PAGE FOUR Thompson Speaker TresbyterianHour’ Three Radio Broadcasts Scheduled to Be Made * During February Dor. W. T. Thompson will be the speaker for the “Presbyterian Hour’’ radio conference during the month of February. Dr. Thompson’s subjects will be as follows: February 11—The Demands of an Infinite Love.” February 18 —“Christ—an Advan tage or a necessity.” 4 Fdbru&ry 26—Four classes of Peo ple—ln Which Do I Belong?” The broadcast of February 25 will feature the choir of Austin College in Sherman, Texas. Dir. Thompson is a senior member of the faculty of Union Theological l Seminary in Richmond, Va., having served the Seminary since 1920. Dr. Thompson is considered one of the out standing teachers and preachers of the Southern Presbyterian Church. After i graduating from Davidson College and Union Theological Seminary, he held pastorates at Lexington, N. C., Knox ville, Tenn., and Mobile, Ala. During the First World War he was director of Army YMJCA in two large Camps in this country. As a director of a boys’ camp for twenty summers, as a mem ber of the National Preaching Mission, as a priblic lecturer before numerous educational groups, and as a preacher in constant demand throughout the country, Dr. Thompson has steadily extended his teaching ministry. Legislative Summary (Continued from Page One) the contract expiration date was ex tended to January 25. On the after noon of the 24th the subcommittee worked out a solution. With the At torney General’s approval, it was de cided to transfer sufficient funds from a warehouse project to the annex and consider the warehouse along with the other 1949 items. On January 25 the contradt was let. On the other hand, uncertainty marked the investigation into construction of the State Fair coliseum under 1949 appropriations. While some farm leaders underscored the need for value of the building in a public hearing on Tuesday, rumors from Washington led to a belief that the construction now proceeding would come under the National Production Agency’s ban on the use of steel for non-essential purposes. Despite ef forts to secure an opinion from NRA no official approval had been receiv ed by Friday, nor had the legislature’s committee made its report. The prob ability of both federal and legislative endorsement increases each day con. crete is poured and materials are pur chased. Public Welfare The anxiety erf prisoners in unsafe Financial Statement For Period Ending December 31, 1950 Albemarle Mutual Burial Association, Inc. EDENTON, N. C. Balance December 31, 1950 $3,696.19 RECEIPTS Total assessments collected $5> 2 95-5° No. new members, 1,086 at 25c 271.50 Interest on time deposits, stocks, bonds 12.50 # Total $5,57900 Net difference of advance assessments 64.45 Receipts $5,643-95 Total receipts $9-34°- I 4 DISBURSEMENTS Salaries $ 360.00 Miscellaneous expenses 274.86 Total expenses $ 634.86 Death benefits paid (No. 28) 2,800.00 Membership fees paid agents , 271.50 Total disbursements s3>7°6-36 Balance to be accounted for .4 55.633.78 ASSETS Cash on hand $ 20.85 Bank deposit, Bank of Edenton 5,112.93 War bonds 500.00 Total assets $5,633-78 LIABILITIES Advance assessments „ 1 $1,052.90 b - Total liabilities $1,052.90 Surplus r v-~ ; - $4,580.88 Membership in good standing at dose of books 3,900 I certify that the information given in the foregoing report is true and correct to the personal knowledge of the undersigned. T r B. WILLIFORD, Secretary-Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before tee, this 13th diy of January, 1951 LETHE S. HOSKINS, Notary Public. Mv commission eimires July 25,1952. {jails would be allayed by SB 96 re quiring an attendant on duty to in spect all cells at reasonable intervals, f The saane bill would pervent women prisoners from being confined more than 24 hours unless the jail has a matron. SB 97 would allow temporary confinement of the mentally disordered * in hospitals and othdr suitable places as well as in county jails. Other bills would raise the age to which parents must support illegitimate Children from 14 to 18 years (SB 94), would s require judges in divorce cases to ’ award the custody of children before ' signing the divorce decree (‘SB 95), and would make wi'Wlful neglect as well as abandonment of wife or children a 1 misdemeanor (SB 154). Governmental Reorganization The General Asselmbly now has a bill (iSB 110) calling for submission ■ of a constitutional amendment to re quire realignment of executive agen- I cies so that by 1954 only 12 depart ments could exist under the law ex clusive of those headed by elective of ficials and temporary commissions | created for special purposes. If adopf ' ed by the people the amendment would also place all personnel of the execu tive branch bellow department heads 1 under a merit system. Election Laws On recommendation of the State 1 Board of Election bills were introduced in the Senate this week to remove all limits on the expenditure of funds in campaigns for election, ,to abolish use of the absentee ballot in general elec tions by civilians, and to require cam paign litetaiture to bear the name of the author and printer. • Criminal Procedure Implementing a constitutional I amendment approved last November, HB 112 permits indictments to be waived in non-capital criminal cases provided written consent of both de fendant and his counsel is filed. HB 120 is designed to prevent a person from being prosecuted on the basis of evidence taken from him in the course of an illegal search without a i warrant. HR 115 proposes a com mission to study the advisability of setting uniform cost bill's in traffic cases in courts below the superior court. Labor Legislation i The House Committee on Manufac , turing and Labor has announced that i a public hearing will be held on HB • 93, aimed at repealing the anti-dosed shop law, on, February 6, and on HB I 108, establishing a minimum wage of i 75c an hour for workers in intrastate ■ business, on February 13. I LEGAL NOTICES ! ExixnJTOßS’ NOTICE . North Carolina, L Chowan County. The undersigned, having qualified a-« i Executors of the Estate of T. W. Ber . ryman, Deceased, late of Chowan ; County, this is to notify all persons . having claims against said estate to - present them to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of January, 1951. or this notice will be pleaded in bar ; of their recovery. All persons in- — ij—ifif j fr^**^^**^^** TEL CHOWAN HEBA3J) EDKNTPM, H. O, THUMSSDA*, RBHttUARy 1, IBSI . debted to said estate will "please make . immediate payment to the undersign ed. This 16th day of January, 1951. > T. A. BERRYMAN ; D. H. BERRYMAN Executors of T. W. Berryman. [ Janl 8,26 J^ef01,8,16,22; 1 North Carolina, 1 Chowan County. « 1 NOTICE ' The undersigned, having qualified as Administratrix of the Estate of W. 1 H. Twine, Deceased, late of Chowan County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of January, 1952, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the un dersigned. This 15th day of January, 1951. 'MRS. MARY TWINE, Admx. Estate of W. H. Twine, Deceased. Address: RFD No. 2, Tyner, N. C. Herbert Leary, Attorney. J an 18,25, Feb 1,8,15 • 22c North Carolina, Chowan County. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator, CTA, of the of J. A. Bond, deceased, late of Cho wan County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed within twelve (12) months from January 4, 1951, or this notine will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, j All .persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 2nd day of January, 1951. JOHN HILL Administrator, CTA. estate of J. •A. Bond, deceased. J. N. PRUfffiN, Attorney, Edenton, N. C. Jan4,11,18,25,Febl ,8 jnp NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the authority contained : in a certain Deed of Trust executed on the 26th day of June, 1950, to L. S. Blades, Jr., Trustee, by Ida V. Wand ■ and recorded in Deed of Trust Book 61, Page 191, of the public registry of Chowan County, N. C., default hav ing heen made in the conditions of said Deed of Trust, the said L. S. Blades, Jr., Trustee, will on the sth day of February. 1951, at 12 o’clock noon at the Court House door of Chowan 1 County, N. C„ offer for sale at public I auction to the highest 'bidder for cash, j the following described property: j My life time in 1 " in the N. L. Ward home place lying and being on| the Virginia Road near Edenton, N. C., j Chowan County, N. C., and samej whereon the said N. L. Ward died and ] lived for a number of years prior to' his death, .bounded north and north-1 east by the DHlard lane between this! land and the'C. N. Griff in-Hawkins i land and the Thos. W. Elliott-Hawkins; land (now owned by R. E. Leary); East by the Speight-Spruill land; South by the S. E. Morris-Holmes land 1 and West by the Virginia Road and I a See the MEW V* ai»E SOTO YOUR FIRST LOOK will reveal glamor WrWmsr ' that is practical; exceptionally modem - : * • but with elegant dignity of line. YOUR FIRST REACTION will be: This new MmjgL model is really new and different ... in \M&J**m* eluding a new, higher-horsepower engine! YOUR FIRST RIDE will catch you un awares ... it’s a revelation!... The result of the amazing cushioning action of De Soto’s new Onflow shock absorbers! YOUR FIRST COMPARISON of DeSoto’s - extra-value features will help you realize that the new De Soto is a luxury car that X 0 you can afford. Be sure to see it soon! "■ '•^^||(g|g|j||fl|j^|^^^^^j^g^§ys^sSsßs^SsSSSS?SltSSWw |L> - ■ • ISaMF/ .AHIHb^ GROUCHO in Your on •ad> wook on •• = ' ;■ >*C «»okom. rass*\ G«@wAN Motor Co. WATER AND COMMERCE STREETS f " ■ EDENTON, N. C. more particularly described as fol lows: ' Beginning on the Virginia Road at the Southwest corner of the Dillard Lane at an Osage Orange Hedge; thence Northeastwardly along the Dil lard lane to the Elliott-Hawkins (now Leary) line; thence Eastwardly along the Elliott-Hawkins (now Leary) line, a ditch, to a big ditch, the dividing line between the land hereby conveyed and the Speight-lSpruiH land; thence Southwardly along said big ditch about 350 yards to the S. E. Morris-Holmes line, a wire fence, thence Northwardly along the wire fence the Morris- Holmes line about 200 yards, the corn er of the wire fence; thence Southeast wardly along the wire fence to the Virginia Road; thence Northwardly along the Virginia Road to the place of beginning, containing eighty (80) acres, more or less, and .being the same land conveyed to N. L. Ward by deed dyly recorded in Chowan County in Book “O” page 280, said deed and those instruments mentioned therein made part hereof for fuller description and chain of title. A deposit of 5% of the amount bid will be required of the purchaser at the time of sale. This notice dated and posted this sth day of January, 1951. j L. S. BLADES, JR., Trustee, Elizabeth City, N. C. Jan 11, 18, 25, feblc j North Carolina, Chowan County. NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX The undersigned, having qualified as Executrix of the estate of L. A. Patterson, deceased, late of Chowan County, N. C.. this is to notify all per ' sons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned within twelve (12)‘months from Janu ary 4, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 2nd day of January, 1951. VALBORG O. PATTERSON Executrix of the estalte of L. A. Pat terson, deceased. J. N. PRUDEN, Attorney, Edenton, N. C. jan4,11,18 25,febl,8 1 jn,{ North Carolina, Chowan County. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deedj of Trust executed by Donald Ross ! 'Brown and wife, Vava S. Brown, dat-i ied the 17th day of August, 1949 and , I recorded in Book 39-A, page 37, in the | j office of the Register of Deeds in Chowan County, North Carolina, de-| mult having been made in the pay- 1 |ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured and said Deed of Trust being Iby the terms thereof subject to fore | closure, the undersigned Trustee will, i offer for sale at Pulblic Auction to I the highest bidder for cash at the !Court House door in Edenton, North: j Carolina at 12:00 o’clock noon, or. the 10th day of February, 1951 the prop erty conveyed in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being situated in the Town of Edenton, Chowan County, l • North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: Beginning a* a stake in the Western line of HawfcuJtoTßoad, said .mhe being distant In a Northern direction 124.6 ft. from the point of curve of 'Hawthorne Road with First Street, said stake also being the Northeastern comer of Los No. 65, and runs thence along the Northern line of Lot No. 55 South 70 deg. 26 min. West 125 ft. to a point in the Eastern line of the Nor folk & Southern Railroad old spur track right-of-way; thence along said right-of-way North 19 deg. ‘3B min. West 65 ft. to a point, the Southwest ern comer of Lot No. 53; thence along the Southern line of Lot No. 53 North 70 deg. 25 min. East 125 ft. to the stake in the Western line of Haw thorne Road South 19 deg. 33 min. East 65 ft. to the point of beginning and beiftg lot No. 54 of Albemarle Court according to map and survey) made by Carlyle C. Webb, C. E., dated May 27, 1949 and recoided in Book of Maps 1, at page 49, Chowan County Registry, North Carolina. This 10th day of January, 1951. LESLIE KENDALL, Trustee By: John W. Graham, Attorney. an.18„25,feb1,8 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE _ i Having qualified as Administratrix j of the estate of Caleb S. Ambrose, de- I ceased, late of Chowan County, this is !to notify all persona having claims against the said Caleb S. Ambrose, deceased, to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of January, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery, thereon. All persons indebted to thel estate will please make immediate i payment to the undersigned. ' Edenton, N. C., this 20th day of January, 1951, A. D. ALLJE E. AMBROSE, Administratrix of Caleb S. Ambrose, deceased. Jail2s/eb1,8,15,22;Mar1c NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the authority contained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 2nd day of June, 1950, to L. S. Blades, Jr., Trustee, by Mack Ward, and recorded l in Deed Book 61, page! 168 of the Public Registry of Ohowan j , County, N. C., default having been! ! made in the conditions of the said I ideed of trust, the said L. S. Blades,' Jr., Trustee, will on the sth day of February, 1951, at 12 o’clock noon at jthe Court House door of Chowan | ! County, N. C., offer for sale at public ! auction to the highest bidder for cash, ithe following described property: I The N. L. Ward home place lying! and being in Chowan County, N. C., on I I the Virginia Road near Edenton, N. C., | 1 and same whereon the said N. L. Ward died and lived for a number of years prior to his death, bounded North and Northeast by the Dillard Lane be , tween this land and the C- N. Griffin- Dillard land and the Thos. W. Elliott- Hawkins land (now owned by R. E. Leary); East by the Speight-Spruill land; South by the S. E. Morris- Holmes land and West by the Virginia Road-and more particularly described as follows: 1 Beginning on the Virginia Road at the Southwest comer of the Dillard now on display LOOK AT THE EXTRA VALUE DE SOTO GIVES YOU: • Niw “OHflow” Shock • Waterproof Ignition for Absorber* Q" ick Start* • Tip-Toe Hydraulic Shift • long Wheelbase, Full and Fluid Drive Cradled Ride • Big, New, Hlgh-Compres- • Feotheriight, Shock-free sion Engine Steering • Big 12-inch Brakes for • B»9 Windows for Maxi- Extra Safety * um Visibility • New Parking Brake- • Scuff-Resistant Cylinder Easy to Apply Walls M _ .AT Lane at an Osage Orange Hedge; i thence Northeastwardly along the Dii i lard Lane to the Elliott-Hawkins (now i Leary) dine, a ditch, to a big ditch, the diviaing line between ithe land , hereby conveyed and the Speight- Stpruill land; thence Southwardly along i said big ditch about 350 yards bo the i S. E. Morris-Holmes line, a wire fence; ' thence Northwardly along Hie wire fence the Morris-Holmes line about • 200 yards, the coiner of Hie wire I fence; thence along the wire fence to the Virginia Road; f thence Northwardly along the Virginia Road to the place of treginning, con taining eighty (80) acres, more or less, and being the same land con veyed to N. L. Ward (father of parties hereto) by I. L. Moore by deed, duly recorded in Chowan County in Book “O”, page 280, said deed and those in (Struments mentioned therein made I part hereof for fuller description and chain of. title. This land is subject to the life es tate of Ida V. Ward and such other prior liens of record. A deposit of 5% of the amount bid will be required of the purchaser at the time of sale. This notice dated and posted this sth day of January, 1951. L. S. BLADES, JR. Trustee, Elizabeth City, N. -C. Jan 11, 18, 25, feb lc SALE OF DRAINAGE DISTRICT |BONDS Sealed bids will be received ait the office of the undersigned attorney un til twelve o’clock noon February 10, 1951, and then opened, for bonds of Burnt Mill Creek Drainage District [totaling $11,000.00 principal, bearing interest at six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, principal pay able in eleven equal annual install ments, three through .thirteen years from date. Form of bonds and place of paymen: to be agreed upon by maker and purchaser. Right to reject any and all'bids reserved. January 18, 1951. BURNT MILL CREEK DRAINAGE DISTRICT By: WALTER G. EDWARDS, 1 Attorney, 2 Bus Station Building \ j; Hertford, N. C. Jan 25,Feblc EXECUTORS’ NOTICE i Having qualified as Executors of the estate of R. H. Bachman, deceas ed, late of Chowan County, this is to I notify all persons having claims '! against the said R. H. Bachman, de- I ceased, to exhibit the same to the un- I dersigned on or before the 20th day of January, 1952, or this notice will j be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. . All persons indebted to -the estate will pftease make immediate payment to the • undersigned. Edenton, N. C., this 20th day of 1 January, 1951, A. D. ANNIE WALKER BACHMAN AUGUSTUS W. BACHMAN Executors of R. H. Bachman, deceased. | jan2sJebl,B,ls,22marlc

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