PAGE FOUR Rapid Growth Os Highway Signals Standardization of Signs Eliminates Great Deal Os Confusion “Danger—Sound Klaxon!” L. R. Fisher, director of the High way Safety Division of the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehic les, cites the present obscurity of this once-familiar highway sign as an ex ample of the rapid growth of our sys tem of traffic signs and signals during the past 35 years. “Motoring in America,” he said, “is a perfect example of an innovation that grew too fast for its own britches. We had the vehicle before we had the roads to accommodate it; by the time we started getting enough roads, Other difficulties were rapidly being created.” One of the chief handicaps plaguing the pioneer motorist, according to Fisher, was the absence of directional and warning signs on existing high ways. The widespread boom in the con struction of inter-state arteries pre ceding World War I, however, speed ed installation of such signs accord ingly. “Ironically,” Fisher said, “this rap id outcropping of traffic signs was al most as much of a curse as a blessing. Shapes, sizes, and colors of the signs were left to the discretion of the local, state, or county authorities, and of ficial imaginations ran wild.” The amazing strides that have been made in the standardization and use of traffic signs and signals are being emphasized this month by the North Carolina Department of Motor Ve hicles as part of its August program of traffic safety education. “Standardization of traffic signs and signals was the only solution to the confusion that resulted from the early hodge-podge of the vari-shaped and colored road markers,” Fisher said, “but the present degree of standardi zation has still failed to reduce acci dents as much as it was originally envisioned.” Reliable, and wisely engineered, signs and signals are useless, if driv ers ignore them. As proof that this is the case, the North Carolina De partment of Motor Vehicles reports that, in 1949, out of 720 fatal acci dents there were 44 instances of a Personal To Women With Nagging Backache As we get older, stress and strain, over exertion, excessive smoking or exposure to cold sometimes slows down kidney func tion. This may lead many folks to com plain of nagging backache, loss of pep and energy, headaches and dizziness. Getting up nights or frequent passages may result from minor bladder irritations due to cold, dampness or dietary indiscretions. If your discomforts are due to these causes, don't wait, try Doan's Pills, a mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 60 years. While these symptoms may often otherwise occur, it’s amazing how many times Doan’s give happy relief — help the 15 miles of kidney tubes and filters flush out waste. Get Doan’s Pills today! Dojuts Pills tel i" " | THE ARAB shepherd, appar- ■ I ently adoze among the dunes can be depended upon to spring into instant alertness ! when anything endangers his flock. His vigilance is infall- j | iblel \ You'll find our vigilance in e*r i rying out every duty infallible. You can depend upon our f staff always .to conduct | a ceremony of tl.oughtfulness j and dignity. >j Z__J I WILLIFORD C7 'uHitudWimu PHOHE23KDWTONN.C THE HOME OP THE ALBEMARLE mutual burial ASSOCIATION — * sign, signal, or traffic officer having been over-looked or ignored. “We now have a good, nation-wide, system of signs and signals,” Fisher said, “let’s not nullify all the good work that has been done to protect us in this respect by ignoring them. Most important—let’s stay alive by ' heeding these ‘Signs of Life’!” Navy "Freezes" All Enlisted Men Also Lifts Ban on Civ ilian Commission Ap plications s ' i The Navy Department announced recently a 12-months “freeze” of regu- / | lar Navy and Naval Reserve enlist . ed personnel effective until July 9, ’ 1951. The order which applies to both active and inactive regular Navy and Naval Reserve enlisted personnel , (with the exception of one-year en listees who were accepted under the Selective Service program), extends their period of enlistment for 12 months from the expiration date of their current enlistment. At the same time, the Navy Depart ment announced it has partially lift ed its temporary ban on accepting ap plications from civilians for commis sions in the Naval Reserve. As a re sult, the Navy is now accepting ap plications from doctors, dentists, nurses, medical interns, medical and dental students, and electronics speci alists for reserve commissions. The temporary ban did not affect applications from civilians in 'specia lized fields for active duty commis sions in the regular Navy. The Navy will continue to accept applications or regular Navy commissions from ioctors, dentists, nurses, lawyers, ministers, qualified medical techni cians, and women college graduates qualified to become Wave officers. i The idea that wild animals live at ■ >eace is not to be relied upon. One of the most misused words in j he language is the word love. No Alcohol No Acid No Sting For quick relief and good results get the famous VICTORY OINT MENT. Developed for the boys in the Army, now for the home folks. 1 Get VICTORY Get Results. Also for First Aid and Itching. Safe to j use on any part of the body. I Sold in Edenton by Leggett & * Davis, Mitchener’s Pharmacy, or you | ’iome town druggist. ad~ i America 9 8 lowcst-Priced Straight Eight n Lowest-Priced Car with GM Hydra-Matic Drive Optional on all models at extra cost. ' /I: jiff jf Power-Packed Silver Streak Engines—Choice of Six or Eight | &&& H \\ f / // ; World Renowned Road Record for Economy and long life Jpf ft f The Most Beautiful Thing om Wheels fg /JaffiST For the happiest miles of your life! v The first time you take the wheel.of a new Pontiac you will probably feel that nothing could quite equal the thrilling satisfaction of those first few miles. And, indeed, that first trip is a rare pleasure—because your Pontiac moves away so smoothly, is so obviously eager for action, your sense of s having power to spare is so completely reassuring. And, with Hydra- Matic Drive, you need do little more than guide your beautiful Pontiac through traffic, onto the open road. But you have a pleasant surprise in store—one that will unfold for miles and miles. You will discover that Pontiac's goodness, Pontiac’s smooth dependability, the sheer fun of driving a Pontiac, goes on and on. Just give your Pontiac plenty of exercise and reasonable care and it will give you the happiest miles of your life! You really should learn for yourself that dollar for dollar, you can’t beat a Pontiac! * r.W- H. Jenkins Motor Company, Itlc. 105 to 109E.Queen Street Phone 147 Edenton.N.C. | CHAS. a JENKINS AND COMPANY EDENTON WINDSOR WILLIAMSTON AULANDER AHOSKfE I l ■ 1 ' fHE CHOWAN HERALD EDENTON. N. C.. THURSDAY. AUGUST 17, 1960 : j Smokey Says: : I HOW COME YCAi GOT J| M 9 i I YOUR pm j Si I; V Rp<- L. ! aWf ' i CARELESSNESS! 1 _ . 1 i -ii .1. i HEALTH FOR AU : T.B AND MENTAL REST | s € The major question in the mind of it the person who finds out he has tu- } berculosis is what his chances are of • getting well. Tuberculosis can be cured, but it is easiest to cure when it is discov ered early and treatment is started promptly. 'Basic in the treatment of the tuber culosis patient is rest in bed under supervision. This is best undertaken in a tuberculosis hospital. When doc tors insist on complete rest, they mean just that—rest and relaxation of the body and the mind as well. Complete rest of the body is im- NU QURL BEAUTY SHOP For Style and Beauty Broad Street Edenton PHONE 605 BnMwnnniiiiii I I in—••HnuuMinnmll 3 j } If You Need Money To Finance or Re-Finance j Your Farm atLow Interest Rates... SEE. | T. W. JONES | Edenton, North Carolina Representative of One of the Largest Insurance Companies TAKE UP TO 20 YEARS TO REP -Y J OA-NS possible without mental rest and re laxation. This means that the patient should not worry or brood about his own illness, his family, his jo%, or anything else—if he wants to get well. Worrying or fretting causes great strain on the tuberculosis pat ient. A patient who is mentally dis tressed, even though he continually lies in bed, can cancel out all the good that the physical rest might be doing him. As a matter of fact, chronic worry is a kind of illness and the tuberculosis patient who suffers from it is fighting two illnesses in stead of one. It is not easy for the tuberculosis patient to dismiss all worry and men tal unrest. But peace of mind can be I a big help to the patient while he is I trying to regain his health, i While complete mental rest may be hard for some patients, the modern tuberculosis hospital has a staff of experts who help the patient acquire the mental relaxation as necessary to his cure as physical treatment. Fre quently the patient worries because of problems at home. It is import ant, therefore, that assistance be giv en in the solution of these problems by the patient’s friends, the public health nurse, and the social worker, WANTED! I Pine and Cypress Logs $50.00 Per 1,000 and up Horner’s Mill Southern Avenue Extended ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Phones 1664 or 1441-J Dollar for Dollar you can't beat a POJWWEXC to relieve the patient’s anxiety. Cure of tuberculosis is a two-way process. It takes the work and skill of doctors and other specialists at the hospital and, in turn, requires the full cooperation of the patient with these experts. In no phase of his treat ment is the patient’s cooperation more important than in complying with the efforts of the hospital staff to help him gain mental rest and relaxation. | Vets* Question Box Q —l enlisted in the Navy recently, but I am afraid I won’t be able to keep up the premium payments on my commercial life insurance policy. Can anything be done about it? A—Under the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act, you may apply to Farm For Sale j l*' 60 Acres Cleared and Acres Woods I Located In Gliden Township, Chowan County | l Six room house, in good condition, several out-buildings and all i t practically new. ¥ I McCoy Phthisic j l GLIDEN, N. C. I FORSALE AT LARGE DISCOUNT Surplus —— Doors, Windows and Window Frames Different Sizes and Types EDENTON BUILDING SUPPLES CO. EDENTON, N. C. VA for protection of your insurance. If your application is approved, VA will guarantee your premiums until you get out of service. But after your discharge, you must repay the in debtedness. Sold In Edenton by Mitchener’s Pharmacy