PAGE SIX IMESTONE AVAILABLE THROUGH 1941 «A1 PROGRAM, SAYS CHAIRMAN 1 M. PRICE < Will Be Offered on First Come, First Served Basis Limestone will be furnished to Chowan County farmers through the Agricultural Conservation Pro grain on "first come —first served” basis, J. M. Price, secretary of the ( howan County Agricultural Con servation (AAA) Committee, has an nounced, and urges farmers to place their 1947 lime orders immediately. SHEAFFER AND PARKER PENS CAM PEN’S JACQUIN’sI ROCK&BOURBON | , Ji ""Wli i RETAIL PRICE 1 made and soniEO »r j CHARLES JACQUINetCie, Inc. PHILA., PA. • EST. 1884 | LOVELY LAMPS r~~ j t. It you re furnishing m MPP’-l 1 HL 1' H-' '* • I ins; we -m's'f'i that you conic in Mm’iiiii > ' • toda\ to 'or our roallv fine >**lrt • 'L/Ti NjT 5 * t 4 torn ot Lamps. I L f ' . I I\AM /. 1,1//’ / V 17)/ A’ //f ).l//- jj f 117/./. /))) M7).V///:A> ' Floor Lamps | • from j |! I 16.50 27.50 ! • l | Table Lamps J • ironr t • j *5.00 *16.50 : ms> i j EDENTON FURNITURE COMPANY j I NEXT DOOR TO CITIZEN’S BANK BUILDING | PHONE 50-W EDENTON. N. C. | • f™N O~T YC E i | ALL CHEVROLET OWNERS j 0 Call, or take your car*or truck to your 0 $ authorized CHEVROLET DEALER for $ 0 . service and repairs by CHEVROLET | g trained mechanics who use genuine g 0 CHEVROLET parts. 0 We are now equipped to lubricate, 0 0 wash, polish and change your oil. 0 Come in and see LLOYD EVANS, our parts manager, for genuine CHEVRO \ LET parts, accessories, seat covers, tires and tubes and heater hose. ' SB. B. H. Motor Co.! | YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER 0 0 U. S. Highway 17 Phone 400 0 EDENTON, N,C. i m m.m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm "Only 855,200 tons of limestone have been offered for distribution through the 1947 program for the en tire State,” Mr. Price said. With an I indicated increased demand for lime during the coining year, he pointed i out that sufficient lime will not be - available to fill all requests and that orders will be filled in the order they ' are placed with the county office. Contractors have agreed to furnish lime on a monthly basis: Any month’s allocation that is not re ■ quested will be conceded ami lost for the entire year. "We cannot afford to let this happen in view of the great ■ need of limestone on our farms,” Mr. | Price said. "If farmers will place their orders now. shipping schedules can he dr .j ranged so as to keep a steady flow of •this material moving from the sup -1 plier and Vnd-nf-tho-year- cancolla• i tiops’ witnessed in past years will he ! eliminated,” he concluded, i The cos; to the farmer will ho j 1.45 per ton delivered to tlie farm. This : represents f>o per con; of the cost of I tin- material,. The contractor " ill ; spread the lime, at the time ofai-div | cry. for an additional -cost of >l ,sii ! per ton Local Negro 4-H Clubs Hold Achievement Day —’ j N. g* 1 H club of Chowan County hold their- Achievement Pay .'Satur day. \o\on her Pi. in tin Edenton High .School. -The program opened .with Mabh* Harris. County Council president, presiding. Tin- address was delivered by the Hew N. S. Har ris of Kdenton. The judges were Miss Eliza Jeffers, Negro home agent of Elizabeth City. Miss Price, homo eeon.otiiie teacher ;it Kdeiiton High School, and W (\ Strowd. fare acent of 1,1 ert filial. . Prizes were given for string beans, poaches, berries, art (chokes. , beets, to matoes, sweet potatoes, peanuts, con . w hite, potatoes, turnips, poultry, hand icraft,- Voliards. carrots and dresses. The .products were arranged accord ing to chibs and prizes w ore ai' on to tin ■ best bs as a win ho. Prizes went to the fnl.b-w :ng clubs: First' prize. Warren's Grove; second prize, t’anaan Temple Club; third prize, Green Hall Senior Club. THE CHOWAN HERALD. KDENTON, N. G., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1946, i Interest Mounting In ! Thanksgiving Dance , Music Will Be Furnished! By Roy Cole and His ! Tar Heels i > According to reports, a great deal . of interest is developing in Kdenton and surrounding territory concerning the forthcoming Thanksgiving dance i scheduled to be held Friday night, November 29, in the Kdenton armory. The dance is sponsored by the ■ Junior Woman's Club in an effort to 1 1 raise money with w hich to equip the : new playground, which is the club’s . I major project for the year. | The orchestra engaged for the oc casion, Roy7 Cole and his Tar Heels , from the, University of North Caro-' '. lina. has been acclaimed a fine, smooth working musical organization. All members of this band are major ■ ing in music at Carolina. The ma jority. of the personnel are ex-Gl's, ' p'ractjcaHy every member having : played in some, of the best orchestra units in the armed forces, and with 1 such a wealth of talent. Hoy Cole has ' turned out a truly well balanced or- , ' I chest ra', They feature any type of I music desirod, including Waltzes, rhumbas, sweet swing or hot jive, and, i keep their tempos, well mixed, so as i to please even the most discriminat-j l ing dancers. They use special ar- ; raiigements only. The featured vocalist with the band ■is George I bunas..a- baritone of the . Perry Como type, but with a style of! his own. He is especially good on I sweet numbers. The band's scat sing- | er. “Chuck" Campbell, is another out- I standing feature of the organization. ' Harry Hall is another singer with | the orchestra, and is also a trom-! bopist of the finest calibre. This orchestra has been featured at. the Wallace Strawberry Festival. Islej of Palms Payilfion in South Carolina. | Fort Bragg Officers' Club. Langley j Field Officers' Club and a number of.j leading colleges in . the mid-South. Such a distinguished orchestra is ex-j peCted to draw a large crowd. There will ho tables for anyone de- ! .siring them and sandwiches and : drinks will tie sold throughout, the! e v ert i n g. MASSES NEXT SI’NDAV AT WINDSOR AND EDENTON The most Indy sacrifice of the mass w ill be offend Sunday, November 24.' the first at 8 4. M. in Duke of Wind-1 s"f convention room. Windsor, and j second in St. Ann’s Catholic Church. ■ Kdenton. at II A. M.. each including : 12th sermon, of series on “Death,” ; Holy Communion, concluding in 45 ; minutes, followed at once by Sunday School, confessions starting 15 min utes. ending five minutes before ser vices, stated Father F. J. McCourt. . pastor, who invites everybody to all | services. Week mornings: Mass, ('ommunion, Rosary. Greeting Cards For AH Occasions -at- Campen s JEWELERS TAYLOR THEATRE IDF.vrOV, NORTH CAROLINA We Have the Shows Today (Thursday) and Friday, November 21-22 Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peek in “SPELLBOIND” j Saturday. November 23 Eddie Dean and Koscoe Ates in “SONG OF OLD WYOMING” ! i | Sunday. November 24 , 1 . . . j Gary Cooper and Jean Arthur in THE PLAINSMAN” Monday and Tuesday, November 25-26 — I Bette Davis and Paul Henried in “DECEPTION” Wednesday, November 27 Double Feature Don Barrv in “THE LAST CROOKED MILE” v Also Ellen Drew in “SING WHILE YOF DANCE” Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) November 28— “EARL CARROLL’S • SKETCHBOOK” CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our many | thanks and sincere appreciation to | our many friends for their kindness and sympathy during the tragic death | of our son and brother, Louis Nixon, i Also for the many beautiful flowers sent at the funeral. ! —Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nixon and Family. USE... PINEE Cuts Sores Burns IT'S DIFFER EXT YOU'LL LIKE IT! Classified and Legals CLASSIFIED RATES i. : Cash in advance with first in sertion unless regular customer, j Count six words to line. Mini- I mum cost of ad is 40 cents. One Insertion _.loc per line Two Insertions -8c per line Three or more , _7c per line Double Rate For Keyed Ads MR. DOC, HUNTER—GET YOUR: 1 dogs ready for the big days ahead, by feeding them Purina Dog Chow. The best feed by proven test. Hal-; ! sey Feed & Seed Store. "The Checkerboard Store.” Itc, MB. TOBACCO FARMER WF will have a tobacco bed fertilizer , this coming season that will add extra profits to your crops by grow ing large fugged plants to give an : early start. More protection against ! Blue Mold and other growing haz-1 I ards. Let us serve you with a pro j portion of your needs so you can! 1 compare tin* difference. We are taking orders for January delivery | now at a low discount. This pro duet is made bj Swift & Company, , one of the old reliable firms. Hal -1 sey Feed & Seed Store, “The Check erboard Store.” tfc < WANTED TO BENT FOUR OR! • five fOoni unfurnished apartmen; I Prefer five- room house. Contact Peter Carlton in care of J. Edwin 1 Bufflap at Chowan Herald office. FOB SALE SMALL IV AN HOE OH.', burner. In perfect condition. Call i phone 29(i-J, Kdenton. Itc WANTED --MATURE WOMAN OF refinement (white or colored in any j section) to he trained as profes sional corsetiers at our expense. Only corset in the world sold oh a •to-day ntoney-baek guarantee. Yes. we have elastic and nylons. For personal interview, write Mrs, A. McDuffie, 407 West 31st St.. Nor-, folk, Ya. a Nov2l.2BDeesc' LOST BLACK CAT WITHOUT I tail. Reward. Mrs. W. S. Privott, Jr., loti Morris Circle. Itc WANTED—MAN FOR RAWLKIGH business. Permanent if you are a j hustler. For particulars, write! Rawleigh’s. Dept. NCK -68-1113, Richmond, Va. ltp WANTED-PERSON OR PERSONS with equipment and or capital in- j teres ted ill acting as a Distributor for a major oil company in vicinity 1 of Kdenton, X. C. Write J." W. Herrell, District Manager, Box 506, | Mount Olive, N, C. Nov2l,2B,Peespd j SPECIAL TIilS WEEK ON BABY | Chicks, as this w ill be our last ship- . mont this season. Halsey Feed & ! Seed Store, “The Checkerboard; Store,” Kdenton. lie! HELP WANTED—MAN OR WO man to distribute nationally known food and drug items in your vicin ity. Exceptional income, perma nent future. Write Dept. S-3, | P. O. Box 5071, Richmond, Va. N0v21,28 Decopd MR. FARMER, DON’T LET WORMS ! rob you of your pork. We have a remedy that is economical and easy I to give. Just mix with feed. Cost approximately 10c per hog. Ilal- I sey Feed & Seed Store, “The j Checkerboard Store,” Itc FOR SALE—ONE LARGE COAL heater. In good condition. Apply to Herbert Baker at Ralph Par rish’s Auto Supply. ltp LOST—OUTSIDE TOWN ON U. S. 17, fitch fur scarf. Finder please write Mrs. J. ('.Hancock, 217 Grove Ave., Norfolk 3, Va. N0v14,21c SAND, WOOD AND DIRT FOR sale. Small and large quantity. See W. C. Moorp, 814 Cabarrus St. Phone 195-W. . novl4,2lpd MR. FARMER AND OTHERS—DO not let rats and mice store up in your buildings. We have a remedy with manufacturer’s guarantee to rid you of these pests. See us for your requirements. Halsey Feed & Seed Store, “The Checkerboard Store,” Edenton. Itc LET* US SUPPLY YOU WITH your hog curing products this sea son. We will carry everything per taining to curing your meat. Hal sey Feed & Seed Store, “The Check erboard Store,” Edenton. Itc I FOR RENT—ONE ROOM AND ONE j three room furnished apartment. I with connecting bath. Mrs. Sam, I Holmes, 206 Oakum St., Phone 1 146-W. novl4,2lcj WE WILL BUY YOUR CORN IN any quantity. Halsey Feed & Seed I Store, “The Checkerboard Store,”! Edenton. N. ('. Itc 1 NOW IN STOCK PURINA LIVE-1 stock mineral mixtures. Very es-1 sential for all stock. See us for; your needs. Halsey Feed & Seed I Store, “The Checkerboard Store.” ] FOUND—A REMEDY FOR BACK-J ache due to kidnev trouble. Try! KIDDO. Only 97c. Money back [ guarantee. Mitcherier’s Pharro-j acy. exp Dec 19pd WANTED—WHY WORRY IF Al* flieted With Any Known Skin; Disease. Ask About V-.1-O. .Mitch- 1 ener's Pharmacy, Leggett & Davis. | exp. Jan. 16. pd FOR SALE CONCRETE BLOCKS Made with crushed stone to pass, I government specifications, we believe this to be the best block being made. jin North Carolina today. Before you j use any blocks, see ours. I Our blocks are as near as. your j ; phone- -we deliver anywhere. New Bern Building Supply Co. New Bern N. C. Phone 3143 Tarhnro Concrete Products Co. Tarboro. X. C. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND By virtue of a judgment of the .Su perior Court of Chowan County, X. C.. in that certain special proceed ings entitled: Bark of Edenton vs. (C. R. SaU -rfiold. Admr., e*t als. de i fendants. 1 will, on Nevemlwr -'itnil. j 1946, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Court; House kloor in Kdenton. N. C,,. sell at public auction to the highest bidder j for cash all that certain tract of land in Kdenton Township, Chowan Colin-j j tyv X. C„ k .own as “Mexico.” or the (SAY "MO-KAN") j 100 . K J pr ° of B I ■ 47-''- ! j .»* I Keepsake /"'TIA MONO IIHff 1 S^N & v ({ a hanover sw ws. oo \\=J] jf] Ring 150.00 B HEATHER S.l M 2.50 V 'J Ring 550.00 Aiw 5300 U*td \ev iAc*ude Federal to* CAMPEN'S JEWELERS EDENTON, N. C. “Dave Robertson” old p'ace. being the 1 same lands conveyed to W 1. Satter field and Thos. Chears by E- N. El ; liott and others by deed recorded in Book P, pagt 447, ( howan County i Public Registry, containing 17.) acres, ! m*re or less. The farm has luV acres .f cleared lands, and a tobacco allotment of 11..) ! acres. 1 AlOf 1 cash deposit will be required of the successful bidder on the day of ( s aie to guarantee compliance with the bid. This the 29th day ofOctober Hllfl. C. R SATTERFIELD, I 0ct31N0v7.14.21.28 Coi—.issioncr. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE j Having qualified as Exec*.lor *>f the I estate of W. D. Pruden, deceased, late 'of Chowan County. North Carolina, this: is to notify all persons having claims agains' the estate ut*iisod to tn hi hit iliom to i)o L? A iof Edenton at its office in Edenti ▼ i North Carolina, on or befor the "Ist day of June, 1947. or this notice will he' pleaded in bar of their recovery. .XII persons indehted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 31st dav of October, 1946. THE BANK OF KDENTON, ' Executor of W. D. Prtiden. deceased. Bv W. H. Gardner. Vice President, 0ct81N0v7.14,21,28Dee5 ADMIN I.sTK \TKIX NOTICE 1 Having qualified as Adm iustratrix • of the estate of Mrs. Sarah 11. Ever ett. deceased; late of Chowan County, : North Carol 1 ! a. this is t** notify ail persons having: claims against the es ■ tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Edenton,. N. (’.. on or before the 12*h day - ' plLouquin I cb&l*£ % IMITATION H JBANANA I B Pint $2.25 I AustirwsNichols W 6 Co. W'. Inc. MOOM'N NI w ' 0»» - <