PAGE TWELVE Margaret wnsiow Weds Dempsey Eure Ceremony Held at War wick Baptist €hurch January 14 The marriage of Mias Margaret By rum Winslow, daughter of Mrs. Mae-, belle P. Winskxw and the late K. Rayi Window of Hefbbsville, to Dempsey ] Lindbark Eure, son of (Mr. and Mrs.' H. L. Eure of Gafteeville, took place j Sunday afternoon, January 14, at 4:30 o'clock at the Warwick Baptist 1 Church. The double ring ceremony 1 was performed by the Rev. Paul E. Lemons, .pastor of the bride. The church was decorated with yISCOMf! ‘- - Get your *upply front Halsey Feed & Seed Store EDENTON, N. C. | THE BANK OF EDEKTON of Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, at the close of business ' December 30, 1960, a State banking institution organized and operating ; under the hanking laws of this State and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published in accordance with a call made by the State Banking ’ Authorities and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. • ASSETS 1. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection -$1,477,094.26 2. U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 1,369,833.08 3. Obligations of States and po&tkal subdivisions 185,834.44 , 6. Corporate stocks (including $9,000.00 stock of Federal Re- ' serve Bank) * 9,000.00 6. Loans and discounts (including $48.90 overdrafts) 1,788,842-83 7. Bank premises owned, $34,767.27; furniture and fixtures, $14,201.87 48,959.14 11. Other assets 12,995.37 - « 12. TOTAL ASSETS - $4,892,559.12 LIABILITIES 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and Cor porations $2,455,750JL1 i 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations 935,154.46 15. Deposits Os U. S. Government (including postal savings) 80,025.67 i 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions 810,248.21 18. Other deposits (certified and officers’ checks, etc.) 77,331.21 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS $4,358,509.66 23. Other liabilities 70,428.25 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obliga tions shown below) $4,428,937.91 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 26. Capital * $ 100,000.00* 26. Surplus 200,000.00 27. Unaivided profits 163,621.21 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $ 463,621.21 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES ANID CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $4,892,559.12 * This bank’s capital consists of: Common stock with total par value of $100,000.00. Total deposits to the credit of the State of North Carolina or any official thereof $ 443,321.25 MEMORANDA 31. Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes $1,101,887.23 I, John A. Kramer, Cashier, of the above-named bank, hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN A. KRAMER. Correct—Attest: JNO. G. WOOD, J. H. CONGER, W. H. GARDNER. Directors. ■State of North Carolina —County of Chowan ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this sth day of January, 1951. (Seal) OLIVE P. DAIL, Notary PubMc. My Commission expires February 6,*1952. wm ; *" 4 '• ' | ~'•■■ ■ ‘ ar* s V * '- •^‘v .-.i- t'-ssws x-** -3BKe^*& : -«reaSß &?■ I palms, mums, gladioli, snaps and fern, with lighted tapers. Wedding music was played by Miss Kathleen Byrum and Mrs. Jake Jake- I man of WhaleyviUe, Va., was soloist 1 The bride, who was given in marri age by her brother, James Russell Winslow of Yorktown, Va., wore a ' blossom pink wool jersey dress with sweetheart neckline embroidered in pearls, rhinestones and gold braid. Her hat was blossom pink mallisene trimmed in matching sequins and pink ■ veiling. She carried an old fashioned bride’s bouquet of sweetheart roses I centered with white orchids. I Mrs. Major Ward of Gatesville was jher sister’s matron of honor. She ' i wore a pale green nylon crepe dress I I trimmed in sequins with winter white accessories and carried pink cama ’ tions, snaps and fern. . Miss Joan Howell of Gates, niece of the bridegroom, was bridesmaid. She wore a tangerine taffeta dress trimmed in rhinestones and winter white hat, and carried a bouquet of .yellow carnations, snaps and fern. Claude Bundy of Gatesville, brother of the .bridegroom, was best man and groomsmen were Harrell Lee Bundy of Gatesville, brother of the bride groom, and Fred Winslow of Hohbs ville, cousin of the bride. The bride’s mother wore an ice blue crepe dress with matching hat and a corsage of gardenias. The bride groom’s mother wore a dress of navy blue with matching hat and corsage of gardenias. For traveling the bride changed to a three-piece suit of gold and brown check and brown velour cloche trim med with gold jersey and a pheasant feather, with brown accessories. She wore a corsage of white orchids lifted from her bridal bouquet. The couple left for a southern wed ding trip and upon their return will make their home with the bride groom’s parents. Pre-nuptial events for the bride in- Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS DUE TO EXCESS ACID ! QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST Over four million bottles of the Kruid Treatment have been sold for relief of symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Ouetfenal Ulcers due to Cscess Add- Poor Digestion, Sour or Upeet Stomach, Gassiness, Heartburn, S»sspl««»nsn, ate., duo to Excess Add. Ask for “Willard's Message" which fully explains this remark able home treatment —tree —at Sold In Edenton by Mitchener’s Pharmacy THE CHOWAN HERALD EDENTON, H. JANUARY 18, 1981 , eluded the following: - , Misses Jane Goodwin, Sue Hollo , well, Paige Perry and Jean Spivey . were hostesses ait a miscellaneous shower at the home of the bride on . December 6. 1 Mrs. Conroy Perry and daughter i Alvis entertained at a tea at home on i December 27. The guests numbered i about 37. iMr. and Mrs. Harrell Lee Bundy entertained at a dinner party. A tur : key dinner was served to 12 guests. I 'Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bundy enter* i tained members of the wedding party and parents of the bride and bride groom on Friday, December 23. Din , ner was served to 16 guests. James Russell, Winsloiw of York town, Va., entertained at the home of his mother honoring the bride and bridegroom on Sunday, December 31. About 76 guests called during the af ternoon and evening. Members of the wedding party and \ other guests were served a turkey dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rountree on December 30. Mr. and Mrs. Major Ward entertain ed members of the bridal party and other guests ait the home of her moth er on Saturday, January 13. Ice cream, nuts, mints and coffee were served with the wedding cake. Nation Is lacing Cotton Shortage National Carryover By August 1 Only 2*6 Million Bales It’s more profitable to make 10 bales of cotton on 10 acres than to make 10 bales on 20 acres. So say the specialists of the State College Extension Service, who this week advised Tar Heel growers to plant all the cotton they can care for i properly in 1961, but no more. This ! suggestion is contained in “North iCarolina’s Agricultural Outlook for 1951,” which was recently released. The publication is based on data sup plied by the U. S. Department of Ag riculture’s Bureau of Agricultural Eco nomics. The national carryover of cotton b* August 1 is expected to be only 2.6 million bales, compared with a “nor mal” carryover of 4.3 million bales. If exports had not been limited, the carryover would be estimated at less than 0.7 million bales. ' North Carolina’s cotton production for 1950 is estimated at 180,000 biles, compared with 490,000 in 1949, The small crop was due to reduction-in acreage, unfavorable weather during July, and disastrous insect attacks. The estimated yield per acre for 1960 is only 147 pounds, compared with a 10-year average of 373 .pounds. To meet the expected cotton short age, Tar Heel growers are advised by the Extension Service to: Secure supplies of good planting seed adapted to your area. Do this HOW. Order insecticides when fertilizer is ordered. 'Follow recommended practices in fertilizing, poisoning, defoliating, har vesting, and marketing. Follow good farm management prac tices, working your increased acreage into your over-all program m the most profitable way. Apply poisons if needed to control boll weevil. Growers who applied pftfrHwm as recommended in 1950 av eraged better than a bale to the acre on their entire acreage. Edenton Police Arrest 73 During December - Edenton police made 73 arrests dur ing the month of December, and ac cording to Chief of Police George I. D&il, parking and miscellaneous traf fic violations led the list with 19 ar rests, followed by 12 for being drunk. 'Fires amounted to $359.50 and costs $449.65 for a total of $809.19. Os this amount $l3B was turned back to the town in way of officers’ fees. During the month 116 calls were answered, three automobile accidents investigated, two funerals worked, 69 street lights reported out, 23 cour tesies extended, 21 doors found open, three fires attended, 371 radio callfc made with the police being on the air 47 minutes and 36 seconds, 26 in vestigations made, $45 valuation of stolen property recovered and 414 ci tations issued. {WORLD DAY OF PRAYER In the Methodist Church Friday night, February 9, at 8 o’clock a world day of prayer will be observed. This observance is non-denominationa] and the public is invited to attend. Health Department - Selling Rat Poison i i {Beginning Thursday morning, Jan uary 18, the District Health Depart . meat will have for non-profit sale of , 25c per bag, prepared rat poison. { This bait contains red squill and has proved to be very effective in the ’ killing of rats. This bait may be ob tained at the local Health Office. FUNERAL HELD FOR INFANT Funeral services for Freddy Bell Bunch, 3%-month old daughter of Al lie D. and Mrs. Irina Keel Bunch, who died January 5 in Enid, Okla., were conducted Thursday of last week at Ziegler’s Funeral Home. The Rev. R. N. Carroll officiated at the service. Burial was made in Beaver Hill Cemetery. The infant has several aunts and uncles residing in this area, and her grandparents of Norfolk. "SO YEARS OF S£R^^ * SURETY- BONDE^^^ TERMITE CONTROL Insurad by Mass. Banding I Ins. Co. Orkin Exterminating Company Phone 6783 Elizabeth City, N. C. and WOODWORK mgQg It’s so easy with these fine Du Pont finishes! | W 'fj Gay, modem colors—or white—bring new l /jj E ««E2P m I * I H D^ t p , o n° Ur HuifPll*—l pzz ■ "1 ,y PONT SPEED-EASY I /MIS »»»•« I FLAT WAIL PAINT I VARNISH Ift AT WALL I—u.i MINT ■ Byrum Hardware Company Edenton, N.C. * Suffolk, Va. Florence Morris Weds ! T/Sgt Reynold Mosley IMr. and Mrs. Rqtoert P. Morris of Edenton, announce the marriage of their daughter, Florence, to S/Sgt. Reynold Lewis Mosley, son of Mr. and Bln. Lewis Mosley of Madera, Pa. The ceremony was performed at the parsonage of the Rocky Hock Baptist I W* “J F when Baby mtdies a Creepy Cold * mp/tenot/m/tf from roughs, stuffiness every breath! It’s easy! Use I v \ famous Vicks i Vapoßub this rftzx * . : J special way— V cy in steam. It brings relief Pi* * n a fiurr y> T| ir Put 2 good If 11 spoonfuls of Vapoßub in a vaporizer or bowl of boiling water as di . rected in package. Then let your child breathe in the med icated vapors. JWOBtrS BIST KNOWN HOME REMEDY TO RELIEVE MISERIES OF COLDS I J Church by the Rev. R. E. Gordon, on December 23, at IsOO P. M. NU QURL BEAUTY SHOP For , Style and Beauty ( Broad Street* Edenton PHONE 605 MHEP jHk by millions of modern mothers! Every single breath I