PAGE SIX The Chowan Herald Published every Thursday by The Chowan Herald, a partnership consisting of J. Edwin Bufflap ana Hector LuDton, at 428-426 South Broad Street, Eden ton, N. C. • ■ "MM, I Carolina vJs /_P»ISS ASSOCIATKgp) J. EDWIN BUFFLAP Editor HECTOR LUPTON Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year I*oo Six Months —..— ■ ...A^WWS^WWW\^VS^WVWWS/WW^^V*^VWWWVW\A^WWVWVW*/VW^^ «We of America’s Leading Dealer Organization invite you to Drive home the handles better.. fc th fti Chevrolet rides better! FIRST .. . and Finest... for c ome jni Sit in the driver’s seat of Chevrolet for ’SO THRILLS AND THRIFT and drive home r/te facts of its greater value in your ~ own way and at your own pace! Convince yourself ' that this sensational new Chevrolet leads in all-round n action as it leads in all-round appearance! Drive it—and experience a Valyo- m it America’s best buy for performance! Drive it—and Drive home this factl reV el in handling ease and riding ease that make it FIRST ... and Finest... for America’s best buy for comfort! Drive it—and enjoy j ALL-ROUND SAFETY ~ five-fold motoring protection that makes it America's AT LOWEST COST fT best buy for safety! Again this year, more people are buying Chevrolets j RtlW/Jj* yjL Dr,ve bome ,aetl value. Come, test this car; drive home the facts for { FIRST ... and Finest... for yourself; and you’ll drive home in a new Chevrolet! ; | STYLING AND COMFORT DRIVING AND RIDING EASE AT LOWEST COST Come ht ... drive a Chevrolet ... and you II know why Irs ' AMERICA’S BEST SELLER ... AMERICA’S BEST BUYI , " *•■.■%•■'. VjuJ, -i" . r . ' ' B. B. H. MOTOR COMPANY ' S * v- ' “YOUR FRIENDLY CHEVROLET DEALER? 'V ■ N. Broad and Oakum Streets 4 fidenton, N. C »■ I ■■■ ■■■■■ I ■■'■'— ■■ ■ ' ■ in li —I I I ' M .1 . • "Hill. I I,mill THE CHOWAN HERALD MUHTOiC. ,M. C. THURSDAY, MAT 11, 1960 Heard & Seen By “Buff” j— — Game Warden R. E. Evans played havoc wSth the plea sure of four Erwin fishermen Saturday. Herman West, Thurman Dorman, Hayward Hollingsworth and W, S. Parker were having a wonderful time at Bennett’s Mill Pond, but it cost mem 63 bucks and, worse than that, they went home without any fish. The quarbet,. accord ing to the game warden, had almost caught the linjit at noon when they came ashore to eat. They iced up the fish and went out again after’eating. The fish appar ently were biting good, so that again they had almost the limit. But upon their return about dusk they met up with a very unwelcome visitor —Game Warden Evans. As the result of the meeting, the fishermen were obliged to turn over everyone of the fish—l 47 of ’dm, which were in turn given to the local Welfare Department. The four men were- arrested and tried before Justice A^^VVVVVVVVS/VV\^ Miss Carolyn Elliott In Recital Monday Miss Carolyn Elliott, soprano, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joaiah El liott was presented in a graduation recital Monday night by the Conserva tory of Music at Fiona MacDonald College, Red Springß, N. C. Attending the recital were her fath er and the Rev. Harold W. Gilmer, rector of St. Paul’s Church. The lat ter was high in praise of the recital, saying Miss Elliott’s performance was wonderful. The numbers sang by Miss Elliott were: “My Heart Ever Faithful” by Bach; “She Never Told Her Love” by Haydn; Aria; Batti from “Don Gio vanni” by Mozart; “iPer la Gloria d’ Adorarvi” by Bononcini; “Der Muss baum” by Schumann; by Strauss; “Rioumelle” by Chaminade; “Niemand Hat’s Geseh’n” by Loeme; Aria; Je Suis Titania from “Mignon” by Thomas; “A Birthday” by R. Hunt ington Woodman; “If No One Ever Marries Me” by Liza Lemann; “Black bird’s Song” by Cyril Scott; “The Nightingale Has a Lyre of Gold” by Benjamin Whelpley. Miss Ann Briitt of Harrelsville was one of the mashals at the recital, af ter which a reception was held in the college parlors. PLAN SOUTHERN TRIP Mayor and Mrs. Leroy Haskett plan to leave Friday for Biloxi, Miss., REDUCE^ without dieting ff All you do is eat de licious AYDS (aids) Vitamin and Min eral Candy before meals as directed. Your appetite is curbed; you eat less i and lose weight automatically. Yet you eat plenty— never go hungry. Users report weight losses up io 10 pounds or more with their very first box. You too must lose weight with |tj your first box or /syJi money is refunded /J) ($2.89). ( cost implement mounts on the tractor to form a compact oper*l!. ating unit. Rear-mounted implements, likewise, are quick*] j change. f Implements for the Farmall C are under the complete, 2-wayj 1 hydraulic control of the Farmall Touch-Control. The Farmafij) j C pulls one 16-inch or two 12-inch bottoms; cultivates two rows of wide-planted crops. Ask for full information: " BYRUM IMPLEMENT & TRUCK CO. EDENTON ELIZABETH CITY I FAR?/.ALL LEADS THE WAY I ————g—»< SSS^^B‘" v ' k ' SEIIC T*E P lp!a» m pint ,jl£=j»| $ 3.40 Vs Quart *.-,✓. . - GIBSON'S SELECTED • MINDED WHISKEY • liJ PROOP • Ml ORAIM NEUTRAL SPIRITS • GIBSON DISTILLERS, INC, NEW YORK, N. Y. Apartment For Rent BEE DAVE HOLTON Edenton, N. C.