Dr. W. H. A. Stallings Leader In Organizing Nep Co-op Groups Local Minister Applies Activities to Express Christian Principle According to G. E. Cheek, presi- dent of Shaw University, Raleigh, * Dr. W. H. A. Stallings of Edenton, stands in the front among ministers of North Carolina in his interest and leadership in stimulating cooperative activities in various communities in the eastern section of the state. Although his record shows that he has had for a long time interest in cooperative adventures —such as in surance companies, real estate com panies, grocery stores, etc., it was not until the late thirties that Dr. Stallings became acquainted with the credit union movement at Columbia, N. C., through the “Light of Tyrell Credit Union.” Dr. Stallings was pastoring in Columbia where S. P. Dean was school principal and the organiser and moving spirit in the “Tyrell Credit Union,” Dean gave his pastor, Dr. Stallings, a book on Credit Unions, written by Roy F. Burgengren. Dr. Stallings says he Too Late To Classify FOR SALE 1941 CHEVROLET club coupe. In good condition. New tires, radio and heater. Price $950. Terms, $350 down and balance S6O monthly. Phone 280, Edenton. ltc TOR SALK—ONE LATE MODEL 6 Mi foot Frigidaire, $125.00. Call 465—W. jan3ofeb6c ~ ~ Greeting: Cards For All Occasions CAMPEN’S JEWELERS PRICK MADE AND BOTTIEO IV CHARLES JACOUIN •» Cl*., lit*. PHILA., PA. . IST. lIU ( i Wt DON'T MAGNIFY ! i YOUR TROUBLES' ! 0 WE FIND I MmM THEM AND 0 _ FIX THEM.' J /;3* — — J \ t MJ%- r & ! FOR ALL MAKE CARS AND TRUCKS J Our mechanics will go over your car with an eagle eye and you may be sure that your auto will get service “plus” when * any one of our experts check it! Drive in today! WE HAVE OX HAND FOR CHEVROLET CARS A SUPPLY OF P Seat Covers Floor Mats Batteries and Other Accessories ■ p B. B. H. Motor Co.! YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER 0 U. S. Highway 17 Phone 400 P EDENTON, X. C. $ J“ate that book up,” and then told Dean in a joking mood, “I am going I to organize a credit union that will i make the ‘Light of Tyrell’ look like 1 a gnat beside the Atlantic Ocean.” l' At any rate a joke carried a little ways may become a reality. n 1941 i Stallings organized a credit union I at Edenton which now has assets of over SIOO,OOO. In 1943 he organized credit unions at New Bern and Bel haven. In 1944 he organized a credit union at St. Luke near Windsor. Through his influence Merritt and Colerain are ready for the organiza tion of a credit union. The store which Dr. Staljings or ganized two years ago did upward of $25,000 worth of business last year. The directors are now draw ing plans for a larger building to house their growing business. Dr. Stallings says he has more calls from communities to come and preach the gospel of credit unions and cooperatives than he can fill. Several years ago he organized a real estate business in Belhaven, a town in which he has been a pastor for a number of years. This company has a state charter and is doing .a thriving business Every family in his church owns their home. Dr. Stallings believes that one of the best way to express the Christ ian principle is through cooperative activity in business and in handling money cooperatively. The coopera tive organizations which he has pro -1 moted are now. handling over $200,- ■ 000 annually. Dr. Stallings is a genius not only in making and or ganizing men, but also in selecting men of leadership to fit into key places in business organizations. The ' Rev. J. E. Tillett, secretary-treasur er of the Edenton Credit Union, the TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, N. C. Week Day Shows Continuous From 3:30 Saturday Continuous From 1:30 Sunday Shows 3:30 and 9:15 —o Today (Thursday) and Friday, January 30-31 Joanne Dru and Richard Norris in •ABIE’S IRISH ROSE" o Saturday, February I Roy Rogers and Gabby Hayes in “HELLDORADO” o Sunday, February 2 Sidney Greenstreet in •THE VERDICT” o Monday and Tuesday, February 3-4 Wallace Beery in •THE MIGHTY McGUKK” o- Wednesday, February 5 Double Feature “MR. HEX” Louis Jordan in •BEWARE” Dennis Morgan and Jack Carson in • THE TIME, THE PLACE AND THE GIRL” V i THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1947. Rev. E. S. Parker, manager of the Edenton Cooperative Store, Prof. J. B. Small, Prof. A. Blaine, Willie Charlton, A. T. Watson, directors at Edenton, and Dr. R. G. Jacob, Willie McKenly Moore of Belhaven, and Alex Coley, George Woods of New Bern, are other men serving in lead ership capacity in cooperative store, real estate company and credit unions headed by Dr. W. H. A. Stallings. Herald Thanked For Information To Vets “It affords me much pleasure,” writes Warren G. Knight, local Vet erans Administration contact repre sentative, “to quote the following from a better addressed to the contact officer, Veterans Administration, North Carolina Regional Office, l?y the Chief of Contact Division, Rich- Iheadacke Capadlae relieves headache fut because it's liquid. Its CwKe"** ,n already dissolved ■ —all ready ta befia easing the pain. It alt# soothes nerve ten ■ h<—■- M sioe due te the pain. Usa onlyasdirectad. 10c, 30c, 60c. HiluiiaiJi [Attention Housewives j CROWN MILLS Portland, Oregon . . [ CROWN MILLS i %, Wf I V PORTLAND. OREGON. v J 1 I*7 ~ 'llf V. ~ J«T.yasVt,‘ * „•*. ■■- • " '**' ? NOW ON SALE AT YOUR LOCAL GROCERY STORE " we .a I .a .a » .a .a- m .a-■ - m -■ --- -■ -* -■ M . mond Branch No. 4. The item re ferred to was carried in The Chowan Herald under date of January 2, 1947. ‘“Subject: Recruitment of nurses. Your reference slip dated January 9, 1947, attached newspaper clipping from The Chowan Herald, Edenton, North Carolina, on the above subject, has been noted with gratitude and ap preciation by Personnel Service and the Contact Division of this office. Signed: William R. Jesse, Chief Con tact Division.’ “Your splendid spirit of coopera tion in publishing items of interest to veterans in the area served by your publication is sincerely appreciated.” Hervey Ignores Lease Termination (Continued from Page One) ings and the Town take over the rest of the base except unoccupied land. Under this plan the Foundation agreed to pay half of the cost of po lice and firs protection, as well as SHEAFFER AND PARKER PENS CAMPUS half of the liability insurance pre mium, all of which is not to cost the Foundation over $250 per month. In the meantime, Dr. Frank Wood and the nurses at the hospital are on vacation pending providing heat 24 hours daily in the hospital. The hos pital, according to Dr. Wood, is prac tically ready for operation, and efforts are now under way to install separate boilers for the hospital and nurses’ quarters. 'A committee from Town Council called on Mr. Hervey to secure the keys to all buildings on the base, but they would not be surrendered. With Town Attorney John W. Graham at tending the General Assembly as Rep resentative fur Chowan County, the services of J. C. B. Ehringhaus have been secured to advise Town Council as to the legal aspects of the present situation. IW. WHEELER SURVEY WORK OF ALL KINDS Office- -106 East King Street EDENTON, N. C. Phone: 177-J QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress AlMngfim STOMACH ULCERS