Support the War Memorial Volume-XlV—Number 51 TYPICAL STATE INSPECTION LANE 9 mM: Jk>. jiff P ;'dm MK ggj J§^™| I t iffliy*' T M T^^|gy^ c ** l<, ** >< “ T rl-mjilt | A P y* %y f| This is a safety inspection lane, typical of the one your car will pass through when the new Mechanical Inspection Program goes into effect ip January. According to statistics of the National Safety Council, 17 per cent of all motor vehicle accidents are caused'by cars with faulty equipment. The Mechanical Inspection Program was passed by the 1947 General Assembly “for your safety”—to cut*down on North Carolina’s high accident and fatality rates. The new law requires that all vehicles must be inspected once during 1948 and twice a year thereafter. Three principal points that will be stressed in the inspection program are SEEING, STEERING AND STOPPING, which will take care of lights, brakes, steering assembly, mirrors, horn, windshield wiper, wheel alignment and tires. One of these safety inspection lanes will be located on Hicks Field in Edenton. MACHINERY SET UP FOR SPECIAL BOND tLECTHIN IN CHOWAN COUNTY SCHEDULED TO Bf DECIDED BY VOTERS ON JANUARY 20 Registrars,' Judges of Election and Voting Places Named LITTLE TxBiMENT Tax Rate Boosted Only 13 Cents First Year If Carried With a special election called for Chowan County citizens to vote upon a $400,000 bond issue, machinery is being set up so that voters will have an opportunity to register their wishes. The bond election, which will be held Tuesday, January 20, was called by the County Commissioners in order to provide funds to make absolutely necessary • additions to. schools. • According to L. S. Byrum, Chair man of the Chowan County Board of Elections, registration books will be open December 27, January 8 and January 10, with Challenge day des ignated January 17, and the election January 20. The local Board of Elections has appointed the following registrars and judges of election, as well as specified voting plaees, as follows: jj East Edenton Precinct—Miss Sarah Jones, registrar; O. C. Davis and C. C. Cates, judges of election. Voting $ place, Court House. I West Edenton Precinct—J. J. Long, I registrar; M. A. Hughes and Mrs. I George Hoskins, judges of election. Voting place, Municipal Building. | Yeopim Precinct—H. A. Perry, reg- T. J. Hoskins and Thomas Hoskins, Jr., judges of election. Vot ing place, H. A. Perfy’s store. Rocky • Hock FreCinct—W. H. Pearce, registrar : Tom Tynch and W. H. Saunders, judges of election. Voting place, Henry Bunch’s store. Center Hill Precinct —R. H. Good win, registrar. Ralph Goodwill and E. D. Byrum, judges of election. Vot ing place, same as last election. , Wardville Precinct —G. A. Hollo well, registrar; T. A. Berryman and C. J. HoHowell, judges of election. Voting place, G. A. Hollowell’s store. Polls will be ppen from 6:30 A. M. S*nd close at 6:30 P. M, Improvements which will be made if the bond issue is carried include new buildings .'which will provide only class ‘rooms for the white and colored school! in Edenton and-a physical education building at Chow -an High School. .The added class k rooms for White schools are. estimated L to cost $216,000, colored schools $200,- ipoo and the Chowan High physical ■Education building $75,000. Os course, on Page Five) ■HERBERT LEARY UNDER KNIFE IT Herbert L4ary^entered Chowan last W6CK after becoming THE CHOWAN HERALft Ed Ballenger New License Examiner New Bern Man Succeeds B. H. Smith; Releases Schedule Ed Ballenger of New Bern is now stationed in Edenton, having been ap pointed permanent license examiner succeeding the late B. Henry Smitji. Mr. Ballenger’s headquarters will be at the 8.8. H. Motor Company and he has announced that he will be in Edenton each Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. and on Saturday morning from 9 A. M. to 12 o’clock noon. Mr. Ballenger advises motorists whose names begin with A or B that time is very short for the A-B group to be examined. His work will close ] at noon on December 24 and begin again on Monday, December 29, due to the Christmas holidays, so that very, few more days remain for the ex amination. White Christmas At Baptist Church Choir Will Present Mu • sicdl Program at 5 P.M. White Christmas will be observed at the Baptist Church Sunday morn ing, when presents will be broughjt to the church to be distributed among the less fortunate of the community. At 5 o’clock in the afternoon the choir, under tjie direction of ,Mrs. M. A. Hughes, will present a musical program in keeping with the Christ mas season. This service will take .the place of the usual evening service, stated the pastor, the Rev. R. N. Carroll. Town Office Closed " Tws Days Next Week • The Town office in the Municipal Building will be closed Thursday and Friday next week, in order to observe a two-day holiday for Christmas. Business will go on as usual Satur day morning in line with other busi ness heuaes-Jn Edenton. \\ ♦ . V RED MEN TRIBE WILL ELECT OFFICERS MONDAY NIGHT At the paeeting'bf Chowan Tribe of Red Men next Monday night, new of ficers for the next six-.month period will be elected. There are several candidates in the field, so that the sachem Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, December 18,1947. l Lions-Club Plans l Christmas Party I For Friday Night Feature Will Be Presen tation of Presents to » Members’ Wives At their meeting last Monday , night the Edenton Lions Club made ' last minute preparations for a gala Christmas party to be held at the American Legion hut, on Friday night at 7:30 o’clock. The members r will buy attractive presents for the • ladies in appreciation for their un ■ selfish devotion during the year. Various chairmen gave yearly re > ports among whom were: Dr. Martin 1 Wisely, program chairman; Ralph E. i Parrish, finance chairman; W. S. Priv -1 ott, membership; Herbert Hollowell, . attendance; O. E. Duncan, constitu . tion and by-laws; Peter Carlton, pub licity; L. H. Haskett, civic improve i ment; W. W. Byrum, community betterment; W. J. Taylor, education , and health and welfare; R. C. Hol . i land, Lions education; sight conser vation, J. A. Curran; boys and girls, , Nathan Dail, reporting for Walter . Holton. Visitors recognized were Edward Wells and L. T. Dunbar. It was pro posed that the Lions Club sponsor a District Court of Honor in the near future. % i Varsity Club Dance In Armory Bee. 26th Affair For Benefit of Monogram and Var -1 . sity Clubs / Sponsored by the Varsity Club, a dance will be held in the. Edenton , armory Friday night, December 26, from 9:30 P. M. to 1:30 A. M. I' The affair is being held for the benefit of the Varsity Club and the . Monogram Club of -Edenton High School. Roy Cole and his* University of North Carolina orchestra will furnish the music for the occasion. Table' reservations may be obtained by tele phoning 314-J or 111-W-2. Edenton Quartet At Aviation Celebration • Four Edentonians attended the cele bration of the 44th anniversary of the first airplane flight, held at Kill Devil Hill; Wednesday. The quartet was composed of H. A. Campen, president of the .Chowan County Chamber of ' Commerce.; Pete? Carlton, executive ' secretary, Mayor Leroy Haskett and J.' H. Conger. [ A feature of the celebration was an impressive rotary-wing aircraft | show and an address by Ighr Sikor sky, designer, of aircraft and inventorl lof the helicopter. .■., * [Meanest Person_ At this season of the year kind ness and consideration for others is forged to the front, but despite > this fact, the devil no doubt has his followers at work. Such was the case late last week when one or more hoodlums deliberately did considerable damage in Beaver Hill. Cemetery. The entire side of a cinder bidek wall around the Hurdle plot was knocked over and broken 1 and a small monument damaged beyond repair with either an axe, sledge hammer or other heavy in strument. On the Ambrose plot three lambs on that many stones were broken off in such small pieces that repair is impossible. A hurried investigation soon revealed that some damage was also done to the Duffy Sawyer stone nearby. The Town employs a colored man full time at the certietery and he raked up leaves in the vicinity where the damage was done Friday afternoon, so that the dastardly acts were done be tween Friday night and Sunday, when the damage was discovered. On Tuesday night, working on a slender clue, Sheriff J. A. Bunch and Edenton police secured a con fession from Charlie Cross, Jr., 18-year-old Negro, that he dam aged the Hurdle grave. He is now in jail awaiting a hearing. Stores Close Two Days For Christmas Also Begin to Remain Open Nights on Fri day, Dec. 19th According to a poll of Edenton’s merchants, H. A. Campen, president of the Chowan County Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Associa tion, stated early this week that stores will close for two days over ■Christmas, on Christmas Day and the following day, December 25 and 26. Mr. Campen also stated that the majority of stores expressed a desire to close on New Year’s Day to ob serve the holiday. , 1 Local stores Will begin next Fri day night, December 19, to remain open nights for the convenience of Christmas shoppers. The stores will remain open until 9 o’clock up until Christmas eve. First Degree Tonight At Masonic Meeting The Rev. W, C. Francis, master of Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F. & A. M., announces that the first de gree will be conferred upon three candidates at the meeting ‘of the lodge tonight (Thursday). Mr. Fran cis requests the 'officers of the' lodge, especially, to be on hand as near 7 o’clock as possible. I The meeting will begin at § o’clock 1 and all Masons are urged to attend. ■l r.i'k'£!/•)&’ '■ • < Santa Claus Is Greeted By Thousands In Edenton On His Arrival Friday Night CANDIDATE | JOHN F. WHITE With a Democratic Primary Election scheduled to he held next May, John F. White of Edenton this week announced that he will be a candidate for District Solicitor. - —— ■■ ■ ■■ —, —■■ —. | Rotary Christmas Party Held Tonight Delightful Affair Plan ned at American Legion Hut Edenton’s Rotary Club will stage a Christmas party tonight (Thursday) at the American Legion hut at the Naval Air Station. Though no speaker has been secured for the oc casion, Rotary Anns will be special guests and an appropriate program has been arranged for the occasion. The committee in charge of the party is composed of Clarence M. Speight, David Holton and Joe Con ger, Jr. Aside from being a Christmas party, the affair will be the climax of an attendance contest in which Wil liam and Frank Holmes were captains of the two sides. The losing side will entertain the winners and at the last check-up of the contest, William’s side had a slight edge. Because of the party, there will be no meeting of the club at the Parish House Thursday. Opportunities For Christmas Are All Taken In Chowan t 1 Mrs. J. H. McMullan Is Very Well Pleased With Response According to Mrs. J. H. McMullan, superintendent of public welfare, practically all of the Christmas op \ portunities in Chowan County have been taken, though she can still refer other less needy cases to anyone who ’ might be interested in offering aid ' during the Christmas season. Those who accepted opportunities ' since the last issue of The Herald are Skinner White, Dr. and Mrs. O. L. [ Holley, Personnel of the home and ' county agents’ offices, Miss Mary L. Copeland for the YWA of the Baptist, Churcfy and Miss Celia Spivey for the Friendship Club. 1 Mrs. McMullan is delighted with I the generous response made to the . Christmas opportunities, and feels sure a great dqal of joy will result not only on the part of those who re ceive, but those who give, as well. In a few instances the ones involved in , Cases listed have been visited, which 1 will result in even more being done , than was mentioned in the yarious ; cases. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM AT > WARWICK CHURCH FRIDAY The Warwick Sunday School will , give a Christmas program at the ’ church Friday evening at 7:30. These will be a Christinas tree and "reat i for the children. The public "U in vited. * lmjKtmas r 351.50 Per Year. Street Is Jammed With Young and Old; San ta Rides Tank PARADE Visiting Bands Add to Success of Outstand ing Affair Despite a cold raw night the crowd «n hand to meet Santa Claus in Edenton last Friday night was far beyond the fondest expectations of anyone who had anything to do with the affair. Crowds lined along Broad Street from the armory to King Street, with a regular jam dev eloping in the block between King and .Queen Streets. Adding to the parade were the Elizabeth City and Hertford bands, who generously made' the trip to Edenton to help add to the success of the occasion. Santa Claus made his debut on top of one of the Edenton Cannon Com pany’s large tanks, which was ac companied by an honor guard of National Guardsmen. He waved to the kiddies along the line of march. Also in the parade were a number of decorated cars, floats, Scouts, school children and of course, Fire Chief R. Hall, who was riding with Tom ■ Goodman on the Edenton Fire Depart ment’s old Reo fire engine. I I After the parade Santa mounted a [ platform in front of Quinn’s Furni » ture Company, where William P. Jones presided over the loud speaker The Rev. Harold W. Gilmer led in prayer, after which Mayor Leroy Haskett, W. W. Byrum and Geddes Potter spoke briefly welcoming tjie crowd and complimenting Peter Carl ton and the Association for the suc i cess of the visit of Santa Claus. I Santa then took over the loud ; speaker and after reading some of the i letters he received, he did the best - he could to distribute gifts among the 1 children. i W. Jim Daniels led in singing Christmas carols. ; Estimates of the number of people . who attended the event ranged from - 2,500 to 5,000. At any rate, those in charge were delighted and no little ; surprised to see so many people turn ’ out. JohnTliteWill Be Candidate For District Solicitor Edenton Attorney An nounces Intention to Run This Week I John F. White this week announced that he will be a candidate for Dis trict Solicitor subject to the Demo ’ cratic Primary Election which will be held in May. Mr. White took his academic work at Wake Forest College and later studied law at the University of North Carolina. He -began active practice in 1926, and during his 21 years as a member of the Bar served as‘both Judge and Prosecutor of the Chowan Recorder’s Court. He also represented Chowan County in six regular and two special terms of the General Assembly, having served under five Governors, Max Gardner, J. C. B. Ehringhaus, Clyde R. Hoey, J. Melville Broughton and R. Gregg Cherry. 10 Enlist In Army During November M/Sgt. C. B. Cayton, commanding officer of the recruiting office serving Edenton, in giving the report for No vember, states that the local office enlisted a total of 10 men during "the past month from in and around Eden ton. Cayton also stated that during the month of December special emphasis will be placed on the maivy opportu nities for World War II veterans to return to the Army and obtain a duty assignment within the states of North and South Carolina. Full information may be obtained by visiting the local Army and Air i Force recruiting sub-station at 202 Kramer Building, Elizabeth City or by contacting a recruiting sergeant at the Edenton Post Office any Thursday.

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