PAGE TWO A MESSAGE TO THE VOTERS Os The Entire First Congressional District Os North Carolina . i ,; |afflp ROBERT LEE HUMBER Greenville, Pitt County, North Carolina Miss Jesse R Move Mrs. Mabel Mann Mrs. Frank Brooks Mrs. W. Z. Morton Mrs. E. L. Henderson Miss Bess Lowe Mrs. Alice Keel M iss Jane Hancock Mrs. j. R. Etheridge Miss Ellen Proctor Mrs. Annie E. Riddick Mrs. Irene Stroud Mrs C. M. Jones Mrs. Elbert Bryant Mrs Annie Stepp Mrs J. L. Winstead Mr- Edward Gredle Mrs. \V. G. Ward Mrs. (VC Haas Mr ? . L W. Tucker ! rs. |. Thomas Sugg Mis.- Pink Manning Mrs. Mark Stokes Mrs Leon Moore Mrs: Lassie H. Sawyer Mrs. C. <'. Hilton Mrs. B. J Williams ■ Mrs. ( B. Mavo Mrs. R. B. Lee Mr-. B. F. Bullard M rs. Herman Hardee Mm. E W. Hellen Mrs. J. L. Fleming Mrs. |. X. Hart Mr-. W. L. Hall Mrs. Hey wood Hail Mrs. John R. Carroll Mrs. A. (L Cox Miss Dora Cox Mrs. J. H. Mobley Mrs. ( >. H. Jackson Mrs. A. W. Ange Mrs. Vernon White Mrs. Hubert Forrest Miss Fannie Mae Ange Mrs. A. I). McLawhon Miss Elizabeth Tripp Mrs. Roy T. Cox Mrs. Rov E. Davenport Mrs. X. O. Hodges Mrs. W. A. Forbes. Jr. Mrs. Mattie Johnson Mrs. E. C. Averette Mrs. D. C. Davenport Mrs. O. H. Forrest Mrs. George Cox Mrs. Alfred Ross Mrs. Emma Smith Mrs. Norma Forbes Mrs. I. E. Hovle Mrs. L. H. Ellis Mrs. M. A. Woodard Mrs. J. D. McArthur Mrs. R. E. Carroll Mrs. G. L. Rouse Mrs. J. D. Hice Mrs. L. E. Sadler Mrs. H. J. Jolly Mrs. Bruce Baker Mrs. H. M. Waters Mrs. Dwight H. Edwards Mrs. James Ray Pittman Miss Elizabeth Hyman Miss Margaret L. Faison Mrs. Edna S. Whichard Mrs. R. I). Whichard Miss Kathleen Whichard Miss Ella Tucker Smith Mrs. X. O. VanXortwick. Jr Mrs. D. C. Whitehurst Mrs. B. S. Warren, Jr. Mrs. Charles Flanagan Mrs. Sam Underwood. Jr. Mrs Elizabeth C. Savage Mrs Kenneth W. Brown Mrs. Manhie D. Holloman Mrs. J. H. Letchworth Mr-. Robert C Harper Miss Gussie Kuvkendall Mis* Elizabeth (Juinerley Mrs. Mabel Glenn Hamric Mr- Thur-ton Ellington Mr-. W W. Smiley Mrs. A. 1). Frank Mr- Kenneth Braxton Mrs. Clay Burnette Mrs. S. B. Underwood. Sr. Mrs. S. B. Currin Mrs. G. C. Farrow Mrs. Jack Foley. Jr. Mrs. E. L Baker Mrs. C. 11 McGowan Mrs. Marie 1.. Clark Mrs. Stuart Page -Mrs. J. M. Barrett Mrs Jack Move Mrs. Jessie Laughinghouse Mrs. Mildred Starkley Miss Lillian K. Edwards Mrs. R. W. MacKenzie Mrs. Henry W. Renfrew Mrs. W. ('. Harris-. Jr. Mrs. C. H. Christopher. Jr. Mrs. B. L. cTigel Gardner Mrs. H. B. Hazelton, Sr. Mrs. Holly Van Dyke Mrs. Z. P. Van Dyke, Sr. Mrs. Willie P. Gardner Mrs. Janie Bell Williams Mrs. Carrie M. Holliday Mrs. Wm. ( Bud ) Jones Miss Ernestine Forbes Mrs. William E. Moore Mrs. Frances Anderson Mrs. E. G. Flanagan Mrs. Graham Flanagan Mrs. Arden L. Tucker Mrs. A. Hartwell Campbell Miss Margaret Sammon Mrs. S. L. Daughtridge Mrs. J. Clarence Galloway Mrs. T. Frank Taylor Mrs. J. C. Youniblood Mrs. Hannah G. Forest Mrs. Thomas M. Metz Mrs. Margaret S. Ferguson Mrs. A. A. Forbes, Jr. Miss Elizabeth Norman Mrs. Dorothy N. Trotman Mrs. Gordon L. Clark THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 16,1946. Mrs. Etta Hazelton Mrs. Carrie Beddard Mrs. Ella Harrington Mrs. T. E. Cannon Mrs. L. C. Stocks Mrs. Selena S. Lang Mrs. J. M. Joyner Mrs. A. C. Jackson . Mrs. G. D. Manning Mrs. Jasper Boyd Mrs. Oscar Hardee Mrs. W. A. Cherry Mrs. L. W. Cherry Mrs. Karl Hardee Miss Naomi B. Daniel Mrs A. H. Taft Mrs. L. S. Hardee Mrs. Sam Edwards Mrs. Charles Hardee Mrs. Tucker Mills Mrs. 1.. T. Hardee. Jr. Mrs. Glenn Hardee Mr-. J. B. Hardee Mrs. Louis Reaves Mrs. P. O. Allen Mrs. E. A. Fuller Mrs. P. L Crawford Mrs. Eugene Briley Mrs. Mary Meeks Mrs. R. F. Bristo Miss Louise Hyman Mrs. Ola Forbes Mrs. Guy Harris Mrs. J. O. Morton Mrs. Flora Crawford Mrs. J. B. Smith Mrs. C. B. Whichard Mrs. I). W. Swope Mrs. [. A. Collins, Sr. Mrs. C. A. Plyler Mrs. Cad Capehart Mrs. j. E. Speight .Mrs. J. W. Dewey Mrs. Roy Mayo Miss Alice Gooding Mrs. C. A. Turner Mrs. J. L. Nobles Mrs. F. L. Whitehurst Mrs. J. A. Piver Miss Mae Briley Mrs. Walter Tucker Mrs. Maude Swartz Mrs. E. B. Allsbrook Mrs. W. H. Smith Mrs. Lucy Move Mrs. R. S. Moye Mrs. Bertha Cox Mrs. W. O. Bilbro Mrs. S. B. Hardee Mrs. Nellie Boyd Mrs. Mary Moffler Mrs. L. D. Smith Mrs. R. A. Smith Mrs. William Harris Mrs. W. Ben Wilson Mrs. H. M. Gardner Mrs. T. J. Bell Mrs. Bob Allen Mrs. T. I. Wagner Mrs. Key Norris This Advertisement Paid For By Friends of Robert Lee Humber WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MOTHERS, WIVES AND DAUGHTERS OF Pin COUNTY, DO ENDORSE THE CANDIDACY Os Robert Lee Humber For Congress from the First Congressional District subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, May 25th, 1946. We will support and vote for him because we know him to be capable, and believe him to be thoroughly qualified for the office for which he is running. He is a Christian gentleman of high standing morally and intellectually, his character is beyond reproach, his enduring energy for the betterment of mankind give him all that is ne cessary to enter the halls of Congress to represent his con stituency. Mrs. A. R. Cannon Mrs. W. W. Brown Mrs B. A. Highsmith Mrs. J. M. Ward Mrs. jimmy Robards Mrs. W. T. C. Briggs Mrs. W. G. Garner Mrs. H. B. Williams M rs. R. V. Fleming Mrs. C. D. Ward Mrs. L. L. Stancill Mrs. W.L. Clark Mrs. C. A. Robertson Mrs. C. D. Bass Mrs. F. O. Nunn Mrs. F\ E. P'verett Mrs R. A. Calhoun Mrs. J. H. Moye Mrs. Plato Evans Mrs, L. W. Tracy Mrs. C. L. Fleming Mrs. A. W. Baker Mrs. J. F'. Bowen Mrs. Ben O. Roberson Mrs. W. 1. Wooten Mrs. Harry Hagerty Mrs. M. T Bradshaw Mrs. C. I). Crawford Mrs. Lonnie Baker Mrs. R. Iv. Rogers Mr-. W. L. Allen Mrs. C. E Otklev Mrs. W. H. Taft Mrs. Joseph M. Taft Mrs. W. E. Hooker Mrs. A. |. Elks Mrs. J. B. James Mrs. Louis S. Harrison Miss Louise T. Davis Mrs Bill Sermons Mrs. Gertie B. Merritt -Mrs. J. I). Murphy Mrs. Minnie Lilly ■Mrs. Mattie Garris Mrs. L. A. Smith Mrs. J. T. Barnhill Mrs. H, P. Markham Mrs. Annie Long Mrs. R. R. Little Mrs. Richard Forrest Airs. Leon Evans Mrs. B. F. Hardee Mrs. Paul Brown Mrs. Luther Morton Miss Inez Allen Mrs. Sadie Allen Mrs. Gladys Ross Mrs. Marvin Ross Mrs. J. W. White Mrs. Joe Moye Mrs. A. J. Moore Mrs. Hill Horne Mrs. W. H. Horne, Jr. Mrs. Tyson Bilbro Mrs. Chas. E. Blair Mrs. Mae Bell Page Mrs. Marietta Dixon Mrs. W. D. Pruitt Mrs. Leon Evans Mrs. P. E. Wells Mrs. Guy Smith Mrs. F. A. Bendall Miss Eva Hodges M rs. L. M. Savage Mrs. W. H. Turner Mrs. J. C. Galloway Mrs. jesse Speight Mrs. Bessie Bowling Mrs. Carlos Harriss Mrs. W. B. Brown Miss Eloise Ellington Mrs. H. H. Duncan Miss Bessie Brown Mrs. H. A. Hendrix Mrs. Ruth Whichard Mrs. K. T. PTitrell Mrs. J. L. Briley Mrs. W. S. Galloway Mrs. Leslie Briley Mrs. Dennis Johnson Mrs. FJove Staton Mrs. J. W. Tyndall Mrs. R. P. Rodgers Mrs. S. L. Park-on Mrs. Lee H. Moore Mrs H. F',.. Wooten Mrs. R.T. Rogersoti Mrs. Bertha Parker Mrs. W. C. Stokes Mrs. F. V. Johnston Miss Helen Johnston Miss Emma L. Hooper Mrs. I. J. Morriss Mrs. W. E. Basnight Mrs. Linsey Moseley Mrs. f. W. Higgs Mrs. M. B. Massey Mrs. T. I. Moore Mrs. K. C. Loftin Mrs. G. A. Taylor Mrs. F'. G. Copeland Mrs. F'. M. Sellars Mrs. R. M. Lang Mrs. F. C. Cross Mrs. Berry Bostic Mrs. L. E. Hunnings Mrs. Robt. Boyd Mrs. W. H. F'orbes Mrs. Nannie E. Evans Miss Mamie Chandler Mrs. N. C. Brooks Miss Frances Cross Miss Thelma Taislip Mrs. J. T. Skinner Mrs. H. L. Vinsent Mrs. R. E. Webb Mrs. E. E. Raw! Mrs. V. C. Fleming Mrs. Katie Randolph Mrs. Hugh C. Winslow Mrs. Joseph Palmer Mrs. Jack Edwards Mrs. W. C. Harriss Mrs. W. O. Freeland Mrs. G. J. Woodward Mrs. J. Hicks Corey Mrs. R. H. Barnes Mrs. Rufus Mayo Mrs. Levy Evans Mrs. J. S. Norman Mrs. W. M. Scales Mrs. G. B. Starling M rs. E. I>. F'aulkner Mrs. H. F. F'aulkner Mrs. Ella B. Pate Mrs. M. K. Clark Mrs. J. D. Wilson Mrs. R. G. Clark Mrs. J. C. FXans Mrs. E. T. Christian Mrs. V. M. Forrest Mrs. Thomas Webb Mrs. W. K. F'aison Mrs. G. J. Bell. Sr Mrs. R. W. Davenport Mrs. A. C. 'Padlock Mrs. Thelma Walker Mrs. Alex Cuthrell Miss Louise Galphin Miss Alice Strawn Mrs. L. W. Herring Mrs. Hiram J. Mayo Mrs. H, Fllmo Savage Mrs. J. W. H. Roberts Mrs. G. A. Brown -Mrs. H. R. Crawford Mrs. W. I). Barbre Mrs. Raymond Smith Mrs. I. H. Bowles Miss Ruth Faison Miss Annie L. Askew Mrs. J. R. Askew Mrs. R. B. Harper Mrs. Rufus Stark Mrs. R. H. Evans Mrs. Leslie Jones Mrs. Joe Parkerson Mrs. Troy W. Rouse Airs. John Mitchell Mrs. W. M. Umphlett Mrs, R. E. Corbett Mrs. J. L. Oppelt Mrs. \V. G. Norman Mrs. F'rank Moseley Mrs. I). S. Smith M rs. W. C. James Mrs. Will C. James Mrs. B. S. Warren Mrs. John D. Stokes Mrs. M. L. Wright Mrs. W. A. Sugg Mrs. Paul Batchelor Mrs. H. B. Keck Mrs. Jas. Smith Mrs. Roy Coburn Mrs. Claud Tunstall Mrs. L. A. Stroud Mrs. Travis Hooker Mrs. J. H. Smith Mrs. John L. Horne Mrs. j. D. Swain Mrs. W. A. Bowen Mrs. J. L. Little Mrs. E. T. Odum Miss Louise Odum Mrs. J. E. Winslow Mrs. B. B. Sugg, Sr. Mrs. Sam Northrop Mrs. Alice Carr Miss Mildred Carr Mrs. Ruby E. Peacock Mrs. Burnice Smith Mrs. Charles A. White Mrs. Jennie Pittman Miss -Franees Smith Mrs. Paul Fitzgerald Mrs. Milton H. White Mrs. J. F'. Harrington Mrs. B. W. Moseley Mrs. Frank Park. Jr. Miss F'ranees Bagwell Mrs. J. F. Davenport Mrs. O. C. White Mrs. R. L. Crow Mrs. R. E. Hardaway Mrs. J. A. Watson Miss Lois Grigsbv Mrs. L. M. Savage Mrs. Pat tie F'orbes Mrs. Blanche SneFl Mrs. Frank Wilson Miss Elizabeth Wilson Mrs. A. ('. Tehran Miss Louise Williams Mrs. J. 1C Waldrop Mrs. R. K. Pittman Miss Annie L. Moore Miss Kate \\ . Lewis Mrs. 1.. B. Garris Mrs. Hinton Best Mrs. F'rance- Ham v Mr-. R. A, Tyson Mrs. Jesse R. Move Miss Addie Congleton Mrs. O. L. Joyner. Jr. Mrs. \\ illiam H. Long Mrs. R. D. Harrington Mrs. N. M. Broughton Mrs. Mary Moore Dunn Mrs. Roy W. Lassiter Mrs. Julian Edwards Mrs. I'. A. Ethridge Alrs. Carlos Murray Mrs. L. A. Whitehurst Mrs. B. McKay Johnson Miss Christine Johnston A1 rs. F'red Forbes. Jr. Mrs. Vance Harrington Aliss Elizabeth Bridgers Mrs. C. S. Forbes, Jr. Airs. C. S. Forbes. Sr. Airs. Claude Gaskins. Jr. Airs. Adelaide Barrett Airs. E. R. Conway, Jr. Airs. Alton Harrington Airs. Hortense F'. Aloye Aliss Marietta Aloore Airs. J. Key Brown Airs. L. B. Ward Airs. J. H. Waldrop Aliss Helen Edwards Airs. E. L. Willard Mrs. Hattie Croom Mrs. C. S. Willard Airs. L. D. Bryan Mrs. Edna B. Dail Mrs. R. C. Deal Mrs. C. L. Herring Miss Ruth Netherland Mrs. Karl V. Gilbert Mrs. L. 0. Gross Mrs. Gallic Taylor Airs. O. C. Noble Mrs. L. T. Shotwell Aliss Louise C. Clark Mrs. A. J. Mavo Mrs. James L. FLvans Mrs. A. W. Hodnett Mrs. Hazel Leichter Mrs. Daisey Cox Airs. L. C. Venters Mrs. AI. C. Venters Mrs Jake Venters Airs. G. W. Venters Mrs. E. A. Venters Airs. I’ran Cox Mrs. Walter Cox Airs. J. J. Carroll -Mrs. L. H. Evans Mrs. f. 1), Aman Mrs. E. H. Taft Mrs. W. E. Lee Airs. Floyd Nobles Mrs. P. M. (ohnston Mrs. H. W. Alims Airs. 11. R. Goodall Mrs. Rose Crawford Mrs. E. 1.. Hester Airs. F'. Fi. Riddick Airs. A. C Howard Mrs. E. S. Webb Airs. J G. Smith Mrs. E. J. Garrett Airs. Dayid Turner Airs. Lloyd Kittrell Airs. R. L. Detnon Airs. 1). AI. Nichols Airs. S. L. Bridgers Airs. L. \\ . Redd Mrs. R. G. Bland Airs. Leslie Smith Mrs. J. T. Flale Airs. Joe Averette Aliss Alary F'orbes Airs. J. \V. Foley Airs. J. E. Phelps Aliss Sue Barrett Airs. R. E. F ries Mrs. J. A Collins, Jr Mrs. J. \\ . Glover Mrs. D. E. Painter Mrs. A. T. F'ugitt Mrs. F. J. F'orbes Airs. J. Arthur Jones Mrs. A. E. Bobbgood Mrs. Harvey Ward Airs. W. S. Aloye Mrs. Zilphia Rotroff Mrs. X T an Aloore Mrs. Minnie Baker Airs. Frank Dudley Miss Rosalee Baker Mrs. C. L. Brady Mrs. J. F. Carr Mrs. Frank Savage Mrs. L. L. Stokes Mrs. C. R. Young Mrs. E. E. Forbes Mrs. A. C. Ruffin Mrs. J. H. B. Moore

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