[[health for mj L A HEALTHY START TO SCHOOL W This month thousands of little chil ' dren all over the country are starting an entirely unfamiliar routine of daily ; life. They are entering school for the first time, faced with a number of adjustments to be made in this change ; in their day’s schedule. On the surface, most of them seem i well-prepared for the adventure.' They have new dresses and suits, pen cil iboxes and pads and even fruit and crackers for recess. But, unfortun ately, many of them may not have ; the sound health so important to a good start in school. Those children whose parents* took them to a doctor for a thorough med ical check-up before the opening of school and followed any suggestions the doctor might have made actually are the best prepared. Certainly every child should have a routine physical examination at least once a year but it is especially important as part of his preparation for school. A Many doctors believe that the time of life when the child is entering school is among the mofet neglected periods of his life. They point out that infants and small babies are as a rule well cared for with careful superivision of diet, protection from disease and accidents and the pre scribed periodic visits to the baby doctor or clinic. The older child, on the other hand, “speaks up” when he is not feeling up to par. Usually, it is the child of the pre school and kindergarten age whose health is most apt ' to be neglected. He has advanced beyond the “baby stage”, with its careful supervision, and yet is not old enough to help take care of himself. A child’s physical well-being should 4 be of special concern to his parents at this time. First of all, many de fects or imperfections that might otherwise handicap him in later life, or even shorten his life, can be de * tected and taken care of at this early age. Secondly, the check-up might insure a happier school life for the child, cutting down on the time lost from school because of illness and enabling him to study and learn to full capacity with the minimum of trouble as far as his health is con cerned. For example, children should have certain protections against diseases before they enter school. Every child should be vaccinated before he itcm ' Don’t Suffer Another Minute Mo matter how long you have suffered or bow many remedies you have tried I for the Itching of psoriasis, eczema, < infections, athlete's foot, rectal Itching or other externally caused (kin irrita tions—you can get wonderful results from the use of VICTORY SALVE—a war time discovery. Developed for the boys In the Army now for the home folks. No acids, no alcohol, no painful application. VICTORY SALVE is white, greaseless. pain relieving a'nd antiseptic. No ugly appearance Get VICTORY SALVE- get results. Jars or tubes. Sold by all Drug Stores Sold In Edenton By LEGGETT & DAVIS MITCHENER DRUG STORES Super Sole! for 1 Super Wear the dltievry ts Iks century.. » CAT-TIX leper-soles outwear leath er by furl CAT-TIX wus developed by the feetees makers of Cut*• lew jMeamtaM UfwOluey prOCIWCTSI rwf ■ well Mvlßpp am Jumnn ekmA eeeeWe JLui ml #lim wm twylMb Iwu win eusw lowly—see us tuduy fur CAT-TU! CAT VEX SOLE ■ outwears leather f Ward’s Shoe Shop Wart Edenton Street EDENTON, N. C. *t/ enters'school; most schools require it. Doctors advise, as a matter of fact, that measures be taken to pro tect every baby against diphtheria, whooping cough and smallpox be fore the end of his first year. The “preschool” check-up often means that impaired hearing or vis ion, diseased tonsils and adenoids, de cayed teeth, malnutrition arid spinal curvature are detected at a time when they are most easily corrected. Never wait until g child is serious ly ill before you take him to a doc tor. And don’t send him off tp his “big adventure” of school life with i “three strikes” of imperfect health or corrective defects against him. RABIES Rabies, sometimes known as hydro phobia, isn’t as great a problem in this country as some other diseases, but once it develops in animals or in man, it is almost always fatal. The disease is caused by a virus' | that attacks the brain and the spinal cord. The virus is present in the! Baliva of animals infected with the disease and it is transmitted to an other animal or to a person by the bite of the sick animal. Upon rare occasions the disease apparently has glso been transmitted 'when the sick animal’s saliva has merely come in contact with an open wound. Dog bites are the cause of most cases of rabies that occur among people, although all warm-blooded animals can contract the disease. Rabies can occur at any time of the year, but it is generally associated with summer because dogs are more apt to wander about in the open dur ing summer months and so dog bites are more common then. Not ‘everyone who is bitter by a dog is in danger of rabies. A dog bite is dangerous only if the animal, has the disease and, even then, rabies can be prevented from developing if proper treatmeht is begun at once. It takes several weeks, or even months, for the disease to develop. Once symptoms have developed, the disease cannot be cured. So it is important to start preventive meas ures as soon as possible when there is any danger of rabies. Don’t take chances with a dog bite. The wound should be washed thor oughly at once with soap and water, preferably with green soap solution. It is very important to consult the doctor. He not only is in the best to give advice regarding [what treatment should be given, but he will also determine whether or. Y G & W--4iv| William! „ Pen# BI end ec 1 |n ■,T\. Whiskey wk |k Price Rg*| sl p?n? I®TH 5 ■ ' MRUMfftmnnMTHH PRODUCT All 4 YIAM OK MOM OtP. Sl* *Tt AIOMT mmkiv, mx nwtiai mm, wstiluo ppommAiNL mourn i win uwa. w nums THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 not the affair needs to be reported to the health officer, who has the res ponsibility for placing under observa tion any dog suspected of rabies. Never kill a dog suspected of rabies; report it to the health officer instead. If a dog is killed too early in the dis ease, sufficient changes in Its brain will not have occurred to make it possible to tell in the laboratory whether the dog really had rabies or not. In that case the person bitten may have to take the preventive “shots” as the only safe course when actually the dog didn’t have rabies ! at all. To prevent rabies in a person bit ten by a rabid dog the doctor in oculates him with a vaccine which is a modification of one first used by Louis Pasteur. The doctor’s advice on such shots should be followed im mediately, sihee treatment is useless if begun too late. The health officer, or his represent ative, keeps a dog suspected of rabies under observation for about ten days, and during this period has it confined in such a manner that it cannot hite anyone. Although as in man it may take weeks and even months for rabies to develop in a dog, the virus does not appear in its saliva until within ten days of unmistakable signs of rabies, so that if the dog appears to be normal ten days after a bite, there is no danger the person bitten will develop rabies. Advertising is telling the right person at the right time what that person wants to know. IFOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I BENTHAL PEANUT PICKED • Model F-7 Carding Type I • Model B Thresher Type I I BOTH PICKERS ARE FURNISHED WITH SELF-FEEDER I I ALSO I BENTHAL NAT BALED j | With or Without Engines $ All Mounted With Ball Bearing Wheels I * * < > i; A Full Stock of Repair Parts on Hand at <: i: All Times | | A. S. Smith Machine CoJ !! ‘ | I: PHONE 8 EDENTON, N. C. <; :: v ' ' INEPH Week Will Be Observed Oct 3-9 Committees Named By Mrs. Corie B. White To Assist Plans for “National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week,” desig nated every year October 8-9 by the PtwHwlb Gorman Bad Mayors thronghoal the Mthn are under way la ttb locality. The United States Employment Harriot has been designated for pro moting this program with the assist ance of all government agencies deal ing with the handicapped, together with all organizations representing abor, management, veteran, religious groups, welfare, civic, fraternal, wo men’s clubs, press and radio. A local committee has been select ed by Mrs. Corie B. White, local man ager of the Employment Service for Chowan and Perquimans counties, to assist in promoting “Hire the Handi capped” program. “There are a million and a half plain ordinary people in every city and town of America who are handi capped, seeking jobs,” says Mrs. White. “You know them —they are your relatives, neighbors, friends, and they live on your street in your town. Without a job, handicapped Americans are national liabilities. With a suit able job, handicapped Americans are assets to themselves, employers, their community and the nation. “Mr. Employer, how are you help ing Mr. and Mrs. Citizen? What are i|§ A Delco Water System saves Jl chore time . . . works for a few cents per day. Available y in various sizes and capacities fordeepand shallow wells. Let us estimate ' your water requirements and rec ommend a Delco Water System to do the job efficiently. Conven ient terms. Stop in today. RALPH E. PARRISH EDENTON, N. C. you doing? The slogan for this' year’s NEPH Week is ‘lt’s ability that counts —not disability'.” Those serving on the local commit tee are: Mayors L. H. Haskett, Edenton, and Vivian Darden, Hertford, proclama tions. Peter Carlton, radio and program coordinator. J. Edwin Bufflap, Evelyn Leary and Bill Cozart, publicity. Mrs. J. 11. McMullan, superinten dent of public welfare. Dr. Martin Wisely, president of the Lions Club. James E. Wood, president of the Rotary Club. Hermit Layton, commander of the American Legion. Henry G. Quinn, commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars. Mrs. J. M. Tfiorud, president of 'h American Legion Auxiliary'. MHEADACHE Capudlne relieve! headache hOUHhI ,ut bK * aM lt ’ > ll<,uld< |ts '*■ El gtedieett eve already dissolved I Usv# 1 1 — read Y ts begin eating the ■ H P aln - 11 * ln nerve ten sion due to the pain. Oae wWFTITw/rM only as directed. frr ■ -.V. • A-B-C cup sites . A \ •.' ; i - - - //r r<>u y The Betty Shoppe EDENTON, X. C. Air Conditioned For Your Comfort! & 5.5 s famed \W f° r FIT v '{Wk, Elastic batiste Is tilled I with soft batiste In 1 this posture correcting 1 Hi The elastic \| |H crosscd-ovet btdc straps \|| pull diagonally to slim w\ * nc * ,# * T Olll wt, l*tUne. *** iK * WOft |jf SIQ.OO The Betty Shoppe EDENTON, N. C. ; AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT : BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Purvis, of 2208 Bull Street, Savannah, Ga., an nounce the birth of a daughter, Jayne Hope, on September 16. Mrs. Purvis was formerly Miss Lois Lane of Tyner. For Little Fellows With CoUs... Mother . . . the best-known home remedy you can use to relieve dis tress of his cold is warming, com forting Vicks Vapoßub. If you rub it on at bedtime, it works even while the child sleeps! And often by morning the worst miseries of his cold are gone. Try it. Get the one and only Vicks Vapoßub! PAGE FIVE