PAGE SIX The Chowan Herald every Thursday by The Chowan Herald, a partnership consisting of J. Edwin liuttlap and Hector Lupton, at 423-425 South Broad,Street, Edenton, N. C. LJ3I* A*Jocunoff^ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $2.0? Six Months —51.25 j. EDWIN BUFFLAP Editor HECTOR LUPTON Advertising Manager Entered as second-class matter August 30, 1934, at the Post Office at Edenton, North Caro lina, under the act of March 3,1879. Cards of- thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, etc., will be charged for at regular advertising rates. ~~~ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1948. THIS WEEK’S BIBLE THOUGHT A GOOD LIFE MAKES DEATH GLORIOUS WITH HOPE: For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.— Phil. 1:21. Fire Prevention Week With next week designated as Fire Prevention Week, it is well for every person to join jn the mobilization against fire during the week, but The Herald is im pressed with the opinion advanced by Fire Chief R. K. Hall that every week in the year should be observed as Fire Prevention Week. Safety is hard to advertise, however. Most people think they have it, like common sense. Many hazards ! become contemptible because they are so familiar. j Our fire waste is still running at an all-time high.! During the first seven months of this year alone the destruction amounted to more than $437,000,000 —far exceeding the total for the entire year of 1944. And we cannot blame this on higher prices and values. They are a factor, of course, but the fact remains that we are having more fires, and that the average fire is causing more destruction. Fire prevention is especially important on farms and in rural areas, which usually lack first-class fire fighting facilities. According to the National Board of Fire Underwriters, farm fires take 3,500 lives and do SIOO,- 000,000 worth of damage annually. And nearly one third of those fires could be prevented by the installation of lightning rods of the proper type on buildings. Other major causes of farm fires are improper handling of gasoline, and chimneys and flues which are dirty or in bad condition. Smiple care and adequate mainten ance would eliminate the vast majority of these dangers. The toll of death and destruction by fire can and must be checked. Fire Prevention Week will witness a peak of activity by the forces whose job is to prevent fires and to educate the people in fire safety. If the country will listen and learn, this needless waste can be reduced now. Another forest fire season is also fast approaching and since almost all forest fires are man-caused, every citizen traveling or using forest lands carries a tremendous respon sibilities. To burn our forests de prives future generations of precious resources. Campers and others using the forests should follow these four simple rules: Don’t throw lighted cigarettes or matches from autos. Don’t build a campfire without a permit or in unauthorized areas. Build your campfire within a 5-foot circle of bare earth. Wet down your campfire with water or moist earth when you leave it. ; Welcome, Jaycees Edenton has been chosen for the Eastern District meeting of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, which will be held next Saturday and Sun day, and which will attract an es timated 200 visitors from organiza tions as far west as Raleigh. This gathering will be the second small convention to be held here in recent months and it can almost be assured that the visitors will enjoy their brief stay and be favorably im pressed with Edenton and its hospi tality. Edenton and Ahoskie Jaycees have joined hands in planning for the occasion and a program has been ar ranged which compares very favorab ly with programs the writer has seen at conventions much larger. The local Junior Chamber of Com merce is to be complimented upon their desire and subsequent efforts to land the convention, and The Herald joins the Edenton Jaycees in bidding every visitor a cordial welcome, and wishing for each one a very enjoy able and profitable sojourn in our beautiful and beloved town. Cause For Concern It should be of no little concern to Chowan County people to note that a financial emergency exists in the na tional infantile paralysis epidemic aid fund, which has been caused by. the major outbreak of infantile paraiysis this summer. North Carolina figured to no little extent in this outbreak, but fortunately the disease did not strike in Chowan County. Chowan County, it will be remem bered, fell far short of its March of Dimes quota in January, which can hardly do anything else' than reflect a lack of interest in providing funds to fight the terrible disease. Chowan can consider itself very fortunate in not having any polio cases, but there is no assurance that it will ever be thus. We should, therefore, be willing to meet our prescribed quota, not only in order to have as much money on hand as possible to meet local needs, but, more important, to feel justified in possibly requesting state and na tional aid in event an emergency arises. This year was the only time Cho wan County failed to meet its quota, so that our people should become in terested in the great need and rally to the March of Dimes appeal next January. '— ————-, . 'Heard & Seen j By “Buff'* Figures are usually boresome, but Bob Boyce handed me a list which is very interesting. Here they are: Population of the United States 135,000,000 People 65 years or older 37,000,000 Balance left to do the work 1 98,000,000 People 21 years or younger 54,000,000 People left to do the work : 44,000,000 People working for the Government 21,000,000 People left to do the work 23,000,000 People in Armed Service 10,000,000 People left to do the work : r — 13,000,000 People in state and city offices I__ 1 12,800,000 Peopld' left to do the work ■ 200,000 People in hospitals and insane asylums 126,000 • ■ —- People left to do the work 74,000 Bums and others who won’t work . 62,000 People left to do the work 12,000 Persons in jail . 11,998 Balance left to do the work 2 I know I’m included and that “2” left. Where in the Sam Hill is the other guy? Both of should be get ting darned tired of running this bloomin’ cduntry alone. o I’m going to ask Congressman Herbert Bonner for a 1 new cut for my files. He dropped in the office the other day and, genial like he is, spoke to Pete Manning in the back shop. “Who was that man ?” 'Pete asked after Her bert left. “Why, that was Congressman Herbert Bon ner,” I told him. “Gosh,” said Pete, “he’s a lot better looking than the pictures we have printed of him.” How about a new cut, Herbert? Somebody is liable to get in Dutch with Uncle Sam. Mayor Leroy Haskett reports numerous break-ins at the Naval Air Station and that some of the government’s property has been stolen of late. Mayor Haskett has contacted government authorities and they have promised to send in some FBI agents. This paragraph was squeezed in this week for the benefit of some who might think they are smarter than the FBI. Anyway, stealing from the base is dangerous business, although a lot of it has been done. Warning: Better stop it at once! FIRE CHIEF HALL URGES ■ CHIMNEYS TO BE CLEANED Fire Chief R. K. Hall this week is requesting everybody in Eden ton to examine their chimneys, and if necessary to have them cleaned. Mr. Hall is now in the process of making an inspection and asks the cooperation of residents so that he can complete his inspection. / ~~~ Duo-Therm jUkffiot qft H costs loss than 4c a dayl Duo-Therm automatic fuel oil Water Heater §You always have plenty of steaming hot water on tap with an Automatic Duo-Therm on ‘the job. Plenty for the family wash, house cleaning, dishes apd bath. And less than 4c a day for all the hot water the aver age family needs! Look at these advantages you get with Duo-Therm: Completely Automatic Heat* Water Foster Bams Cheap Fuel Oil No Gas or Bectric Connections Needed ‘ Installed Anywhere, City or Coentry SEE THE NEW DUO-THERM SPACE HEATERS Byrum HARDWARE CO. EDENTON - SUFFOLK THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 FALL VALUES Sate! Comfortpble! BABY SEAT Worry-frea driving parents useful in T’.e home too! Dependac frame, safety str-" • Regular—sl.9Bg Now —$1.79 Extra-Long lift, 6.00x16 ENDLESS TIRE REUNER Fits snugly; won’t attect tire balance. Jleavy-duty 2-ply. ARUM Regular—s2.6o Sale—s 2.39 WESCOTE SUPREME PORCH-FLOOR ENAMEL Hard, scuff-proof finish for wood or cement floors, | indoors or out! nt ~ ~~ 17 rich, weather W ‘ * 122 v resistant colors. Gal. $4.29 PH v dependent research A. iCRHL organization which l \ tested more than 30 f "upright” Cleaners! HI 1948 WIZARD Deluxe HI CUANER H|li Powerful 3-way cleaning YMWjP action .. removes dirt and \inU lint faster, brightens rugs WHK like magic. Adjusts to any VSl] rug thhflmess. Heavy rub- KsßS>v ber bumper', built-in head- added features! ■ * 49 '* 1111 ll 1 I >" J ■ ' = I A 1 1 111 . == Missionary Union District Meeting In Hertford On Oct 5 Missionary From Nig eria Will Be One of Speakers The annual district meeting of the Woman’s Missionary Union of the Baptist Churches in the Elizabeth City Division will be held 'at the Hertford Baptist Church on Tuesday, October 5, it is announced by Mrs. I. A. Ward. Miss Una White, of Severn, N. C., superintendent of the division, will be the presiding officer. Approximately 300 delegates, rep resenting churches of the division, which includes 15 counties in the Chowan and West Chowan Associa tions are expected to gather for the two sessions planned for the meeting. The morning session is scheduled to begin at'lo a. m. and the afternoon session starts at 2 p. m. Lunch will be served by the Hertford Baptist Church between one and two o’clock. Listed as speakers for the* morning session are Mrs. Grady Bridgers of Jackson, Mrs. W. T. Love, of Eliza beth City; Mrs. Julian Porter, Sev ern; Mrs. Gordon Maddrey, Ahoskie; Mrs. W. E. White, Colerain; Mrs. Milton Byrum, Sunbury; and Miss Hilda Mayo, State Superintendent of Young People’s Work, of Raleigh. The Rev. H. R. Littleton, a mission ary from Nigeria, will speak on the subiect of “To the Kingdom in Such a Time as This.” State Royal Ambassadors superin tendent, Rev. B. W. Jackson, of Ral- 1 OVER 4<^^©sSlSfl£^fUSToWEßr, \ .. . and it’s no wonder! They’re beauties! Up-to-the minute streamlining: smooth trouble-free riding comfort! Lightweight '‘lifetime” frames, sparkling chip-proof enamel finish! Many extra deluxe fea tures such as enameled cadmium plated kickstand even on lowest priced models. Ask about ; . our famous guarantee! GET YOURS NOW *4l QC for As Little As *tI.UD Others to $59.95 Heavy Doty •'W For Fords ’Bf -47. Condenser incl. List $3.98 3H •1771 Ball-Bearing "JR." SKATES For small skat ers. Well-built. Strap on (easy on shoes) Pair $2.59 These Are Only a Few Os the Many 'x Bargains To Be Found In Our Store. Call In at Ahy Time To Look Over Our Stock of Many • Money Savers A i ... 1 == eigh, will be the principal speaker at the afternoon session, others listed on the program are Mrs. J. H. Leroy of Elizabeth City; Mrs. I. A. Ward of Hertford? Rev. W. P. Milne, Auland er; Mrs. C. W. Jones of Winton and the Rev. C. W. Duling, pastor of the Hertford Church. Jaycees Consider Community Cbest Committee Appointed to Work Out Plans and Submit Report Edenton’s Jaycees are considering the organization of a community chest, and have appointed a com mittee to work out a plan and sub mit it at the next regular meeting. With so many organizations re questing donations recently, the Jay cees are of the opinion that a com munity chest will prevent no little annoyance on the part' of those so licited so many times, during the year. Those appointed on the committee are Pearson Hassell, Herbert Hollo well, Charles Wales, Paul Partin, Bill Cozart and Bill Holmes. EmDloyment Office Will Have New Hours Mrs. Corie White, local manager for the Employment Security Com mission, Employment Service Divis ion and Unemployment Compensation Commission, announced early this week that, effective October .l, office hours will be changed to 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.. except Saturday, when the hours will from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. The office is in the Citizens Bank , ‘ Building. 75 Ft. Non-Sag CLOTHES LINE 6-strand wire; holds heavier loads'. Galvan ized; non.rust. Only 58c “Pop-Out” LIGHTER INSERT Heats and cuts off in 8 sec onds. Fits most car dash wells. Regular—sl.2o Sale 98c • JOHNSON'S "CARNIP Cleans, waxes, polishes in one easy opera tion. P7IIC Pt only 69c ) HOME OWNBD L. T. DUNBAR BROAD STREET • EDENTON. N. C. - "7-" Bonner Spends Two Days In Edenton Helping to Work Out Details For Chowan Hospital Congressman Herbert Bonner spent • Thurtday and Friday of last week in Edenton. His purpose in coming to ( Edenton was to assist in working out a satisfactory arrangement for Cho wan Hospital, since ,the Edenton Naval Air Station is scheduled to be reactivated. While Mr. Bonner could not issue a definite' Statement regarding the sta tus of. the hospital, he did say that he felt reasonably sure a satisfactory ar rangement will be worked out. Local Jaycees Change Place Os Meeting Possibly the most important bit of news passed along to the Edenton Jaycees this week is the change in meeting place. Since Cherry’s Case can no longer provide a meeting place, the meeting of the organiza tion last Thursday was held at Bos well’s Case on the Windsor highway. After the meal was served the group adjourned to the Court House to con duct the business of the organization. Meeting with the local Jaycees was a group from Ahoskie, which club is sponsoring the district meeting to be 'held in Edenton. MASONS MEET TONIGHT Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F. & A. M., will meet in weekly session to night (Thursday) at 8 o’clock Pi the Court House. The Rev. W. C. Fran cis, master of the lodge, requests a full attendance at the meeting. Bicycle Repairing We are equipped to make any kind of reparis to any model bicycle. See us when your bike is giving you any trouble. I^NEwlsT (j/fostSensjm/ ] I SINGLE SHOT .O O I 1 BOLT ACTION %L L I 1 «e* P- 765 " This is the finest popular priced rifle you can buy. Loaded with new and exclusive fea tures . . . it’s fast, occur- I ate, safe, easy to handle. I Here are features you ■ won’t find in any other rifle at this price: U • EXCLUSIVE H&R “Red Devil" hooded sight. (He EXCLUSIVE H&R "Redi mt Feed” dropdn loading plat- K/S SPECI ALH&R self-cocking. •'SPECIAL H&R aide thumh safety. TH • Tapered barrel... crowned muzzle ... ff§§| uni-broach rifling for greater aocur 1M • Gnap. sure trigger squeeze. a Perfect'balanoe. • Full size, hand shaped stock. SB • Full size bait :.?'RL handle. ONLY $]352 DU PONT DUCO CLEANER Quick, effec tive poUsn. Liquid. P7i2i Pt only 59c S 111 ■" " . pB DuPont Auto "SPEEDY-WAX" Cleans, waxes, ' polishes in 1 easy applica tion. P7IM Pt only 69c

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