PAGE FOUR April Observed As Dairy Month By Chowan 4-H Girls Demonstrations Given At Various Club Meetings The 4-H Oil* girls of Chowan Coun ty have coopera/ted with Home Demon stration CM>s during the month of April in observance of dairy month. The theme of the monthly home dem onstration program was “Production, Care and Use of Milk.” Dairy lead ens gave a report on the production and care of milk and a 4-H girl gave the demonstration on the use of milk. Girls giving demonstrations were Jackie Bunch, Sara Margaret Asbell, and Barbara Parrish of Chowan Bth and 9th Club, Jean Parrish of Chowan 6th and 7th club, and Bernice Jordan and Yvonne Copeland of Chowan Sen ior Club. Neighborhood leaden? as sisted in preparation of materials and training of girls for these demonstra tions. Those helping were: Mrs. Henry IBunch, Mrs. T. O. Asbell, Mrs. Roland Evans, and Mrs. H. H. Lane. They tell the value of milk and sug gest ways of getting more milk in family meals. Jackie Bunch specialized in eggs a la golden rod. She gave her demon stration in the following meetings. April 3, Gum Pond Club, Mrs. Char lie Peele, hostess. April 4, Advance Club, Mrs. T. E Winslow, hostess. April 12, Beech Fork, Mrs. Stillman Leary, hostess. April 24, Rocky Hock, Mrs. Henry Bunch, hostess. Sara Margaret Asbell prepared creamed peas and appeared on the program in the following clubs: April 5, Center Hill, at Center Hill Community (House. April 12, Enterprise, Mrs. E. E. Harrell, hostess. April 24, Ward, Mrs. O. M. Blanch ard, hostess. April 26, Oak Grove, Mrs. Marvin Bunch, hostess. (Barbara and Jean Parrish, as a team, prepared soft custard and gave attractive ways of serving this dessert. They gave their demonstration on April 9 in 'Chowan Club at Cross Roads Community House and on April 16 in Byrd Club at the home of Mrs. El vie Umphlett. Bernice Jordan and Yvonne Cope land together prepared potatoes with cheese sauce. They were the guests of North Edenton Club on April 13 at the home of Mrs. Buck Wheieler and of Ryland Club on April 17 at the home of Mrs. H. H. Lane. These demonstrations have given 4-H girls an opportunity to acquaint people of the county with some of the activities of 4-H Clubs and tell the story of our most perfect food —milk. 'Club members have greeted these dem onstrations with much interest and en thusiasm. TRY A HERALD CLASSIITEb AD Orkin Exterminating Company Phone 6783 Elizabeth City, N. C. I Flash - News! 1 I WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH Crab Grass Killer Crow Repellant Ant Traps for Indoor and Out Dogzoff For Your Shrubbery or Furniture Tomato Plants Pepper Plants j Lawn Grass Seeds and Supplies Blackstrap Molasses for Stock, Chickens and Mixing Poison j Berry Cups, Ducks, Turkeys and Little Creese Garden and Flower Seeds Corn Field Peas One Hog Feeder on Special Sale IVigoro for Lawns, Gardens, Shrubbery and Everything A Sower Loaned Free! REMEMBER: We are the Baby Chick Headquarters. We can supply any type and kind, sexed or as hatched. CALL 273 COLLECT ABOUT CHICKS We Do Not Close Wednesday Afternoon As This Is Chick Hatching Day HALSEY FEED & SEED STORE “THE CHECKERBOARD STORE ’ x WE DELIVER Extension Director Extends Tribute To ; Volunteer Leaders l Contagious Enthusiasm Has Spread to Count less Homes In observing the sixth 'National ■ Home Demonstration Week, M. C. Wil son, director Os 'Extension Work, U. S. . Department of Agriculture, 'has sent ■ the following message to the half mii , lion volunteer leaders in home demon . stration work: i “I want to pay tribute to you horne ! makers for your helpful and devoted . service. Because of your belief in s home demonstration work, your con , tagious enthusiasm has spread to i countlesk other homes. Each one of i you is recognized by your fellowhome i makers as a leader in your community • —a leader who has the know-how and - is ready to help others. Through you, I the efforts of your county home dem • onstration agent have been multiplied , over and over again. “You know so well how to adapt , homemaking information to local con ■ ditions. Your rewards for this un selfish leadership in organizing groups and teaching cither homemakers are , the satisfaction you get in knowing you have been of service in helping oth ers to help themselves. “Today we need leadership of the highest type. You who have had training and experience in home dem onstration work are well equipped to take part in mobilization activities — promoting education programs that will help rural people with health and\ safety measures during an emergency as well as in normal times. “Your influence as leaders is also extending to other countries. In con nection with the Point 4 programs, ex tension home economists are working ' DCPCNDABILITT ~ ; * ©OAVTOM-IH. IM 1 3 ALWAYS ready end willing to j risk life end limb in defense of a your properly end loved ones, the firemen typifies depends* i bility. No night too cold, nor I I tesk too erduous for him! \! - j We are always ready and will ing to give you the benefit of our experienced ability and comforting assistance when the need arises Those we , serve appreciate our unswerv ing dependability., iwimropnj IC? } UfU.Hal I ■ PHONE 2SKDENTOHN.(.| ■ THE HOME OPTHE fIIBEMARLE I J MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. 0,, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1961. u side by side with agriculturists to help underdeveloped countries increase their food production aad r&kpe their general standard of living. “Bo I rejoice with you Jo the pro gress of home demonstration work 'both in this country and abroad. I t have great hope in your theme, “To- I day’s Home Builds Tomorrow’s World’.” 1 War Orphan Writes letter To BPW Club CContinued from Page One) i be exactly on 29 April. lam rather . well developed. I am 166 am tall, rather strong, have dark hair and ; eyes, with long pigtails, olive colored skin, but with colored cheeks, my com panions ssfy that I am not ugly. Before the war I was in a sea colony at Anzio, then we were sent ito Rome to a colony of nuns, but since my leg was becoming always shorter my aunt sent me to the clinic and I entered on 8 'September 1946 and am still here. During some brief intervals I went to the colonies at 'Nettune to get some sea air and became strong in order to face another operation. When I can move I spend my time doing some work but I get .tired at once because I am all bandaged up to my shoulders. When I must be motionless I read books which kind ladies bring to me each Wednesday. They bring us beau tiful and instructive .books and I al ways try to learn because I did not go much to school and only went u,p to 4th grade grammar school. I don’t have a father and my mother is very far away and therefore she comes to see me seldom. (Since 1946 she came but twice because the trip is very ex lies MUST REMOVE EXCESS WASTE When kidney function elowe down, many folks complain of nagging backache, lose of pap end energy, headaches and dizziness. Don't suffer longer with these discomforts If reduced kidney function is getting you down—due to such common causes as stress and strain, over-exertion or exposure to cold. Minor bladder irritations due to cold, dampness or wrong diet may cause getting up nights or frequent passages. Don’t neglect your kidneya if these condi tions bother you. Try Doan’s Pills—a mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 60 years. While often otherwise caused, It’s amazing how many times Doan’s give happy relief from these discomforts—help the 16 miles of kidney tubes and filters flush out waste. Oat Doan’s Pills today! Doan’S Pills iOhunlpotZ *g~ Look at this big, beautiful, gleaming bargain in washday luxury,pnd A/TIAN long-lasting efficiency! It’s a genuine, giant, 9-pound capacity Whirl- # llA |»|ClnW Mvl ■"”* pool at the lowest price ever asked for a Whirlpool of this size. VIIKUII " Whirlpool’s famous, exclusive Surgiflow Action washes cleaner, faster l#V»* iilLSJnilOl —surging every drop of hot, sudsy water through all the clothes- ..J ktf VfH« , r - 'up and down as well as around. f lllftfflUflh I With all these extra-value Whirlpool features - fdSttfs I Big pressure wringer... simple safety release... Automatically iQ* nflisN I reversing drainboard .. • 23$i gallon tub ... Vibration-free rubber- WtlSh^l^ j V mounted motor... baked-on, snowy-white Life-Coat finish. Wt > • C* * r Western Auto Associate Store Home Owned and Operated By L. T. Dunbar 4^ PHONE 487 KDBNTON, N. C. pensive. I finish because I get tired be- ( cause: I am writing in bed Hailing on my stomach. Again 1 thank you and all tike other kind ladies. I always say my prayers for my benefactresses. To all kind regards and to you , ' a special kiss. i Your loving, IPAXXLA SCLIP !!' ■JiH'" 1 ' I Vets’ Question Box ' Q—l already have changed GJ Bill fields of training twice, and I’d like to make a (third change. May Ido bo? A—VA will approve a third change of fields of study only if you can . establish a need for a short, intensive course which will prepare you for em- i ployment in a critical occupation for which there is a shortage of skilled workers. ,