PAGE EIGHT {gMmMMM.HM .INI .....MMMI.IMMDDm.IHMM.M.MIIM* 0 0" George Case Ward, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Ward, who is stationed at Washington, I). 0., spent a few days with his parents last week Vernon Harrow, USN, who is stat ioned at Norfolk, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrow, K. Tyndell of Mt. Olive, N. re turned to his home Friday after spending a few days with his son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Williford. Mrs. Sophia Harless and son of <’olerain spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T, IJ. Williford. Miss Mary Griffin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Griffin, a student at Woman’s College, Greensboro, spent the week-end with her parents. Capt, and Mrs. A. M. Stanton of White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia spent the week-end with Mrs. Stan ton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, W, Spires. Sgt, Ray D’Ainbrosia, Hgt. Donald Detwiler of Cherry Point. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finch, Graham and Eugene. Finch of; Zehu'on. X. C. and Mr, and Mrs VV c. Graves of Ports TAYLOR THEATRE EDRNTOV. NORTH CAROLINA Me Haie the Shows , Today (Thursday) and Friday, Feb. 28 - March I Judy Garland and John ilodiak in •THE HARVEY GIRLS” Saturday, March 2 Roy Rogers and Gabby Hayes in “ALONG THE NAVAJO TRAIL” Sunday, March 3 Ann Sothern and George Murphy in "UP GOES MAISIE” Monday-Tuesday, March 1-5 John Wayne and Walter Hrennan in “DAKOTA” Wednesday, March t>— Double Feature Lon Chaney in “PILLOW OF DEATH” Gene Autry in “MELODY TRAIL” Thursday-Fnday, March 7-8— Robert Walker and June Allyson in “SAILOR TAKES A WIFE” ‘‘EXCtfJStVE WITH VS* \ I % | PRESTON’S IIIIIIHHMIII»HHHIMII»HIHI|l>mimHIIHIOI*IHHII*IIO*HlH*llllfSl f! mouth, were week-end guests of Mr. s l and Mrs, I). R. Liles and Miss Mamie t Thomas Hogg. ;. I Mr. and Mrs. George M. Anderson -of Wake Forest spent the week-end d with Mrs. Anderson's parents, Mr. and k Mrs. J. 1.. Collins, in North Kdenton. Lieut, Shields Haste and his moth •- er, Mrs. Joseph Haste, spent last r week in Poston, where Lieut. Haste - reported for further orders, and in , Washington, I). C„ where they visited Mi. and Mrs. Meredith Haste and Mr. f and Mrs. Joe Haste. I Lieut. Shields Haste reported Sun day at Greensboro, where he will be 'stationed, prior to duty in Egypt. t Lieut. Haste’s wife, who is visiting [ relatives in Florida, will join her hus band in Greensboro and: later accom r puny him to Egypt. Miss Marguerite Hoflowell visited relatives in 'Durham iu-er the . week end. Mr. and Mrs: Vernon White of I Alexandria, Yai. spent (lie week-end I iii Edenton visiting relatives Engagement Os Miss Mary Moore Announced By Parents This Week Mr. and Mrs. John Augustus Moore i announce the engagement of their | daughter. Mary, to Dr. Carter Redd : Rowe of Boston. Mass., son of Mr. ’ and Mrs. Ah in Tabb Rowe of Fred- I eru'ksburg, Va. Miss Moore attended St. Catherine's | School in Richmond. Va., and is a | graduate of Sweet Briar College and! the Jufliard School of Music. During ' the war she was engaged in Red Cross work and for the past year served as! an assistant field director with that! organization. 1 Dr. Rowe was graduated from Dav-! idson College and the Harvard Medi cal School. A lieutenant-colonel in 1 the Army Medical Corps, he is now jon terminal leave after serving 42 months overseas with the 105th Gen ; era! Hospital. The wedding will take place in the [spring. EPISCOPAL SERVICES The Rev. Harold W. Gilmer, rector j of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, an noutiees the following services at his. [church: Sunday. March 3, Quinqua-I ges-ima, 8 A. \I„ Holy Communion:. :L.':o A. M.. Church School; II A. M..1 ( Holy Communion; 8 P. M., Vestry] i meeting at the Parish House. Wednesday, March fi. Ash Wednes day, U A. M.. Holy Communion; 5 I P. M.. Penitential office and medita- I tion. SERVICES AT CENTER HILL ] Regular church services are to be held at the Center Hill Methodist | Church Sunday morning at 11 follow ling the Sunday School hour. Everv- I one is invited. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON. N. C„ THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1946. Chowan PTA Staging Womanless Wedding 11 Affair Is Scheduled to Take Place Wednes- I day, March 6 e ! A VVomauless Wedding sponsored, by the Parent-Teachers Association | II of Chowan High School, will be giv 'em Wednesday night, March <>, at j “,7:3d o'clock. There are around 25. characters in the wedding, including ' Tom Ashe?! as Bride and Ernest' 1 Privott as groom. It will be an interesting program' * with ail the dainty little (lower girls,j 1 as well as the others. A small at! mission will be charged and the pub lic is cordially invited to'attend and enjoy an evening of rea- entertain ’ i meiit. BRIGHT JEM ELS MEET ; ( ■ . . . . ■ .. j ' Tiie Bright Jewels, chi Id nm’s 1 so- • ciety of the Evans Methodist Church, j I met Friday night with Page Bunch, i Hr addition to the devotionals, reef- ' rations and readings centering around' 1 the theme of George Washington were given by the children.. f ollowing’ the . I program, games- were pi eyed ana re- t 1 fres.hmentswere! served. Thirty one • children, were present. . j 1 II AM I LTrtN -PHILLIPS < .Miss Marion Lucille Phillips, daugl -j ' ter of Mrs. Josie and Braxton Gay ,j became the bride »f Glenn Hamilton* of Wiflite. Cal., now statioiii*d at the Edenton Naval Air Station, on Feb-[ ruary 15 at 5 o’clock in the Methodist Church. The Rev. K. F. Surratt of ficiated, Using the ring ceremony. ’ The bride wore a two-piece blue 'suit with black aceell»HlllW»llWlWinWl I WMIWWWWHt«»WIWWI«»WIIHniIHM»MIWHWMIII»HHHHPW|IWW»IH^ ! Announcement I 1 r z Mrs. Anne Speight Jenkins; Edentori's f | oldest Beautician, who has been connected | I with The Marinette Beauty Shoppe since mo-v- 1 j ing baek home, wishes to announce to her 1 j friends of Edenton and community that she is f I resigning March 1.1946. Mrs. Jenkins will open her Beauty Shop in j [ the Citizens Bank Building on or before ! I March 18. j ( SELF m REGULATION ) off out 9t r l Aocompl<eJi The chief function of the North Carolina Committee of the United States Brewers Foundation is to see to it that beer is sold in strict accord with public senti ment and with the high standards of the brewing industry. Trained field men employed by the Committee tour the atate constantly, observe actual retail outlet operations, report their findings. Where necessary, the Committee makes suggestions for improvement. As most beer retailers believe it sound business policy to operate properly, such suggestions aTe us ually accepted readily.' However, if cooperation is not forth-coming, the proper authorities are notified. Thus strict supervision of beer retailing and close cooperation with law-enforcement authorities assure the maintenance of wholesome conditions wherever beer is sold. /—'Worth Carolina Committee . (United States Brewers Foundation £l& Edgar H.Bain. State Director \ yj/ 606-607 Insurance Red Men Conducting Attendance Contest Fish Fry Will Climax Drive Early Part of May Next Monday night’s meeting of ! Chowan Tribe of Red Men will begin : an attendance contest which will con tinue until May 1. The membership of the tribe has been divided with E. I C. Alexander and George T. White | captains of the two sides, who are expected to conduct a lively campaign. At the conclusion of the contest the losing side will entertain the ! winners at a fish fry. DAYMAN'S DAY PROGRAM SUNDAY AT EVANS CHURCH A Layman’s Day program is sched uled to be given at the Evans Metho dist Chureh Sunday afternoon at 3:30 : o’clock. Material furnished by the Board of Lay Activities of the Meth odist Church will he used. The public is invited to attend. with a miniature bride and groom an top. Tlwse enjoying the Supper were the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Brax ton Gay, Miss Bertha Crunimey, Miss Jeanette Edwards, Miss Magdalene Downing, Miss Kathleen Comer, Mrs. Delia Hopkins, Jimmie Bristley, Bill Crummey, Albert Wheeler, Bobby Hopkins and Bennie Hopkins. HEADACHE/^ jCapvdinv esataint A iptciallf /1& Selected ingf«di«nti that (i / X together tv *i*« qokk ****** YlfcM |\M from bradacSw and neuralgia f J Follow direction* on label. I / “Bet You 65 Cato That Bron-chn-lioe EasesYourCough” *r Branchial IrriUHee Resulting Iron a Cold One dose wtn give you niiar»wiiwiiiiitHiiiiinwtniu»Mnim'i»w»'i» t *»i'' l Ci • Miss Mildred Harrell i Joins Epsilon Pi Eta ‘ Miss Mildred Harrell of Edenton, 1 a student at Campbell College, was among eight new members admitted [ to Epsilon Pi Eta, honor society of the college, last week. Miss Harrell is among the students who are active in extra-curricula ac tivities as well as proficient in schol f arship. i YOUR HOME, > YOUR SAVINGS. 1 JJbSI V? /z youH EARNINGS for YEARS TO COME i RIDE WITH YOU That’s the reason why “fun-coverage" automobile rnsur. once protection is a necessity. Without lull protection, one automobile accident may take everything you own and your earnings for years to come. Don t take a chanco Insure today with a "full-coverage” policy offered by die Farm Bureau Mutual Automobile Insurance Company. It • the economical way to prevent financial loss. For complete information, call RAYMOND A TARKINGTON EDfcNTOX. X. f PHONES: Office, 177-J Residence. 184-W Agent Farm Bureau Mutual Automobile Insurance Company HOME OFFICE— COLUMBUS, OHIO S~ - ■ V Good Seed - Good Crops I The Best Always Pays 1 ★ BUY THE FOLLOWING SEED | FROM ODR TESTED STOCK G 717 FUNK HYBRID CORN CERTIFIED IRISH COBBLERS G 714 FUNK HYBRID CORN SELECT IRISH COBBLERS G 135 FUNK HYBRID CORN NORFOLK MARKET CORN WHITE AND YELLOW ONION SETS STOWELL EVERGREEN CORN LIME SULPHUR MIXTURE \ WOOD DIXIE CORN BOUNTIFUL GREEN POD SNAPS KOBE LESPEDEZA BLACK VALENTINE SNAPS KOREAN LESPEDEZA HENDERSON BUSH LIMAS LATHAM DOUBLE CORN ARASAN - CERESAN - SEMESAN FULGRAIN OATS EARLY WOOD YELLOW SOY BEANS HAWKESBURY WATERMELON THOMAS LAXTON MAY PEAS DIXIE QUEEN WATERMELON JUMBO HALE BEST CANTALOUP COLLARD - KALE - CABBAGE FULL STOCK OF GARDEN SEEDS VIGORO AND INSECTICIDES DON’T GAMBLE WITH CHEAP SEED BUY THE BEST FOR BEST RESULTS! —, — ♦ Byrum Hardware Go. Edenton, N. C. EDNEY-BEMBRY Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Edney announce the wedding of their son, Carroll, Jr., to Annie Bembry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bembry. The wedding took place in January. Dr. Geo. T. Crawford CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Specializes in the chronic and often called “incurable” conditions. CITIZENS BANK BLDG., EDENTON Phones: Office 417-W Residence 417-J