, 22c; Puri- i tan, Simon Pure, 4 lbs., paper, 88c. Milk Condensed Dime Brand, Rose, 14 oz., tin, 14c; Kagle Brand, i 11 oz. tin, 22c: Lions-. Nestles, 14 oz., I tin, 17c. Indiana, Laurel Leaf, Raths, Silver i Leaf, Snow Cap. Swift’s Premium, | White Clover, White Leaf. Victory. | Milk Evaporated Armour’s, j Carnation. Libby, Nestles, Let, Plee- Zing, Silver Cow; Swift’s Premium. 14L oz., tin, lie. Shortening - - Hydrogenated—Cris :Co, 1 li>.. glass-, 27c; Criscd, 3 lb.,' glass, 76c; Spry, 1 lb., glass, 27c;' Spry, 3 lb., glass. 76c; Snowdrift, 3 lb., glass. 72c. Shortening Other.-- Advance, 1 lomic.q. Fiuff'o, Jewel,'Royal Aster,]. Seoco. \egetole. 1 lb., paper, 21c; 1 Advahce, Domino, Fluffo. Jewel, Royal .Aster, Scoco, Vegetole, 4 lbs., 1 paper; 83c. Sugar. Granulated, Cane or Beet] All Brands, .1 It*., bulk, .7c.; All j Brands. 5 lb., cloth, 37c. Jimmy Hassell Enters j Montana State College -limlily Hassell, Qualified Aviation Cadet, son of Mr. ami Mrs. J. L. Ha-sell, has been t ramsl'ered from' Miami Beach. Fla., to the 312th Col lege Training Detachment of th ■ Lnited State- Ann Air Forces at Montana State College, Bozeman. 1 Montana. As a member of the ’ Enlisted Re -i-rve Corps. R. O. T. ('.. at North Carolina State College, he was called nto. active service on April 6, 1943,' and received his basic training at t amp Wheeler, Macon, Ga. ljate in Inly he was accepted into the Arinyj Air Forces and was sent to Mi n Beach to await assignment to a college group. Lpon arrival at Mon-j tana State College, he was promoted! the rank of Cadet Flight Sergeant. BUY WAR RONDS! THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C„ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1943 Navy Recruiter In Edenton Sept. 27 j, ' i J. VV. Brown, petty officer in j charge of the Elizabeth City Navy , Recruiting Station, will be at the], Edenton post office on Monday, iSep- ( tember 27, at which time he will he delighted to meet any youths desir- ] ing information about the Navy. | The Navy is calling for more men to j man the ever increasing number of < ships, and offers splendid opportuni- ( ties to those enlisting. Brown said that lie is still taking | enlistments for the WAVES, the ( Women’s Branch of the Navy, and that it is no longer necesary for them to get a (ihysical examination from their' doctor before reporting to Ra- . leigh for their final physical exam ination. ' ; ' : “ —— .. * I Town Council H Proceedings j , Edeiiton, N~, C ,'Scpt. 14, 1943, j '<• The Town Council met this day ini the Town office at 8 o’clock P. M. in i ' regular monthly session. Present,' I L. H. Haskett. Mayor, J. C, Ix'ary, ( W M. Wilkins. W. J. Yates, J. P. ] 'l I’artin and J. E, Bulllap. It The minutes of the previous meet- t ing were read and approved. ! 1 On- motion /duly carried, it, is or- t dered that a 4-foot concrete sidewalk I 1 be laid on the North; side of West] <! Eden Street between the Citizens 1 1 Bank Building and the western cor-, 1 ner of L, A. Ashley’s property line- f and the Town is to set out crepei J myrtle trees after completion of thet ' sidewalk. j - Oi( motion duly carried, it is or-] ' dered that a -1-foot concrete sidewalk] -1 be laid oil Freemason Street between j > Bniad and Oakum streets when a! legal petition is properly signeit. j t . The resignation of .1. hi. Longer], as assistant Eire Chief is accepted! with regret. Oil motion iluly carried; W. J. Yates is appointed assistant j Fife .Chief at tile same salary. | t On motion duly caffieii, it is or-j 1 dered that the following are ap-. ( - pointed as custodians of the Armory: * L. 11. Haskett. W. W. Byrum and < Marvin Wilson. Upon motion, tiuly carried- it is or ; ; dered -that S. W. Moore be refunded j i for poll taxes collected in error for 1942 and 1943. L poii motion of J. C. Leary, sec--I ■ •nrled by J. K. Butlla|i. and unar.i- < inously adopted, it was resolved and j •’ ordained that the Mayor and Clerk 1 Ire and they are hereby authorized to i execute on behalf of tile Town joint- ' > with A. M. Forehand to the Alhe- I marie Peanut Company, a corporation , t of N o th Carolina, a lease and agree- 1 nieut n words and figures as follows: : Whereas. A. M. Forehand has. for 1 value received but subject to the ap-1: proval of the proper authorities of ~ the Town of Edenton, N. ('., assigned . 1 to . the Albemarle Peanut . Company ! ' |: ail his right. title and interest in the.], lease executed by tin- said Town to' ’him elated July 14, 1936, and recorded : jin Book I, page 419, in the Public 1 ' Registry of Chowan County. X. C., f and in the structures and other prop- 1 : i erty erected or placed by him on the | , land described in said lease as evi denced by his execution of this in -' i strument. and :v Whereas, the Albemarle Peanut' I Company has reipiested that the lease | | above referred to be cancelled and a j; | new lease be executed to them as] " ; hereinafter set forth. Now. therefore, in pursuance of a resolution of the Board of Count'd- ; men of said Town at its regular meeting on September 14, 1943, at j | which a quorum was present, the j lease above, referred to is hereby j cancelled and the said Town of Kden- j ton, a municipal corporation of North Carolina, does hereby lease to the ( Albemarle Peanut Company, a cor poration of North Carolina, for a period of ten years from September 15,.'1943, the following real estate in said town in Chowan County, N. C., i - l ' to wit: \ Beginning at the. intersection of t the West side of Oakum Street and i the Southwest -ide of the Norfolk I Southern Railway Company right-of- j j * way, formerly running from Eden } ton, N. C„ to Suffolk, Va., across I what is generally known as the Fair Grounds, thence northwestwardly along the Southwest side of said rail [ way right-of-way 210 feet, thence | Southwestwardly at right angles ’ from said railway right-of-way 210 ! feet, thence Southeastwardly parallel with said right-of-way 464 feet to Oakum Street, thence Northwardly along the Western side of Oakum 1 Street 326 feet to the beginning, and being the same land described in the aforesaid lease to A. M. Forehand to which reference is made. The said Albemarle Peanut Com pany agrees to pay as rent for said premises the sum of Ten Dollars (SIO,OOI per year in advance and further agrees not to sublet any part of said premises or assign this lease without the written consent of said Town and agrees that said premises shall be used only for the purpose of storing, processing or otherwise handling peanuts and peanut products. It is understood and agreed that a violation of any of the covenants or agreements hereinbefore set forth shall work a forfeiture of said lease. It is further understood and agreed that upon or before the termination of this lease either by expiration of I term or by forfeiture, the said Albe j marie Peanut Company may within a reasonable time remove any struc-! tures or other property erected or placed by it or by the said Forehand on said land at or before the term ination or forfeiture of this lease but shall leave the premises in as good condition as when possession was taken by the said Forehand. In witness of which the Town of Edenton has caused this instrument to be executed in its name by its Mayor and has caused its Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed and at tested by its Clerk, and the said A. M. Forehand has hereunto set his hand and seal this 15th day of Sep tember, 1943. TOWN OF EDENTON. By L. H. Haskett, Mayor. Attest: R. E. Leary, Clerk. •( Seal) On motion of W. M. Wilkins, sec onded by J. E, Bulllap, E, and V\. Department 'hills amounting to $3,462.80 are ordered paid. On motion of W. M. Wilkins, sec onded by J. C. Leary, it is ordered that Town bills amounting to $1,401.92 are ordered paid as follows: A. T. Allen ■& Co., $62.50; Whirl wind Lawn Mower Corp., $12.18; Klimate-Pruf Paint Co., $102.41; N. C. Equipment Co., $29.10; Stallings Transfer Co.-, $5.51; Sinclair Refining j Co , $14.12; Eastern Office Equipment.] Co., $9.25; A. S. Smith, $3.00; Eden-] ton Laundry, $4.00; W. I>. Holmes ] Co.. $8.75;’ Iredell Florist, $10.00; ' Bunch’s Garage, $30.01: C. B. Mooney & Son, $642.20; S. W. Moore. $2.00; 1 Byrum Hardware C0.,.53,37: Chowan Herald, $33.20; Wood & Warren. $224.23; M. G. Brown Co., $5.16; W. j, Yates, $58:55;; Edenton Ice Co., $:«•)(>; John Garrett. $1.45: Chowan Motor Co., 35c; M . C. Cook, $50.011; \v. C. Moore. $10.00; Postmaster. $29.80; R. K. Halt (salary firemen i. $21.00; N. C. Tel. & Tel. Co.. $24.78.' There being no further business, the Board adjourned. R. E. LEARY. Clerk. , Edenton. Sept. 1. 194. The Board of Public Works met this day in the Town Office at ' o’clock I’. M. in regular month'.; session. Present. W. W. Byrum. chairman, <>. B. Perry a: i J. H Conger. The following hills were exa 1 • and approved for payment •.re . month of August. 1943: Mathiesen Alkali Wmks. >!'■.>'■ . Mueller Co.. $47.52': Tidewater Sup ply Co.. $3.76: Electrical Equipme: t Co.. sl3. .V,; Neptune Meter Co.. $241.47; Ford Motor Box < ■- . #25.09: Graybar Electric <’■■.. $65.76: Texas Co.. SI 1.29: Edenton be Co., sio.oo; Edenton Motor ("6., $9.25; W. 1). Holmes (irocery. $2.75: Byrum Hard ware Co.. $8.93; R. C. Holland. $23.10; R. N. Hines. $5n.00; John Habit, $3.60; M. G. P.rowp Co., $16.74: Nor-, folk Southern Railroad. $1.85; Stand- ( aid Oil Co.. $18.44: Railway -Express Agency. $2,25; ...Virginia Electric ik Power Co., $1,465.27: N. C. Tel. .v Tel. Co.. $23.41; total. $2,663.57. Salaries paid for month-of: August, 1943, $1,399.23; total • expenditures. $3,462,811; amount received from .col lector for current and merchandise for month of August, $5,054.20; amount of receipts in excess of dis- Respectfully submitted, R. E. LEARY, Clerk, bursements, $1,591.40. Classified and Legals FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. Modern. * Six rooms and bath. Garage.. Mary W'. Armstrong. Creswell, N. C. ltp FOR SALE ONE CHAMPION Shoe Machine and all tools. Am brose Barber Shop, Belhaven, N. C. ltp GET READY FOR FALL CLEAN-] ing by ordering Fuller aids now. I Phone 84-W, or Write R. H. Bach- | man, agent, Edenton, N. C. .Sept.23,3oc i WANTED—TO BUY OLD NEWS- ! papers. Must be in good condi tion. Broad Street Fish Market, j Phone 26. 5ept16,23,30c I FREE! IF EXCESS ACID CAUSES you pains of Stomach Ulcers, In digestion, Heartburn. Belching, Bloating, Nausea. Gas Pains, get free sample of UDGA at Mitch ener’s Pharmacy. exp dec 23 p YOUNG LADY WANTED TO keep books in retail store. Apply Bookkeeper, care Chowan Herald. sept,l6pd. TWO EXCELLENT FARMS FOR sale or rent, on hard-surface road between Holland and Whaleyville. Church lVs miles. On school bus line for Holland, Va. See me at once. S. E. Everett, 237 Pinner St., or 154 Washington Square (over Brewer’s Jewelry Store), Suffolk, Va. aug26tf WANTED—ALL PEOPLE SUFFER ing from kidney trouble or back ache to try Kiddo at 97c. Money back guarantee at Mitchemer’s Pharmacy. exp.novllpd. PERMANENT WAVE, 59c! DO your own Permanent with Charm- Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, in cluding 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Praised by thousands including June Lang, glamorous movie star. Money refolded if not satisfied. Mitch-, ener’s Pharmacy, Edenton, N. C. I exp.oct.2l.pd. j I FOR RENT—NINE ACRES OK TO - allotment, 90 acres of cotton, peamli and corn land. Will rent part or all of cotton and peanuts on shares. Two miles from Eden ton. Apply to W. T. Satterfield, Edenton, N. C. NOTICE OF RESOLUTION TO PAVE SIDEWALK ON THE] NORTH SIDE OF WEST EDEN j STREET The following resolution was tinan i mbusl y adopted ; RESOLVED, that the sidewalk on the North side of West Eden Street between the western end of the above sidewalk on the North side of said street and the Western corner of L. A. Ashley’s property be paved with a concrete sidewalk four (41 feet in width and that one-half the cost thereof shall be assessed upon the abutting property and that said as sessment Shall be paid upon the completion of the construction. The above is a true and complete i-opy of a resolution passed by the Board of Conncilmen of the Town of Edenton at a regular meeting Sep j tember 14. 1943. R. E. LEAKY, Itc Town Clerk. 1 SALE VALUABLE FARM LAND } Known as the Luther J. Knight home place, located one mile front Cora peak*?, N. C. Rural free mail 1 delivery. In ' Surlniry Consolidated ] School District. ion acres of U.-an-d land in high state, of cultivation. Approximately 100 acre- in wood and timber iami. timber has not been .cut in more than 30 years. Six-room dwelling and, outbuild-,. | ings. one tenant house, four rooms, j ail in good . repair., 1 This property will be sold for cash to the highest bidder, sale to be held on October 16th. Saturday, at 12 o’clock noon. Sal* to be conduct* to fro::: of the dwelling house locat ed- on the property. T’r. s an excellent opportunity t-> a.,:., re ■ ne of the finest farms in this sec; eh Remember the date. Satur day. October 16th. a; 12 o’clock noon. Place —On the prentl-es in front of T -•- Mil at p , auvihm. Te: - s—Cash. P - • e. g Yen January 1. . .4 *i . MRS. L. J. KNIiiHT. I r ’ - and the heir- of the late 1. J. K- ight. Corapeake. N. C. sept2s,39 oct 7.1-lnd LEGAL NOTIC E In accordance with authority vest ed ill tile Ni ith Carolina l!oa*i of Conservation and Development, by Chapter Thirty-Five, Public Laws of 1935,. the said Board has established 1 the following open seasons in desig !Fishermen Wanted! ! ! Fishermen to fish 12 pound nets on halves, j | (lood boat and twine. Very good site. I Perry - Belch Fish Co. j j Colerain, N. C. j ................ .. i ........... ..... .i 11......... BUY BONDS < ■■ i and Save America! <► <| ;; If Columbus hadn’t discovered Amer- | :: ica, someone else would have eventu- | ;; ally. But that’s not true of America’s f I freedom—it’s NOW or never! Don’t : I figure that if you don’t buy war bonds ; someone else will do your share. It’s I 1 > yours and everyone else’s job to buy !;' war bonds. So g-et in there with all you have and show you’re a 100% 1 ; American. 1 THE BANK of EPENTON I ► < i: “Safety For Savings Since 1894’’ i > < • * Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation if. »>0,O»,O,Q»0„, d—J nated inland fishing waters for shad and herring and it shall he unlawful to take these species of fish at any other time: In the counties and streams listed below shad and herring may be taken with skim or gill nets of not less size bar than one and one-half inches on Thursday. Friday and Saturday of ] each week from March 1 to May 10, | both dates inclusive. These counties and streams are as | follows: Beaufort, Bertie, Brunswick, Camden, Carteret, Craven, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Hyde, Chowan, Jones, Lenoir, Martin, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Per quimans, Tyrrell, and Washington counties. Tar River in Pitt, Edgecombe and Nash counties; Contentnea Creek in Wilson County below Highway U. S. 301 bridge; Cape Fear River in Pen der, Columbus, Bladen, Cumberland •and Harnett counties; North East Cape Fear River in Pender and New Hanover counties; Waccamaw River in Brunswick and Columbus counties up to New Brittain bridge on Higlt wav 130. , PAUL KELLY. Secretary, N. C. Board of Conservation and Development. 5ept.2,9,16,23c. Need I Taxi? CALL CHAP PHONE 228 I Kidneys Must 1 | Work Well-I For You To VI «*ll 24 hour* every day, 7 day* overy wod’k. nrwr stopping, the kidneys filter wa>te matter from the blood. If more people were aware of how ih<» k.daevs must constancy remove sur plus tiu.d. excess ■;•»«! ot her waste n i er Tat cann-'f ;r» the tilood w ihosjt injury to h-a-'h, th**r«' would be better understand ?:< of *•>, the whole system < upset when k <in-> s fail to function properly. scanty or too f refJu.'•l , urma t’'*n snnic"mi'S warn* that *omeihin< s w-.'iiC. -*u may su.T- r namtnoj b.iek a*'be. hea.laches, d .’.z.iness. rheumatic pa ns, geitifn; up at nijfh’s, sw.-lltn^, \\ liv not try lhum’a l* ll. s’ will be a meificine rmimmendmi the count ry 05 er. />•*.; n’* stimulatA* the funr tion of th»* kidneys and help them to flush out poisonous waste from th« bk»o«i They confa : n ha r nful. ('.*•• today. I s- with eou-tidence. A* ail.drug stores. HFGDHFJ

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