PAGE FOUR Food Preservation Week In Progress AH Os Jjis Week Home Agent Urges AD To Reduce Loss and . Waste W<«« Rebecca Colwell calls atten tion to the fact that this week, July 19-24 is Food Preservation Week and ahonld be observed by everyone. “A continued effort to reduce losses and waste might provide food for several million people,” says Mies Colwell. “Losses of food are caused by pests, incomplete harvesting on farms, im proper handling in transportation, processing and storing. A large amount of food is wasted in homes, wholesale and retail stores and public eating places. “Growing food is important,” con tinues Miss Colwell, “but preserving it is of equal importance. If the food is grown at home there is a greater saving, but quite often it is economical to buy foods in quantity for canning, freezing or storing. These are the methods of preserving foods which are used most in this section, and they are not difficult if the recipes and recommendations are followed. A few suggestions are given here, but bulletins giving de tailed instructions are available at the home agent’s office. “Although quick freezing foods is a much newer method of preserving foods it has proved to be one of the most satisfactory. Freezer locker plants and home units can assist in improving the nutritive value and palatability of many foods and in addition help make each home and community more self- YOUR ms KSBIVe L BEST... and our service and repair shop is equipped to give them the best service with the newest and fin est modern machinery... experi enced, alert mechanics. Whether you operate one truck or a fleet of trucks—we’ll keep them in No. 1 condition. BJUL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. “YOUR FRIENDLY CHEVROLET DEALER ” North Broad and Oakum Sts. Edenton, N. C. * »Ym Sinet . . . A MA Tmt System Is i lint lor mdt. It trie* die E ehpa»' l »* i ** sufficient in its food supply. Tbit! is possible since freezing preserves the original quality of the fresh pro duct and provides a means of con serving foods raised in the com munity. “Home freezer units are excellent for freezing small amounts at a time of poultry, vegetables nnd fruits, especially where the home is £ome distance from the locker plant. They do not provide facilities for chilling, aging, curing meats, and in most cases, for quick freezing foods in quantity. They are very conven ient when used in combination with the locker plant to provide the de sired services and additional storage facilities. The home refrigerator also provides larger space than ever for storage of frozen foods. Care should be taken to buy a standard make which can be serviced locally. “Vegetables to be frozen should be carefully selected and sorted. The quality of the frozen product will be no better than that of the fresh veg- , etables selected. They should be pre pared according to recommendations, and frozen as quickly as possible af ter they are gathered. “Select the varieties of fruits that are recommended for freezing and those of high dessert quality. Avoid undue handling and prepare as for table use. Package the fruits and freeze promptly. “ ‘Avoid waste and conserve the, surplus’ is the slogan that was adopt ed by the Area Food Conservation Committee at a meeting in Green ville recently. This should be the slogan of every individual in order to save food for better nutrition, and to help feed the starving millions.” FRANCIS HICKS LEAVES FOR GEORGIA TOBACCO MARKET Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Hicks and son, Francis, Jr., left Tuesday for Metter, Ga., where Mr. Hicks will serve as auctioneer in the tobacco market. They expect to remain in Georgia about a month. imiv nil AW AM TTTCPAT.n HDIRVTON N. CL THURSDAY. JULY 22. 1918, AXla L<XIVfTAn OjMWUiUy A IHI J[ 111 ■ij - 11 iJrUMglilfli %Jrl WW wM SWi Reorganize Camp District Manager Allen J. Elliott Now living In Edenton Field Representative Allen J. El liott, who is district manager of the Albemarle District for Woodmen of the World, announces that a camp of the Woodmen is being organized in Edenton. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott have lived in Edenton for the past five, months and expect to make- their home here. Many residents of Edenton are former members of the Woodmen of the World, which was active here several years ago. For the benefit of those who do not know about the WOW, it is a fraternal protective organization, which interests itself in civic improvements, fostering youth activities, and active mutual helpfulness for its members. Along with the fraternal activities, the WOW offers insurance measuring up to the standards of any commercial company. , Mr. Elliott states that there are already many members in this area who have affiliated themselves with the organization, and any person wishing to know more about it may reach him at 221 East Queen Street, telephone 219-J. The camp number, NC1059, was assigned recently. Any white male between the ages of 16 and 65, of good moral character and sound physical condition, is eligible for membership. Also, there is a Junior Woodmen camp for boys under 16. Meeting dates and place of meeting will be announced in the near future. Forestry Camp For Farm Boys CaUed Off Due To Polio Threat State Forester W. K. Beichler has announced that because of the polio threat in North Carolina, the annual forestry camp for farm boys operat ed by the Division of Forestry and Parks, has been called off. Beichler said that Dr. Roy Norton, State Health Officer, advised him that it would be undesirable to hold the camp this year in yiew of the fact 20 of the 70 boys were to come from other Southern States. The forestry camp was to be held % from August 23 to Aug. 27 at the Division’s Singletary Lake Group Camp. Town Council Proceedings j Edenton, N. C., July 13, 1948. The Town Council met this day in the Town office at 7 o’clock P. M. in regular monthly session. Present, L. H. Haskett, Mayor, J. P. Partin, W. J. Yates, G. M. Byrum, Clyde Hollowell, J. Edwin Bufflap and J. Clarence Leary. The minutes of the previous meet ing were read and approved. . On motion of J. C. Leary, seconded by J. P. Partin, E. & W. Department bills amounting to $11,335.18 are or dered paid. On motion of G. M. Byrum, second ed by J. P. Partin, the Town bills amounting to $8,743.75 are ordered paid as follows: John W. Graham, $1,124.00; Ehring haus & Ehringhaus, $5,000.00; The BarTett Division, $256.70; Hampton Roads Tractor & Equipment Co., $173.04; Interstate Equipment Co., $175.79; Underwood Corp., $1.00; Su perior Stone Co., $86.88; Apex Chem l ical Co., $36.00; The J. F. W. Dor - man Co., $67.25; The Texas Co., $311.25; 8.8. H. Motor Co., $31.29; Bunch’s Garage, $169.36; Hughes- Holton Hardware Co., $102.34; Eden ton Ice Co., $7.25; Edenton Supply Co., $16.45; Hobbs Implement Co., $9.95; S. Hobowsky, $56.71; A. L. Perry, $250.00; Edenton Laundry, $3.00; Hathaway & Morgan, $154.00; W. D. Holmes Co., $2.25; Chowan Herald, $9.50; A. S. Smith Machine Co., $3.05; McClean Trucking Co., $1.57; Postmaster, $10.00; T. F. Wright, $5.00; Celia Spivey, $3.50; M. G. Brown Co., $1.00; Railway Ex press Agency, $2.50; C. C. Huie, $400.00; R. K. Hall (salary firemen), $54.00; Norfolk Southern Railway Co., $201.22; N. C. Tel. & Tel. Co., $17.90. On motion of J. C. Leary, seconded by <5. M. Byrum, it is ordered that the proceeds, after all expenses are paid from the water carnival, be do nated to the Edenton High School Band. Upon motion of J. E. Bufflap, sec onded by J. C. Leary, it is resolved that it is the intention of the Town of Edenton to approve and accept the proposed contracts or sub-leases for portions of the Naval Air Station property as indicated and to request approval of the same by proper of ficials of the United States Govern ment: Building No. 60 to B. C. Biggs for $15.00 per month. Building No. 71 to Clyde Babb for $15.00 per month. Building No. 45 to A. L. Boaz for $5.00 per month. South wing of Building No. 36 to American Legion Post No. 40 for SI.OO per year. - L Four rooms in Building No. 37-C to Don Campbell for $15.00 per month. Three rooms in Building No. 6 to Fred Carlyle for $15.00 per month. One magazine to Carl Cease for SIO4O for three months. West wing of Building No. 64 to Chowan Equipment Company for Buikang No. 46 to Chowan Hunting Farm land to Maynard Fleetwood, $5.00 nor acre per year. Three rooms in Building. No. 6 to Hubert Garrow for $20.00 per month. Dallas Hut. No. 1 to John Habit for SIO.OO per month. - Two rooms in Building No. 6 to Lindsay Harrell for $1240 per month. One* room and one boat alip No. 25 to C. W. Hayman, Fish Commissioner, for $16.00 per month. Building No. 72 to American Le gion Post No. 264, SI.OO per year. Red top warehouse to Jimbo’s Jum bos, Inc., for $25.00 per year. Dry storage plant No. 21 to Jimbo’s Jumbos, Inc., $46.00 per month. Farm land to C- B. Mooney, Jr., for $5.00 per acre per year. Three rooms in Building No. 6 to G. G. Phillips for $16.00 per month. Building No. 61 to W. B. Rosevear for $20.00 per month. Three rooms in Building No. 6 to B. B. Salmon for $16.00 per month. Farm land to Dr. Frank Wood for $5.00 per acre per year. Building No. 50-J to U. S. Public Health Service for SI.OO per year. On motion of G. M. Byrum, second ed by J. C. Leary, the following or dinance is unanimously adopted: Be it ordained by the Town Coun cil of the Town of Edenton that it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to land, moor or dock any boat, vessel, barge or other water craft at the County Dock in Edenton, N. C., or use the facilities of said dock for a period of more than ten con secutive days for any purpose, except in cases of extreme emergency. Any person, firm or corporation violating this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic tion, shall be fined not more than $50.00, or imprisoned not more than 30 days, for each offense, in the dis cretion of the Court. This ordinance is made subject to May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with its hurry and worry, irregular .habit*, improper eating and drinking—its risk of exposure and infec tion—throws heavy strain on the work of the kidneya. They are apt to become - over-taxed and fail to filter excess acid and other impurities from the life-giving blood. You may suffer nagging backache, headache, dizziness, getting up nights, leg pains, swelling—feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder are some times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doan’s Pills. Dooh’s help the kidneys to pass off harmful excess body waste. They have had more than half a century of public approval. Are recom mended by grateful users everywhere. Ash your neighbor! I gif Fil. ■ g I ■ I ; Safeguard Your ■ Travel Money JI Experienced travelers appreciate the se- \ l curity, convenience and economy of Travelers Cheques. They provide cash as you need it ; wherever you go, and will be refunded in case -of loss. : I Whenever you travel, safeguard your ; II money in the form of Travelers Cheques. We . issue them at small cost —75 cents per SIOO.OO. r II (Minimum charge 40 cents for SSO or less). I THE BAM OF EDENTON J j EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA -1 , I Safety for Saving Since 1894 I its adoption. On motion of J. C. Leary, seconded by J. P. Partin, it is resolved that the proposed lease from the Town of Edenton to the Edenton Country Club, Inc., which baa been approved by the U. S. Navy Department, be executed. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. R. E. LEARY, Clerk. Edenton, N. C., July 7, 1948. The Board of Public Works met this day in the Town office at 5:30 P. M. in regular monthly session. Present, J. H. Conger, chairman, O. B. Perry and Dr. W. S. Griffin/ The following bills for the month of June, 1948, were examined and ap proved for payment: Tidewater Supply Co., $1.22; Elec trical Equipment Co., $111.96; Gray bar ’ Electric Co., $162.94; Safety Transportation Corp., $9.62; N. C. Board of Health, $16.00; Wallace & Tiernan Co., $64.00; Howerton Gowen Co., $42.00; Joseph G. Pollard Co., $6.81; Crane Co., $133.06; Portable Light Co., $19.37; James R- Kearney Corp., $69.00; R. N. Hines, $80.00; Hughes-Holton Hardware Co., $42.26; * mHhßhd 311^ mbHBIBHW ( SCHENLEY REBERYI Blended Whiskey 86 PkwL'TWstia!|lsjMldWb't£Krsjssj act an 5 yetrt or more olcLßss> (txaichtvnhkw? 65%’graia! neutral spirits. 10% straight whiskey syamad.NftstnigjbC < • ! whiskey 6years old. 4% straight whisksyTjraffoMLT Schehley Distillers New' Yofk Oty ( : $11.00; Suffolk NeWCo? 50c; Texas Co., $11.12; M. G. Brown Co., $9.80; N. C. Tel. * Tel- Qd., »$20.64; Texas way Co., $2.66; Town general fund,’ $3,800.00; Virginia Electric A Power Co., $4,844-73; general salaries .paid for June, $2,31887; total, $11,386.18. Received from Collector for current, water and merchandise, $11,066.44. Amount of disbursements in excess of receipts, $268.74. R. E. LEARY, Clerk. Radio Service For qufck and dependable radio service, call THOMAS JACKSON at Hughes-Holton Hardware Store. Jackson Radio Service PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE

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