PAGE SIX Elliott Cleaners Now Occupy New Home; Establishment One of Most Modern In East- j ern Section of State William; S. Elliott, who operates ; Elliott Cleaners, on Monday resumed j operations in a new and up-to-date) establishment which replaces a rather ’ delapidated frame building oh East ) Queen Street. Only four weeks ago ) the construction of a new building; was begun, which is now complete jj STOP AT —— 0 • CHERRY'S RESTAURANT ! FO R $ STEAKS ( HOPS SEA FOOD J t REGULAR DINNERS g J SANDWICHES OF ALL KINDS 0 f SODA FOUNTAIN SERVICE Jj ; OPEN 24 HOURS DALY > 0 OITOMTK ROST Oi l ICE KOFN'TOX j 0 WHEN IN MAMEO g 0 ,«- - 0 CHERRY’S CAFE f OPES 1/7. YEAR 0 ROANOKE ISLAND MAM EO. \.C. 0 \ "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m?' ' Swung Alley II Wai I jgsrwgl \6toM I 14ii > Them In Kdenton at: BOSWELL’S GROCERY 15V Rl M II \Rl>\\ ARE ( OMI’ANY G. M. BYBIM GROCERY II 1(1 II Es- HOI.TON IIAKIIW ARE COM RAN A M ITCHESER'S I’ll ARM AC Y MITCHENER & LEARY I>RIG STORE NORTH EDENTON GROC ERY | '**. '’’ ' '■■ i i i t for ol,r ‘"niplete winler" jgtl Wc7 a " d ." ,n ‘*»P ser- I t Hsl and « re ase. cheelTba™ 1 I j f®w\ o'clock for . the 22 doctors ami a few ii vited guests. Home Economists To Meet On October 25 The annual meet r.g of the North ’ liiia If"-..,. Ecoruonics As.s<>< in* tion will- he held ii. Raleigh on Oc tober 2S and 2ii with about no mem ; hers from public schools. State Col- ! . l iege Extension ;Service, business and j home makers in attendance. The opening meeting w ill he held j at . the Raleigh Woman's Club, and j will feature an address l>y Pr. Muriel [ (Brown, family life consultant of the) U. X. .Office; of Edueat-on. MG- Ella Outlin'd of R'.rliiie’t' n. president of the association, will open the meet- 1 . iug at 2:11(1 P. M. Another highlight of the conven tion will, be an address by Mrs. Mary ' Davis Gillies, interior and architect- j t lira I editor of McCall’s Magazine. j ill. S. Ferguson of Taylorville, mem ber of the State Board of Education, a member of the board of trustees of , the University of Nort h Carolina, and only woman Democratic nominee for the State Senate, will discuss the ; newly organized Home Economics ] Foundation. Other speakers appearing on the ' programs are Mrs. Myrtle West more i land of Statesville: Pr. Mildred I. i Morgan, Asheville; Mrs Adelaide! i Bloxton, Greenville: Miss Emily Burt Person, Tarboro; Miss Verna Stanton i !of State College; Mrs. Cathryne Ke i hoe, Greensboro; Mrs. Bessie S. i Ware, Durham, and Miss Elsie B. ! Yarborough, Mrs. Marguerite G. j Surles, Miss Jennie D. Stout, Miss ; RuHi Andrews and Mrs. M. L, Shep herd, all of Raleigh. j j TOBACCO FLUCTUATES Tobacco prices closed last week on j J Middle Belt markets with some leaf j grades down from SI.OO to $6.00 per i hundred. Old Belt markets reported ' slightly weaker prices, while on East | ern North Carolina markets, closing prices fluctuated mostly from SI.OO to $3.00 per hundred for poor to medium tobaccos with losses out | numbering the gains. The demand strengthened slightly on the Border at the close of the week even though sales for this season are practically over. His Guide Hojax—l wish 1 knew how to make some money on the stock market. Skinker —That’s easy. Just w r atch what I do—and then do just the op posite. j drawings. There are also drawings of the various tools and small pieces I of hardware used in the construction. "These books are so easy to under- j stand, that’s what makes them so popular,” a Printing Office official said. , Information on making things for; outside the home such as a trellis,; 1 arches, lawn seats, dog house, bird houses, etc.., and for inside the home such as racks, chests, bookcases, cabi nets. camp furniture, etc., is to be found within the pages of the You Can Make It series. There is also useful information on wood selection, plywoods glues, glue joints and other 1 woodworking details. Orders should ; be addressed to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Of-; lice, Washington, P. C. The 30 cents ' should,be enclosed w ith the order (no j stamps, please). All proceeds go to' the government. Permits Necessary For Peanut Picker Operator With peanut harvesting time at j j hand. M. L; Bunch, Register of Deeds. I j calls attention to the requirement rtf law for aIU peanut picker and com-' j bine operators to secure permits be- 1 I fore operating. These permits apply to operators whether for private or j public Use and must be secured a! the lley ster "f Deeds office. rite world ii, ali doth but two nations bear. The good, the bad. and these mixed every where. Marvell. Greeting Cards For All Occasions —at— Campen’s JEWELERS : | Here's one time f s- J I it doesn't pay to be foxy! | i Bf.mehber the old fable of the fox who wanted r some grapes that were high on a vine? | After vainly jumping for them a few times, he i quit and said, "Oh well, those grapes are sour. I • don't really want them anyway.” 1 Sound familiar? [ ' Aren’t you sometimes like that fox when it comes * to putting away money for the things you want? [ You save for a while, then when things become difficult, you quit. You say to yourself, "Oh > well, my savings would never amount to much anyway.” [ You’re wrong ther* ! Under the Payroll Savings 1 SAVE THE mYWAY... BUY YOUR BONDS THROUGH PAYROLL SAV/HSS I [ The Bank of Edenton f | “SAFETY FOR SA VIXGS SIXCE 1 804" | MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT IXSURANCE CORPORATIOS \ MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 6 Plans Progressing ! For Staging 4-H! I Achievement Day Members Being: Encour-1 aged to Enter Exhibits j For Coming Affair Plans are rapidly shaping up for I the 4-H Achievement Day which will ' be held at the Edenton armory Sat | urde.v, November 2. Robert S. ’■ j Marsh, assistant County Agent, re (ports that all members arc being l | encouraged to enter exhibits ami at tend the affair, and that interest in the event is gradually increasing. ! ' Prizes will be offered for the yiir-j ' ious group of exhibits, with the hoy s’' 1 exhibits probably being confined to peanuts, corn, garden, poultry and; records Both 'Mr. Marsh and County Agent C. W. Overman are striving to have every club member turn in a complete s report and record on his project this i year. "I’m sorry,” said the driver of the; ; baby car. “but I’m hooked on." SHEAFFER AND PARKER PENS CAMPEN’S 1 11 i , 1 i . v Pm si-Cvia Cmiitpanff. Long 1 Citu. S'. Y. I'KI‘SM Ol,\ < OMI’AYY OF KI.IZABETH C ITY. V. C. Plan, your savings really accumulate. As little as JL $3.75 put intoU. S. Bonds through Payroll Savings ? every week will grow into $1004.20 in five years # —52163.75 in ten years! Higher weekly savings pile up even more. And think of what those dollars wilMmy—a f new car, many new home appliances, a good X education for your children. They can even lie a substantial down payment on a fine home, too. ft Keep caving I l 50... don’t be a "fox” about your "grapes.” Save T? for the things you want in the future, through ft regular Payroll Savings! 1 LEE i ot«r-Bloc Hats York, Brume Label $8.50 feeling chipper? Rest a-sureff. . . you will .. • in this ' - ii favorite. Made of fin - . apple felt, it’s handsome 1 » see and a real pleasure 1 1 wear. And here’s a plus —the York is pro-shaped so 'hat its smart lines stay in permanently! New fall colors. Tune In Drew Pearson Every Sunday ” P. M. CBS The Men’s Shop EDENTON, N.