PAGE SIX The Chowan Herald Published every Thursday by The Chowan Herald, a partnership consisting of J. Edwin Bufflap ana Hector Lupton, at 423-426 South Broad Street, Eden ton, N. C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year Six Months * l - 26 J. EDWIN BUFFLAP Editor HECTOR LUPTON Advertising Manager Entered as second-class matter August 30, 1934, at the Post Office at Edenton, North Caro lina, under the act of March 3,1879. Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, etc., will be charged for at regular advertising rates. r THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1949. BIBLE THOUGHT PRAISE IN PRISON: And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God; and the prison ers heard them. —Acts 16:25. Unjustified Criticism Quite a few Edenton people complained Monday morn ing, and rightly so, due to flooded conditions about their premises, and the same complaint is raised after almost every good-sized rain in Edenton. In some instances damage has been done, and during these flooded condi tions the local Street Department is a target for severe criticism which, if the facts were known, is unjustified. When water fails to run off, the first accusation is that the town’s storm sewers are stopped up, or that the lines or manholes are not large enough for the water to drain away. The latter is true in one instance on East Queen Street, but back of the major amount of com plaint the trouble does not lie in pipes or manholes being too small. A careful study has been made by the writer time and again after a heavy rainfall, and the trouble is blamed on an inadequate passage for water at the cemetery bridge, and the same is true across U. S. Highway 17 near Boswell’s Restaurant. At these two points the volume of water is so great that due to inadequate open ings, it forms a dam and, of course, there is nothing for the water to do but back up toward its source. No matter how free the sewer line is, or how large the pipes or manholes are, the water cannot run off unless there is a free outlet, ar.d at present this is not the case. Several years ago town officials conferred with State Highway officials, who at that time admitted that the cemetery bridge, as well as the opening across Highway -17 were inadequate to take care of the great volume of water. Town officials were given to understand that a drainage engineer would be sent here in short order to make a survey and determine the size the two openings should he, but to date nothing has been done. Os course, there has been a change in highway officials, and the condition has been called to the attention of the new group. So long as the present outlets remain unchanged, there will be flooded areas in Edenton during heavy rains. Os course, the elements must also be considered, for in event of a heavy downpour at a time when there is a high tide, such as was the case Tuesday, no amount of pipe or outlet openings will allow water to drain. Eden ton is not alone in being flooded, for many towns are in the same fix when an abnormal amount of water falls within a short time. This item is written in order to enlighten some people who have made no further study of the condition other than raise sand when water accumulates to form a great nuisance and inconvenience. fotds tfm W/SST rM tie MOST , i *No one but Ford offers Ford fame out first with a choice of lOO'horse' these big'Picture Windows'! y-g or 95 'horse'Six.' I havent seen anything J ■ \ . to equal those Only Ford has those \ ‘Ford’s ’Magic Air'conditioning / ‘Hydra-Coil’Springs!' t/agic Action’Brakes \ is years ahead.’' _ / *Whrt* sidewall tint, "Magic Air" jt/V w Healer, Radio and Overdrive optional Id / u Fords miles ahead in gas •* •»*»» co»i. i| 'lt took Ford to come 'oot saving with its 1 -first with Sofa-Wide Seats!* new Overdrive! ’Where else can you buy. # //J v So much car tor fg N / so little?' ‘Fords first with A, J that smooth jlimßm ;: ' djkMs ' k ’ ‘Mid Ship Ride!' ■ Mr \ la'l I AWARDED THE FASHION ACADEMY GOLD MED". :.S r: "-."SHION CAR OF THE YEAR” —— THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON. N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1949. - / Heard & Seen By “Buff” Ai »mm mii mi —i -!■■■■ ■i m ■■■■4 In the mail the other day was a pleasant letter from Roy Parker, one of my Ahoskie newspaper friends. Said Friend Roy, in part: “I read of your wife’s illness, but 1 you’ve got the fortitude to stand up and take the ills that come your way, I know. I had hoped to read that Mrs. Bufflap was on the mend, but it must not be so from what I deduce from the little items picked up from The Herald.” But talking about fortitude, Friend Roy is blessed with a goodly portion of it, too, for he’s been confined to hospitals, his home and bed, 30 that he knows what it is to be out of circulation like my betterhalf has been lor several months and with no immediate signs of improvement Roy is fighting another kind of terrible disease, and here’s hoping he as well as Mrs. B. will be able to ward off the attack. o Clyde Hollowell believes in advertising, but he also is convinced that good food and courteous service go hand in hand with advertising to help build up a business- Just a short time ago. when funeral services were held in Elizabeth City for the late J. C. B. Ehringhaus, Clyde was no little surprised when he spied Governor Kerr Scott, Secretary of State Thad Eure and a number of other prominent State officials seated at a table at the Triangle for dinner. Clyde felt rather honored that they selected his place to eat, but later in the afternoon he was again agreeably surprised when the same group stopped on their way back to Raleigh after the Ehring haus funeral for their supper. Clyde figures the food and service was satisfactory, else they would not have stopped the second time. Ciyde learned one thing—Gov ernor Scott likes strawberry milk shakes. And here’s a tip for Clyde: Stick in an extra slice of ham on my next sandwich for this plug. 0 An unusual high tide occurred Tuesday, so that water in the Sound overflowed th-=> banks at some places. At the county dock boats were floating on about a level with the street and at J. N. iPruden’s home the water backed far up in his yard. Prudy didn’t mind the water so much, but he didn’t want to see a gang of folks fishing in his yard. Well, if water has anything to do with it, a fellow could have fished at a number of places in Eden ton Monday morning—even on Broad Street. If we con tinue to have such heavy rains and the State does noth ing about providing adequate outlets for the water, I’m going to print some “No Fishing” signs for,use of those people who have trouble enough with the wuter and don’t want fishermen hanging around. All a fellow needs to do is pull out a fish—the crowd of fishermen will soon find it out —and they’ll be on hand. I must come to the defense of Jim Daniels, local rural mail carrier, who necessarily delivers The Herald to subscribers on Route 1. Last week Jim noticed that he was one bundle of papers short and, of course, he could not make the usual delivery. As a result, he caught the very devil, some of the subscribers blaming him for not delivering their Herald. After Jim took a few tongue lashings and in turn hopped on me, I investigated and found that a boy in the office skipped an entire galley of names, so that this group of papers were not stamped. I hate to hear about any subscribers not receiving their paper, but I like to hear ’em raise the devil when they are missed —makes a fellow feel that our efforts to get out a paper are not in vain. 0 I see that a golf tournament is being planned at the Air Station course on September 11. Participants must qualify to play before September 5, and in the tourna ment I imagine someone will keep track of the number of strokes each player makes on the various holes." That, my friend, will make a difference in some of the fopres. Mrs. Lela McClenney Dies After Long Illness -Mrs. Lela Jones McClenney, 78, died Friday afternoon shortly after 5 o’clock at her home on East Queen Street after an illness extending over a period of four years. Deceased was a native of Chowan County, the daughter of the late Jerry M. and Nancy Baas Jones, and the widow of the late John MdClenney. 1 Surviving are one son, Waverly P. McClenney of Norfolk and a half sister, Mrs. Arrie Lee McClenney of Edenton. The body was removed to Norfolk, where services were held Sunday as- Makes floors look bettor,., longer! DU PONT Interior HMrlMaMl For inside wood or concrete floors. Gives them a lus trous, colorful coating that protects against heavy traffic. It’s easy to apply, hides solidly, 01 cn cleans well. QT. ;.. for outside floors DU PONT Exterior Porch Paint Provide* ■ tough, hard flnlth far long-lasting pro boction against /» n {weather and JJjI.OU waar. QT. BYRUM HARDWARE CO. EDENTON SUFFOLK ternoon at 3 o’clock at the Graham Funeral Home. Interment was' made 1 in Riverside Memorial Park. 1 Thou our Father, Christ our broth -1 er, All who live in love are thine; Teach us how to love each other, • Lift us to the joy divine.—Henry Van > Dyke. I ■— DR. A. F. DOWNUM announces the opening of his office * for the practice of optometry at 312 Citizens Bank Building Edenton, N. C. - Hours for eye examinations: 9t05 by appointment PHONE 521 The dream of yesterday has come true . . .... Now your new home can be a reality in the not too distant future. This will be a for-always investment —and, as with any investment, you will want the counsel of an organization quali fied to advise you. WE ARE THAT FIRM. We can show you how using the right grades of lumber, can be a saving. INTRODUCING for the first time M. G. BROWN’S WEATHER-TITE WINDOW UNIT equipped with the fam ous “Zegers” Dura-Seal Metal Weather Strip—sash balance. Imagine the saving, not only in the construction of your home, but in the cost of fuel. WE ALSO CARRY IN STOCK: Sheetrock Knotty Pine Sheetrock . Rock Lathes Wall Plaster Finish Lime Cement Brixment Stone e WE ALSO MANUFACTURE OUR OWN: Mantels Entrance Frames , Doors Windows Screens Cabinets —_ ■—- M.G.B rown do., Inc. j “Our Reputation Is Built On Satisfied Customers” PHONE 9 EDENTON, N. C. M|^9 fBUtH e, OIL HEATER. f SET THIS! —i lie famous nationally-advertised Coleman ,- v * ■ heater that gives yon automatic, work-free, dean heat I It guar- V i ■”^ w ' ,*» k I antees you warmer floors in more SSssg&?' I rooms than your old -• jtSf' I oil heater of equal - *> ■ size—or money back 1